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Sadat Educational Administration English Department

Future International and Language Schools 2nd Evaluation 2021-2022

Sadat Branch Grade models

A- Language Functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
An interviewer is making an interview with an Egyptian space engineer.
Traveler: May I book a ticket to Port Said this evening, please?
Official: …………………………………………………………………….?
Traveler: The 7:30 train.
Official: Sorry, all the seats are reserved.
Traveler: What about the next train?
Official: It leaves at 8:45.
Traveler: ……………………………………………………………………?
Official: Yes, there are many empty seats.
Traveler: ……………………………………………………………………?
Official: It's 60 L.E.
Traveler: …………………………………………………………………….
Official: Here is the ticket.

B- Vocabulary & Structure

2. Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:
1) The rescue team arrived in time to ___ our lives.
a) help b) keep c) save d) over
2) Let’s try to keep ___! If we panic, we’ll never find our way out of this cave.
a) calm b) lost c) safe d) violent
3) I didn’t ___ the new artist at first, but now I really admire him.
a) take to b) show off c) call for d) found
4) I don’t have time to ___ playing silly games on my phone.
a) take b) pass c) waste d) rely
5) The ___ for the TV isn’t working because the batteries are flat.
a) USB stick b) camera c) remote control d) houseboat
6) You remembered to take your passport, ___?
a) did you b) aren’t you c) didn’t you d) don’t you
7) The plane ___ over the mountains when it got caught in a storm.
a) flew b) had flown c) had been flying d) fly
8) You ___ to take up a hobby to pass the time.
a) must b) should c) ought d) may
9) If you like, you ___ borrow my book.
a) can b) are able to c) must d) can’t
10) I can’t imagine ___ breakfast by a robot.
a) serving b) to be served c) being served d) serve

Sadat Educational Administration English Department
Future International and Language Schools 2nd Evaluation 2021-2022
Sadat Branch Grade models

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) in brackets:

1) Sally is not allowed to go to the club. (can)
2) It’s necessary not to punish students physically. (mustn’t)
3) Tina lost her phone in the mall. (The phone...)
4) The guest left. Then I started cleaning the flat. (After)
5) He didn’t come because nobody asked him to. (If)
C- Reading Comprehension
4. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

I am the mother of three children. My youngest daughter is sick. She has an illness that will never
go away, but it can be managed. She needs medicine to manage her illness. This medicine used
to cost ten dollars a month. Now it costs thirty dollars a month. Without this medicine, my daughter
has trouble breathing. Sometimes her lungs do not work well. She cannot get enough air into her
lungs. Then she needs the medicine to help her lungs work again. We have to buy the medicine.
We do not have a choice. But it will be hard to find an extra thirty dollars a month. Our family will
have to spend less money on other things.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- How many kids does she have?
2- What will happen to the daughter without the medicine?
3- How will the family solve the problem of the money?
B) Choose the correct answers:
4- The medicine used to cost ……………… dollars a year.
a) ten b) thirty c) one hundred and twenty d) three hundred and sixty
5- The girl needs the medicine for …………………
a) heart b) lungs c) stomach d) kidney

Sadat Educational Administration English Department
Future International and Language Schools 2nd Evaluation 2021-2022
Sadat Branch Grade models

D- Writing
5. Write a paragraph of SIX (6) on only One of the following topics.
• “Pollution "
• “Health”













Sadat Educational Administration English Department
Future International and Language Schools 2nd Evaluation 2021-2022
Sadat Branch Grade models

A- Vocabulary & Structure

1- Choose the correct answer(s):
1- How can a ship just ______________ in the middle of the ocean and never be seen again?
a) strike b) injure c) vanish
2- It’s difficult to find people who go ______________ in a snow storm.
a) freezing b) missing c) lost
3- What ______________ to survive after the crash?
a) the passengers helped b) did the passengers help c) helped the passengers
4- She had ______________ for hours before she reached the village.
a) walks b) walking c) been walking
5- Many children like reading fairy ______________ with a happy ending.
a) texts b) sculpture c) tales
6- I didn’t really enjoy exploring the cave as the air was cold and ______________.
a) lost b) heavy c) damp
7- If it’s a nice day tomorrow, they ______________ sailing around the bay.
a) may have gone b) could go c) may go
8- If you like, you ______________ borrow my book.
a) can b) are able to c) must
9- The police used the surveillance camera to identify the people who had _________ the crime.
a) committed b) detected c) developed
10- When is the project going ______________?
a) be completed b) to be completed c) being completed
2- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:
1- Andy did his homework then he ate lunch. (done)
2- I had been waiting for three hours before you came to me. (How long)
3- It’s possible that he wasn’t the wanted man. (may)
4- My brothers were not allowed to watch TV. (can)
5- Cats chase mice in the alleys. (Mice…)

B- Language Functions
3- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Mr. Sam: Let's have dinner outside _______________________________?
His wife: Good idea! I very much want to eat fish.
Mr. Sam : Ok. There is a fish restaurant near here.
His wife :..........................................................................?
Mr. Sam : Opposite the shop in Radwan Square.
His wife : .........................................................................?
Mr. Sam : No, it is only ten minutes from here, so we can walk.
His wife : All right. ..........................................................?
Mr. Sam : The cinema! Ok. If it is still early after dinner, we can go.

Sadat Educational Administration English Department
Future International and Language Schools 2nd Evaluation 2021-2022
Sadat Branch Grade models

C- Reading Comprehension
4- Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Nasreddin and the Smell of Soup

One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past a restaurant.
There was a large pot of soup on the table. The poor man held his bread over the soup, so the
steam from the soup went into the bread, and gave it a good smell. Then he ate the bread.

The restaurant owner was very angry at this, and he asked the man for money, in exchange for
the steam from the soup. The poor man had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to
Nasreddin, who was a judge at that time. Nasreddin thought about the case for a little while.

Then he took some money from his pocket. He held the coins next to the restaurant owner's ear,
and shook them, so that they made a jingling noise.

"What was that?" asked the restaurant owner.

"That was payment for you," answered Nasreddin.

"What do you mean? That was just the sound of coins!" protested the restaurant owner.

"The sound of the coins is payment for the smell of the soup," answered Nasreddin. "Now go back
to your restaurant."
• Answer the following questions:
1- Why did he hold the bread over the soup?
2- Why did the restaurant owner take the poor man to Nasreddin?
3- What did Nasreddin do with the coins?

• Choose the correct answers:
1. What was the payment for the smell of the soup?
(the sound of money - a few coins - there was no payment)
2. What food did the poor man have?
(soup – bread – nothing)
3. What kind of food did he see in the restaurant?
(bread – meat – soup)

Sadat Educational Administration English Department
Future International and Language Schools 2nd Evaluation 2021-2022
Sadat Branch Grade models

D- Writing
5- Write a paragraph of seven sentences about:
• The last time you cried
• After-school activities












Sadat Educational Administration English Department
Future International and Language Schools 2nd Evaluation 2021-2022
Sadat Branch Grade models

A- Vocabulary & Structure

1- Choose the correct answer(s):
1- Stay close to the river so that you don’t _______________ lost.
a) go b) be c) get
2- What problems would you have to _______________ in the desert?
a) succeed b) confront c) struggle
3- Be careful when you’re walking through the jungle, _______________?
a) aren’t you b) don’t you c) won’t you
4- _______________ your tents by the time the rain started?
a) Did you put up b) Had you put up c) Had you been putting up
5- The kids enjoyed taking part in the drama classes because there was a lot of ______________.
a) observation b) organization c) participation
6- Sally _________ ballet she was five years old. She went on to become a professional dancer.
a) cut out for b) took up c) shows off
7- I _______________ find out where the martial arts club is.
a) ought b) must c) might have
8- Grandma _______________ very young when she took these photos of her classmates.
a) should have been b) must have been c) could be
9- You can rely _______________ him to identify the problem with your computer.
a) in b) on c) to
10- We installed a _______________ in our home to deter criminals.
a) database b) guarantee c) closed circuit TV

2- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:

1- Our dinner was burnt an hour ago. (had been)
2- My grandma usually tells me nice stories. (in the past)
3- It’s impossible he had forgotten to get his daughter. (must)
4- They didn’t join the team because they weren’t asked to. (would)
5- School is gone to by students every day. (Students…)

Sadat Educational Administration English Department
Future International and Language Schools 2nd Evaluation 2021-2022
Sadat Branch Grade models

B- Language Functions
3- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:-
(Soha and her sister Mervat are late for school.)
Soha : I think we are late for school, Mervat. ……..............................................?
Mervat : It's ten eight. If ...........................................................................
Soha : Even if we hurry, I don't think we'll get there on time.
Mervat : .................................................................................................?
Soha : I don't think father will agree. He hates driving into the city centre.
Mervat : No problem. ........................................................................... .
Soha : Ok, come on.
C- Reading Comprehension
4- Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
Nasreddin the Ferry Man
Nasreddin once had an old boat, which he used to ferry people across the river. One day, he was
taking a university professor to the other side.
"What is the square root of 9?" asked the professor. "I don't know," answered Nasreddin. "How do
you spell elephant?" asked the professor. "I have no idea," replied Nasreddin. "Didn't you study
anything at school?" demanded the professor, surprised. "No," said Nasreddin. "Then you wasted
half your life," said the professor.
Nasreddin was silent for a little while. Then he said: "Can you swim?"
"No," said the professor.
"Then you wasted ALL of your life," said Nasreddin. "We are sinking."
• Answer the following questions:
1- What was Nasreddin's job?
2- What kind of question did the professor ask him first?
3- What kind of question did he ask second?
• Choose the correct answers:
4- Why didn't Nasreddin know any of the answers?
(He was a history professor. - He never studied at school. - He couldn't swim.)
5- Which man was probably able to swim?
(Nasreddin - the professor)
6- Who had the most useful knowledge?
(Nasreddin - the professor)

Sadat Educational Administration English Department
Future International and Language Schools 2nd Evaluation 2021-2022
Sadat Branch Grade models

D- Writing
5- Write a paragraph of seven sentences about:

A person you like most














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