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10 Spending Money


preview B Pair work

teaching time:
Your actual
teaching time:
Before Exercise A, give students a few minutes of silent time • Students discuss these questions in pairs or small groups.
to observe the web information.
Option: (+5 minutes) Have students close their books. Say
You’re going on a trip to [the U.S.]. What should you do
A 5:23 Vocabulary
before you go? What should you bring with you? Possible
Suggested 10–12 Your actual
answers are:
teaching time: minutes teaching time:
I should find out the exchange rate.
I should bring credit cards and my ATM card.
Vocabulary Flash Card Player
I should exchange cash at banks or post offices.
I should use my credit card to pay for larger expenses.
• Before listening, ask students a few warm-up questions:
Option: (+10 minutes) If possible, have students bring to
Do you travel to other countries?
class any examples of foreign currencies they have at
How do you pay for things when you travel?
home. In small groups, students can show each other the
Do you use a credit card?
various currencies and compare their shapes and sizes.
Do you use the country’s money?
Students can also explain how they got the money and ask
How do you exchange your money for the country’s
and answer questions about their travels.
• Have students point to exchange rate, cash, foreign
currency, ATM, and fee in the text.
• Now have students listen to the vocabulary and repeat.
Tell students to point to the images of exchange rates,
cash, foreign currency, an ATM, and a fee.
• To make sure students understand the vocabulary, ask:
What should you do before you travel to another country?
(Find out the exchange rate.)
What should you do if you want to exchange cash? (Go to
a bank or post office.)
How do you get the best exchange rate? (With an ATM
card or credit card.)
Do all ATM cards work in all countries? (No.)
Do many credit card companies charge fees for foreign
transactions? (Yes.)
Option: (+5 minutes) To extend the activity, ask Do you agree
with the advice in the article? Is there anything you want
to add?
Language and culture
• An ATM is called a cashpoint in British English and a
bank machine in Canadian English.


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