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1. What is the Islamic month of fasting called?

a) Ramadan b) Shawwal c) Dhul-Hijjah d)

2. During Ramadan, Muslims fast from: a) Dawn to sunset b) Sunset to midnight c)
Midnight to dawn d) All day without any specific time restrictions
3. Which meal is consumed before the fast begins each day? a) Suhoor b) Iftar c) Qiyam d)
4. What is the significance of Laylat al-Qadr during Ramadan? a) Last day of fasting b)
Night of Power c) Day of Forgiveness d) Celebration Day
5. What is the main purpose of fasting in Islam? a) Demonstrating discipline b) Weight loss
c) Socializing d) Obedience to Allah
6. When does the fast begin each day during Ramadan? a) Sunset b) Dawn c) Midnight d)
7. What is the primary reason for fasting during Ramadan? a) Physical health b) Spiritual
purification c) Cultural tradition d) Social bonding
8. Which direction do Muslims face while offering their prayers during Ramadan? a) North
b) South c) East d) West
9. What are the special meal Muslims eat to break their fast? a) Suhoor b) Iftar c) Dhikr d)
10. What is the name of the meal before the fast begins in the evening? a) Suhoor b) Iftar c)
Sehri d) Tarawih
11. What is the Arabic term for fasting in Islam? a) Hajj b) Sawm c) Zakat d) Salat
12. Which meal is taken just before the break of dawn during Ramadan? a) Iftar b) Suhoor c)
Tarawih d) Dhikr
13. What action marks the beginning of each day's fast during Ramadan? a) Adhan b) Dua c)
Intention (Niyyah) d) Salat
14. What is the ruling on fasting for someone who is sick or traveling during Ramadan? a)
They must fast b) They are exempted c) Only fasting at night is required d) Must make
up the missed days later
15. Which age group is exempted from fasting in Islam? a) Children b) Elderly c)
Adolescents d) All of the above
16. What is the purpose of the call to prayer (Adhan) during Ramadan? a) Marking the
beginning of Suhoor b) Reminding to break the fast c) Announcing the time for Fajr
prayer d) Indicating the start of Iftar
17. Which Islamic month follows Ramadan? a) Shawwal b) Dhul-Hijjah c) Rajab d)
18. What is the name of the special charity given before Eid al-Fitr? a) Zakat b) Sadaqah c)
Fitrah d) Khums
19. What is the purpose of the nightly Tarawih prayers during Ramadan? a) To recite the
entire Quran b) To seek forgiveness c) To earn extra rewards d) All of the above
20. In which direction do Muslims face while offering their prayers during Ramadan? a) East
b) West c) North d) Towards the Kaaba in Mecca
21. Which Prophet is commonly associated with the revelation of the Quran during
Ramadan? a) Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) b) Prophet Musa (Moses) c) Prophet Isa (Jesus)
d) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
22. What is the Islamic ruling on smoking during the fasting hours of Ramadan? a) Allowed
b) Prohibited c) Allowed with conditions d) Discouraged but not prohibited
23. What is the purpose of the pre-dawn meal (Suhoor) during Ramadan? a) To celebrate the
beginning of the fast b) To gain spiritual insight c) To sustain the body throughout the
day d) To prepare for Tarawih prayers
24. Which type of fast is considered the most virtuous in Islam? a) Fasting on Mondays and
Thursdays b) Fasting on the Day of Arafat c) Fasting on the White Days d) Fasting
during the month of Sha'ban
25. What is the significance of the crescent moon in determining the start of Ramadan? a)
Symbolizes the end of fasting b) Marks the beginning of fasting c) Indicates the Night of
Power (Laylat al-Qadr) d) Has no significance in Ramadan
26. What is the purpose of the evening meal that is consumed before the fast begins each
day? a) Iftar b) Suhoor c) Tarawih d) Qiyam
27. Which Islamic month follows Ramadan in which Muslims perform the pilgrimage
(Hajj)? a) Shawwal b) Dhul-Hijjah c) Safar d) Rabi' al-Awwal
28. What is the minimum age for children to start participating in fasting? a) 5 years b) 7
years c) 10 years d) Puberty
29. What is the purpose of the "Tahajjud" prayer during Ramadan? a) To seek forgiveness b)
To earn additional rewards c) To perform the obligatory prayers d) To recite the Quran
30. What is the significance of the phrase "Laa ilaaha illallah Muhammadu Rasulullah"
during Ramadan? a) It marks the end of the fast b) It is a declaration of faith c) It is
recited before meals d) It signifies the beginning of the day
31. What is the night prayer offered specifically during the last ten nights of Ramadan called?
a) Isha b) Qiyam-ul-Layl c) Tarawih d) Fajr
32. Which of the following is not a valid reason for breaking the fast during Ramadan? a)
Sickness b) Pregnancy c) Extreme thirst d) Travel
33. What does the term "Iftar" literally mean in Arabic? a) Dinner b) Breakfast c) Lunch d)
34. Which meal is considered the primary source of energy during fasting in Ramadan? a)
Dinner b) Suhoor c) Iftar d) Snack
35. What is the recommended practice when witnessing the crescent moon marking the end
of Ramadan? a) Recite Surah Al-Fatiha b) Perform two Rak'ahs of prayer c) Say "Allahu
Akbar" thrice d) Make a wish
36. What is the name of the night preceding Eid al-Fitr, which signifies the end of Ramadan?
a) Laylat al-Bara'ah b) Laylat al-Qadr c) Laylat al-Miraj d) Laylat al-Nisf min Sha'ban
37. What type of actions are considered invalidating the fast? a) Eating or drinking
intentionally b) Accidental consumption of water c) Unintentional vomiting d) All of the
38. Which direction do Muslims face when performing Tarawih prayers? a) Towards Mecca
b) Towards the North c) Towards the Kaaba d) Towards the East
39. What is the ruling on using a miswak (tooth-stick) while fasting? a) Allowed b)
Prohibited c) Allowed with conditions d) Recommended but not obligatory
40. What is the purpose of the "Takbeer" during the days of Eid al-Fitr? a) It marks the
beginning of fasting b) It symbolizes the end of Ramadan c) It is recited during Tarawih
prayers d) It is a call to the Eid prayer
41. What is the Arabic term for the pre-dawn meal before fasting begins? a) Suhoor b) Iftar
c) Qiyam d) Dhikr
42. Which meal is consumed to break the fast at sunset? a) Suhoor b) Iftar c) Tarawih d)
43. What is the ruling on using a toothpick while fasting? a) Allowed b) Prohibited c)
Allowed with conditions d) Recommended
44. In Islam, what is the significance of the "Suhur" meal? a) It signifies the end of the fast b)
It is a communal gathering c) It is a Sunnah practice d) It sustains the body during the day
45. Which Prophet's fast is observed on the 10th day of Muharram (Ashura)? a) Prophet
Adam (Adam) b) Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) c) Prophet Musa (Moses) d) Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH)
46. What is the name of the pre-dawn meal before the fast begins? a) Suhoor b) Iftar c)
Qiyam d) Dhikr
47. Which individuals are exempted from fasting during Ramadan? a) Children b) Elderly c)
Pregnant women d) All of the above
48. The fast is broken with the meal known as: a) Suhoor b) Iftar c) Dhikr d) Qiyam
49. In addition to abstaining from food and drink, Muslims also refrain from: a) Sleeping b)
Talking c) Laughing d) None of the above
50. What is the significance of the last ten days of Ramadan? a) Increased charity b)
Intensive prayers c) Seeking Laylat al-Qadr d) All of the above
51. Which chapter of the Quran was revealed during the month of Ramadan? a) Surah Al-
Fatiha b) Surah Al-Baqarah c) Surah Al-Mulk d) Surah Al-Qadr
52. What is the fidya in the context of fasting in Islam? a) Charity given by the rich to the
poor b) Compensation for missed fasts c) Sacrifice offered during Eid d) Extra prayers
performed during Ramadan
53. During fasting, Muslims are encouraged to engage in extra prayers called: a) Salah b)
Zakat c) Qiyam-ul-Layl d) Sawm
54. Which Prophet is specifically mentioned in connection with the institution of fasting? a)
Prophet Moses (Musa) b) Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) c) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) d)
Prophet Jesus (Isa)
55. What is the ruling regarding intentionally breaking the fast without a valid reason? a) No
consequences b) Expiation required c) Fasting is invalid d) Fast continues without
56. What is the significance of the second half of Ramadan? a) Charity events b) Increased
prayer and reflection c) Community festivals d) Family gatherings
57. Which important event in Islamic history occurred during the month of Ramadan? a) The
Battle of Badr b) The Hijra (Migration to Medina) c) The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah d) The
Battle of Uhud
58. What is the minimum age for obligatory fasting in Islam? a) 5 years b) 10 years c)
Puberty d) 18 years
59. What is the purpose of the pre-dawn meal, Suhoor? a) Sustaining energy throughout the
day b) Beginning the fast c) Finalizing prayers d) A cultural tradition
60. Which phrase is commonly recited to break the fast at sunset? a) Alhamdulillah (All
praise be to Allah) b) Bismillah (In the name of Allah) c) SubhanAllah (Glory be to
Allah) d) Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)
61. What is the ruling on offering Tarawih prayers during Ramadan? a) Obligatory b) Highly
recommended c) Optional d) Prohibited
62. Which Prophet is reported to have fasted the most consecutive days in a year? a) Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) b) Prophet Moses (Musa) c) Prophet David (Dawood) d) Prophet
Jesus (Isa)
63. What is the Kaffara in the context of fasting? a) Offering additional prayers b)
Compensation for a broken fast c) Charity to the poor d) Recitation of the Quran
64. What is the significance of the "Night of Ascension" in relation to fasting? a) The night
when fasting was first prescribed b) The night Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ascended to
the heavens c) The night when the first revelation was received d) The night before Eid
65. In addition to abstaining from food, drink, and sinful behavior, what else should Muslims
avoid during fasting? a) Sleeping during the day b) Excessive talking c) Negative
thoughts d) All of the above
66. What is the significance of the second half of Ramadan? a) Charity events b) Increased
prayer and reflection c) Community festivals d) Family gatherings
67. Which important event in Islamic history occurred during the month of Ramadan? a) The
Battle of Badr b) The Hijra (Migration to Medina) c) The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah d) The
Battle of Uhud
68. What is the minimum age for obligatory fasting in Islam? a) 5 years b) 10 years c)
Puberty d) 18 years
69. What is the purpose of the pre-dawn meal, Suhoor? a) Sustaining energy throughout the
day b) Beginning the fast c) Finalizing prayers d) A cultural tradition
70. Which phrase is commonly recited to break the fast at sunset? a) Alhamdulillah (All
praise be to Allah) b) Bismillah (In the name of Allah) c) SubhanAllah (Glory be to
Allah) d) Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)
71. What is the ruling on offering Tarawih prayers during Ramadan? a) Obligatory b) Highly
recommended c) Optional d) Prohibited
72. Which Prophet is reported to have fasted the most consecutive days in a year? a) Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) b) Prophet Moses (Musa) c) Prophet David (Dawood) d) Prophet
Jesus (Isa)
73. What is the Kaffara in the context of fasting? a) Offering additional prayers b)
Compensation for a broken fast c) Charity to the poor d) Recitation of the Quran
74. What is the significance of the "Night of Ascension" in relation to fasting? a) The night
when fasting was first prescribed b) The night Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ascended to
the heavens c) The night when the first revelation was received d) The night before Eid
75. In addition to abstaining from food, drink, and sinful behavior, what else should Muslims
avoid during fasting? a) Sleeping during the day b) Excessive talking c) Negative
thoughts d) All of the above
76. In addition to refraining from food and drink, what else must be avoided during the fast?
a) Gossiping b) Swearing c) Arguing d) All of the above
77. What is the ruling on using an inhaler while fasting? a) Allowed b) Prohibited c) Allowed
with conditions d) Depends on the type of inhaler
78. What is the name of the charitable act that involves feeding those in need during
Ramadan? a) Zakat b) Sadaqah c) Iftar d) Fitrah
79. Which Prophet's fasting is mentioned in the Quran alongside the obligation of fasting for
Muslims? a) Prophet Moses (Musa) b) Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) c) Prophet Jesus (Isa)
d) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
80. What is the significance of breaking the fast with dates and water, as practiced by Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH)? a) It is a healthy tradition b) It emulates the Prophet's practice c) It
symbolizes purity d) It is a cultural preference
81. How does fasting in Ramadan connect to the concept of self-discipline in Islam? a)
Develops patience and perseverance b) Encourages impulsiveness c) Allows indulgence
in desires d) None of the above
82. What is the ruling on using toothpaste or mouthwash while fasting? a) Allowed b)
Prohibited c) Allowed with caution d) Only allowed with a specific type of toothpaste
83. What is the Islamic view on engaging in marital relations during the fasting hours of
Ramadan? a) Allowed b) Prohibited during fasting hours c) Allowed only at night d)
Allowed with conditions
84. What is the significance of the "Seclusion of the Prophet" in the last ten days of
Ramadan? a) Itikaf b) Fasting from speech c) Exclusive fasting on water d) Extended
nightly prayers
85. How does the practice of fasting contribute to mindfulness and gratitude in Islam? a) By
fostering gratitude for daily blessings b) By increasing mindfulness of actions c) By
promoting empathy for the less fortunate d) All of the above
86. Which companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is known for his generosity during
Ramadan? a) Abu Bakr b) Umar ibn al-Khattab c) Ali ibn Abi Talib d) Uthman ibn Affan
87. What is the ruling on using eye drops or ear drops while fasting? a) Allowed b)
Prohibited c) Allowed with conditions d) Depends on the situation
88. What is the Islamic stance on intentional vomiting during fasting hours? a) Allowed b)
Prohibited c) Permissible with repentance d) Depends on the intention
89. In the context of fasting, what is the meaning of "I'tikaf"? a) Voluntary fasting b) Charity
giving c) Spiritual retreat and seclusion d) Recitation of the Quran
90. What is the significance of the "Sadaqat al-Fitr" given before Eid al-Fitr? a) To purify
fasts from any indecent act b) To purify the fast from any sinful talk c) To purify those
who fast from any evil d) To purify one's wealth
91. How does fasting in Ramadan promote social unity and equality in Islam? a) By
emphasizing individual achievements b) By promoting the sharing of meals and empathy
c) By encouraging competition among individuals d) By discouraging community
92. What is the Islamic perspective on using a nebulizer while fasting? a) Allowed b)
Prohibited c) Allowed with conditions d) Depends on the severity of the condition
93. What is the significance of the "Khatam al-Quran" during the last ten nights of Ramadan?
a) Completing the recitation of the Quran b) Initiating the recitation of the Quran c)
Performing a special prayer d) Giving extra charity
94. How does fasting contribute to self-control and mindfulness in Islam? a) By encouraging
overindulgence b) By promoting self-discipline and restraint c) By allowing excessive
sleep d) By prioritizing material desires
95. What is the ruling on using a Siwak (tooth-stick) while fasting? a) Allowed b) Prohibited
c) Allowed with conditions d) Discouraged but not prohibited
96. What is the ruling on swallowing one's own saliva intentionally while fasting? a)
Allowed b) Prohibited c) Allowed with conditions d) Depends on the quantity
97. Which Quranic verse emphasizes the obligation of fasting during Ramadan? a) Surah Al-
Fatiha (1:1) b) Surah Al-Baqarah (2:183) c) Surah Al-Mulk (67:1) d) Surah Al-Ikhlas
98. What is the significance of the "Zakat al-Fitr" given before Eid al-Fitr? a) Purifying one's
fast from any indecent act b) Providing financial support to the poor c) Offering a special
prayer d) Conducting community events
99. How does fasting during Ramadan contribute to self-awareness in Islam? a) By
promoting mindfulness in daily activities b) By encouraging self-reflection and
introspection c) By increasing physical awareness d) All of the above
100. What is the Islamic stance on using a nebulizer with medication while fasting? a)
Allowed b) Prohibited c) Allowed with conditions d) Depends on the severity of the

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