Capstone Final Reflection J

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Jessica S.

Final Capstone Project Reflection Questions June 1, 2024

1. In the process of completing your Capstone Project, what did you learn about your subject? What did
you learn about your skill set? What did you learn about yourself?

In the process of completing my Capstone Project, which centered around dance, I gained a profound
understanding of the significance of physical health, especially in the context of Physical Education. The
concept involved ensuring everyone was active by exercising beforehand and having physical and
mental preparation. Being active can reduce factors such as stress and depression and improve one’s
memory. This journey was more than just learning dancing techniques; it was also about understanding
the complex relationship between physical activity and overall well-being. This project helped me
develop several important skills, including communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. The
experience taught me important aspects of body awareness and control, proper body alignment and
posture, and understanding weight and balance. I developed coordination of movement, flexibility, range
of motion, strength, and endurance. I also improved my musicality and rhythm and learned to place my
limbs and body clearly and precisely. I used my phone to learn new dances and taught myself using
online resources, faced unexpected challenges during practice sessions, and critically reviewed my
performances to continuously improve. More importantly, I discovered a lot about myself. As someone
who was once an extreme introvert, I found myself stepping into the spotlight, doing something I never
imagined possible. This experience revealed my hidden potential and resilience, proving to me that I can
achieve goals beyond my initial self-imposed limitations. This realization has been empowering,
providing new possibilities, and creating a newfound confidence in my abilities.

2. How is your project relevant to you? How is it relevant to the school and community?

I find the concept of my project immensely helpful, as it helps build confidence, develop new skills, and
always provides room for improvement. It was a fantastic opportunity for me since I did not know where
to start, although I had the potential to improve on this journey. With my capstone, there are always
ways I could enhance my skills by practicing every day and ensuring that I do not miss trends. While
dance trends constantly evolve, body awareness and control make it easier to adapt to new movements
introduced in other dances. This project is relevant to students who are addicted to their phones, me
included, as it shows beneficial ways to use them. I realized that if students spend most of their time on
their phones, they can easily follow trends while improving their dancing abilities. This also applies to
those suffering from injuries, as there are modifications that can be implemented. I believe that our
school can take it to the next level by dedicating a dance studio for those who are enthusiastic about
dance. This could create further connections and performances, resulting in entertainment and boosting
confidence. For the community, my project serves as an example of how dance can be a powerful tool
for enhancing overall well-being. By sharing my experiences and the benefits of dance, I hope to inspire
others to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives. This can lead to a more active, healthier
community where people are more mindful of their physical and mental health.

3. What impact did your Capstone have on you?

In the beginning of my journey with dance, I usually focused on the simple aspects of styles that were
presented on TikTok. I found the dances quite easy to follow and wanted to continue that path.
However, during my Capstone, I took a different approach and decided to focus on dances that were
more challenging. I specifically focused on K-pop, which consisted of two genres, including hip-hop
and jazz. The idea was to take it to the next level and improve my dancing abilities. I even became more
interested in timing myself to see how long it would take to learn each dance. I did feel exhausted at
times, but I found myself enjoying the struggle as I knew it was worth it. I doubted my ability to do
some of the dances, but I felt that I should do them because I would never know until I tried. This
project took me through a journey filled with self-awareness as well as hopefulness, and it created a
portal of potential that I felt enthusiastic about. Watching performances and using online resources was a
wonderful way for me to connect with this concept. I learned many new things, such as the importance
of counting in dance and how it can improve one’s body control. I also read about other people’s
experiences with dance and its influence from their childhood. Choosing dance made me realize that no
matter how long it takes to do something, it is best to be enthusiastic about it because it is more
enjoyable that way. There were times when I had to do retakes when I could have just posted the videos
but being given the opportunity to be an instructor meant that everything had to be perfect, and I was
willing to go beyond that level. I wanted to reach the proficiency of the actual dancers.

4. What aspects of your project are you most proud of?

I take immense pride in several aspects of my project. I am proud of being able to create the content
independently without encountering major setbacks. This highlights my ability to plan, organize, and
execute tasks effectively, which is a valuable skill that I have developed throughout the project.
Additionally, I am immensely proud of the opportunity to have my mom teach me the Persian dance
style. This not only allowed me to learn an unfamiliar dance form but also strengthened my bond with
her as we connected over this shared experience. Moreover, witnessing my progress and improvement
throughout the project fills me with a sense of accomplishment. From perfecting contemporary dance
moves to refining my technique, seeing tangible growth has been incredibly rewarding. Another aspect I
am proud of is gaining a large audience of 17k. It is gratifying to know that my efforts have resonated
with so many people and that I have been able to share my passion for dance with a wide audience.
Receiving support from my viewers gave me motivation and boosted my confidence to continue with
my content creation. I am grateful for being given the opportunity to teach as well as for not giving up
considering each video took 6 hours to complete. I am proud of successfully managing my time and
finishing the project on schedule. Despite the challenges and demands of the project, I remained focused
and committed, ensuring that I met all deadlines and delivered a completed project of which I am proud.

5. What was a difficulty you encountered while researching your Capstone project? How were you able to
overcome those obstacles?

During my research for my Capstone project, I encountered several challenges. One of the difficulties
was finding newer sources, as some were as old as the 1960s, making it challenging to access up-to-date
information. Additionally, I encountered obstacles related to content creation, such as the constant fear
of insufficient viewership and the threat of copyright claims due to the use of music. The presence of
deadlines added pressure, necessitating quick precision of dance routines, which sometimes led to
increased exhaustion and sacrifices for better results. Concerns also arose regarding insufficient space
impeding participation in dance studios, prompting a sincere desire to reach out, inquire, and gain
insights even in limited circumstances. Furthermore, otential impediments included the ongoing struggle
with video quality and stress-inducing technical difficulties common in the content creator's world. A
complex challenge stemmed from teaching limitations, which arose not from professional expertise but
rather from a passion-driven approach. This choice elicited both praise and criticism, creating a delicate
balance in the pursuit of impactful and authentic dance tutorials. Despite these challenges, I encountered
during my Capstone, such as multiple editing errors and mispronunciations, which caused me to stray
from my initial timeline. Multiple retakes sometimes took up to four hours to complete a two-minute
video. However, by providing a script and practicing before filming, I managed to improve my time
management skills and produce more videos effectively. Additionally, I expanded my search for
resources by exploring platforms like YouTube, TikTok, utilizing search engines such as Google to gain
a better understanding of general aspects related to my project. These approaches helped me navigate
through research hurdles and content creation challenges, ensuring that I had access to relevant and
timely information while producing high-quality videos for my Capstone project. Otherwise, I remained
confident in completing my Capstone on time and delivering exceptional teachings while also improving
as a dancer. Limitations are always present and they’re crucial for being exceptional.

6. What is the one thing you would have changed about your project if you could?

In general, if I had to change my project, I would have chosen to create a cooking book highlighting
efficient recipes I have learned to highlight my skills in content creation. While I am enthusiastic about
dancing, I am equally enthusiastic about cooking and baking. The concept would not just involve
creating a cookery book but also filming the process of preparing the recipes, embracing failure as a part
of the learning process. These skills could be shared with communities to teach the importance of
independence and following instructions. It would provide me with an excellent opportunity to gain
additional skills such as adaptability, creativity, and culinary arts. Additionally, I would have explored
other dance styles such as ballet, tap dancing, and Latin. This would offer viewers a variety of options to
consider rather than just discussing them. I would have also considered attending dance studios in
person and joining a dance team. Inviting friends to join in a video could also be a wonderful way to
connect with other dancers who believe they have potential. It would have been even more interesting if
I had the resources to gather a group of people who would be willing to dance for a performance video.
Otherwise, being able to teach while creating content was a way of making my point clear and sharing
my thoughts on the importance of dance for one’s physical health, as well as the concept of utilizing
phones efficiently for useful purposes. I believe anyone is capable as long they are motivated.

7. What advice would you offer to future Capstone students to help them with their Capstone journey?

For future Capstone students, I would advise them to embrace the journey by pursuing their passions
and trusting their instincts. Throughout the process, it is essential for them to believe in their abilities
and potential, even in the face of challenges. Students should not fear the concept of this project, as it is
beneficial to their future goals once they are aware of what they are enthusiastic about. They should
embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning and always put in the hard work and
effort required. Asking lots of questions is key to gaining deeper insights into their project and
expanding their knowledge. For example, for my capstone, I called dance studios to understand their
insight into dance and how they managed to get to the level of teaching. Once students find their
passion, they should stay focused on their goals but remain open to innovative ideas and perspectives
that may arise. Even if it takes long hours of dedication, it should be engaging, as they have found their
area of interest. If they are genuinely enthusiastic, then they are on the right path. Otherwise, learning
from setbacks and using them as steppingstones to improvement is crucial to being exceptional for this
project. Lastly, students should also avoid procrastination by staying organized and managing their time
effectively. Leaving things until the last minute can be exhausting, even if they are possible to complete.
Further help is always provided by teachers, but students are responsible for the product they show. If
followed correctly, future Capstone students can navigate their journey with confidence and success.

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