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01 pc gog compiled 16:19:14, Feb 7 2023

Loading Preferences from C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
BEGIN DataRegistry DUMP:
ScreenW [int] 1920
ScreenH [int] 1080
ScreenWindowed [bool] 0
ScreenHighDPI [bool] 0
ScreenMultiSampled [bool] 0
ScreenSuperSampled [bool] 0
ScreenBorderless [bool] 0
ScreenMonitor [int] 0
SoundMixFrequency [int] 22050
SoundVolume [int] 255
SoundSwapStereo [bool] 0
SoundEnableDsp [bool] 1
RenderRooms [bool] 1
RenderRoomColours [bool] 0
RecentMap [string]
FirstTime [bool] 0
AutoSaveTimer [int] 10
HardwareCompat [int] 0
LastKnownVersion [string] none
FlashMobYear [int] 0
ArmisticeYear [int] 0
RegistrationShown [bool] 0
TimeLapseCamera [int] 0
TimeLapseInterval [int] 1
TimeLapseFPSNumerator [int] 24
TimeLapseFPSDenominator [int] 1
TimeLapseQuality [int] 63
Username [string]
RoomName [string]
Region [string] eu
Mods [string]
LastSubCheck [int] 0
UiScale [float] 1.00
EnabledVBOs [bool] 0
ForumId [int] 0
SteamUser [bool] 0
V2Gui [bool] 1
ZoomToMouse [bool] 1
OneClickRapsheet [bool] 1
ClockType [int] 0
FloorSignMode [int] 1
MotdId [string]
NameInGameHash [string]
LoadCJKFonts [bool] 1
Language [string] portuguese-brazil
insaneGauge [bool] 1
DoubleClick [bool] 1
TempInC [bool] 1
PunishmentBySector [bool] 1
HudWaypoints [int] 0
StaffAlerts [bool] 1
GridCoordsSetting [int] 0
ZombieOverlayMode [int] 2
ShowAttractScreen [bool] 1
MultiplayerAnalyticsShown [bool] 0
UseThreadedPhotonInterface [bool] 1
SSOContentUnlockMsg [bool] 1
HasViewedLegals [bool] 1
PlayerSurveyCount [int] 0
PlayerStarTime [double] 0.00
PolicyCellQuality [bool] 0
PolicyStaffKeys [bool] 0
PolicyGuardMonitoring [bool] 0
PolicyAllowStunBatons [bool] 0
ExisitingPreference [bool] 1
PrisonerMale [bool] 1
WardenType [int] 0
DogType [int] 19
WardenMode [bool] 0
PrisonSize [int] 2
StartingFunds [int] 5
PrisonerAging [bool] 0
ChosenUniformPack [string] Default
UndeadMode [int] 0
TropicalFever [bool] 0
WeatherMode [int] 0
RatInfestationMode [int] 0
PrisonGangs [int] 1
MembersPerLieutenants [int] 7
FogOfWar [bool] 0
PlotType [int] 0
LandExpansion [bool] 0
GenerateForests [bool] 0
GenerateLakes [bool] 0
GenerateBuildings [bool] 0
FailureConditions [bool] 1
GangReputations [bool] 0
DynamicReputations [int] 2
CriminallyInsane [bool] 0
StaffNeeds [bool] 0
StartingSeason [int] 0
Events [bool] 1
PermaDeath [bool] 0
PrisonTransfers [bool] 0
Temperature [bool] 0
EscapePlans [bool] 1
UnlimitedFunds [bool] 1
BureaucracyResearch [bool] 1
ToolsAndCheats [bool] 1
MinUniformColour [int] 6
MedUniformColour [int] 25
MaxUniformColour [int] 26
ProtectiveUniformColour [int] 19
SuperMaxUniformColour [int] 29
DeathRowUniformColour [int] 31
InsaneUniformColour [int] 30
DataRegistry ERROR : Unsupported data type found during Write (Type 9)
END DataRegistry DUMP:
WindowManager attempting to create window at 1920x1080 fullscreen
OpenGL Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL Renderer : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL Version : 4.6.0 NVIDIA 551.76
Windows 8.1 Per-monitor DPI reported: 96 x 96
Parsing archive main.dat...
Parsing archive at path 'main.dat'
completed in 6277ms 6.28 Seconds
Parsing archive sounds.dat...
Parsing archive at path 'sounds.dat'
completed in 1325ms 1.33 Seconds
Using Native Win32 Condition Variables
There are 0 mod sub directories
Compiled with libpng libpng version 1.6.19 - November 12, 2015
(Running with version 1.6.29)
Warning: Loading a very high res image (4608x4608)
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (4608x4608), will break on
OpenGL using glGenerateMipmaps to generate mipmaps.
Loading user sprite images for path: data/sprites.png
Failed to get sprites.png for data/sprites.png
Created FrameBuffer of size 64 x 64 in 2ms
Object spritebank composite took 545ms
Warning: Loading a very high res image (2688x256)
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (2688x256), will break on
Warning: Loading a very high res image (4096x4096)
Sprite replacer reading from 'data/sprite_replacement/uniformpacks.txt'
[GOGWrapper::Init] Got an error: GalaxyRuntimeError - Could not start GalaxyService
Parsing archive collectables.dat...
Parsing archive at path 'collectables.dat'
completed in 299ms 0.30 Seconds
BiographyGenerator reading bios...
completed in 0ms 0.00 Seconds
BiographyGenerator Text read 0 Names in the Game (including 0 Faces in the game)
BiographyGenerator read 27 fornames, 235 surnames, 45 crimes
NITG Binary Read...
NITG Binary Read...
StaffBiography reading names...
completed in 0ms 0.00 Seconds
BiographyGenerator read 145 Male Names, 83 Female NamesPop
POPS_AccountLogInWithAuthToken Succeeded
Initialising SDL Audio:
Frequency: 22050
Format: 32784
Channels: 2
Samples: 512
Size of Stereo Sample: 4
SoundSystem started : 22050Hz x 64 sound channels (including 8 music channels)
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/portuguese-brazil/fullgame.txt
Loaded in 761 strings
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/portuguese-brazil/base-language.txt
Loaded in 3841 strings
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/portuguese-brazil/d11.txt
Loaded in 7524 strings
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/fullgame.txt
Loaded in 7524 strings
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/base-language.txt
Loaded in 7524 strings
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/d11.txt
Loaded in 7525 strings
Warning: Failed to load BMFont font data/fonts/verdana-bold.fnt
Warning: Failed to load BMFont font data/fonts/verdana-bold-outlined.fnt
Fonts loaded in 108ms
OpenGL Max texture Size 32768 x 32768 [192 tex units]
Multisampled Framebuffer support : yes
Supersampling support at screen res 1920 x 1080 : yes
Attempting to create standard Framebuffer
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 11ms
Standard frame buffer created
Parsing archive prisons.dat...
Parsing archive at path 'prisons.dat'
completed in 7ms 0.01 Seconds
MessageQueue AttractScreenThread (000000002284D350) running.
ERROR : Failed to load map file 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
== LOAD MAP ==
Loading map from 'data/premadeprisons/premade-jungleretreat.prison'...
[3] Error reading from file data/premadeprisons/premade-jungleretreat.prison
(current line 47553 ' Forname "Brendan ')
ERROR in Directory::ReadPlainText : Unexpected EOL reading corresponding value for
key Forname in file 'data/premadeprisons/premade-jungleretreat.prison'
Bool Data not found : EnabledWeather
Bool Data not found : EnabledCalamities
Bool Data not found : RatInfestion
Bool Data not found : DynamicReputations
Read Time 10ms
Blit Time 0ms
Create Time 147ms
Sprite Replace Time 158ms
World Initialised to size 200 x 160 cells
MaterialLibrary reading from 'data/materials.txt'
MaterialLibrary reading from 'data/materials_dlc.txt'
GangLibrary reading from 'data/gangs.txt'
ReformProgramManager reading from data/reform_programs.txt...
ReformProgramManager reading from data/reform_programs_dlc.txt...
GridRoutingSystem(0000000062621740) constructed.
Grid Navigation System initialised
GridRoutingSystem created Route Work-In-Progress and CellInfo (size 7750Kb)
EscapeMap Initialised : 2750Kb
Lightmap initialised in 0ms : 375Kb
Weathermap initialised in 0ms : 1000Kb
Danger initialised : 500Kb
Patrol System Initialised : 3000Kb
Gang System Initialised
Created FrameBuffer of size 512 x 512 in 2ms
Water System Initialised : 2750Kb
PowerSystem initialised : 1250Kb
Reading production.txt...
PolaroidSystem has 177 polaroids in the database
ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
Parsing LUA script 'data/grants.lua'
ConstructionSystem reading from 'data/prefabs.txt'
ConstructionSystem reading from 'data/prefabs_dlc.txt'
ERROR : Failed to load job file 'data/jobs.txt'
CoveragePlanManager reading from data/coverage_plans.txt...
CalamityRewardSystem reading from data/calamity_rewards.txt...
Zombie System Initialised
Tracking System Initialised
loaded providers - 3827
Discrepency reading biography - Prisoner based on NITG 119715 with face 218 / body
3 does not match NITG face 214 / body 3. Correcting.
libpng error: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Discrepency reading biography - Prisoner based on NITG 68853 with face 256 / body 0
does not match NITG face 252 / body 0. Correcting.
WorkQueue::Read ERROR : No directory found
Int Data not found : LoveLettersAvailable
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Int Data not found : floorSubType
Float Data not found : LastIntakeTime
Failed to find FastLList PlayedMessageHashes
Failed to parse Guard Investigation Data.FirstTimeBuiltObjectDir::Read ERROR :
Unknown object type 'FireSprinkler'
FirstTimeBuiltObjectDir::Read ERROR : Unknown object type 'OutdoorSprinkler'
SectorSystem check: Old sector id 1803 [index 1803] has been deleted.
SectorSystem check: Old sector id 1804 [index 1804] has been deleted.
SectorSystem check: There are 4 new sectors.
FoodSystem Recalculate took 0.2ms
Total World Load Time (w:200 h:160) 738ms
Load completed in 874ms (127ms to read file, 747ms to parse data)
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
WorldRenderer: vexCellTypes initialised in 1ms : 64000 triangles (vex,tex), 3.7
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoFOWNoColour
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoFOW
WorldRenderer: vexCell2ndLayer initialised in 1ms : 64000 triangles (vex,tex), 3.7
WorldRenderer: m_vexPaddedWalls initialised in 0ms : 32000 quads (vex,tex), 2.4
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoFOWNoTexture
WorldRenderer: vexDetails initialised in 1ms : 64000 triangles (vex,tex,col), 4.4
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : SunShadows
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000000 seconds
Created FrameBuffer of size 1024 x 1024 in 2ms
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (391x403), will break on
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (377x417), will break on
Loading page 0 of bitmap font data/fonts/catalogue.fnt.
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
Performance: Waited 0.000000 s or Update Thread to complete.
Performance: Waited 0.000000 s or Update Thread to complete.
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000001 seconds
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
Performance: Waited 0.000000 s or Update Thread to complete.
Performance: Waited 0.000001 s or Update Thread to complete.
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (1105x700), will break on
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/portuguese-brazil/changelog.txt
There are 0 mod sub directories
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 1024 x 1024
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 512 x 512
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/portuguese-brazil/fullgame.txt
Loaded in 761 strings
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/portuguese-brazil/base-language.txt
Loaded in 3841 strings
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/portuguese-brazil/d11.txt
Loaded in 7524 strings
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/fullgame.txt
Loaded in 7524 strings
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/base-language.txt
Loaded in 7524 strings
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/d11.txt
Loaded in 7525 strings
Warning: Failed to load BMFont font data/fonts/verdana-bold.fnt
==OPENGL==> [location 'Bitmap::ConvertToTexture Before Texture Creation'] error
code 0x502 (opera��o inv�lida)
Warning: Failed to load BMFont font data/fonts/verdana-bold-outlined.fnt
Fonts loaded in 99ms
libpng error: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (1000x1000), will break on
Warning: Loading a very high res image (4608x4608)
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (4608x4608), will break on
Loading user sprite images for path: data/sprites.png
Failed to get sprites.png for data/sprites.png
Created FrameBuffer of size 64 x 64 in 1ms
Object spritebank composite took 489ms
Warning: Loading a very high res image (2688x256)
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (2688x256), will break on
Warning: Loading a very high res image (4096x4096)
OpenGL Max texture Size 32768 x 32768 [192 tex units]
Multisampled Framebuffer support : yes
Supersampling support at screen res 1920 x 1080 : yes
Attempting to create standard Framebuffer
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 3ms
Standard frame buffer created
Created FrameBuffer of size 512 x 512 in 1ms
WorldRenderer: vexCellTypes initialised in 1ms : 64000 triangles (vex,tex), 3.7
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoFOWNoColour
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoFOW
WorldRenderer: vexCell2ndLayer initialised in 1ms : 64000 triangles (vex,tex), 3.7
WorldRenderer: m_vexPaddedWalls initialised in 0ms : 32000 quads (vex,tex), 2.4
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoFOWNoTexture
WorldRenderer: vexDetails initialised in 1ms : 64000 triangles (vex,tex,col), 4.4
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : SunShadows
Created FrameBuffer of size 1024 x 1024 in 2ms
Loading page 0 of bitmap font data/fonts/catalogue.fnt.
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (391x403), will break on
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (377x417), will break on
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (1105x700), will break on
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/portuguese-brazil/changelog.txt
Performance: Waited 0.000001 s or Update Thread to complete.
Performance: Waited 0.000001 s or Update Thread to complete.
Performance: Waited 0.000001 s or Update Thread to complete.
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/portuguese-brazil/eula.txt
Loading page 0 of bitmap font data/fonts/unicode.fnt.
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/portuguese-brazil/changelog.txt
libpng error: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (1105x700), will break on
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (1105x700), will break on
FoodSystem Recalculate took 0.2ms
FoodSystem Recalculate took 0.2ms
GridRoutingSystem(0000000062621740) destroyed.
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 512 x 512
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 1024 x 1024
== NEW MAP ===
==OPENGL==> [location 'Bitmap::ConvertToTexture Before Texture Creation'] error
code 0x502 (opera��o inv�lida)
Read Time 9ms
Blit Time 0ms
Create Time 161ms
Sprite Replace Time 172ms
World Initialised to size 200 x 160 cells
MaterialLibrary reading from 'data/materials.txt'
MaterialLibrary reading from 'data/materials_dlc.txt'
ReformProgramManager reading from data/reform_programs.txt...
ReformProgramManager reading from data/reform_programs_dlc.txt...
GridRoutingSystem(00000000708E2090) constructed.
Grid Navigation System initialised
GridRoutingSystem created Route Work-In-Progress and CellInfo (size 7750Kb)
EscapeMap Initialised : 11750Kb
Lightmap initialised in 0ms : 375Kb
Weathermap initialised in 0ms : 1000Kb
Danger initialised : 500Kb
Patrol System Initialised : 3000Kb
Gang System Initialised
Created FrameBuffer of size 512 x 512 in 4ms
Water System Initialised : 2750Kb
PowerSystem initialised : 1250Kb
Reading production.txt...
PolaroidSystem has 177 polaroids in the database
ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
Parsing LUA script 'data/grants.lua'
ConstructionSystem reading from 'data/prefabs.txt'
ConstructionSystem reading from 'data/prefabs_dlc.txt'
ERROR : Failed to load job file 'data/jobs.txt'
CoveragePlanManager reading from data/coverage_plans.txt...
CalamityRewardSystem reading from data/calamity_rewards.txt...
Zombie System Initialised
Tracking System Initialised
SAVED TRACKER info seen.txtGenerating new world...
Create starting world done...
MessageQueue AttractScreenThread (000000002284D350) terminated.
WorldRenderer: vexCellTypes initialised in 1ms : 64000 triangles (vex,tex), 3.7
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoFOWNoColour
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoFOW
WorldRenderer: vexCell2ndLayer initialised in 1ms : 64000 triangles (vex,tex), 3.7
WorldRenderer: m_vexPaddedWalls initialised in 0ms : 32000 quads (vex,tex), 2.4
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoFOWNoTexture
WorldRenderer: vexDetails initialised in 1ms : 64000 triangles (vex,tex,col), 4.4
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : SunShadows
Created FrameBuffer of size 1024 x 1024 in 2ms
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (359x436), will break on
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000695 seconds
SectorSystem check: There are 1 new sectors.
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.001063 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.001112 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.001164 seconds
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (738x993), will break on
libpng error: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (62x141), will break on
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.001172 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.001179 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.001331 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.001394 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.001642 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.001652 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.002175 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.002177 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.002253 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.002484 seconds
Performance: Waited 0.000001 s or Update Thread to complete.
Performance: Waited 0.000001 s or Update Thread to complete.
Job 1840 (00000000253303A0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1838 (0000000025330B80): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1845 (000000002532EF80): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1837 (000000002532EA40): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1839 (000000002532F840): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1841 (000000002532F5A0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1842 (000000002532E500): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1843 (000000002532E5E0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1844 (00000000253317C0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1846 (000000002532FA00): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1847 (00000000253302C0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1848 (000000002532E0A0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1863 (000000002532E340): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1855 (00000000253308E0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1849 (0000000025330800): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1853 (000000002532F060): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1850 (000000002532E880): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1851 (0000000025330720): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1852 (0000000025330C60): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1854 (0000000025330AA0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1856 (000000002532FE60): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1858 (00000000253316E0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1857 (000000002532F140): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1859 (00000000253309C0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1860 (000000002532F760): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1861 (000000002532EDC0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1862 (000000002532F220): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1863 (000000002532E340): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1855 (00000000253308E0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1849 (0000000025330800): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1853 (000000002532F060): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1867 (0000000025330B80): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1850 (000000002532E880): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1851 (0000000025330720): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1852 (0000000025330C60): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1875 (000000002532E500): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1854 (0000000025330AA0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1856 (000000002532FE60): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1858 (00000000253316E0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1857 (000000002532F140): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1878 (000000002532EEA0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1859 (00000000253309C0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1860 (000000002532F760): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1861 (000000002532EDC0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1873 (0000000025330D40): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1862 (000000002532F220): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1864 (000000002532EF80): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1865 (0000000025330F00): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1866 (00000000253311A0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1868 (000000002532EA40): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1869 (0000000025331440): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1876 (0000000025331520): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1870 (000000002532FA00): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1871 (000000002532E6C0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1874 (0000000025331360): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1872 (000000002532F840): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1877 (000000002532F3E0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1880 (0000000025330E20): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1881 (0000000025330FE0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1867 (0000000025330B80): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1898 (00000000253303A0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1892 (000000002532EC00): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1913 (0000000025332CC0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1875 (000000002532E500): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1878 (000000002532EEA0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1873 (0000000025330D40): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1902 (000000002532F680): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1910 (0000000025330560): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1868 (000000002532EA40): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1869 (0000000025331440): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1876 (0000000025331520): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1870 (000000002532FA00): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1896 (00000000253301E0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1871 (000000002532E6C0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1874 (0000000025331360): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1872 (000000002532F840): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1877 (000000002532F3E0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1879 (000000002532F300): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1880 (0000000025330E20): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1886 (000000002532F4C0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1881 (0000000025330FE0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1882 (000000002532F920): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1909 (0000000025330480): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1883 (000000002532FF40): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1906 (000000002532FCA0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1884 (00000000253317C0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1887 (000000002532EB20): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1885 (00000000253310C0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1888 (000000002532E960): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1889 (000000002532ECE0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1890 (000000002532FAE0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1891 (0000000025331280): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1893 (000000002532E0A0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1894 (000000002532F5A0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1895 (000000002532E180): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1897 (000000002532E260): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1899 (0000000025331600): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1900 (000000002532E7A0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1907 (000000002532FD80): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1901 (00000000253302C0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1903 (000000002532E5E0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1904 (000000002532E420): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1905 (000000002532FBC0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1908 (0000000025330100): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1911 (0000000025330640): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1914 (0000000025332860): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1863 (000000002532E340): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1855 (00000000253308E0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1849 (0000000025330800): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1853 (000000002532F060): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1867 (0000000025330B80): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1850 (000000002532E880): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1892 (000000002532EC00): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1851 (0000000025330720): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1852 (0000000025330C60): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1875 (000000002532E500): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1854 (0000000025330AA0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1856 (000000002532FE60): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1858 (00000000253316E0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1857 (000000002532F140): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1878 (000000002532EEA0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1859 (00000000253309C0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1860 (000000002532F760): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1861 (000000002532EDC0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1873 (0000000025330D40): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1862 (000000002532F220): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1864 (000000002532EF80): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1865 (0000000025330F00): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1866 (00000000253311A0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1868 (000000002532EA40): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1869 (0000000025331440): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1876 (0000000025331520): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1870 (000000002532FA00): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1896 (00000000253301E0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1871 (000000002532E6C0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1874 (0000000025331360): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1872 (000000002532F840): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1877 (000000002532F3E0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1879 (000000002532F300): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1880 (0000000025330E20): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1886 (000000002532F4C0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1881 (0000000025330FE0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1882 (000000002532F920): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1883 (000000002532FF40): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1884 (00000000253317C0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1887 (000000002532EB20): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1885 (00000000253310C0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1888 (000000002532E960): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1889 (000000002532ECE0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 1890 (000000002532FAE0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1891 (0000000025331280): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1893 (000000002532E0A0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1894 (000000002532F5A0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 1895 (000000002532E180): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Performance: Waited 0.000002 s or Update Thread to complete.
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.003637 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.004000 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.004806 seconds
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
Performance: Waited 0.000015 s or Update Thread to complete.
Job 2088 (000000007AE0BB50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2090 (000000007AE0B1B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2089 (000000007AE0B990): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2135 (0000000025E87AF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2136 (0000000025E873F0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2137 (0000000025E87CB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2138 (0000000025E83410): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2139 (0000000025E86F90): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2140 (0000000025E87230): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2141 (0000000025E87150): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2142 (0000000025E87F50): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2138 (0000000025E83410): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2139 (0000000025E86F90): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2140 (0000000025E87230): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2141 (0000000025E87150): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2142 (0000000025E87F50): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2143 (0000000025E87310): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2144 (0000000025E83170): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2210 (000000007AE0E0F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2206 (000000007AE10AF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2207 (000000007AE0F350): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2208 (000000007AE0F430): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2209 (000000007AE11110): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2211 (000000007AE0F7B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2211 (000000007AE0F7B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2228 (0000000022CE0D70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2229 (0000000022CDEDF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2230 (0000000022CDEED0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2231 (0000000022CE0BB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2232 (0000000022CE0AD0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2249 (0000000022CDF5D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2248 (0000000022CE1EF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2250 (0000000022CE0D70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2253 (0000000022CE10F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2252 (0000000022CE0E50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2251 (0000000022CE0BB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2253 (0000000022CE10F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2252 (0000000022CE0E50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2250 (0000000022CE0D70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2251 (0000000022CE0BB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2255 (0000000022CE2F90): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2256 (0000000022CE3070): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2257 (0000000022CE2B30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2258 (0000000022CE4E30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2259 (0000000022CE2270): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2260 (0000000022CE2350): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2255 (0000000022CE2F90): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2256 (0000000022CE3070): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2257 (0000000022CE2B30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2258 (0000000022CE4E30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2259 (0000000022CE2270): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2260 (0000000022CE2350): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2265 (0000000022CE0E50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2266 (0000000022CE3230): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2267 (0000000022CE3690): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2263 (0000000022CDF5D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2257 (0000000022CE2B30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2258 (0000000022CE4E30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2259 (0000000022CE2270): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2260 (0000000022CE2350): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2261 (0000000022CE1EF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2262 (0000000022CDEDF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2264 (0000000022CE0BB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2265 (0000000022CE0E50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2266 (0000000022CE3230): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2267 (0000000022CE3690): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2263 (0000000022CDF5D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2261 (0000000022CE1EF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2262 (0000000022CDEDF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2264 (0000000022CE0BB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2265 (0000000022CE0E50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2266 (0000000022CE3230): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2267 (0000000022CE3690): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2274 (0000000022CE10F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2264 (0000000022CE0BB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2265 (0000000022CE0E50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2266 (0000000022CE3230): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2267 (0000000022CE3690): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2268 (0000000022CE3CB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2269 (0000000022CE2890): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2270 (0000000022CE4C70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2271 (0000000022CE4E30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2272 (0000000022CE3770): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2273 (0000000022CE4F10): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2274 (0000000022CE10F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2273 (0000000022CE4F10): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2280 (0000000022CE2270): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2281 (0000000022CE2430): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2276 (0000000022CDF5D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2275 (0000000022CE1EF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2277 (0000000022CDEDF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2278 (0000000022CE0BB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2279 (0000000022CE0D70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2274 (0000000022CE10F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2279 (0000000022CE0D70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2280 (0000000022CE2270): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2281 (0000000022CE2430): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2284 (0000000022CE4E30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2285 (0000000022CE2B30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2286 (0000000022CE3070): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2287 (0000000022CE0E50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2288 (0000000022CDEED0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2286 (0000000022CE3070): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2287 (0000000022CE0E50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2288 (0000000022CDEED0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2293 (0000000022CE3CB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2294 (0000000022CE2270): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2295 (0000000022CE3150): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2287 (0000000022CE0E50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2288 (0000000022CDEED0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2291 (0000000022CDF5D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2292 (0000000022CE4F10): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2293 (0000000022CE3CB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2294 (0000000022CE2270): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2295 (0000000022CE3150): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2293 (0000000022CE3CB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2294 (0000000022CE2270): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2295 (0000000022CE3150): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2301 (0000000022CE10F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2299 (0000000022CE3690): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2300 (0000000022CE3770): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2302 (0000000022CE1EF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2301 (0000000022CE10F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2302 (0000000022CE1EF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2312 (0000000025E85550): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2315 (000000007AE0E010): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2313 (0000000025E83410): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2318 (000000007AE10AF0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2316 (000000007AE10A10): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2314 (000000007AE10230): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2317 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2315 (000000007AE0E010): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2318 (000000007AE10AF0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2316 (000000007AE10A10): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2317 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2319 (000000007AE0F190): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2318 (000000007AE10AF0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2316 (000000007AE10A10): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2317 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2319 (000000007AE0F190): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2319 (000000007AE0F190): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2336 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2337 (000000007AE0E0F0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2336 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2338 (000000007AE0FB30): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2339 (000000007AE0E630): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2342 (000000007AE0E010): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2344 (000000007AE0F350): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2346 (000000007AE0F510): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2360 (000000007AE0FB30): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2368 (000000007AE0F190): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2389 (0000000022763600): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2394 (0000000022763600): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2396 (0000000022763DE0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2397 (0000000022764780): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2394 (0000000022763600): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2396 (0000000022763DE0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2399 (0000000022769D40): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2397 (0000000022764780): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2401 (00000000227623A0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2403 (0000000022762480): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2394 (0000000022763600): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2396 (0000000022763DE0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2399 (0000000022769D40): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2397 (0000000022764780): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2401 (00000000227623A0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2403 (0000000022762480): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2394 (0000000022763600): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2396 (0000000022763DE0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2399 (0000000022769D40): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2397 (0000000022764780): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2401 (00000000227623A0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2403 (0000000022762480): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2401 (00000000227623A0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2403 (0000000022762480): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2404 (00000000227621E0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2405 (000000002275ED60): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2404 (00000000227621E0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2406 (000000002275FC40): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2405 (000000002275ED60): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2407 (000000007AE0FEB0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2408 (000000007AE0E0F0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2413 (000000007AE10AF0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2415 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2415 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2416 (000000007AE0FB30): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2416 (000000007AE0FB30): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2416 (000000007AE0FB30): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2418 (000000007AE11110): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2420 (000000007AE11110): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2422 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2424 (000000007AE0FCF0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2424 (000000007AE0FCF0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2425 (000000007AE0E630): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2425 (000000007AE0E630): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2425 (000000007AE0E630): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2426 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2426 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2427 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2427 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2428 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2428 (000000007AE0F0B0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2430 (000000007AE10A10): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2431 (000000007AE0E630): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2431 (000000007AE0E630): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2431 (000000007AE0E630): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2436 (00000000621F64E0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2437 (00000000621F8540): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2438 (00000000621F7660): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2439 (00000000621F7BA0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2440 (00000000621F9420): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2439 (00000000621F7BA0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2440 (00000000621F9420): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2441 (00000000621F8000): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2439 (00000000621F7BA0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2440 (00000000621F9420): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2441 (00000000621F8000): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2442 (00000000621F7D60): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2439 (00000000621F7BA0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2440 (00000000621F9420): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2441 (00000000621F8000): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2442 (00000000621F7D60): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2443 (00000000621F5EC0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2444 (00000000621F72E0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2443 (00000000621F5EC0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2444 (00000000621F72E0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2450 (00000000621F8E00): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2446 (00000000621F8A80): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2444 (00000000621F72E0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2449 (00000000621F6F60): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2445 (00000000621F5FA0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2445 (00000000621F5FA0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2449 (00000000621F6F60): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2455 (00000000621F8620): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2455 (00000000621F8620): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2455 (00000000621F8620): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2456 (00000000621F7740): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2457 (00000000621F7BA0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2458 (00000000621F8000): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2459 (00000000621F73C0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2460 (00000000621F80E0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2466 (00000000621FAF40): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2467 (00000000621FC600): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2468 (00000000621FB020): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2471 (00000000621FB100): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2469 (00000000621FA140): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2470 (00000000621F9B20): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2472 (00000000621FB2C0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2466 (00000000621FAF40): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2467 (00000000621FC600): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2468 (00000000621FB020): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2471 (00000000621FB100): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2469 (00000000621FA140): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2470 (00000000621F9B20): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2472 (00000000621FB2C0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2473 (00000000621FB480): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2466 (00000000621FAF40): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2467 (00000000621FC600): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2468 (00000000621FB020): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2471 (00000000621FB100): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2469 (00000000621FA140): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2470 (00000000621F9B20): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2472 (00000000621FB2C0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2473 (00000000621FB480): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2468 (00000000621FB020): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2471 (00000000621FB100): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2469 (00000000621FA140): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2470 (00000000621F9B20): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2474 (00000000621FDA20): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2472 (00000000621FB2C0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2473 (00000000621FB480): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2471 (00000000621FB100): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2470 (00000000621F9B20): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2474 (00000000621FDA20): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2472 (00000000621FB2C0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2473 (00000000621FB480): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2475 (00000000621FE740): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2482 (00000000621FB020): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2483 (00000000621F9B20): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
NewIntakeSystem day 1, adding 8 prisoners to the pool
Job 2640 (00000000621F9DC0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2641 (00000000621FB020): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2640 (00000000621F9DC0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2641 (00000000621FB020): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2640 (00000000621F9DC0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2641 (00000000621FB020): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2640 (00000000621F9DC0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2641 (00000000621FB020): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2642 (00000000621FB100): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2643 (00000000621FC600): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Performance: Waited 0.000050 s or Update Thread to complete.
Job 2663 (00000000797C9680): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2660 (00000000797C8EA0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2661 (00000000797CAFE0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2662 (00000000797CAD40): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2670 (00000000797C9680): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2675 (00000000797C9840): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2674 (00000000797C9BC0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2699 (00000000797C8C00): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2700 (00000000797CAD40): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2704 (00000000797CA640): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2702 (00000000797CB6E0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2703 (00000000797C9680): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2701 (00000000797C8EA0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2707 (00000000797CB7C0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2705 (00000000797CAFE0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2706 (00000000797CB1A0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2764 (00000000797CC160): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2763 (00000000797CDC80): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2765 (00000000797CC080): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2768 (00000000797CD740): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2769 (00000000797CCE80): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2771 (00000000797CC940): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2770 (00000000797CDBA0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2771 (00000000797CC940): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2780 (00000000797CC400): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2791 (00000000797CD040): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2794 (00000000797CD200): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2792 (00000000797CC940): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2793 (00000000797CAD40): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2798 (00000000797CAFE0): "Construir Parede de concreto" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 2874 (00000000797C9D80): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2875 (00000000797C9760): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2876 (00000000797CAC60): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2877 (00000000797C9E60): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2876 (00000000797CAC60): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2877 (00000000797C9E60): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2878 (00000000797C1B20): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2896 (00000000797C9D80): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2897 (00000000797C9F40): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2898 (00000000797CA1E0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2899 (00000000797CA480): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2927 (00000000797C9F40): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2924 (00000000797C9760): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2925 (00000000797CA1E0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2926 (00000000797CAC60): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2928 (00000000797C3560): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2929 (00000000797C46E0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2935 (00000000797C7540): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2932 (00000000797C1B20): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2944 (00000000797C3560): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2945 (00000000797C46E0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2949 (00000000797C6AC0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2952 (00000000797C32C0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2955 (00000000797CA1E0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2953 (00000000797C9760): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2954 (00000000797C9D80): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 2981 (000000006C055370): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2994 (000000006C052270): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2997 (000000006C053230): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2985 (000000006C055290): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2982 (000000006C052A50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2984 (000000006C0551B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2983 (000000006C052190): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2986 (000000006C052C10): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2987 (000000006C054D50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2995 (000000006C053070): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2996 (000000006C0548F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2998 (000000006C0534D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2999 (000000006C054F10): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3000 (000000006C0535B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3001 (000000006C052350): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3003 (000000006C053770): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3004 (000000006C054FF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 2998 (000000006C0534D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3003 (000000006C053770): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3004 (000000006C054FF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3007 (000000006C053930): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3005 (000000006C054650): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3006 (000000006C054110): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3007 (000000006C053930): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3008 (000000006C053CB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3009 (000000006C053D90): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3010 (000000006C054730): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3013 (000000006C052C10): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3016 (000000006C054810): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3019 (000000006C0551B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3018 (000000006C052190): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3019 (000000006C0551B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3022 (000000006C0548F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3023 (000000006C0526D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
libpng error: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng error: iCCP: profile 'ICC PROFILE': 40694405h: exceeds application limits
libpng error: iCCP: CRC error
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 110ms (43ms to serialise
world, 66ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 5ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 254ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
Job 3133 (0000000031CE98B0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3134 (0000000031CEACD0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3140 (0000000031CEB750): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3138 (0000000031CEB670): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3140 (0000000031CEB750): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3141 (0000000031CEBD70): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3142 (0000000031CEAA30): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3146 (0000000031CEB2F0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3148 (0000000031CE98B0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3150 (0000000031CEA330): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3152 (0000000031CEB210): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3147 (0000000031CEB4B0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3149 (0000000031CEB830): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3148 (0000000031CE98B0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3150 (0000000031CEA330): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3151 (0000000031CEB670): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3152 (0000000031CEB210): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3153 (0000000031CE9C30): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3154 (0000000031CE98B0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3150 (0000000031CEA330): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3151 (0000000031CEB670): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3156 (0000000031CE8D50): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3158 (0000000031CE9990): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3160 (0000000031CE98B0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3170 (0000000031CEB590): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3172 (0000000031CEB2F0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3174 (0000000031CE98B0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3171 (0000000031CE88F0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3173 (0000000031CE9370): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3184 (0000000031CE9FB0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3204 (0000000031CE9DF0): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3205 (0000000031CEB750): "Construir Demolir paredes" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 3241 (0000000031CEA5D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3238 (0000000031CE90D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3236 (0000000031CE8B90): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3239 (0000000031CEA250): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3237 (0000000031CEAA30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3260 (0000000031CE8E30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3240 (0000000031CEAE90): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3261 (0000000031CE8F10): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3242 (0000000031CEAF70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3243 (0000000031CEB130): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3269 (0000000031CED6D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3244 (0000000031CEB670): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3245 (0000000031CE9990): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3246 (0000000031CE9B50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3247 (0000000031CE9370): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3252 (0000000031CEA330): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3253 (0000000031CE9DF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3254 (0000000031CEA6B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3255 (0000000031CE8D50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3270 (0000000031CED890): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3256 (0000000031CEB830): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3257 (0000000031CEA4F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3258 (0000000031CEA790): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3259 (0000000031CEBD70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3262 (0000000031CE9290): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3241 (0000000031CEA5D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3238 (0000000031CE90D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3239 (0000000031CEA250): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3260 (0000000031CE8E30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3240 (0000000031CEAE90): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3261 (0000000031CE8F10): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3242 (0000000031CEAF70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3243 (0000000031CEB130): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3244 (0000000031CEB670): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3245 (0000000031CE9990): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3246 (0000000031CE9B50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3247 (0000000031CE9370): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3254 (0000000031CEA6B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3255 (0000000031CE8D50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3270 (0000000031CED890): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3256 (0000000031CEB830): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3257 (0000000031CEA4F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3258 (0000000031CEA790): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3259 (0000000031CEBD70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3262 (0000000031CE9290): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3276 (0000000031CF0610): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3271 (0000000031CEDC10): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3272 (0000000031CECD30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3277 (0000000031CF0990): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3273 (0000000031CECE10): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3274 (0000000031CF0370): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3275 (0000000031CF24B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3292 (0000000031CEA5D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3316 (0000000031CED5F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3284 (0000000031CEB590): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3282 (0000000031CF1A30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3317 (0000000031CF1BF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3286 (0000000031CEA090): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3288 (0000000031CEAE90): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3321 (0000000031CED6D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3299 (0000000031CEB670): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3283 (0000000031CF2750): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3320 (0000000031CEC390): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3302 (0000000031CEA330): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3322 (0000000031CED890): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3305 (0000000031CEB830): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3290 (0000000031CEBF30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3285 (0000000031CE8B90): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3287 (0000000031CE90D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3289 (0000000031CEA250): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3291 (0000000031CE89D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3298 (0000000031CEB130): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3300 (0000000031CEB750): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3301 (0000000031CE9B50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3319 (0000000031CF2130): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3303 (0000000031CEA6B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3304 (0000000031CEA4F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3307 (0000000031CE9C30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3306 (0000000031CEBC90): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3308 (0000000031CEBD70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3318 (0000000031CF2050): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3382 (0000000031CF1A30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3392 (0000000031CEA090): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3393 (0000000031CEA170): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3383 (0000000031CF0610): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3397 (0000000031CEBF30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3376 (0000000031CF54D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3377 (0000000031CF61F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3394 (0000000031CE9DF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3378 (0000000031CF62D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3380 (0000000031CF7450): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3374 (0000000031CF0990): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3375 (0000000031CF4EB0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3379 (0000000031CF9590): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3381 (0000000031CF76F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3384 (0000000031CF1330): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3395 (0000000031CEA250): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3396 (0000000031CEA5D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3398 (0000000031CEAA30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3399 (0000000031CE90D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3383 (0000000031CF0610): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3384 (0000000031CF1330): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3391 (0000000031CEB590): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3392 (0000000031CEA090): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3409 (0000000031CEAE90): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3423 (0000000031CF2750): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3393 (0000000031CEA170): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3397 (0000000031CEBF30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3422 (0000000031CF1410): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3410 (0000000031CEA6B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3394 (0000000031CE9DF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3405 (0000000031CE8F10): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3389 (0000000031CEBC90): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3388 (0000000031CEB830): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3390 (0000000031CEBD70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3395 (0000000031CEA250): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3396 (0000000031CEA5D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3398 (0000000031CEAA30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3399 (0000000031CE90D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3406 (0000000031CE9290): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3407 (0000000031CE9370): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3408 (0000000031CEA330): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3411 (0000000031CF5F50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3412 (0000000031CF7C30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3413 (0000000031CF9AD0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3414 (0000000031CF6110): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3424 (0000000031CEB670): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3425 (0000000031CEB210): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3426 (0000000031CE9B50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3427 (0000000031CF78B0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3428 (0000000031CF6FF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3429 (0000000031CFA010): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3445 (0000000031CEA090): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3455 (0000000031CE8C70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3443 (0000000031CEA170): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3437 (0000000031CEAF70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3441 (0000000031CEBC90): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3435 (0000000031CE9C30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3457 (0000000031CE8D50): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3436 (0000000031CEA4F0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3438 (0000000031CEB830): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3439 (0000000031CEA790): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3440 (0000000031CE9DF0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3442 (0000000031CEB130): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3444 (0000000031CEBD70): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3454 (0000000031CE90D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3456 (0000000031CE9290): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3460 (0000000031CF69D0): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3458 (0000000031CE8E30): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3459 (0000000031CEA330): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Job 3461 (0000000031CF7530): "Construir Laje" is marked as in progress, but there
is no performer.
Performance: Waited 0.000444 s or Update Thread to complete.
NewIntakeSystem day 2, adding 23 prisoners to the pool
Job 4127 (0000000074FDECE0): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 4128 (0000000074FDE180): "Construir Parede de perímetro" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
FoodSystem Recalculate took 0.5ms
Job 4757 (00000000750038E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4752 (0000000075003800): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4750 (0000000075006040): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4783 (0000000075008CE0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4751 (0000000075004C20): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4753 (00000000750041A0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4755 (0000000075006740): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4754 (0000000075005F60): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4756 (0000000075003560): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4758 (0000000075007380): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4765 (0000000075007B60): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4759 (0000000075009BC0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4770 (0000000075007C40): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4766 (0000000075007000): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4767 (0000000075007700): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4768 (00000000750071C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4769 (000000007500A020): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4771 (00000000750069E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4772 (0000000075008A40): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4791 (000000007500B8A0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4778 (00000000750078C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4775 (00000000750093E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4771 (00000000750069E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4772 (0000000075008A40): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4773 (00000000750077E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4774 (0000000075006AC0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4776 (0000000075008500): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4777 (0000000075006F20): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4787 (000000007500A800): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4788 (000000007500B600): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4789 (000000007500B440): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4790 (000000007500AF00): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4792 (000000007500A8E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4827 (00000000750093E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4825 (0000000075008A40): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4817 (000000007500A020): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4818 (00000000750069E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4819 (00000000750071C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4826 (00000000750085E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4828 (00000000750078C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4829 (00000000750079A0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4832 (0000000075008CE0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4848 (000000007500A100): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4856 (0000000075007380): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4827 (00000000750093E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4865 (0000000075007B60): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4861 (0000000075009BC0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4866 (0000000075009CA0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4846 (000000007500AAA0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4859 (0000000075008F80): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4857 (0000000075008340): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4838 (000000007500A3A0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4835 (000000007500B0C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4863 (000000007500A560): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4826 (00000000750085E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4828 (00000000750078C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4829 (00000000750079A0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4830 (0000000075007A80): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4831 (0000000075007D20): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4833 (000000007500B980): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4834 (000000007500B360): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4836 (000000007500A2C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4837 (000000007500A800): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4840 (000000007500AB80): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4841 (000000007500BA60): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4842 (000000007500BC20): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4843 (000000007500AF00): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4844 (000000007500A8E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4845 (000000007500A640): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4847 (000000007500AC60): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4849 (000000007500BD00): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4860 (0000000075009140): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4850 (000000007500B1A0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4851 (000000007500AE20): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4852 (000000007500A480): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4855 (00000000750070E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4858 (0000000075008DC0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4862 (000000007500B280): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4864 (000000007500B440): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4871 (0000000075007700): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4926 (0000000075006F20): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4923 (0000000075008500): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4922 (0000000075007700): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4919 (00000000750069E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4920 (0000000075006AC0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4921 (00000000750086C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4924 (0000000075008A40): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4925 (000000007500A020): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4932 (00000000750093E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4958 (0000000075007B60): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4930 (0000000075008F80): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4926 (0000000075006F20): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4923 (0000000075008500): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4936 (000000007500B7C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4922 (0000000075007700): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4920 (0000000075006AC0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4921 (00000000750086C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4935 (000000007500AAA0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4924 (0000000075008A40): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4925 (000000007500A020): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4927 (00000000750077E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4928 (0000000075008CE0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4929 (00000000750085E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4933 (000000007500B1A0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4934 (000000007500A9C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4937 (000000007500BEC0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4938 (000000007500B6E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4953 (0000000075007000): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4939 (000000007500B0C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4940 (000000007500B600): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4941 (000000007500B440): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4942 (000000007500AB80): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4943 (000000007500A100): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4944 (000000007500AC60): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4947 (000000007500AE20): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4948 (000000007500AF00): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4949 (000000007500BD00): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4950 (000000007500B520): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4951 (000000007500B980): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4952 (00000000750070E0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4954 (0000000075008DC0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4955 (00000000750071C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4956 (00000000750078C0): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4957 (0000000075007A80): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4963 (000000007500BB40): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 4964 (000000007500A800): "Construir Piso de madeira" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
NewIntakeSystem day 3, adding 18 prisoners to the pool
Job 5105 (00000000700BE1F0): "Construir Piso de concreto" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5091 (00000000700BDF50): "Construir Piso de concreto" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5089 (00000000700BB1D0): "Construir Piso de concreto" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5090 (00000000700BB630): "Construir Estrutura de construção" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 5092 (00000000700BB9B0): "Construir Piso de concreto" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5099 (00000000700BCCF0): "Construir Estrutura de construção" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 5100 (00000000700BE110): "Construir Piso de concreto" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5101 (00000000700BD310): "Construir Piso de concreto" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5102 (00000000700BC270): "Construir Piso de concreto" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5103 (00000000700BDA10): "Construir Piso de concreto" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5104 (00000000700BE650): "Construir Piso de concreto" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5106 (00000000700BBA90): "Construir Piso de concreto" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5107 (00000000700BBB70): "Construir Piso de concreto" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5661 (00000000700C7CD0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5657 (00000000700C7410): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5658 (00000000700C59D0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5659 (00000000700C7A30): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5660 (00000000700C7B10): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5662 (00000000700C68B0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5669 (00000000700C5AB0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5670 (00000000700C68B0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5671 (00000000700C5B90): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 5668 (00000000700C59D0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 6530 (0000000074D82130): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 6534 (0000000074D800D0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 6531 (0000000074D81090): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 6535 (0000000074D81E90): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 6532 (0000000074D82670): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 6536 (0000000074D7FE30): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 6533 (0000000074D81330): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 6537 (0000000074D82F30): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7222 (0000000074D8E8B0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7209 (0000000074D8F870): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7215 (0000000074D8FF70): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7192 (0000000074D909F0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7217 (0000000074D8EA70): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7190 (0000000074D8F170): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7175 (0000000074D8B190): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7162 (0000000074D8CBD0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7171 (0000000074D8AFD0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7159 (0000000074D8BF90): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7151 (0000000074D8BDD0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7188 (0000000074D902F0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7218 (0000000074D90670): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7182 (0000000074D8A1D0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7169 (0000000074D8C3F0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7147 (0000000074D8A390): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7187 (0000000074D8B6D0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7161 (0000000074D8AA90): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7158 (0000000074D8CAF0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7152 (0000000074D8B890): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7203 (0000000074D8E990): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7194 (0000000074D8F5D0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7179 (0000000074D8D570): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7221 (0000000074D8E7D0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7146 (0000000074D8C770): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7205 (0000000074D8E290): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7145 (0000000074D8C230): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7148 (0000000074D8BCF0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7219 (0000000074D8FCD0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7149 (0000000074D8BC10): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7150 (0000000074D8B7B0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7153 (0000000074D8CA10): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7154 (0000000074D8D650): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7155 (0000000074D8B970): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7156 (0000000074D8BA50): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7157 (0000000074D8B350): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7160 (0000000074D8BB30): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7163 (0000000074D8AC50): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7166 (0000000074D8AE10): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7164 (0000000074D8CE70): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7165 (0000000074D8AD30): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7167 (0000000074D8CF50): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7168 (0000000074D8CCB0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7170 (0000000074D8AEF0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7172 (0000000074D8C690): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7173 (0000000074D8B0B0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7201 (0000000074D8F090): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7174 (0000000074D8D030): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7176 (0000000074D8D3B0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7177 (0000000074D8B5F0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7178 (0000000074D8D490): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7181 (0000000074D8A0F0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7183 (0000000074D8A470): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7184 (0000000074D8A550): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7185 (0000000074D8B270): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7214 (0000000074D8F4F0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7189 (0000000074D90F30): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7186 (0000000074D8B430): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7191 (0000000074D8FB10): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7193 (0000000074D90130): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7198 (0000000074D8EB50): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7199 (0000000074D90210): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7200 (0000000074D90BB0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7202 (0000000074D90590): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7204 (0000000074D90C90): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7206 (0000000074D904B0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7207 (0000000074D91010): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7208 (0000000074D8EC30): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7216 (0000000074D90E50): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7220 (0000000074D8DAB0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Performance: Waited 0.003710 s or Update Thread to complete.
Job 7226 (0000000074D8E370): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7227 (0000000074D903D0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7215 (0000000074D8FF70): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7211 (0000000074D90750): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7217 (0000000074D8EA70): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7196 (0000000074D8EFB0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7197 (0000000074D90AD0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7218 (0000000074D90670): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7231 (0000000074D8D8F0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7203 (0000000074D8E990): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7195 (0000000074D8E6F0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7221 (0000000074D8E7D0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7205 (0000000074D8E290): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7219 (0000000074D8FCD0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7225 (0000000074D8FBF0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7228 (0000000074D8EED0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7201 (0000000074D8F090): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7214 (0000000074D8F4F0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7198 (0000000074D8EB50): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7199 (0000000074D90210): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7200 (0000000074D90BB0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7202 (0000000074D90590): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7204 (0000000074D90C90): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7206 (0000000074D904B0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7210 (0000000074D8E610): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7212 (0000000074D90D70): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7235 (0000000074D8DB90): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7213 (0000000074D90050): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7216 (0000000074D90E50): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7220 (0000000074D8DAB0): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7229 (0000000074D90830): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7230 (0000000074D8F250): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7232 (0000000074D8F330): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7233 (0000000074D8F410): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7234 (0000000074D90910): "Construir Piso de madeira preta" is marked as in
progress, but there is no performer.
Job 7961 (0000000074D85F50): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 7964 (0000000074D85690): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 7998 (0000000074D845F0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 8001 (0000000074D863B0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 8004 (0000000074D83630): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 8013 (0000000074D84430): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 8021 (0000000074D837F0): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Job 8024 (0000000074D84190): "Construir Parede branca" is marked as in progress,
but there is no performer.
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 126ms (49ms to serialise
world, 77ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 4ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 251ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.004807 seconds
NewIntakeSystem day 4, adding 20 prisoners to the pool
SAVED TRACKER info seen.txtNewIntakeSystem day 5, adding 17 prisoners to the pool
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.005389 seconds
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.1ms
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 124ms (49ms to serialise
world, 74ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 2ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 256ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.005983 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.013021 seconds
NewIntakeSystem day 6, adding 23 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 7, adding 26 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 126ms (50ms to serialise
world, 75ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 4ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 261ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 8, adding 18 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 9, adding 18 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 129ms (48ms to serialise
world, 80ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 3ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 251ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 10, adding 32 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 11, adding 23 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 127ms (53ms to serialise
world, 73ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 3ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 261ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 12, adding 20 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 13, adding 22 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 14, adding 32 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 120ms (47ms to serialise
world, 73ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 4ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 273ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 15, adding 19 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 16, adding 33 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 121ms (46ms to serialise
world, 74ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 2ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 268ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 17, adding 36 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 18, adding 26 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 120ms (46ms to serialise
world, 74ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 4ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 273ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 19, adding 29 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 20, adding 29 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 121ms (46ms to serialise
world, 74ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 2ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 266ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.035438 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.037247 seconds
NewIntakeSystem day 21, adding 29 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 22, adding 27 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 119ms (46ms to serialise
world, 73ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 2ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 266ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 23, adding 31 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 24, adding 20 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 120ms (46ms to serialise
world, 74ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 2ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 262ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 25, adding 25 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 26, adding 26 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 119ms (46ms to serialise
world, 72ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 4ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 258ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 27, adding 24 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 28, adding 24 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 119ms (46ms to serialise
world, 72ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 3ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 248ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 29, adding 37 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 30, adding 24 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 121ms (46ms to serialise
world, 75ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 3ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 246ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 31, adding 37 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 32, adding 40 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 120ms (46ms to serialise
world, 74ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 2ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 248ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 33, adding 38 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 34, adding 29 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 124ms (46ms to serialise
world, 77ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 4ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 258ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 35, adding 41 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 36, adding 32 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 123ms (49ms to serialise
world, 73ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 2ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 262ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 37, adding 25 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 38, adding 24 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 39, adding 28 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 121ms (47ms to serialise
world, 73ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 2ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 264ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 40, adding 25 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 41, adding 38 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 121ms (46ms to serialise
world, 74ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 2ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 269ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 42, adding 43 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 43, adding 40 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 120ms (46ms to serialise
world, 74ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 3ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 266ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 44, adding 26 prisoners to the pool
NewIntakeSystem day 45, adding 41 prisoners to the pool
Saving map to 'C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Architect/saves/autosave.prison-temp'...Save completed in 120ms (46ms to serialise
world, 74ms to write file)
Created FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048 in 2ms
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 2048 x 2048
Screenshot took 270ms
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\yharv\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison
Save successful!
NewIntakeSystem day 46, adding 31 prisoners to the pool

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