S2 Spreadsheet Lesson2

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Class(Class No.

) Name :

Math. Operators in Spreadsheet

Mathematical Operator Meaning
Formula we want Try the formula
+ Addition 2+3
- Subtraction 5-2
* Multiplication 12 × 4 E
/ Division 10÷2
^ Exponentiation 42
() Brackets (2+3)×4
Input the spreadsheet formulae in the yellow cells
Relative cell address reference

Variable Value
X 15
Y 25

Mathematical Spreadsheet
Expression Formulae
X-Y E Input the spreadsheet formulae in the yellow cells
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

E Sum up all the numbers above.

E Take average of all the numbers above.
E Find the minimum value from the above numbers.
E Find the maximum value from the above numbers.

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