ACPL-ISMS-C8.1 User Endpoint Device Policy

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User Endpoint Device Policy

Document ID ACPL-ISMS-C8.1
Document Classification Internal
Issue Date (effective from) 01.12.2023
Version No 1.0
Latest Review Date 01.12.2023

Nitin Gupta Kunal Parikh Vijay Gupta

CISO Director Director

Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

User Endpoint Device Policy

1. Purpose
This consolidated procedure aims to establish a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity for
Aethereus Consulting Pvt. Ltd., covering threat intelligence, mitigation, incident response, and
continuous improvement.

2. Scope
This procedure applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party entities with access to Aethereus
Consulting's information systems and networks.

3. Threat Intelligence
3.1 Types of Threat Intelligence
3.1.1 Indicators of Compromise (IoCs)
Definition: Specific data points or artifacts indicative of a security incident.
Malicious IP addresses
Suspicious domain names
Hash values of known malware

3.1.2 Threat Actors

Definition: Information about entities or individuals conducting malicious activities.


Nation-state actors

Hacktivist groups

Organized crime syndicates

3.1.3 TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures)

Definition: Descriptions of the methods and approaches used by threat actors.


Spear-phishing tactics

Exploitation of known vulnerabilities

Use of specific malware families

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User Endpoint Device Policy

3.1.4 Vulnerabilities

Definition: Information about weaknesses in systems that could be exploited by threat actors.


Software vulnerabilities (e.g., CVEs)

Misconfigurations in network devices

Weaknesses in third-party applications

3.1.5 Threat Context

Definition: Information that provides context around specific threats, enhancing understanding.


Geopolitical events impacting cybersecurity

Industry-specific threats and trends

Emerging technologies and their associated risks

3.1.6 Exploits and Malware Analysis

Definition: Detailed analysis of specific exploits or malware to understand their functionality.

Reverse engineering of malware samples
Analysis of exploit techniques and code

3.1.7 Strategic Intelligence

Definition: Long-term insights that help organizations understand the broader threat landscape.

Industry-specific threat assessments
Predictions on emerging cyber threats
Regulatory changes affecting cybersecurity

3.2 Analysis
Outline the process for analyzing collected threat intelligence to assess relevance and potential impact.
Define criteria for prioritizing threats based on severity and potential impact.
Specify tools and techniques used for threat intelligence analysis.

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User Endpoint Device Policy

3.3 Dissemination
Establish communication channels for sharing threat intelligence within the organization.
Define the format for disseminating threat intelligence, ensuring it is clear and actionable.
Specify the frequency of threat intelligence sharing.

4. Threat Mitigation
4.1 Proactive Measures
Identify and document proactive measures to reduce overall risk.
Specify best practices for maintaining a secure IT infrastructure.

4.2 Incident Response and Mitigation

Implement a well-defined incident response plan that integrates threat intelligence.
Define roles and responsibilities for incident responders.
Communicate escalation procedures during active incidents.

4.3 Collaboration with External Entities

Encourage collaboration with external entities to share threat intelligence and collective mitigation
Establish protocols for sharing threat intelligence with trusted partners.

4.4 Vulnerability Management

Implement a robust vulnerability management program.
Prioritize vulnerabilities based on threat intelligence.

4.5 Network and Endpoint Security

Define security controls for networks and endpoints based on threat intelligence insights.
Implement intrusion detection and prevention systems.

5. User Education and Awareness

Develop ongoing training programs to educate employees on recognizing and reporting potential
security threats.
Encourage a culture of cybersecurity awareness.

6. Security Audits and Monitoring

Conduct regular security audits to assess the effectiveness of threat mitigation measures.
Implement continuous monitoring solutions to detect and respond to threats in real time.

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User Endpoint Device Policy

7. Incident Documentation and Post-Incident Analysis

Document all security incidents, detailing the threat intelligence used, mitigation strategies employed,
and lessons learned.
Conduct post-incident analysis to continuously improve threat intelligence processes and mitigation

8. Continuous Improvement
Periodically review and update this consolidated procedure to align with emerging threats and changes
in the IT environment.
Use insights from incidents and audits to refine and improve security controls.

9. Compliance and Legal Considerations

Emphasize adherence to privacy laws and regulations in the collection and use of threat intelligence.
Ensure that all cybersecurity activities are following legal requirements.

10. Enforcement and Consequences

Clearly outline consequences for non-compliance with this consolidated procedure.
Specify any legal or disciplinary actions that may be taken in the event of policy violations.

11. Revision History

Revision Date Description Author

1.0 01.12.2023 Initial release CISO

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