Grade 9 Big Summative 2

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Təsdiq edirəm ___________________________ Məktəbin direktoru

İngilis-dili IX-sinif Böyük Summativ Qiymətləndirmə 2

Tarix _________ Ad,Soyad ______________________

1.Choose the correct definition of the word "rude''. (3 points)

A. More important B. Not polite C. Universal D. Very pleased E. Not different or special

2.Choose the correct synonym to the word ''to wind up''. (3 points)
A. To end B. To change completely the appearance C. To accept something new
D. To forbid something E. To find and bring back something

3.Choose the correct antonym to the word ''various". ( 3 points)

A. different B. equal C. the same D. reliable E. rapid

4.Choose the correct degree of the adjective (3 points)

He always performs… in his exam
A. good B. well C.better D.the best E. the better

5.Choose the correct conjunction. ( 4 points)

Merlin prepared her lessons very well ... she didn't get "5".
A. because B. and C. if D. so E. but

6.Choose the incorrect variant (4 points)

A. several programmes in English
B. a new job abroad
C. a good English
D. many interesting pictures
E. a few students

7.Choose the correct variant. ( 6 points )

Will you let me … if you need a thermometer.
A. knows B. to know C. knowing D. known E. know

8.Choose the correct modal verb. ( 6 points)

Bill Gate … write his first computer programme at the age of thirteen.
A. must B. can C. may D. could E. was able

9.Choose the correct preposition. ( 6 points)

Seymur was good … creating different websites.
A. in B. of C. at D. on E. from

10.Choose the correct exclamatory sentence.( 6 points)

A.What magnificent tower it is! D. How magnificent tower is it!
B.How a magnificent tower it is! E. What a magnificent tower it is!
C.What magnificent the tower is!

11.Choose the compound nouns. ( 6 points)

1. Pottery 2. Shipbuilding 3. Statesman 4. Settlement
12. Write the definite article where it is needed. ( 10 points )
1. _____English language is nearly spoken all over the world.
2. It’s my dream to visit London in the future.
3. Have you ever been to Netherlands.
4. Last year they went to Canary islands.
5. We visited lake Geneva last month.

13. Underline the correct pronouns. ( 10 points)

1.I didn’t hear something/ anything in the room, the baby’s just sleeping.
2.She needed to go somewhere/ anywhere to have a rest.
3.Everything/ Nothing will be ok, believe me, my friend.
4.Would you like something/anything to drink?
5.Mariam doesn’t want to see somebody/ anybody.

14. Underline the correct options. ( 10 points)

1.He let his son to go/ go to the party.
2.My teacher advised me to join/ joining a conversation club.
3.She wanted us to be/ be silent, as she was doing her tasks.
4.She made her daughter to clean/ clean the room.
5.I saw him to cross/ crossing the street.

15. Read the text and answer the questions. ( 20 points)

London is always full of life. There are few places that offer such a variety of sights,
entertainments, educational and business opportunities, world-famous museums and
theatres, and excellent shopping. London draws people from all over the world. Some come
to study, others to work or on holiday.
Traditionally the city is divided into several parts: the City, the Westminster, the West End
and the East End. The City of London today is the financial centre of the country and one of
the chief commercial centers of the western world. It has its own Lord Mayor, government
and police force. Here the medieval buildings stand side by side with modern steel and glass
office blocks. The territory of the City contains banks and offices of many financial

1.The passage is mainly about....

A) financial companies B) the commercial centre C) London's life D) the Westminster
E) medieval buildings

2.Which word in the passage has the meaning "to attract or interest somebody"?
A) to contain B) to offer C) to divide D) to study E) to draw

3.Which question has no answer in the passage?

How many banks are there in the City?
Which part of London is considered its financial centre?
What does London attract foreigners with?
Are there any historical buildings in London?
What can London offer to people?

4.The underlined word "It" refers to ....

A) world B) centre C) country D) the City E) the Westminster
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