Before You Read: Warm-Up

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Language and culture
BEFORE YOU READ • Another word for housekeeper is maid; chambermaid is
also used. When the person who cleans the room is male,
Warm-up that person is referred to as a housekeeper.
Suggested 2 Your actual
teaching time: minutes teaching time: Option: (+5 minutes) If you wish to include the audio, have
students read along silently while they listen.
• Check students’ understanding of appreciation from the
context. Ask If you have good service, what do you want to
Learning Strategies
say to the person who served you? (Thank you.) Say To show
appreciation is to express thanks.
• To make sure students understand custom, say A custom A Classify
is the way a group of people do things. This article is about Suggested 3–5 Your actual
the different ways people give tips for good service. Why is it teaching time: minutes teaching time:
important to understand the customs of other countries? • Point out that students should circle two answers to each
5:34 READING • After students complete the exercise, ask:
Suggested 10–15 Your actual Is tipping customary in this country?
teaching time: minutes teaching time: Do restaurants add a service charge to the check?
• After students read, ask Where is tipping not customary? Do hotel porters and housekeepers expect a tip?
(Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Is it OK to leave a tip on the table?
Thailand, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam.)
• To make sure students understand the phrase round
off the fare, write the following taxi fares / prices on the
board. Round off the first fare. Ask students to round off
the other fares. Substitute local currency for these dollar
$4.75 ($5)
$6.50 ($7)
$3.40 ($4)
• Ask the following comprehension questions:
How much do you tip a waiter in the U.S.? (15–20% of
the check.) In most other countries? (About 10% of the
How do you tip a waiter in the U.S.? (Leave the tip on the
table.) in Austria? (Hand it directly to the server.)
How much do you tip a taxi driver in Canada? (15%.) In
South America? (Round off the fare.)
How much do you tip a porter in Australia? (About
AUS $3 per bag.) In most other countries? (About US $1
per bag.)
How much do you tip a hotel maid in most countries?
(About US $1 to US $2 a day.)

UNIT 10, LESSON 3 T116

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