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ES113 Module 5 Notes #2

What is Spirituyality?

Spirituality is when you feel like you're part of something really big and special, which can
make you feel calm and happy. Everyone goes through times when they think about the
meaning of life and feel connected to something important. People can feel spiritual in lots of
ways, like finding something very special or feeling really alive and connected to everything
around them. Being spiritual can be linked to religions, believing in a higher power, loving
nature, or enjoying art.

The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration includes spiritual

development as a part of the general capability of personal and social

1. What is spirituality?
 Spirituality is when you feel connected to something bigger than yourself
 trying to find meaning in life.
 It's like experiencing something special,
 feeling part of something greater, and understanding how everything is connected. It's
 feeling close to nature, art, or having a special bond with God or a higher power.

2. What is religion?

Religion is a set of beliefs that pepole have about the existence of a higher power. It helps
people find meaning in the world,
answers questions about where the world came from and what happens after death.
3. What is faith?
 Believing in something with your heart, even if you can't prove it with your eyes, is
what faith is all about.
 It's like having trust and confidence in something bigger than yourself, even when
you can't see it directly.
 Faith is about holding onto strong beliefs and convictions, even when faced with
challenges or uncertainties.
4. What are the differences between them?
Spirituality is like having a special connection with other people, nature, and
everything around you. It's not exactly the same as religion, but they can go together
Believing in something bigger than ourselves can be part of spirituality, religion, or faith, and
each one is unique in its own way (Different ideas that are connected but not the same.")

Focus: Personal connection to something greater than yourself.
How: Through self-reflection and personal experiences.
Goal: Realizing your power and connection with the world.
Key Point: It's about understanding yourself and your place in the world.

Involves: A group of people with shared beliefs and practices.
Focus: Worship of a higher power or supernatural entity.
Provides: Structured beliefs guiding how to live according to teachings.
Key Point: It's about following specific rules and practices within a community.

Definition: Trust, confidence, and belief in something hoped for but not yet received.
Foundation: Essential to spirituality and religion.
Role: Guides individuals seeking meaning, purpose, and significance.
Key Point: It's about believing in something important to you.

Remember, spirituality is more about understanding yourself and growing personally, while
religion involves communal practices and shared beliefs. Faith is the common thread that ties
them together.

Where does Spirituality fit in the australian curriculium?

It fits in the Genral capabilities under Personal and social capability including, self
management, self-awareness, social management, and social awareness.

The declaration states:

‘Personal and social capability supports students in becoming creative and
confident individuals who, as stated in Goal 2 of the Alice Springs (Mparntwe -
pronounced M-ban tua) Education Declaration (Education Council, 2019), ‘have a
sense of self-worth, self-awareness and personal identity that enables them to
manage their emotional, mental, cultural, spiritual and physical wellbeing’ (2019,
p. 5).

In the Australian Curriculum, spirituality is all about helping you grow as a person and
understand your place in the world. It's like a special ingredient that is mixed into different
school subjects like History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Economics, English,
Science, Math, and Work Studies. When you learn about these subjects, you also learn about
things like being kind, working well with others, speaking up for what's right, and being a
helpful part of your community..
How does this understanding inform your teaching practice
Teachers want you to learn how to be kind, find peace inside yourself, and have good values
that make the world a better place. By focusing on personal and social skills in different
subjects, the Australian Curriculum helps you understand yourself better and how you fit into
your community.
But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. “And do not be afraid
of their threats, nor be troubled.” But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be
ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with
meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those
who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed.
1 peter 3:14-16

“Let us break Their bonds in pieces

And cast away Their cords from us.”

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