SQL Important Questions

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SQL Important Questions

 Read the Employees name whose salary is Rs.10000?

 Give me employees name whose salary is greater than and
equal Rs.10000?
 Give me the Employees name whose Salary Rs.5000 and
 Give me the Employees ID whose name is Smith and Carl?
 Filter the record using having command and give the EID whose
name is Manny?
 Sort Employees ID in Descending Order.
 Sort Employees name in Descending order.
 Sort Employees name in Ascending order.
 Sort Employees ID in Descending order.
 Give me Maximum Salary from the table.
 Give me Minimum Salary from the table.
 Give me Average Salary from the table.
 Give me the SUM of all the salary.
 Count the number of employees in your company.
 Group the employees based on city and then count city wise
and print the count in ascending order.
 Count No. of cities and sort the count in ascending order.
 Group the candidates based on age.
 Convert all the employees name in Upper case.
 Convert all the employees name in Lower case.
 Give me only the First Record in the table.
 Give me First three letters from location in the table.
 Change Column Name Location to city.
 Give me output of name Which ends with m letter.
 Give me the employees name whose name consist letter m.
 Give me the name of employees that starts with letter “s”.
 Give me Name the employees which consist of three letters.
 Give me the employees which consist of five letters.
 Give me the employees which consist of three including m.
 Delete the employees whose ID is 1.
 Delete the record from employees table where employees ID
Is 101 and 102.
 Delete a record from employees table where employee name is
 Drop the table employee.
 Give me the unique city name from the table.
 Give me the Distinct salary from the employees table.
 Concat Employee name and salary and then print the output.
 Separate Employee name and salary with an underscore and
then concat the content of these column.
 Remove whitespace from left of employee name.
 Remove whitespace from Right of employee name.
 Remove whitespace from both right and left of employee
 Remove whitespace from both right and left of employee
name, Salary and then concat then separated with underscore.
 Concat employee name and salary and print the output in
descending order.
 Sort the employee’s name in ascending order.
 Update the record where employee’s name is smith to Manny.
 Update the record where employee’s name is smith to john
where Employees Id is 101 and 106.
 Update the employee id 101 to 110.
 Replace the city name Bengaluru to Lucknow in the table.
 Delete the record from the table wherever find employee name
 Delete the record whosever salary is 12000,
 Update everyone salary by rs.2000.
 Decrease everyone salary by 30000.
 Add a column to the existing table.
 Delete the column email in the table.
 Delete the column whose name is Ename.
 Find the length of each and every employee from the table.
 Give me second maximum salary.
 Give me third maximum salary.
 Give me the employee’s name who got incentive.
 Give me the employee’s name who are not married.
 Give me the Female employee’s name in the table.
 Give me the employee’s name who got incentive greater than
and equal to RS.5000.
 Give me the employee’s name who has married and got
 Give me the marital Status of the employees whose salary if
greater than RS.10000.
 Give me the Employee’s name who did not get incentives.
 Creating table in the database by query.
 Insert data in the table.
 Subtracting two tables in MySQL.
 Give me matching records from both the tables.
 Give me the matching record and display from class, location
and employee’s ID.
 Subtract two table and give me all employee’s name from the
 Give me employee’s name, employee’s ID, department,
location, attendance date and class only if record is common.
 Give me employee name, department and attendance such
that all the record are display from the table and only matching
records are display from right table.
 Give me employee name, department and attendance such
that all the record are display from the table and only matching
records are display from left table.

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