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Ta schools division superintendent taw Dr. Jonathan S. Dela Pena, Ta

Schools district supervisor taw Dr. Marife D. Balaba, Ta confirming officer taw
sir Gener P. Dahilan,sir, Ta maabtik daw mapangal taw ha School in Charge sir
Mark Anthony S. Saluntao, Ta tinahud taw ha guest speaker reserved officer
second lieutenant Harri H. Malo-ay, Ta mga pinalangga dai ha magnanau,GPTA
officers,mga laas,mga manahu, mga tagkinanau maayad ha masalum kanit alan!
Maayad ha pug-uma daw dayun kaw dini ta ika haunum ha graduation
ceremony dini ta ALIGODON Higaonon Tulogan Nauhanan ha sa patukudanan
din tag yanaun GRADWEYT NG K-12 Masigasig sa pangarap at matatag sa
The Graduation ceremony of Aligodon Higaonon Tulogan Nauhanan shall
now commence.
Aghangyuun ku sa alan ha humitindug alang hu entrance hu mga candidates
for graduation for the school year 2021-2022 duma hu faculty and staff and depEd
Mga sulud sa:
Mga candidates for graduation
GPTA officials pinanguluhan hi Lea S. Tumantan
Kinder to grade 6 teachers pinaguluhan hi Mark Anthony S. Saluntao
designated confirming officer taw Principal I sir Gener P. Dahilan
District supervisor taw Dr. Marife D. Balaba
Guest speaker Reserved officer second lieutenant Harri H. Malo-ay

Magpabilin hu paghitindug alang hu pugkanta hu nasudnun ha awit daw

pangaliya sundan haina hu pugkanta hu Rehiyon Dyes,MIS OR march.

Imantu sa school in chrge taw sir Mark ANTHONY S. SALUNATAO

purmal ha abrihan sa graduation ceremony dini ta Aligodon Higaonon Tulogan

Madaku ha Salamat sir Mark!

Umawun ku iman si Maricel S. Tumantan para I welcome ki hu iman ha
anlaw ha prugrama.

Madakul ha Salamat MARICEL, iman umawun ku si sir GENER P.

DAHILAN our disgnated confirming officer para basahun sa minsahi hu depEd
secretary taw LEONOR M. BRIONES pampian taw let us give him a warm

Imantu umawun ku si sir Mark Anthony S. SALUNATAO para I present sa

mga grade 6 candidates for graduation.

Madakul ha Salamat sir GENER, congratulations to our Graduates of class


The distribution of diploma shall now follow.

Aghangyuun ku si Sir GENER, Sir Mark, ate Lea,sir Harri to distribute the
the certificates to the graduates.

Manghitindug graduates.
Allow me to read the citation.(call the names)
Graduates manahik ta stage ko maumaw sa ngadan yu.
Pampain taw sa mga graduates!congratulations!

The awarding of academic honors and special awards will now take plac
aghangyuun ku isab sa mga manahu taw dini ta alubangan ha mitindug daw mulig
pugpung-ila hu mga awards.(call the names of the awardees)

Ilahan ta sa mga awardees daw sa mga laas dan hu madagungdung ha

palakpak. Congratulations

In behalf of grade 6 graduates palimanun taw si Mr. Timmy S. Senagonia

academic excellence awardee alang hu minsahi din.

Thank you Timmy.

Iman ag umawun ku sa school in charge taw sir Mark Anthony para ipakilala
kanit sa guest speaker taw.

Madakul ha Salamat sir HARRI.

We shall now award the plaque of appreciation to our guest speaker with the
citation…..madakul ha Salamat.

Hangyuun ku si Kazel H. Pinuhan ha manahik ta stage para mangulu hu

pledge of loyalty.

Iman palimanun taw sa mga nigpunga hu graduation song dan.

Madakul ha Salamat graduates! Iman sa GPTA president taw purmal ha

mugsira hu iman ha anlaw ha prugrama.

Exit na………..the recessionsl march the graduation rites of aligodon

higaonon tulogan nauhanan hereby officially concluded.thank you for joining us in
celebrating this momentous occasion.

Congartulations parents,teachers and staff!congaratulations graduates,class

of 2022! Mabuhay ang DepEd!

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