Debate Analysis

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1. Which speaker was most persuasive? Why?

The first speaker from the propositions side was the better and more persuasive speaker as
not only was his research on point but his delivery held a certain tone of conviction that the
opposition did not have.

2. Critique the delivery of each speaker.

The Propositions speakers most evident issue was body language and the way he swayed
from side to side. It was distracting to watch and too away from his speech.

The Oppositions speakers most evident issue was reading off of her notes for the majority of
her delivery and giving her speech in an almost mechanical way.

3. Identify 3 main arguments presented by the proposition and the opposition.

-Social media promotes/helps increase depression in users
-Social media promotes/helps increase anorexia and bulimia

-Social media arms us with the knowledge to become global citizens and communicators +
helps people be informed of all issues ahead of time (faster than news outlets)
-Social media brings communities together and it’s a powerful tool that is used to enforce
change e.g. the women’s march set up by Teresa shook that got nationwide attention during
the trump inauguration

4. What advice would you give to the speakers to improve their presentation?

Focus on improving body language as it makes a huge difference in the way your speech is

5. Which team won? Why?

The Proposition won, they had an amazing opening the speaker was charismatic as well as
well-read and the opposition failed to understand what the proposition had said and
completely missed the point while presenting their side.

6. What debating skills have you observed?

-Being respectful of your apposing side.

-Anticipate opposing claims.

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