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21 20:32:07</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid></
><screenshot/><desyncdata>Exception in Sim Timeline: Exception resuming Element
(RuntimeError: ASM :: Bed_Sleep_Posture (HANDLE :: 11629)&gt;: Attempt to traverse
between two states (entry -&gt; exit) where no valid path exists! Actors
{}&#13;&#10;source_interaction = running generic_Bed_Sleep:3277 on
object_bedDouble_NoRouteUnder:0x06970db76bd63960[1]&#13;&#10;running interaction =
running death_ElderExhaustion:3271 on None (guaranteed))&#13;&#10;Traceback (most
recent call last):&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 221, in simulate&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\
Server\", line 385, in _resume&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\
Scripts\Server\postures\", line 423, in
do_transition_animation&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\
postures\", line 2387, in append_exit_to_arb&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\
Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\", line 1065, in
request&#13;&#10;RuntimeError: ASM :: Bed_Sleep_Posture (HANDLE :: 11629)&gt;:
Attempt to traverse between two states (entry -&gt; exit) where no valid path
exists! Actors {}&#13;&#10;source_interaction = running generic_Bed_Sleep:3277 on
object_bedDouble_NoRouteUnder:0x06970db76bd63960[1]running interaction = running
death_ElderExhaustion:3271 on None (guaranteed)rtim=0&#13;&#10;Client Session
Time: 39.77&#13; &#10;Num Save Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Num Load Errors: 0&#13;
&#10;Current Game State: 0x96d01090&#13; &#10;LoadingScreenActiveFlag: 1&#13;
&#10;Origin Version: 10,5,113,50894&#13; &#10;Modded: False&#13; &#10;SystemInfo:
Windows 7 6.1.7601 GPU: NVIDIA Quadro 600 nvd3dumx.dll, GUID:
D7B71E3E-4EB8-11CF-096D-38281BC2D835&#13; &#10;</desyncdata></report>

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