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1. Define Organizing?
• Is the process of identifying the work , classifying
activities, assignment of responsibilities and delegate
2. List important of organising?
• Create relationship that will minimize the friction
• Focus on objectives, and facilitate attaining them
• Clearly define responsibility and line of authority of all
members of staff
• Arrangements of positions and jobs within the hierarchy
3. What’s authority?
• Is the power which is legitimized within a specific social
context / is defined as official power to act.
4. What is the view of Chester Bernard?
• Can understand the order being communicated
• Believes the order is consistent with the purpose of the
• Sees the order as compatible with his/her personal
• Is mentally and physically able to comply with the order
5. How to increase acceptance of manager’s commands
• Managers uses formal channels of communication
• Each member has an assigned formal Chanel for order
• Line of communication is direct as possible
• Complete the chain of command is used to issue orders
• Managers possess adequate communication skills
6. Define responsibility?
• Is an obligation to do something with the expectation of a
certain results.
7. Managers is responsible for accomplishing certain results
8. Define delegation?
• Is the act of giving a subordinates the authority to
complete a certain task or project
9. What’s Accountability?
• Is delegated together with authority
10. List the process of delegation?
• Analysing the delegate’s job
• Analysing the subordinate’s job strengths and weaknesses
• Determining the specific task to be delegated
• Delegating appropriate tasks to the subordinate
• Providing feedback and following up
11. List factors affecting delegation?
• Organization’s size
• Important of duty or decision
• Task complexity
• Organizational culture
• Qualities of subordinates
12. What is the main principals of delegation?
• Responsibilities can’t be delegated
• Avoiding dual subordination
• Authority and responsibilities should be equal
13. Tell barriers to delegating
• Lack of experience of both delegator and delegate
• Lack of confidence in subordinates
• Failure to delegate authority that equal with responsibility
• Fear of being dislike
• Refusal to allow mistakes
14. The main advantage of delegation is efficiency
15. Who is a good manager?
• Good manager is one who is willing to delegate authority
and who knows how to do it
16. What is the basic control process for accountabilities?
• In order to be able to hold people accountable the latter
must know what they are supposed to do and they have
to know their mission , objectives and goals
• Allah enable us to distinguish right from wrong and held
us accountable for choosing either one .
17. What is the organizational structure?
• Is the formal arrangement of tasks , responsibilities and
authority / is a variable dependent on the mission and
scope of organization
18. List the basic organization’s structure?
• Organizational structure presents a configuration of the
division of total task of organization into the smaller
groups of jobs
• The grouping of jobs results in the formation of
19. Write types of departmentalisation?
• Geographical departmentalisation
• Functional departmentalisation
• Product departmentalisation
• Mixture structure
20. Define Geographical departmentalisation?
• Is the establishment of decentralized divisions along
geographic lines
21. Define functional departmentalisation?
• Is the process of dividing the total tasks of an organization
according to its different functions
22. What is the major functions of any business are?
• Finance
• Operation {production , manufacturing,--}
• Marketing
• Personnel
• Accounting
23. Tell the advantage of functional departmentalisation?
• The major advantage is certainly efficiency putting people
with similar expertise in some department will allow them
• Specialization also enhances economies of scale
24. Define formalization in organization?
• Is the degree of reliance on written rule and regulations
25. Define specialization?
• Refers to extent the total tasks divided into small specific
26. What is span of control?
• Refers to the number of people reporting to a single
27. Define complexity?
• Is something called differentiation
28. Tell types of differentiation?
• Vertical differentiation
• Horizontal differentiation
29. What is the vertical differentiation?
• Refers to a number of levels in the hierarchy of the chain
of command
30. Define horizontal differentiation?
• Refers to a number of units and departments at the same
vertical levels
31. What is the mechanistic structure?
• Is the structure that emphasizes a high level of efficiency
32. Organic structure is almost totally opposite the
mechanistic structure
33. What is the difference b/w Recruitments and Selection?
• Recruitment: is the process of getting applicants for a
vacant position in an organization
• Selection: selection of workers with appropriate skills ,
attitude and motivation
34. What is the difference b/w training and development?
• Training: is the process through which experiences are
deliberately offered to trainees to enable them to absorb
some new perspective , understanding, value , attitude,
technique and skills.
• Development: is seen prepare people to perform work
beyond which that currently engages them to accept
responsibilities greater than key now have.
35. Define leadership?
• Is about giving without expecting to take.
36. Allah provides humans with both skills and resources
37. List six of them in leadership qualities?
• Strength and trust
• Making many leaders, listening and forgiving
• Kindness and trust in Allah
• Consultation
• Resolve
• Knowledge and wisdom
38. What is the difference b/w Leader and Manager?
• Manager is focus on managing work and output
• Leader is focus on the people and leading them to achieve
overall objectives
39. Motivation is process of including and stimulating an
individual to act in certain manner
40. What is the difference b/w Reward and Punishment?
• Reward: is a desirable outcome that results from a
desirable behaviour
• Punishment: is undesirable outcome that follows
unwanted behaviour

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