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Chapter 1



The widespread use of e-signatures signifies a significant shift towards

digitalization in various sectors, offering convenience, efficiency, and security in

document signing processes. It enables remote signing, streamlines workflows,

reduces turnaround times, and minimizes administrative burdens. E-signatures

also contribute to cost savings by eliminating expenses associated with printing,

mailing, and storing physical documents. Furthermore, enhancing security through

encryption, authentication mechanisms, and audit trails, mitigating risks such as

forgery and unauthorized access. Overall, adopting e-signatures reflects the

growing reliance on digital solutions to modernize and streamline business


According to the Ecommerce Act (2021), electronic and digital signatures

are allowed in the Philippines. As long as the electronic signature and the method

of how it is secured are in compliance with the requirements of the law, it will

become legal and binding and can be presented as evidence in any legal dispute

in court. With the challenges presented by the pandemic regarding the physical

and manual signing of documents, many businesses and organizations are

planning to switch to the use of electronic or digital signatures in transactions.

Furthermore, using e-signatures in government transactions is officially

sanctioned by the Commission on Audit’s (COA) Circular No. 2021-006. Issued on

September 6, 2021, this circular sets the guidelines for using electronic

documents, electronic signatures, and digital signatures in government

transactions. It emphasizes that electronic documents with e-signatures are

considered equivalent to paper documents with handwritten signatures, provided

that appropriate control mechanisms are in place (COA, 2021).

One of the risks associated with e-signatures is vulnerability to manipulation

and extraction using software like Photoshop. This means that unauthorized

parties could potentially alter or remove e-signatures from documents,

compromising it’s integrity and authenticity. To mitigate this risk, It is crucial to use

secure e-signature platforms that employ encryption, authentication mechanisms,

and tamper-evident features to protect against such unauthorized alterations.

Additionally, organizations should implement strict access controls and audit trails

to monitor and track any changes made to e-signed documents.

E-signatures can be used safely and effectively with the implementation of

appropriate control mechanisms. These mechanisms ensure the integrity and

authenticity of the signatures and the documents they represent. Control measures

may include encryption, authentication, audit trails, and access controls. By

implementing these controls, organizations can confidently use e-signatures for

various purposes while maintaining security and compliance with legal

Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus was among the first

campuses established in the PSU System by virtue of Presidential Decree No.

1497 which was promulgated on June 11, 1978. It started as the College

Department of the Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS).

It was the offering the two-year post-secondary Agricultural Technician (ATT)

course and four-year Agricultural Teacher Education (BSAEd) program. (Wikipedia,


Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus (PSU SC) utilizes e-

signatures for various administrative processes, such as handling absences for

convenience or when the signatory is unavailable to sign documents physically.

This adoption of e-signatures streamlines administrative tasks, enhances

efficiency, and facilitates remote documentation management, contributing to the

campus’s commitment to leveraging technology for improved operations and

service delivery.

Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus faces challenges related

to counterfeit e-signatures due to inadequate control mechanisms. Without proper

authentication and verification protocols, the risk of unauthorized manipulation or

duplication of e-signatures becomes a significant concern. This threatens the

integrity and authenticity of digital documents, potentially leading to legal and

administrative complications. To address this challenge effectively, PSU SC needs

to prioritize the implementation of robust control mechanisms, including encryption,

authentication, and audit trails, to ensure the security and validity of e-signatures

across its administrative processes.

Implementing a Document Web-based secured e-signature verification

system using QR codes for Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus

would indeed serve as a valuable control mechanism. This system would enhance

the security and authenticity of e-signatures by providing a reliable method for

verifying their validity. By integrating QR codes into the e-signature process, the

system can generate unique identifiers linked to each document, making it easier

to detect and prevent counterfeit signatures. Additionally, the system can

incorporate encryption, authentication, and audit trail features to further bolster

security measures. Overall, deploying such a system would significantly mitigate

the risks associated with counterfeit e-signatures, ensuring the integrity of digital

documents across PSU SC’s administrative processes.


In the capstone project titled “Secured E-Signature for Pangasinan State University

San Carlos Campus,” the purpose and description are as follows: The goal of this

project is to provide Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus with an

advanced, yet approachable, Secured E-Signature verification system that makes

use of QR code technology. The purpose of this system is to improve and expedite

a digital signature verification procedure for the administrative and academic

processes of the university. Enrollment forms, academic transcripts, and

administrative approvals are just a few of the documents and transactions for

which users will be able to securely generate digital signatures using the system.

To ensure data integrity and security, these signatures will be encrypted and

incorporated into QR codes.

The system will offer a centralized platform that can be used to scan QR codes

for e-signature verification, doing away with the need for manual verification

procedures. The ability to instantaneously confirm the legitimacy of signatures will

be available to authorized staff, such as administrators, faculty, and students. This

will reduce paperwork, increase efficiency, and improve overall security measures

at the university.

The implementation of Secured E Signatures has revolutionized the way

businesses and individuals handle documentation. By leveraging digital encryption

and authentication techniques, Secured E Signatures ensure the integrity and

authenticity of electronic documents. This not only streamlines the signing process

but also enhances security, reducing the risk of fraud and tampering.

To protect sensitive data and stop illegal access or tampering, the system will

also have advanced security measures like authentication procedures and

encryption algorithms.


Generally, this project aims to design and develop and design “Web-based

secured e-signature verification system using QR codes for Pangasinan State

University San Carlos Campus” in order to secure the situation of e-signature.

Specially, it aims the following:

1. Identify the existing E signature utilization process at Pangasinan State

University San Carlos;

2. Determine the features in terms of functional and non-functional requirements of

the system; and

3. Test the acceptability of the system to the users.


In the digital age, the necessity for secure and efficient electronic signatures (e-

Signatures) has become increasingly prominent. E-Signatures are essential for

validating the authenticity and integrity of digital documents across various sectors,

including finance, healthcare, and legal industries. To enhance security and

streamline verification processes, the integration of QR codes into eSignature

systems has emerged as a promising solution.

Campus officials: will benefit from a streamlined and secure method for

managing and overseeing document signatures. This system ensures compliance

with campus policies and objectives while significantly reducing administrative

overhead, allowing officials to focus on strategic initiatives and decision-making

rather than time-consuming paperwork.

Stakeholders: Stakeholders including regulatory bodies and accreditation

agencies associated with PSU San Carlos Campus, will benefit from the improved

accountability and traceability provided by the secure e-signature system. This

enhances trust and facilitates smoother collaborative agreements with other

institutions, ensuring all interactions are transparent and verifiable.

Employees: will benefit from the ability to sign official documents, approve

requests, and complete administrative tasks electronically. This streamlines

workflows, reduces the burden of manual paperwork, and enhances overall

productivity within the university, allowing staff to focus more on their primary


Students: will experience increased convenience and efficiency through their

administrative interactions with the university. The e-signature system allows for

quick and easy signing of documents related to enrollment, academic petitions,

and other processes, saving time and reducing the need for physical paperwork,

thus enhancing their overall campus experience.

Developers: Developers will benefit by applying their skills and knowledge in the

creation of the e-signature system, gaining valuable experience and professional

growth. They will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining a

secure, user-friendly, and functional system tailored to the campus’s specific

needs, which provides a significant professional development opportunity.

Future developers: will benefit from the foundation laid by the initial system,

allowing them to build upon and enhance the e-signature system over time. This

ensures the system remains relevant and effective in the face of evolving

technological trends and campus requirements, providing continuity and

opportunities for further innovation.


This section outlines the project’s scope and limitations, clarifying its

operational boundaries and potential limitations that could affect its execution and


The project focuses on developing a secure e-signature exclusively for

Pangasinan State University employees. Key features include encryption to

prevent unauthorized access and tampering.

This project entails developing and implementing a Secured E-Signature

Verification System with QR code technology exclusively for Pangasinan State

University employees.

The users can access this project are the secretaries, Deans, Head

Administrator at Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus.

The system streamlines administrative processes through key features:

efficient electronic signature management and swift verification using QR codes,

ensuring document authenticity and minimizing fraud risks. Comprehensive audit

trail logs maintain transparency, tracking all signature activities. Additionally, users

can assign authorized representatives within departments, facilitating smoother

approval workflows. The system also simplifies department office and user account

management, empowering administrators to control access effectively. Overall, this

initiative marks a significant stride towards modernizing and digitizing

administrative operations at Pangasinan State University.

While the Secured E-Signature Verification System offers substantial

benefits, it’s important to recognize its limitations. Firstly, advanced document

editing capabilities are not within the system’s scope, requiring users to employ

separate software for extensive document modifications. Secondly, the system

currently lacks a dedicated mobile application, limiting accessibility and

convenience for users who require on-the-go access. Additionally, document

versioning functionality is not integrated into the system, potentially complicating

revision management processes.

However, despite these constraints, the system remains highly effective in

facilitating secure e-signature verification and streamlining administrative

procedures. As future developments unfold, addressing these limitations by

incorporating advanced document editing features, mobile app development, and

document versioning capabilities could further enhance the system’s utility and

user experience.


Acceptability: refers to stakeholders’ willingness to use and trust the e-signature

system, ensuring its adoption and effectiveness. High acceptability is essential as it

guarantees that campus officials, employees, students, and external partners will

utilize the system regularly. When stakeholders trust the system’s security, ease of

use, and reliability, they are more likely to embrace it, which leads to increased

efficiency, reduced paperwork, and better adherence to institutional policies and


Existing Process: The existing process describes the current method or

procedure used by PSU San Carlos for signing and managing documents, which

traditionally involves manual, paper-based processes. Understanding the existing

process is crucial for identifying inefficiencies and areas for improvement. By

highlighting the time-consuming nature and potential for errors in the traditional

method, the new e-signature system can be justified as a means to streamline

operations, reduce administrative burdens, and enhance overall productivity.

Features: Features are the specific functionalities and capabilities of the e-

signature system, such as document signing, authentication, encryption, and audit

trails. The features determine the system’s effectiveness and appeal to users. Key

functionalities like secure document signing, robust authentication mechanisms,

data encryption, and comprehensive audit trails ensure that the system meets user

needs and regulatory requirements, providing a secure and efficient solution for

document management.

Functional Requirements: Functional requirements describe the specific actions

and behaviors that the e-signature system must perform, such as capturing

signatures, generating QR codes, and sending notifications. These requirements

are essential for ensuring that the system can handle all necessary operations

effectively. By clearly defining these requirements, developers can create a system

that meets stakeholder expectations, facilitates smooth workflows, and supports

the campus’s administrative processes.

Non-functional Requirements: Non-functional requirements refer to the criteria

that the e-signature system must meet regarding performance, security, reliability,

and usability, such as response time, data encryption, system availability, and user

interface design. These requirements are critical for ensuring the overall

performance and user satisfaction of the system. High standards in these areas

guarantee that the system is not only functional but also secure, reliable, and easy

to use, which is essential for gaining stakeholder trust and ensuring long-term


PSU San Carlos: PSU San Carlos refers to Pangasinan State University – San

Carlos Campus, the specific campus where the e-signature system is being

implemented. Identifying PSU San Carlos as the implementation site provides

context for the project, highlighting the unique needs and goals of this campus.

Tailoring the system to address these specific requirements ensures that it meets

the administrative processes and stakeholder expectations effectively, leading to a

successful implementation.

QR Code: A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that contains information

encoded in it, used in the e-signature system to provide a unique identifier for

documents and facilitate verification. Integrating QR codes into the system

enhances document security and verification efficiency. By offering a quick and

reliable method for confirming the authenticity of signed documents, QR codes

reduce the risk of fraud and streamline document management processes, thereby

maintaining the integrity of digital transactions.

Secured E-signature: A secured e-signature is an electronic signature protected

by robust security measures to ensure its authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality,

typically achieved through encryption, authentication mechanisms, and tamper-

evident features. Ensuring that e-signatures are secure is vital for maintaining the

trustworthiness of digital transactions. Robust security measures prevent

unauthorized access and alterations, making the system reliable for high-stakes

documents and fostering stakeholder confidence.

Verification System: The verification system is the component of the e-signature

system responsible for confirming the authenticity and validity of e-signatures,

often utilizing QR codes, encryption keys, and authentication protocols. A strong

verification system is essential for maintaining the credibility of the e-signature

process. It ensures that signatures are genuine and documents are unaltered,

which is critical for legal compliance and institutional integrity.

Web-based refers to software applications or systems that are accessible through

a web browser over the internet, allowing users to interact with them remotely

without needing local installation or specific hardware requirements. A web-based

system offers flexibility and accessibility, enabling users to sign and manage

documents from any location. This convenience is particularly valuable for large

institutions like PSU San Carlos, where users need to interact with the system from

various locations and devices.

Chapter 2


This chapter provides an overview of the technical background and related

literature discovered through an extensive search conducted by the developers.

Additionally, it includes a synthesis of findings and conceptual mapping

encountered during the project.


This section delves into the technical aspects of the project, providing insight

into the software and programming languages used in creating the system. A web-
based secured e-signature verification system using QR codes integrates digital

signatures with QR codes for enhanced security. It employs asymmetric encryption

to create and verify signatures. The QR code encapsulates the encrypted

signature and document hash, allowing verification by decoding the QR code and

comparing the hashes to ensure document integrity and authenticity.

2.1.1 Hardware and Software Requirements for System Development

Every computer program needs hardware or software already installed on the

computer to function properly. These requirements are known as system

requirements. While they may offer some flexibility, system requirements are

generally not strict rules. Developers ensure that the hardware and software

needed for the "Secured E-Signature" system meet these requirements to

guarantee smooth operation.

Table 2.1.1 Minimum Hardware Requirements for the Development of the System

Hardware Component

Processor Intel Core i3

RAM 8GB or higher

Storage 1TB or higher

Display 1280x800 resolution or


This table outlines the minimum hardware specifications required for

developers to create the Secured E-signature Verification System using QR codes.

It includes components such as the processor, RAM, storage, display, and input

devices. These specifications ensure developers have a suitable environment for

coding and testing the system.

Table 2.1.2 Minimum Software Requirements for the Development of the System

Software Component Minimum Requirement

Operating System Windows 10 or up

Integrated Development
Visual Studio Code
Environment (IDE)

Programming Language PHP

Frontend Technologies HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Bootstrap (for responsive This

design), Custom
JavaScript Frameworks
JavaScript for essential table
system functionalities
Database MYSQL
Local Server Environment XAMPP
essential software components for developing the Secured E-signatures

Verification system using QR codes. It encompasses the Integrated Development

Environment (IDE), programming language, frontend technologies (HTML, CSS,

and Bootstrap), JavaScript frameworks, database, and a local server environment

(XAMPP). Each of these software components plays a vital role in facilitating the

creation, design, and testing of the system’s code and user interface.

Furthermore, developers utilized different software applications and

programming languages to develop the system. This application is as follows:

PHP. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor, it is a server-side scripting

language widely used for creating dynamic and interactive web applications. It

allows developers to embed code directly into HTML, facilitating tasks such as

form processing, database interaction, and content generation. PHP is known for

its flexibility, scalability, and extensive community support, making it a popular

choice for web development projects.

Visual Studio Code. VS Code is a free, open-source code editor developed by

Microsoft. It supports various programming languages and features extensions,

debugging tools, and Git integration, making it a versatile tool for developers. It

runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, offering cross-platform compatibility.

HTML. The Hypertext Markup Language is the standard language used to create

the structure and content of web pages. It consists of a series of all elements, each

with its own purpose and meaning that define the layout and presentation of

information on the internet. HTML documents are interpreted by web browsers to

render text, images, links, and other media elements, forming the backbone of the

World Wide Web.

CSS. The Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used to control the

presentation and layout of HTML documents. It allows developers to define styles

for individual elements or groups of elements, specifying properties such as colors,

fonts, margins, and positioning. CSS enables the creation of visually appealing and

responsive web designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices,

enhancing the user experience across various platforms.

Bootstrap. The bootstrap is a front-end framework for building responsive and

mobile-first websites and web applications. It provides a collection of predesigned

components, templates, and utilities that simplify the process of creating modern

and visually appealing user interfaces. Bootstrap’s grid system, CSS styles, and

JavaScript plugins help developers quickly prototype and customize designs,

ensuring consistency and compatibility across different browsers and devices.

MySQL. The MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management

system known for its reliability, performance, and scalability. It allows developers to

store, retrieve, and manipulate structured data using SQL (Structured Query

Language), making it an essential component of dynamic web applications.

MySQL is widely used in conjunction with PHP and other server-side technologies

to create dynamic and data-driven websites, online stores, and content

management systems.

XAMPP. The Xampp is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution

stack that includes Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl. It provides developers with a

complete and easy-to-install environment for testing and developing web

applications locally. XAMPP allows developers to emulate a production server

environment on their own computers, enabling them to develop, debug, and deploy

web projects without the need for internet connectivity or external hosting services.
Table 2.1.3 Minimum Hardware Requirements for Deployment or Implementation

of the system

Hardware Minimum Requirement

Processor Intel Core i3

RAM 8GB or higher

Storage 1TB SSD or higher

Stable internet connection for
remote access

This table outlines the minimum hardware specifications required for

deploying or implementing the Document Tracking System in a production

environment. It includes components such as the processor, RAM, storage, and

network connectivity. These specifications ensure that the deployed system can

handle the expected workload and provide reliable service to users.

Table 2.1.4 Minimum Software Requirements for Deployment or Implementation of

the system

Software Component

Operating System Windows 10 or up

Apache (included in
Web Server

Database Server MYSQL

Other Tools Git for version control

This table lists the necessary software components to deploy or implement

the Secured E-signature on a server. It includes the operating system, web server

(Apache), database server (MySQL), and other tools like Git for version control.

These software components form the infrastructure for hosting and running the

system in a production environment.

Overall, these tables provide a comprehensive overview of the hardware and

software requirements for both the development and deployment phases of the

Secured E-Signature.


This section presents the related literature on Secured E-signature

Verification using QR codes, encompassing studies, books, articles, and essays

that delve into the expanse of existing processes, features, and the acceptability of

such systems. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how secured

e-signature have been conceptualized, deployed, and received across various

domains. Existing Process of Secured E signature

According to Erdogan & Saran (2020), investigates a server-based

electronic signature structure as a centralized e-signature method applicable to

Turkey’s current eID system. The study evaluates existing e-signature methods in

Turkey to determine the potential advantages and disadvantages of the proposed

server-based solution. Specifically, it examines Austria’s server-based eID

approach and assesses its compatibility with Turkish eID use cases. The research

proposes a server-based eID structure for Turkey and evaluates its effectiveness in

simplifying e-signing practices. Steps necessary for successful integration into the

current infrastructure are outlined. Ultimately, the study concludes that a server-

based signature approach could enhance online identification and bring Turkey

closer to international e-signature standards.

A research article published by Vilma et al., (2019) this article explores the

development of electronic signatures, or e-signatures, in Albania, starting with the

National Authority for Electronic Certification's formation in 2009 and the execution

of directives since 1997. It evaluates how e-signatures are currently used in the

public and private sectors, with an emphasis on e-government initiatives. The

essay also discusses how the eIDAS rule affects non-EU nations like Albania,

highlighting the necessity of paperless processes and the difficulties associated

with putting e-documents into practice. The paper emphasizes the advantages of

creative and safe techniques, such as distant e-signatures, using observation and

case studies of Albania's e-customs, e-prescription, and e-permit systems as well

as research from foreign organizations.

In a study conducted by Huang (2023), the article presents a dynamic

signature verification technique (DSVT) for online and offline electronic signature

(E-) authentication using biometric technologies. Mutual compliance (MC) between

the biometric device and the security system is necessary for this strategy to work.

The security system is in charge of authorizing signatures based on user-provided

personal inputs. These signatures are subsequently compared to offline and online

signatures that have been stored using certificates for authentication. Certificate-

based authentication works for both offline circumstances involving individuals and

online representation within a session. The method uses classifier learning to

validate security parameters like signing bit, key, and size and uses a traditional

tree classifier to distinguish between offline and online signatures. To improve

dynamicity in the segregated mode, these indicators must be unanimously


According to Indriyawati et al., (2021) a web-based degree document certification

system with a digital signature in Semarang University has a purpose to support

academic to do online document certification through a system. The main problem

which occurs in academic administration is a long document certification process

that causes an ineffective and inefficient certification process. To solve the

problem, a system that can encrypt a document for better security is required. This

system is built with the advanced encryption standard algorithm with a 128-bit

sized key to encrypt confidential information inside the document. During the

encryption process, this algorithm operates using 4x4 bit array blocks and passing

many encryption processes for at least 10 (ten) times. The application is analyzed

with object-oriented analysis and modeled withunified modeling language. The

result of this research is a system which can secure document with AES algorithm

with a 256-bit sized key. The security element in this algorithm will make easier to

identify the owner of the document. The secured document is easily accessible

through PHP-based web or available QR code. When decrypting the document,

the application will activate the camera function and decrypt the information

document. Features of Secured E-signature

According to Edisherashvili (2019), discusses the profound impact of

information technologies, particularly the Internet, on human life, with e-commerce

becoming a significant component of civil turnover. E-contracts, facilitated by e-

signatures, play a crucial role in this landscape, determining the existence or

absence of written form. The article addresses the legal status, technical safety,

and reliable application environment of e-signatures, necessitated by the shift

away from paper-based operations. It emphasizes the importance of authentication

and signer identity verification in various models of e-signatures, underscoring the

need for a secure environment. The article examines the legal framework

governing e-signatures in Georgia, Russia, Continental Europe, Common Court

member states, and international directives and guidelines.

A research article published by Smejkal and Kodl (2021), both Digital

Biometric Signatures (DBS) and Certificate-based Electronic Signatures (CES)

exhibit satisfactory performance across key features such as data security,

counterfeiting prevention, time limitations, and ease of use. However, DBS

outperforms CES overall, despite current EU legislation favoring CES due to its

qualified certificate requirement. The authors argue that CES’s preference lacks

legal and technological justification, as electronic signature requirements are

inherently stricter than those for paper signatures. DBS, seen as a traditional

method augmented by unique biometric attributes, offers a compelling alternative.

In a study conducted by Dantes et al., (2022) highlight the increasing use of

electronic signatures in shareholder meetings, facilitated by technological

advancements. However, despite the widespread adoption of electronic signatures,

their legal force in the context of electronic General Meetings of Shareholders (e-

GMS) remains ambiguous. The study aims to analyze the legal validity of

electronic signatures in e-GMS of Limited Liability Companies. Electronic

signatures, defined by Law Number 1 of 2016, serve as essential authentication

tools in shareholder meeting minutes. The study emphasizes several points: (1)

Electronic signatures should ideally be officially certified by a Certificate Authority

(CA) to ensure their legal validity, (2) Minutes of e-GMS must be notarized by a

physically present Notary to comply with relevant laws, and (3) Transactions

involving electronic signatures carry the same legal weight as authentic deeds,

provided they adhere to legal requirements.

According to Burganova et al., (2023) the purpose of this study is to develop

a method for two-factor authentication of electronic documents using an enhanced

encrypted non-certified digital signature with the use of a security token with

biometric data (fingerprint image). In order to achieve the goal, the method of

comparative analysis was used. Existing algorithms for the electronic signature

operation were studied. The method of multi-factor authentication of an electronic

signature using biometric data has been studied in detail. Biometric data included:

a handwritten password, an autograph, typing biometrics when typing a pass

phrase, a facial image, typing biometrics when typing a free text. An external

storage medium with a biometric authentication method based on a fingerprint

image was also studied. Information on this media was accessed by scanning a

fingerprint image. After conducting a comparative analysis and studying in detail

these methods, a method for two-factor authentication of an electronic signature

using a security token with biometric data was developed. Acceptability of Secured E-signature

According to Griffin (2019), highlights the growing acceptance of e-

signatures across various sectors, especially amid uncertain times like the Covid-

19 pandemic. However, existing literature lacks comprehensive studies on e-

signature awareness and its benefits. To address this gap, Griffin developed the

AoE-sign scale, consisting of 16 items and two sub factors: “Awareness” and

“Benefits,” validated through exploratory factor analysis. The scale demonstrates

high reliability and validity, with Cronbach’s Alpha values of .888 for

Awareness, .790 for Benefits, and .889 overall. This indicates its usefulness for

top-level managers, particularly in developing countries like Cyprus, to gauge user

awareness and organize effective e-signature training in organizations.

A research article published by Solms (2020), while the adoption of

electronic signatures offers significant cost and time savings for organizations, it

also presents cybersecurity risks. Many companies are in early stages of adoption,

leaving room for potential manipulation and exploitation. The paper explores

different types of electronic signatures, their vulnerabilities, and proposes security

measures for individuals and organizations to enhance the secure use of electronic


In a study conducted by Yıldırım (2022), emphasizes that electronic

signature technology has addressed the needs of security, reliability, and legal

acceptability in various applications, including supply chain management. The legal

foundation for electronic signatures began forming in the late 20 th century, with

many countries enacting laws to govern tthe use. Supply chain systems,

characterized by their complexity and international scope, require seamless

integration of legal and economic systems. Both public and private sectors have

implemented electronic signature technology in supply chain processes, impacting

operations significantly. The research examines the legal and technical aspects of

electronic signatures and their influence on supply chain management.


This section presents the related studies that delve deep into the

examination of Secured E-signature from various perspectives, drawing insights

from empirical research, case studies, and detailed analysis. These selected

studies aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the technological,

operational, and organizational nuances of Secured E-signature. By focusing on

empirical data and real-world applications, this section underlines the tangible

impacts, challenges, and potentialities associated with the deployment and

acceptance of Secured E-signature. Existing Process of Secured E-signature

According to Ahmed et al., (2020), the use of technological tools helped

judicial systems to transform court working processes from paper-based

conventional systems to a modern electronic format that is more efficient and

effective with the aim to deliver better justice services to citizens. However,

implementing a fully electronic paperless court system can be achieved only if all

relevant processes are digitized; and no paper is used in the court workflows

anymore. This requires a legal, valid electronic signature (eSignature) to

authenticate court users and to sign court documents electronically and securely.

This research investigates the case of the Sulaimaniyah Appellate Court electronic

court (eCourt) system in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). An exploratory case

study research design is employed through a triangulation of multiple sources of

data, expert interviews with court users, personal observation, and document

analysis of relevant literature that is furthermore supported by comparison with the

example of the Estonian eCourt system. The results show an essential role of

eSignature in eCourt systems and aim to extend the body of knowledge and

literature for academic researchers, judiciaries, and practitioners concerning the

implementation of eCourt systems.

A research article published by Turkanovic & Podgorelec (2020), Blockchain

technology is increasingly being considered among both private enterprises and

public services. However, it poses a challenge with regard to aligning its identity

management scheme with the Public Key Infrastructure and the Qualified Digital

Certificates issued by Qualified Trust Service Providers. To solve this challenge,

we will present a solution in the form of an architecture reference model, which

enables enterprises and public services to leverage blockchain technology by

integrating Qualified Electronic Signatures with blockchain transactions. The

evaluation of the architecture reference model is provided through the design of a

blockchain-based Trusted Public Service and a use-case scenario example. The

proposed architecture reference model is based on the CEF building blocks EBSI,

eSignature, and eID compliant with eIDAS.

In a study conducted by Ullah et al., (2021), the world is growing very

rapidly concerning technology. In the next-generation Internet, the existing

architecture requires to be upgraded from Host-Centric Networking paradigm to

Information-centric networking architecture. The unique aspect of information-

centric networking is in-network cashing. Due to the system augmentation and In-

network cashing technique, this novel system needs extremely high content

security to ensure system integrity and maintenance. 5G network may be

supported by the Information-Centric Network due to its high data transmission

rate. In order to handle the serious security issues such as attack on confidentiality,

authentication and integrity of the content, a Digital Signature based Access

Control Mechanism in Information-Centric Network (DSAC) scheme is proposed to

enhance security of ICN. Briefly, this new scheme uses Digital Signature, hash

function, Trusted Third Party (TTP) and Proxy TTP. The client request for content,

after receiving a request, the content provider generates and encrypts content with

the digital signature and random value ‘k’ hash function and send it to TTP. After

the signing process, the TTP sends the encryption hash key to Proxy TTP. In this

proposed scheme authentication, confidentiality, the integrity aspects of the

content security are improved. Features of a Secured E-signature

According to Yanzhi et al., (2019) highlight the increasing importance of user

signature verification for secure electronic transactions on mobile devices,

especially for approving legal documents and authenticating financial transactions.

Current methods largely focus on unlocking devices or continuous behavioral

verification, with few addressing real-time signature verification. The authors

propose a system that leverages invariant segments of a user's signature to

capture intrinsic signing behavior, combining geometric layout features with

behavioral and physiological characteristics. The system uses a quality score to

filter out problematic signatures and employs normalization and interpolation

methods to handle geometric distortions due to varying writing sizes, orientations,

and locations on touch screens. Experimental evaluation with 25 subjects over six

months demonstrated high accuracy and robustness against signature forgery.

A research article published by Raigonda and Shweta (2024), emphasize

the importance of signature verification in financial, legal, and administrative

processes. Advances in image processing have led to the development of

automatic signature verification methods. This research proposes a novel

approach using the Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) for comparing signatures.

The process begins with pre-processing the signature images to enhance quality

and remove artifacts or noise. The SSIM index measures structural similarity,

contrast, and brightness between the reference and input signatures. The system

checks the SSIM value against a pre-set threshold to determine authenticity. If the

similarity is above the threshold, the signature is validated; otherwise, it is marked

as suspicious or potentially falsified. Experimental results indicate that this method

effectively distinguishes between genuine and counterfeit signatures, reducing the

need for subjective human judgment and physical examination. The method

promises increased automation and reliability in signature authentication systems.

In a study conducted by Kumar & Tripathi (2022), highlights the significance

of signature verification in maintaining privacy for legal and financial transactions.

Despite extensive research, issues like signature scale, orientation, and

deformation remain challenges. Deformation within genuine samples is crucial for

verification, but single-sample scenarios lack intra-class variation, complicating the

task. Most real-world repositories provide only one genuine sample, necessitating

verification systems to rely on this single sample. Kumar proposes a two-phase

system to address this, starting with the adjustment of the target signature's

scaling, orientation, and spatial translation using an affine transformation matrix

predicted by a deep neural network. The second phase verifies the transformed

signature with another neural network. Experimental analysis using the GPDS

synthetic, CEDAR, and MCYT-75 datasets shows the method's effectiveness,

achieving average error rates (AER) of 3.56, 4.15, and 3.51, respectively. Acceptability of Secured E-signature

According to Veerpalu et al.,(2020) examines the use of smart contracts in

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and their classification under contract forms and the

EU's eIDAS electronic signature regulation. ICOs gained significant attention in

2017, raising regulatory concerns and highlighting the role of smart contracts,

which facilitate token issuance. Veerpalu argues that contracts in ICOs should be

viewed as hybrid agreements, with the smart contract code being the execution

mechanism. The article explores whether these hybrid smart contracts qualify as

electronic contracts. While some U.S. states and EU Member States recognize

smart contracts as electronic or written contracts, this is not uniform across EU law.

The principle of functional equivalence is used to determine if signatures on smart

contracts in ICOs are equivalent to qualified electronic signatures under eIDAS.

Such equivalence would make these contracts comparable to traditional paper

agreements with handwritten signatures. The article also questions whether the

centralized trust model of eIDAS creates a bias against the decentralized trust

inherent in distributed ledger technology, potentially conflicting with the principle of

technology neutrality.

A research article published by Singh (2021), the evolution of technology

has changed business practices all over the world. Owing to technological and e-

commerce developments, businesses can now transact with each other

instantaneously across borders. The digitalization of commerce and other

traditional working methods has created a new” digital age” in human history.

Digitalization has taken over many economic activities and industries and is slowly

finding its way into the legal system. Several businesses are now concluding

commercial transactions and contracts electronically. Electronic signatures have

consequently become essential tools for concluding legal agreements and

conducting other daily business and legal practices. These new innovations have

brought into question the legal validly of these transactions, and in particular the

legitimacy and security of electronically signed documents.

According to AlQahtani et al., (2021), a digital signature is a mathematical

technique that plays a significant role, especially in validating the authenticity of

digital messages, emails, or documents. Furthermore, the digital signature

mechanism allows the recipient to trust the authenticity of the received message

that is coming from the said sender and that the message was not altered in

transit. Moreover, a digital signature provides a solution to the problems of

tampering and impersonation in digital communications. In a real-life example, it is

equivalent to a handwritten signature or stamp seal, but it offers more security. This

paper proposes a scheme to enable users to digitally sign their communications by

validating their identity through users’ mobile devices. This is done by utilizing the

user’s ambient Wi-Fi-enabled devices. Moreover, the proposed scheme depends

on something that a user possesses (i.e., Wi-Fi-enabled devices), and something

that is in the user’s environment (i.e., ambient Wi-Fi access points) where the

validation process is implemented, in a way that requires no effort from users and

removes the "weak link" from the validation process. The proposed scheme was

experimentally examined.


Table 2.1.3 Summary of related literature


Erdogan (2020) The study you described seems to focus

on investigating the feasibility of

implementing a server-based electronic

signature structure within Turkey's current

eID (electronic identification) framework.

Vilma et al., (2019) The article "E-signature and E-services in

Albania" by Vilma Tomço, Edlira Gjolleshi,

and Klorenta Pashaj, published in the

Smart Cities and Regional

Development Journal (SCRD),

examines the development and

implementation of electronic signatures

and associated e-services in Albania.

Huang (2023) The article you described seems to focus

on a dynamic signature verification

technique (DSVT) that utilizes biometric

systems for online and offline

authentication of electronic signatures.

Indriyawati et al.,( 2021) The findings highlight the effectiveness of

the system in streamlining document

certification processes while ensuring

data security and accessibility.

Edisherashvili (2019) The topic discussed in the article pertains

to the legal status, technical security, and

reliable application environment of e-

signatures within the context of e-

commerce and e-contracts.

Smejkal & Kodl (2021) The paper discusses the comparison of

two types of electronic signatures:

Dynamic Biometric Signatures (DBS) and

Certificate-based Electronic Signatures


Dantes (2022) In the context of electronic General

Meetings of Shareholders (e-GMS) of

Limited Liability Companies. The study

aims to assess the validity and

certification of electronic signatures,

particularly in the deed of minutes of the

general meeting of shareholders

conducted through electronic media.

Burganova et al.,(2023) Highlight the development of a method for

two-factor authentication of electronic

documents using an enhanced encrypted

non-certified digital signature, coupled

with a security token containing biometric

data (specifically, a fingerprint image).

Griffin (2019) The development of the AoE-sign scale

provides a tool to assess e-signature

awareness and benefits, potentially being

useful for organizations, especially in

developing countries, to promote e-

signature adoption.

Solms (2020) The paper discusses various types of

electronic signatures and their

vulnerabilities, highlighting the importance

of implementing security measures to

enhance the secure use by both

individuals and organizations.

Yıldırım (2022) The research described focuses on the

legal and technical aspects of electronic

signatures and their impact on supply

chain management. Given this

interdisciplinary focus, the article could be

published in a journal specializing in

information technology, cryptology, law, or

supply chain management.

Ahmed et al., (2020) Research findings indicate that eCourt

systems are user-friendly, reliable,

secure, and efficient. These systems

automate processes, streamline case

administration, and enhance the delivery

of justice. By digitizing court workflows,

eCourt systems aim to improve

operational efficiency, transparency, and

accountability within the judicial system.

Turkanovic & Podgorelec(2020) The research described focuses on

studying the legality of electronic

signatures (e-signatures) and attestation

in conveyancing practice in Malaysia,

particularly in light of the COVID-19

pandemic and the restrictions it imposed

on physical face-to-face activities..

Ullah et al.,(2021) This paper proposes a Digital Signature

based Access Control Mechanism

(DSAC) for enhancing the security of

Information-Centric Networks (ICN).

Yanzhi et al., (2019) This paper introduces a critical segment-

based online signature verification system

designed to enhance the security of

mobile transactions on multi-touch mobile

devices.The system focuses on

identifying and utilizing segments of a

user's signature that remain consistent

across different signatures, capturing the

inherent signing behavior unique to each


Raigonda & Shweta (2024) This research highlights the potential of

image processing techniques like SSIM

for automating signature verification. It

could lead to more secure and efficient

authentication processes in various


Kumar & Tripathi (2022) This paper emphasizes the importance of

signature verification in ensuring privacy

for legal and financial transactions.

Despite extensive research in this field,

challenges such as signature scale,

orientation, and deformation persist.

Veerpalu et al., (2020) The article explores the qualification of

smart contracts used in Initial Coin

Offerings (ICOs) under the typology of

forms of contracts and the EU electronic

signature regulation eIDAS. It

investigates whether the hybrid smart

contract agreement, which integrates

smart contract protocols into the ICO

process, qualifies as an electronic form of


Singh (2024) The article focuses on the legal validity of

electronic signatures (e-signatures) in

South Africa, specifically for agreements

and affidavits.

AlQahtani et al., (2021) The proposed scheme utilizes ambient

Wi-Fi-enabled devices to validate users’

identities for digital signatures, eliminating

the need for user effort and addressing

concerns about weak links in

authentication. Experimental examination

suggests it effectively enhances the

security of digital communications.

This table outlines the authors and key findings discussed in Chapter 2,

summarizing the related literature and studies utilized to evaluate the current study.

It serves as a comprehensive reference for understanding the insights gleaned

from the literature review.


The review of literature on secured e-signature verification systems,

consider exploring topics such as encryption methods, and legal frameworks

surrounding electronic signatures. Look for studies that evaluate the effectiveness,

reliability, and security of different e-signature verification systems in various

contexts, such as financial transactions, legal documents, or government

applications. Additionally, examine any recent developments or emerging trends in

the field to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of e-

signature technology.

Moreover, it's essential to examine the challenges and limitations

associated with e-signature verification systems, such as potential vulnerabilities to

counterattacks, issues related to user privacy and data protection, and regulatory

compliance requirements. Investigating case studies or real-world implementations

of e-signature solutions can also provide valuable insights into their practical

usability and effectiveness in different industries and organizational settings.

Additionally, consider exploring academic journals, conference proceedings,

industry reports, and government publications to gather a diverse range of

perspectives and findings on the topic.


This section introduces the conceptual framework, which includes using

conceptual mapping to understand how different ideas are connected. Conceptual

mapping helps us see the relationships between concepts more clearly. By using

this framework, individuals can better understand and explore the topic being


Figure 1. Conceptual Mapping for Web-based Secured E-signature

verification system using QR codes of Pangasinan State University San

Carlos Campus

The conceptual mapping for Web-based Secured E-signature Verification

using QR code at Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus demonstrates

a system that enables users to create, identify, and manage secure e-signatures.

The signing process begins with the e-signature owner this is the person who

creates and owns the e-signature. They initiate the process by sending a request

to the server to generate a secured e-signature. Server this is the central

component of the system that is responsible for generating, authenticating, and

storing e-signatures. It also maintains an audit log of all e-signature activities.

Authorized Representatives these are individuals who are authorized to view,

obtain, send, manage, and assign e-signatures on behalf of the owner. Guest is

anyone who wants to verify the authenticity of an e-signature. They can do this by

scanning the QR code associated with the e-signature using a QR code reader on

their smartphone or other device. The system also includes an Audit Trial Logs,

which is a record of all e-signature activities. This helps to ensure accountability

and traceability of e-signatures.

Overall, this system provides a secure and user-friendly way to create, manage,

and verify e-signatures. This can be used for a variety of purposes, such as signing

contracts and other documents or authenticating identities.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methodology employed in the development of the

Secured e-signature System for Pangasinan State University San Carlos,

encompassing the methods, population, and locale of the study, requirement

analysis, data dictionary, and proposed implementation plan.


The project combines developmental and descriptive methodologies to

comprehensively achieve its goals. Using developmental strategies, the project

aims to design and implement a robust, secured E-Signature Verification System

specifically for Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus. Simultaneously,

the descriptive approach will assess the system's user acceptability by gathering

insights into users' perceptions and preferences through surveys and interviews.

This dual approach ensures the successful creation and deployment of a functional
system while gaining a deeper understanding of user needs, which facilitates

informed decision-making and continuous improvement.

Agile Scrum Framework

The capstone project for developing a Secured E-Signature Verification

System follows the principles of the Agile Scrum Methodology, which emphasizes

collaboration, adaptability, and customer satisfaction. The project utilizes short

development cycles known as sprints, each lasting two to four weeks, to deliver

incremental value to stakeholders. Within each sprint, the Agile Scrum approach

incorporates flexibility and customer collaboration across design, planning,

implementation, testing, deploy, and review phases. This methodology allows the

project to remain adaptable to evolving requirements, closely aligning with user

needs through regular stakeholder feedback during sprint reviews.

Agile Scrum ceremonies, such as daily standups and sprint retrospectives,

facilitate ongoing communication between the project team and stakeholders. User

stories, sprint backlogs, burn down charts, and product increments serve as key

artifacts that provide tangible representations of project scope, progress, and

quality, enabling stakeholders to gain insights into project developments. The value

and benefits of the project, including solving problems, satisfying needs, creating

opportunities, or improving situations, are communicated to stakeholders to build

trust, engagement, and support.

The Agile Scrum methodology fosters a dynamic and customer-centric

development process, ensuring a focus on delivering usable software while

maintaining comprehensive documentation. The primary goal is to continuously

enhance the Secured E-Signature Verification System, adapting to changing

requirements and user needs.

Figure 2. Agile Scrum Methodology

Figure 2 shows Agile Scrum methodology in a Secured E-Signature

Verification System offers several benefits. It allows for iterative development,

enabling continuous improvement and adaptation to changing requirements.

Through frequent sprint cycles, stakeholders can provide feedback, ensuring that

the system meets their needs. Additionally, Scrum facilitates transparency, as

progress is regularly showcased through sprint reviews and daily stand-ups,

enhancing collaboration and accountability among team members.

Phases of Agile Scrum

Plan Phase

The plan phase in an extensive project plan must be created, technical

and financial viability must be assessed, and project needs and alternatives must

be developed. These steps make up the crucial stage of project management. In

addition to defining the project timeline, budget, and resource assignments, this

phase is crucial for establishing the project’s direction and fostering understanding

of its goals, deliverables, and requirements. In addition, it involves planning for

communication, risk assessment, and assigning roles and duties to the project

team and its stakeholders.

The team chooses the tasks or user stories from the product backlog to

be worked on during the sprint during the sprint planning meeting. The team

pledges to complete the assigned tasks by the sprint’s end, and tasks are

estimated. With a mutual understanding of the sprint objective and the tasks to be

completed, the planning phase comes to an end.

Design Phase

The design phase is a critical stage in the product or project development

process. It involves the creation of detailed plans, specifications, and drawings that

guide the production and construction process.

At the beginning of each sprint, the team collaborates to define the user

stories or requirements for the upcoming sprint backlog. Design decisions are

made collectively, focusing on how to fulfill the requirements effectively and

efficiently. The output of this phase is a clear understanding of what needs to be

developed during the sprint.

Develop Phase

The develop phase in Agile Scrum methodology refers to the stage where

the software's actual coding and implementation occur. This phase involves the

team working together to develop and test the code, ensuring it meets the

acceptance criteria defined in the analysis phase. The development phase requires

continuous collaboration between developers and the project team to ensure the

project is progressing according to plan.

During this phase, the team must ensure that the design meets the project

requirements, is scalable, and can be implemented within the project timeline. The

development phase is critical to the project’s success, as it sets the foundation for

the next testing and deployment stages.

Testing Phase

The testing phase in Agile Scrum methodology is a critical stage where the

focus is on ensuring the quality of the product and its readiness for release. This

phase involves the team working together to test the software and identify any

bugs or issues that must be addressed before the product can be released.

During the test phase, the team uses various testing techniques, such as

manual, automated, and exploratory, to validate the software’s functionality and

performance. The team also collaborates with stakeholders to gather feedback and

ensure that the product meets their requirements and expectations

Deployment Phase

The development phase in Agile Scrum methodology is a critical stage where

the actual coding and implementation of the software take place. The team works

together to develop and test the code, ensuring it meets the acceptance criteria

defined in the analysis phase. This phase involves continuous collaboration

between developers and the project team to ensure the project is progressing

according to plan.

During this phase, the team must ensure that the design meets the project

requirements, is scalable, and can be implemented within the project timeline. The

development phase is crucial to the project’s success, as it sets the foundation for

the next stages of testing and deployment

Review Phase

The review phase in Agile Scrum methodology is a crucial step in the

Scrum framework, which takes place after each sprint ends. This phase is an

opportunity to evaluate the project’s progress, gather customer feedback, and

identify areas for improvement. The review phase includes several Scrum

processes, such as the sprint review, sprint retrospective, and product backlog


During the sprint review, the team and stakeholders collaborate to review

the work completed during the sprint, discuss the product increment, and gather

feedback from the customer. The sprint retrospective, on the other hand, is a

meeting where the team reflects on the sprint, identifies what went well and what

could be improved, and determines how to optimize the process for the next sprint.

These phases are repeated in subsequent sprints, allowing for iterative

development, continuous improvement, and responsiveness to change.


Requirements Analysis involves a comprehensive examination of user

needs, security protocols, and system functionalities. It begins with identifying

stakeholders’ expectations, including legal compliance requirements and user

experience preferences. Security measures must be robust, encompassing

encryption standards, multi-factor authentication, and audit trails to ensure data

integrity. Functionally, the system should support various document types,

accommodate different signing methods, and integrate seamlessly with existing

platforms. Accessibility and scalability are paramount, ensuring the system remains

effective as user numbers and document volumes grow. Through meticulous

analysis, the system can be designed to deliver a secure, user-friendly, and

adaptable E-Signature Verification solution.

The initial step in developing a Secured E-Signature Verification system

involves conducting a thorough analysis of the system requirements and

stakeholders’ needs. This includes identifying key functionalities such as user

authentication methods, encryption protocols, audit trails, and compliance

standards. Additionally, understanding the integration points with existing systems

and workflows is crucial.

Once the requirements are defined, a detailed architectural design can be

formulated, outlining the system components, data flow, and security measures.

This lays the foundation for the development phase, where the system’s core

features are implemented according to the specifications gathered during the

requirements analysis stage. Throughout the process, iterative testing and

feedback loops ensure that the system meets both functional and security

requirements before deployment.


The population of this study comprises stakeholders of Pangasinan State

University San Carlos campus, including this faculty, records officers, and other
external clients involved in the utilization and verification of e-signature. Utilizing

the purposive sampling technique, the researchers have chosen this approach due

to limited time and resources, eschewing the alternative of probability sampling.

The locale of the study is Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus,

situated in San Carlos City, Pangasinan. This campus holds historical significance

as one of the first establishments within the PSU System, established by

Presidential Decree No. 1486 on June 21, 1968. Positioned amidst a backdrop of

burgeoning technological advancements and global competitiveness, the campus

hosts a diverse range of highly sought-after courses, fostering an environment

conducive to innovation and growth.


Unstructured Interview

An unstructured interview is a type of interview where the interviewer does

not have a predetermined set of questions to ask. Instead, the interviewer allows

the conversation to flow naturally, asking questions as they arise based on the

interviewee’s responses. This type of interview is often used in exploratory

research when the researcher is seeking to understand a topic in depth and is

open to discovering new or shifting viewpoints through the interview process.

This unstructured Interview aims to identify the existing process of document

tracking, including challenges, opportunities, and potential improvements. It

provides insights into the manual secured e-signature process and helps in

understanding user preferences and pain points.

The questionnaires were developed based on a thorough review of the

literature on secured e-signature verification systems and tailored to capture

relevant information about the system's existing process, features of the system to

be developed, as well as the problems encountered with the existing process.

Interviews were conducted with key stakeholders, including records management

guest, and administrative staff to gather in-depth insights into their experiences,

challenges, and suggestions regarding the secured e-signature verification system

The data instrumentation underwent rigorous testing and validation processes to

ensure reliability and validity.

Reliability was assessed through measures such as internal consistency of

questionnaire items and inter-rater reliability for interview coding. Validity was

ensured through content validity, where experts in records management and

secured e-signature verification systems reviewed the instrumentation to confirm

its relevance and comprehensiveness in capturing the intended constructs.

Overall, the data instrumentation used in the project demonstrated high levels of

reliability and validity, providing robust data for analyzing the effectiveness and

user perceptions of the secured e-signature verification system in the PSU San

Carlos Campus Records Office.

Below are the guide questions to be used in the unstructured interview. These

guiding questions have been crafted and validated by seasoned researchers.

However, due to the nature of an unstructured interview, the conversation can flow

naturally, with the interviewer asking follow-up questions as they arise based on

the interviewee’s responses.

1. Why is identity verification important in e-signature systems?

2. What technologies are commonly used to secure e-signatures?

3. Based on your experience, what problems do you encounter with the manually

secured e-signature verification process?

4. What features would you like to see improved in the secured e-signature

verification system?

5. Do you have any additional comments or feedback about the system?

This unstructured inquiry seeks to uncover crucial insights regarding the

current secured e-signature verification system, including challenges faced,

desired improvements, and user preferences.

ISO 25010

ISO 25010 is a standard for software product quality established by the

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International

Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It is a comprehensive framework for evaluating

and improving software product quality, offering a systematic approach to

assessing and measuring software characteristics and sub-characteristics. The

standard is derived from its predecessor, ISO/IEC 9126, and expands on it by

introducing two additional factors: security and compatibility.

ISO 25010 organizes software quality into two dimensions: product quality

and quality in use. Product quality refers to the inherent characteristics of the

software product itself, encompassing functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency,

maintainability, and portability. Quality in use, on the other hand, moves the focus

from the inherent characteristics of the software product to its effectiveness and

satisfaction in real-world usage scenarios.

Additionally, the instrument derived from ISO 25010 will serve as a tool for

evaluating the acceptability of the system. This evaluation will involve assessing

how well the software meets the expectations and requirements of its intended

users in terms of functionality, performance efficiency, usability, reliability, and

security. By incorporating this evaluative component, the developers can ensure

that the software meets technical standards, provides a positive user experience,

and maintains high levels of security and reliability, ultimately contributing to its

overall success and adoption. This holistic approach to quality assessment aligns

with the overarching goal of ISO 25010, which is to enhance software product

quality and user satisfaction across diverse usage scenarios.

By considering both product quality and quality in use, organizations can

adopt a holistic approach to software quality assurance, ensuring that their

products meet technical specifications and deliver value and satisfaction to end-

users. The standard allows enough leeway to work with various development

projects, each having different priorities and metrics

Below is the ISO 25010 Standard of Software in terms of Learnability,

Efficiency, Usability, Reliability, and Security Instrument:

User Acceptance Questionnaire on the Perceived Acceptability of the

Developed Design and Development of a Secured E-Signature Verification System

for Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus

Name (Optional): _______________ Date: ____________

Department/Office: _________________________

Direction: Using the scale below, evaluate the system functionalities using

ISO 25010 Standard of Software in terms of Learnability, Efficiency, Usability,

Reliability, and Security by placing a check (√) mark on the appropriate column;

5 – Very Satisfied; 4 – Satisfied; 3 – Neutral; 2 – Dissatisfied; 1 – Very


Functional 1 2 3 4 5


1. Functional

Completeness. The

system covers all the

specified tasks and user


2. Functional

Correctness. The system

provides the correct

results with the needed

degree of precision.

3. Functional

Appropriateness. The

system facilitates the

accomplishment of

specified tasks and



1. Time Behavior. The

system’s response and

processing times and

throughput rates when

performing its functions,

meet requirements.

2. Resource Utilization.

The system’s amounts

and types of resources

used when performing its

functions, meet


3. Capacity. The system's

maximum limits of

parameters meet




Recognizability. The

system allows users to

recognize if it is

appropriate for their


2. Learnability. The

system can be used by

specified users to achieve

specified goals of learning

to use the application with

effectiveness, efficiency,

freedom from risk and

satisfaction in a specified

context of use.

4. User Error Protection.

The system protects

users against making


5. User Interaction

Aesthetics. The system’s

user Interface enables

pleasing and satisfying

interaction for the user.


1. Maturity. The system

meets the needs for

reliability under normal


2. Availability. The system

is operational and

accessible when required

for use.

3. Fault Tolerance. The

system operates as

intended despite the

presence of hardware or

software faults.

4. Recoverability. The

system can recover the

data directly affected and

re-establish the desired



1.Confidentiality. The

system ensures that data

are accessible only to

those authorized to have


2. Integrity. The system

prevents unauthorized

access to, or modification

of, computer programs or


3. Non-repudiation. The

system can be proven to

have taken place, so that

the events or actions

cannot be repudiated



In the data analysis section, the developers examine the secured e-

signature verification system through various lenses. the developers utilize a use

case, Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD), data dictionary, statistical tools and a

Data Flow Diagram for the existing process of E-Signature to comprehensively

understand and evaluate the system's functionality, data structure, user

satisfaction, and process flow.

Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram shows how people or other systems use a software. It

draws out the different tasks or features the software can do, and are involved in

each task. These diagrams give a big-picture view of what the software can do and

are using it. Use case diagrams are handy for showing what the software needs to
do right from the start of its development, helping everyone understand its goals


According to El Miloudi (2019), use case diagrams are considered for high

level requirement analysis of a system to capture its dynamic view. Use case

diagram are used to gather requirements and functionalities of a system captured

in use cases and to identify internal and external agents interacting with the

system. These agents are known as actors.

Figure 3. Use Case Diagram
The use case diagram in Figure 3 shows a concise concept about the Secured E-

Signature Verification System using QR codes for Pangasinan State University

San Campus. The use case diagram illustrates the interaction between the system

and the different actors, which include a guest, an authorized representative, and

an admin.

The diagram shows that the guest can view a document and its corresponding QR

code. The authorized representative can verify the authenticity of the document

using the QR code. The Esig Owner can manage the system, including adding and

removing users.

Overall, the use case diagram provides a clear understanding of the functionality of

the Secured E-Signature Verification System.

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

An entity relationship diagram (ERD), also known as an entity-relationship model,

is a graphical representation that depicts relationships among people, objects,

places, concepts, or events within an information technology (IT) system. An ERD

uses data modeling techniques that can help define business processes and serve

as the foundation for a relational database (TechTarget, 2023)

Figure 4. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Figure 4 shows the Secured E-Secured Verification System for the

Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus entity relationship diagram. This

diagram represents the system database entity and the relation between them.

With this ERD, anyone can easily understand how our system works in database


Data Flow Diagram

According to Lucidchart (2024), a data flow diagram (DFD) maps out the flow of

information for any process or system. It uses defined symbols like rectangles, and

arrows, plus short text labels, to show data inputs, outputs, storage points and the

routes between each destination. Data flowcharts can range from simple, even

hand-drawn process overviews, to in-depth, multi-level DFDs that dig progressively

deeper into how the data is handled. They can be used to analyze an existing

system or model a new one.

Figure 5 Context Diagram of the System

Figure 5 shows the existing process begins with the Viewer, who accesses

and interacts with the document containing electronic signature elements. In the

View Document step, the Viewer examines the document's content, marking a

preliminary stage of review or processing. The Document Esig Utilization process,

which signifies the core functionality where electronic signatures are used within

the secured e-sig verification system. The e-sig Owner, who holds and can apply

the electronic signature to the document through actions like Copy Paste/E-sig.

The Esig Owner is responsible for providing and applying their electronic signature.

The Authorized Representatives, individuals authorized by the Esig Owner to apply

electronic signatures via the same method. The connection labeled Assigns

between the E-sig Owner and the Authorized Representatives indicates that the

Esig Owner has the authority to delegate tasks, roles, or permissions related to

electronic signature utilization to these representatives.

Figure 6 Context Diagram of the System

Level 1 of a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) breaks down the processes depicted

in Level 0 into more detailed subprocesses. It shows the interaction between these

subprocesses, data stores, and external entities. Each process in Level 1 is further

decomposed into smaller processes until the necessary level of detail is reached.

The view document process remains the central process, but it likely involves

accessing the document from a document data store and presenting it to the

viewer and assign esig is a sub-process might involve retrieving esig information

from an Esig Data Store and assigning it to a document. This view document likely

represents the document being retrieved from the Document Data Store and

delivered to the Viewer and also the assign esig is likely represents the e-signature

information being retrieved from the Esig Data Store and assigned to the

document. In essence, the level 1 DFD shows that viewing a document involves
retrieving it from the document data store. Assigning an e-signature to a document

involves retrieving e-signature information from a separate data store and

associating it with the document.

Figure 7 Context Diagram of the System

Level 2 of a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) further elaborates on the processes

identified in Level 1 by breaking them down into more detailed subprocesses. It

provides a more granular view of how data flows through the system, including

transformations and interactions with data stores and external entities. This level of

detail helps to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the system's functionality

and processes.

This level 2 DFD shows how the system extracts the e-signature information from

a copy/paste operation and verifies it against the e-signature information stored

within the system.

Data Dictionary



System’s auto incremented

PK Id Int(11)
sequence number

Pertains to user admin

empNo Varchar(50)

Pertains to user admin first

firstName Varchar(150)

Pertains to user admin middle

middleName Varchar(150)

Pertains to user admin last

lastName Varchar(250)

email Pertains to user admin email Int(11)

Pertains to the user admin

designation Int(11)

Pertains to the purpose of
isActive Int(11)

Pertains to user admin

password Varchar(250)

usertype Pertains to the type of user Varchar(50)



System’s auto incremented

PK id sequence number for int(11)

Pertains to the user admin

userid int(11)

Pertains to the user admin

repid int(11)

Pertains to the status of
status varchar(50)



System’s auto incremented

PK id sequence number for int(11)

Pertains to the type of Varchar(250

document )



System’s auto incremented

PK id int(11)
sequence number

Pertains to the campus




PK id System’s auto incremented Int(11)

sequence documents

Pertains to the user admin Varchar(250

number of documents )

Pertains to the doctype of

doctype Int(11)

Pertains to the title of Varchar(250

documents )

Pertains to the description of

description Text
the documents

Pertain to the filename Varchar(250

document 0

Pertains to the created of

createdby Int(11)



System’s auto incremented

PK id sequence number for int(11)

Pertains to the user admin of Varchar(250

designations )



PK id System’s auto incremented int(11)

sequence number for
document sigantures

Pertains to user admin

docuniqeid varchar(50)

Pertains to user admin

userId varchar(11)
document sigantures

Pertains to user admin

signatureId varchar(11)

Pertains to is approved
isApproved varchar(11)
document signatures



System’s auto incremented

PK id sequence number of user int(11)

Pertains to user admin

userId Int(11)
document sigantures

Pertains to the signature of varchar(250

user admin )

Likert Scale

According to Scribbr (2020), a Likert scale is a rating scale used to measure

opinions, attitudes, or behaviors. It typically consists of a statement or a question,

followed by a series of five or seven answer statements. Respondents choose the

option that best corresponds with how they feel about the statement or question.

The Likert scale allows for capturing the level of agreement or respondents’

feelings regarding a topic in a more nuanced way.

This Likert Scale was also used to interpret items in the survey questionnaire.

The developers used weighted arithmetic mean to determine the average

response for each item of the five (5) options in each item in the questionnaires

namely using a Five-Point Likert Scale, 5 (Very Satisfied), 4 (Satisfied), 3 (Neutral),

2 (Dissatisfied), and 1 (Very Dissatisfied).

Table 3.4. The Five Point Likert Scale

Scale Range Interpretation

5 4.51 – 5.00 Very Satisfied
4 3.51 – 4.50 Satisfied
3 2.51 – 3.50 Neutral
2 1.51 – 2.50 Dissatisfied
1 1.50 – below Very Dissatisfied

Table 3.4 shows the scales and points used in the acceptability test

conducted on the system. It demonstrated that 5 points is equivalent to very

satisfied on the questions being asked, 4 points is equivalent to satisfied on the

questions being asked, 3 points to neutral on the questions being asked, 2 points

is equivalent to dissatisfied on the questions being asked, and lastly 1 point is

equivalent to very dissatisfied on the questions being asked.

Average Weighted Mean

The average weighted mean is a statistical measure used to determine the

central tendency of a dataset, taking into account the varying importance or weight

of each data point.

Random sampling is the sampling technique for testing the user

acceptability. Further, the average weighted mean will be used to measure the

level of acceptability in terms of learnability, efficiency, usability, reliability, and




AWM = Average Weighted Mean

X = Weight of the specific responses

N = Total number of respondents

∑ = Summation sign


The prototype of the system is a web-based secured e-signature verification

using QR codes, a solution combining digital signatures and QR codes to enhance

document security and facilitate verification. This system allows users to digitally
sign documents and generate secure QR codes that can be easily scanned and

verified. By implementing a web-based secure e-signature verification system with

QR codes, organizations can streamline document verification processes, enhance

security, and ensure the integrity of digitally signed documents. This system offers

benefits such as reduced fraud risk, improved document traceability, and increased

trust in digital transaction.


The implementation of a Web-Based Secured E-Signature Verification

System for Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus is the main goal of

the study. The Developers make sure the system fits the needs of its users. After

talking to stakeholders and gathering important information, The developers

learned a lot about Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus. The

developers will analyze this info to figure out what the system needs most, then

design it with input from stakeholders to make it easy to use and strong. The

development team will build the system, while the testing team makes sure it works

well through thorough testing. Once it's ready, The developers will train users, like

where a viewer accesses and views a document and let everyone know how to

use the system. The goal is to make Secured E-Signature Verification easier and

more user-friendly for everyone involved.

Table 3.5 The Proposed Implementation Plan

from the
Pangasinan Researchers,
State Project
List of Approval
University Developers,
from the 2 Days
San Carlos Campus
Campus Executive
Record Director
t Officer
Installation of the
System’s Researchers,
system and
Project 5 Hours
required software
Installation Developers
and hardware
System Manuals Project 1 Day
Training and
Project 2 Days
Lectures of
2 Days Training Developers
System Users


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