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Committee: United Nations General Assembly

Country: Japan

Topic: Stabilizing Peace in the Middle East with Special Emphasis on the Iran-Israel



Japan acknowledges the critical importance of stabilizing peace in the Middle East, particularly

in light of the ongoing tensions between Iran and Israel. As a nation committed to peace,

diplomacy, and multilateralism, Japan recognizes the urgency of addressing the root causes of

conflict and fostering dialogue among all parties involved.

Japan’s Position

1. Dialogue and Diplomacy: Japan firmly believes that dialogue and diplomacy are

essential for resolving conflicts. We urge all parties, particularly Iran and Israel, to

engage in constructive dialogue facilitated by international mediators to address

grievances and build mutual trust.

2. Humanitarian Assistance: Japan remains committed to providing humanitarian

assistance to alleviate the suffering of civilians affected by conflict in the Middle East. We

call on all parties to ensure unhindered humanitarian access to those in need and to

respect international humanitarian law.

3. Role of the United Nations: Japan reaffirms its support for the United Nations as the

primary forum for multilateral diplomacy and conflict resolution. We call on the

international community to strengthen the role of the UN in facilitating peace efforts in

the Middle East, including through diplomatic initiatives and peacekeeping operations.

Conclusion:Japan stands ready to contribute to efforts aimed at stabilizing peace in the

Middle East, with a special emphasis on resolving the Iran-Israel conflict. By promoting

dialogue, adherence to international law, regional cooperation, humanitarian assistance,

and the role of the United Nations, Japan believes that sustainable peace and stability

can be achieved in the region.

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