II PU Statistics Practical Assigments-2023 Association

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2023 - 24
Student No: College Code:

----------------------- PRE-UNIVERSITY COLLEGE

Place: Dist :

Department of Statistics
This is to certify that Kumar/Kumari _______________________________
has satisfactorily completed the course of experiment in Statistics practical
prescribed by Pre-university Board for I year / II year P.U course in the
academic year 20…. / ….

No. of Classes attended: ……………..

No. of Classes conducted: ……………

Signature of the Lecturer in –charge of the batch

Date : Head of the department

Reg .No :……………

Name of the candidate: ……………………..................................


¤UÀ¢ ¥Àr¹zÀ AssignmentUÀ¼À ¥ÀnÖ :
Sl. Page
Assignment name No.
1 Finding fertility and mortality rates. 4
2 Computation of Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s, Marshall-Edgeworth’s, 6
Dorbish-Bowley’s, Fisher’s and Kelly’s price index numbers.
3 Verification of TRT and FRT. Calculation of cost of living index 7
numbers for a specified class of consumers.
4 Finding trend values to the time series data by moving averages 9
and least squares method.
5 Interpolation and Extrapolation of missing values by Binomial 11
expansion & Newton’s method.
6 Finding probability using binomial, Poisson and hyper-geometric 12
7 Determination of probability using the area under the standard 14
normal curve.
8 Testing of hypothesis for population mean, equality of 15
population means, population proportion and equality of
population proportions (large samples)
9 Testing of hypothesis for population mean and equality of 18
population means for small samples. Chi-square test for
variance, independence of attributes and goodness of fit.
10 Construction of control limits for ̅, R, np and C-charts. 20
11 Finding the solution to L.P.P. by graphical method. Obtaining 21
initial transportation cost by MMM and NWCR method.
12 Getting optimal strategies of a game, replacement period of 25
equipment and inventory solutions.
«.¸ÀÆ.: Record book certificate ªÀÄvÀÄÛ Practical AssignmentUÀ½UÉ gÁdå ªÀÄlÖzÀ ¸ÀASÁå±Á¸ÀÛç

1. PÀ¤µÀ× 10 Assignment UÀ¼À Record book §gÀªÀtÂUÉUÉ : 5 CAPÀ
2. §gÉzÀÄ ¸À°è¹zÀ Assignment UÀ¼À°è MAzÀ£ÀÄß ¥Àæ¸ÀÄÛvÀ¥Àr¸ÀĪÀÅzÀÄ : 3 CAPÀ
3. Viva-voce : 2 CAPÀ


ASSIGNMENT-1: Finding fertility and mortality rates.
1. Calculate CBR and GFR for the following data.
Age-group Male Population Female Population Live births
0 - 14 11,000 10,000 -
15 - 19 9,000 8,000 320
20 - 24 12,000 11,000 660
25 - 29 16,000 15,000 1,200
30 - 34 21,000 20,000 2,000
35 - 39 15,000 15,000 1,140
40 - 44 7,000 6,000 240
45 - 49 4,000 5,000 40
50& above 6,000 9,000 -
(CBR : 28, GFR : 70)
2. From the data given below, calculate TFR.
Age-group Female Population Live births
15 - 19 8,000 320
20 - 24 11,000 660
25 - 29 15,000 1,200
30 - 34 20,000 2,000
35 - 39 15,000 1,140
40 - 44 6,000 240
45 - 49 5,000 40
(TFR : 2020)
3. Find GRR, for the following data.
Age-group Female Population Female births
15 - 19 8,000 160
20 - 24 11,000 330
25 - 29 15,000 570
30 - 34 20,000 800
35 - 39 15,000 600
40 - 44 6,000 150
45 - 49 5,000 30
(GRR : 995)
4. Compute the GRR & NRR for the following data and comment on the
Age-group Female Population Female births Survival ratio
15 - 19 16000 480 0.91
20 - 24 14500 812 0.90
25 - 29 13000 650 0.90
30 - 34 11500 460 0.88
35 - 39 10000 300 0.87
40 - 44 8700 87 0.86
45 - 49 7500 30 0.85
(GRR : 1100, NRR : 980, Comment : Population is decreasing.)


5. Calculate the STDRs for Locality A and Locality B, from the following data
and state which locality is healthier.
Age-group Locality - A Locality - B Standard
(in years) Population Deaths Population Deaths Population
0 – 10 6,000 60 7,000 84 4,000
10 – 20 10,000 80 15,000 90 16,000
20 – 60 20,000 240 25,000 250 18,000
60 & above 4,000 120 3,000 120 2,000
(STDRA : 11.1, STDRB : 10.1, Comment : Locality B is healthier.)
6. Calculate CDRs and STDRs for both Localities, from the following data
and comment.
Age-group Locality - A Locality - B(Standard)
(in years) Population Deaths Population Deaths
0 – 10 6,000 60 7,000 84
10 – 20 10,000 80 15,000 90
20 – 60 20,000 240 25,000 250
60 & above 4,000 120 3,000 120
(CDRA : 12.5, STDRA : 11.6, CDRB = 10.88 = STDRB, Locality B is
7. Calculate CDR and STDR for the following data.
Age-group (in years) Population Death rates Standard Population
0 – 10 6,000 10 4,000
10 – 20 10,000 8 16,000
20 – 60 20,000 12 18,000
60 & above 4,000 30 2,000
(CDR : 12.5, STDR : 11.1)
8. In a place 10,000 births occurred in a year. The number of infant deaths
and neo-natal deaths are 450 and 270 respectively. The number of
mothers died due to child births is 90. Find IMR, NMR and MMR.
(IMR : 45, NMR : 27, MMR : 9)


ASSIGNMENT-2: Computation of Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s, Marshall-
Edgeworth’s, Dorbish-Bowley’s, Fisher’s and Kelly’s price index numbers.
1. Calculate the price index number by using appropriate/preferable average
for the following data.
Prices (Rs.)
Base Year Current Year
A 20 25
B 25 30
C 30 25
D 10 08 Ans: 100
2. Calculate the Kelly’s price index number and write your conclusion.
Prices (Rs.)
Items Quantity
2015 2020
A 06 15 08
B 25 30 04
C 25 20 06
D 06 10 05 Ans: 125
3. Construct Laspeyer’s, Paasche’s and Dorbish-Bowley’s price index
numbers for the following data.
Base Year Current Year
Prices (Rs.) Quantity Prices (Rs.) Quantity
A 10 5 12 4
B 15 8 18 7
C 6 3 4 5
D 3 4 3 5
(Ans: 114, 110, 112)
4. Construct Laspeyer’s, Paasche’s and Fisher’s price index numbers for the
following data.
Prices (Rs.) Quantity
Base Year Current Year Base Year Current Year
A 10 12 5 4
B 15 18 8 7
C 6 4 3 5
D 3 3 4 5
(Ans: 114, 110, 111.98)
5. Calculate Dorbish-Bowley and Marshall-Edgeworth price index numbers
for the following data:
Prices (Rs.) Quantity
2005 2010 2005 2010
A 10 12 5 7
B 20 21 6 9
C 5 6 2 5
D 8 8 5 6
(Ans: 108.43, 108.47)


6. Construct Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s Marshall-Edgeworth’s, Dorbish-Bowley’s
and Fisher’s price index numbers.
Base Year Current Year
Prices (Rs.) Quantity Prices (Rs.) Quantity
A 10 40 15 45
B 12 20 10 25
C 15 30 20 30
D 13 50 18 45
E 11 10 14 20
(Ans: 131.89, 130.42, 131.13, 131.16, 131.15)
7. Calculate Laspeyre’s quantity index number for the following data.
2020 2023
Prices (Rs.) Quantity Quantity
A 10 08 05
B 20 16 10
C 30 20 15
D 40 25 30
(Ans: 95)
8. Calculate suitable index number for the following data.
Current year Quantity
price Base year Current year
A 30 6 10
B 45 10 15
C 10 7 9
D 25 20 15
(Ans : 120)
ASSIGNMENT-3: Verification of TRT and FRT. Calculation of cost
of living index numbers for a specified class of consumers.
9. Test whether Fisher’s index number satisfies ‘Time Reversal Test’ and
‘Factor Reversal Test’ for the following data,.
2020 2021
Prices (Rs.) Quantity Prices (Rs.) Quantity
A 7 70 9 99
B 9 81 11 110
C 15 225 20 110
D 20 300 25 350
10. Calculate Marshall- Edgeworth price index number for the following data.
Show that it satisfies time reversal test.
Price (Rs.) Quantity
2010 2012 2010 2012
A 25 30 10 5
B 10 20 2 1
C 16 24 8 4
D 40 30 5 2
(Ans: 114.94)


11. Verify from the following data that:
a) Marshall-Edgeworth’s index number satisfies TRT
b) Fisher’s index number satisfies FRT.
2010 2015
Price(Rs.) Quantity Price (Rs.) Quantity
A 6 50 10 56
B 2 100 2 120
C 4 60 6 60
D 10 30 12 24
E 8 40 12 36
12. Compute the cost of living index number for the data given below.
Prices (Rs.)
Items Weight
Base year Current year
A 100 125 50
B 45 135 5
C 50 200 10
D 20 75 10
E 40 40 15
F 50 300 10
(Ans: 230)
13. Calculate cost of living index number for the following data:
Prices (Rs.)
Items Weight
2012 2018
Food 5000 6000 40
Clothing 2500 3500 25
Housing 3000 3300 15
Fuel 1000 1500 10
Others 1600 2000 10
(Ans: 127)
14. Calculate cost of living index number for the following data:
Items Food Clothing House Rent Fuel Miscellaneous
Budget 30% 10% 20% 15% 25%
Prices in 2010 (Rs.) 2000 600 1800 600 1250
Prices in 2015 (Rs.) 2500 900 2160 780 1750
(Ans: 131)


ASSIGNMENT-4: Finding trend values to the time series data
by moving averages and least squares method.
1. Calculate the trend values by finding three yearly moving averages.
Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Sales (in thousand Rs.) 120 104 130 126 145 131 132
(118, 120, 133.67, 134, 136)
2. Estimate the trend values using the data given below by taking four yearly
moving averages:
Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Value 12 25 39 54 70 87 105 100 82
(39.75, 54.75, 70.75, 84.75, 92)
3. Find 5 yearly moving averages for the following time series.
Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Value 10 15 18 21 25 30 33 40 50
(17.8 21.8 25.4 29.8 35.6)
4. Calculate trend values by four yearly moving averages for the following
Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Sales 84 60 40 52 48 56 60 80 92
(54.5, 49.5, 51.5, 57.5, 66.5)
5. Fit an equation of the type Y = a + bx to the following data and estimate
the value for the year 2024. Obtain trend values.
Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Values 30 50 80 110 170
(a = 88, b = 34, y2024 = 224 Trend Values: 20, 54, 88, 122, 156)
6. For the following data:
a) Fit a straight line trend of the type y = a + bx.
b) Obtain trend values
c) Estimate the profit for the year 2022.
Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Profit (‘000s) 80 100 120 130 150 167
(a = 124.5, b = 8.5, y2022 = 184 Trend Values : 82, 99, 116, 133, 150, 167)
7. Below are given the figures of production (in thousand quintals) of a sugar
Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Production (in ‘000 qtls) 80 90 92 83 94 99 92
a) Fit a straight line trend to these figures.
b) Estimate the production for the year 2023.
c) Compute the trend values.
(a = 90, b = 2, y2023 = 98 Trend Values: 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 )


8. Fit a parabolic trend equation of the form y = a + bx + cx2 to the following
data regarding profits and estimate the profit for the year 2022.
Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Profit (in Rs. ‘000’) 15 11 10 11 13
(a = 10, b = - 0.4, c = 1, ̂ = a + bx + cx2 = 10 - 0.4x + x2, y2022 = 17.8)
9. Fit a second degree equation of the form y = a + bx + cx2 to the following
data and estimate the value for the year 2023.
Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Value 14 18 22 27 34 44 58
(a = 27, b = 7, c = 1, y2023 = 71)
10. Fit an exponential trend curve Y = abx to the following data. Estimate the
population for the year 2021.
Census years 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
Population (in lakhs) 10 13 17 23 30
(log a = 1.2366 log b = 0.1202 y2021 = 39.56)
11. Fit an exponential trend curve Y = abx to the following data. Estimate the
value for the year 2021.
Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Value 15 28 42 56 72 90
(log a = 1.6344 log b = 0.0749 y2021 = 144.1)



ASSIGNMENT-5: Interpolation and Extrapolation of
missing values by Binomial expansion & Newton’s method.
1. Interpolate and extrapolate the production for the year 2006 and 2010
with the help of the following table.
Year 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
Production (tons) 10 11 13 - 18 -
(15.5, 20)
2. Following is data regarding annual net life insurance premium. Using
binomial expansion method estimate the premium at the age 30 and 45
Age (in Years) 20 25 30 35 40 45
Premium (in Rs.) 1426 1581 - 1996 2256 -
(1771, 2551)
3. Interpolate and extrapolate the profit for the years 2014 and 2017 from
the following data.
Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Profit (’000 Rs.) 80 140 180 ? 240 300 ?
(208, 420)
4. The following table shows the expectation of life at different ages.
Interpolate the expectation of life in years at the age 15 years.
Age (in Years) 10 20 30 40
Expectation of life (in years) 50 42 33 22
(46.0625 46)
5. Following is data regarding annual net life insurance premium. Using Newton’s
advancing difference method estimate the premium at the age of 26 years.
Age (in Years) 20 25 30 35 40
Premium (in Rs.) 1426 1581 1771 2016 2336
(1670.375 1670.40)


ASSIGNMENT-6: Finding probability using binomial, Poisson
and hyper-geometric distributions.
1. In a college, 60% of the students are boys. In a random sample of 6
students, find the probability of getting i) three boys ii) at least one boy.
(0.2765, 0.9959)
2. An unbiased coin is tossed 5 times. Find the probability that the tosses
result in i) 2 heads ii) at least one head.
(0.3125, 0.9688)
3. The probability that a team winning the game is 3/5. If this team
participates in 6 games, then find the probability that it wins in i) all the
games ii) more than one game. (0.0467, 0.9590)
4. In an office 40% of the employees are female. In a random sample of 5
employees, find the probability that there are i) no females ii) females only.
(0.0778, 0.0102)
5. In a certain school 40% of the students have opted for first language
Kannada. Assuming 20 teachers take a sample of 5 students each, how
many teachers will report that i) 3 students ii) no student opted for first
language Kannada.
(0.2304, 4.608 5, 0.07776, 1.554 2)
6. Four unbiased coins are tossed 128 times. Calculate the expected
frequencies for the number of heads obtained.
(8 32 48 32 8)
7. Five fair coins are tossed 128 times. Write down the theoretical frequency
distribution of number of heads.
(4 20 40 40 20 4)
8. Fit a binomial distribution, for the following data.
X 0 1 2 3
f 9 26 41 24
(p = 0.6 T(x) : 6, 29, 43, 22)
9. Fit a binomial distribution, for the following data,.
Number of heads 0 1 2 3 4
Number of tosses 20 110 150 90 30
(p = 0.5 T(x) : 25, 100, 150, 100, 25)
1. On an average a telephone operator receives three telephone calls per
minute. Find the probability that in a particular minute she i) does not
receive any call ii) receives more than 2 calls.
(0.0498, 0.5767)
2. 2% of the articles manufactured by a firm are found to be defectives. Find
the probability that a box of 40 articles contains i) exactly 3 ii) 2 or more
defective articles.
(0.0383, 0.1913)
3. In a text book, on an average 0.3 mistakes per page is found. If there are
500 pages in that text book, in how many pages will there be i) no
mistakes ii) at least one mistake?
(370.41 370, 129.6 130)


4. On an average the number of defective items in a box is 2. If there are 100
such boxes, in how many of them would you expect at least two defective
(0.5941, 59.41 59)
5. In a certain factory turning out optical lenses there is a small chance
for any one lens to be defective. The lenses are supplied in packets of 10.
Use Poisson distribution to calculate the approximate number of packets
containing one defective lens in a consignment of 20,000 packets.
(0.0196, 392.08 392 )
6. The probability that a knife manufactured by a firm is defective is .
Knives are supplied in boxes of 10 each. In a lot of 1000 boxes, how many
boxes contain at least one defective knife?
(0.1813, 181.3 181)
7. Fit a Poisson distribution, for the following data.
Number of mistakes per page 0 1 2 3 4 and more
Number of pages 20 45 30 5 0
( = 1.2, T(x) : 30 36 22 9 3)
8. Fit a Poisson distribution, for the following data,.
Value 0 1 2 3 4 and above
Frequency 68 37 10 5 0
( = 0.6, T(x) : 66 40 12 2 0)
1. There are 14 fruits in a basket. Out of which 8 are mangoes and rest are
oranges. A girl picks 5 fruits at random from the basket. Find the
probability that she gets 3 mangoes. (0.4196)
2. There are 10 marbles in a box, out of which 6 are red coloured and the
rest white coloured. A child picks 3 marbles at random. Find the
probability that the child gets 2 red coloured marbles. (0.5)
3. In a hyper geometric distribution, a = 6 , b = 7 and n = 4. Find the mean
and p[ X=1 ] (1.8462, 0.2937)
4. There are 10 fruits in a basket, out of which 4 are mangoes and rest are
oranges. A girl picks 3 fruits at random from the basket. Find the
probability that she gets two mangoes. Also find the mean of number of
mangoes. (0.3, 1.2)
5. If a = 4 and b = 6 and n = 5, find the mean and variance of hyper-
geometric distribution. (2, 0.6667)
6. There are 15 students. Among them 10 are girls. A computer training
centre in the city offers free computer training to 4 randomly selected
students. Write down the p.m.f. of number of girls selected for computer
training. Also find variance. (0.6984)
7. A basket has 12 mangoes, out of which 7 mangoes are ripe. 3 mangoes
are randomly selected. Find
i) the expected number of ripe mangoes among the picked ones.
ii) the probability that all the picked mangoes are ripe.
(1.75, 0.1591)
8. Given a = 4, b = 6 and n = 4, find the mean and S.D. of hyper–geometric
distribution. (1.6, 0.8)


ASSIGNMENT-7: Determination of probability using the area
under the standard normal curve.
1. X is a normal variate with parameters μ = 50 and σ = 4. Find i) P[X < 48]
ii) P[46 < X < 56]
(0.3085, 0.7745)
2. X is a normal variate with mean 64 and S.D. 12. Determine i) P [ X ≥ 67]
ii) P[ 60 ≤ X ≤ 66]
(0.4013, 0.1968)
3. Weights of students of a college are normally distributed with mean 45 kg
and S.D. 5 kg. Find the probability that a randomly selected student has
weight i) greater than 50kg ii) less than 42kg.
(0.1587, 0.2743)
4. The heights of soldiers are found to be normally distributed with mean
170cm and S.D. 2cm. Find the probability of soldiers whose height a)
above 173cm b) between 166cm and 173cm.
(0.0668, 0.9104)
5. The marks scored by the students of a class follow normal distribution
with mean 80 and S.D. 5. Find the probability that a student selected at
random from the class scored i) more than 90 marks ii) between 70 and
85 marks.
(0.0228, 0.8185)
6. The weights of 1000 students are normally distributed with mean 50 kg
and standard deviation 5 kg. Find the number of students with weight
i) below 40 kg ii) between 40 and 55 kg.
(22.8 23, 818.5 819)
7. The weights of 1000 Punjabi youths are normally distributed with mean
50 kg and S.D. 5 kg. Find the number of Punjabi youths with weight
between 45kg and 55 kg.
(0.6826, 682.6 683)
8. Daily wages of 60 workers are normally distributed with mean Rs.500 and
standard deviation Rs.40. Find the number of workers getting wages
i) more than Rs. 530 ii) between Rs. 380 and Rs. 460.
(13.59 14, 9.444 9)
9. Height of a group of candidates who attended the army selection camp is
normally distributed with mean 170cm and S.D. 3.9cm. Minimum eligible
height for army selection is 175cm. Show that 10% of the above group is
10. The daily wages of workers are normally distributed with mean Rs.500
and S.D. Rs.50. i) Find the probability of workers whose daily wages will
be between Rs. 400 and Rs. 600 ii) Show that only 10% of workers have
daily wages more than Rs. 564.
(477.2 477, 10.03 10%)


ASSIGNMENT-8: Testing of hypothesis for population mean,
equality of population means, population proportion and equality of
population proportions (large samples)
1. A machine is designed so as to fill cans with mean 100 ml. of oil. A sample
of 36 cans when measured had a mean content of 98 ml. with S.D. of 5
ml. Test at 5% level of significance whether the machine is functioning
properly. (Zcal = -2.4 Reject H0)
2. On 60 different days the number of passengers in a bus was noted. The
mean & S.D. of the number of passengers was found to be 41 and 3
respectively. At 5% level of significance, test the hypothesis that the mean
number of passengers in the bus is more than 40.
(Zcal = 2.58 Reject H0)
3. A sample of 100 students is found to have average height 159 cm. Test at
1% level of significance that the sample is drawn from a large population
with mean height less than 160 cm and standard deviation 5 cm.
(Zcal = - 2, Accept H0)
4. It is known that the I.Q. of boys has an S.D. 10 and that of girls has an
S.D. 8. The mean I.Q. of 300 randomly selected boys is found to be 90 and
that of 200 randomly selected girls is found to be 88. Test at 1% level of
significance that there is any significant difference between the I.Q. of
boys and girls.
(Zcal = 2.475 Accept H0)
5. Test whether mean of I population is more than mean of II population,
from the following data. (Use α=5%)
I sample II sample
Size 400 200
Mean 68.5 67.2
S.D. 8 6
(Zcal = 2.23 Reject H0)
6. Test whether mean height of girls less than mean height of boys, from the
following data. (5% L.O.S)
Girls Boys
Mean height 160 cm 162 cm
Variance 16 cm 2 25 cm2
Sample size 100 150
(Zcal = -2.79 Reject H0)
7. From a large consignment of mangoes, a random sample of 50 mangoes
was examined and among them four were found to be bad. Test whether it
is reasonable to assume that 10% of mangoes were bad.
(Zcal = -0.472 Accept H0)


8. A coin is tossed 1000 times and head turns up 550 times. Can we
conclude at 5% level of significance that the coin is unbiased?
(Zcal = 3.165 Reject H0)
9. In an election, the leaders of a party contend that they would secure more
than 40% votes. A pre-poll survey of 500 voters revealed that the
percentage is 46. Test whether the survey supports leaders claim?
(Zcal = 2.74 Reject H0)
10. A manufacturer claims that less than 2% of his products are defective. A
retailer buys a batch of 250 articles from the manufacturer and finds that
13 are defectives. Test at 1% level of significance that whether the
manufacturer’s claim is justifiable. (Zcal = 3.616 Reject H0)
11. 38 students passed among 45 randomly selected students of a college.
42 students passed among 55 randomly selected students of another
college. Test at 5% L.O.S. that passing proportion is same in both colleges.
(Zcal = 1.0062 Accept H0)
12. Test whether there is any significant difference in the population
proportion at 5% level of significance for the following data:
Size Proportion
Sample I 100 0.02
Sample II 200 0.01
(Zcal = 0.7143 Accept H0)
13. Test whether the proportion of I population is less than the II population?
Size Proportion
Sample I 1000 0.01
Sample II 1200 0.02
(Zcal = -1.896 Reject H0)
1. A specified brand of automobile tyre is known to have average life of
10,000 km. A random sample of 26 tyres, when tested resulted in the
average life of 9,800 km with a S.D. of 500 km. At 1% level of significance
what is your conclusion regarding average life of tyres? (tcal =-2 Accept H0)
2. It is required to test whether those who practise Yoga have average blood
sugar less than 120. A sample consisting of 17 persons who practise Yoga
is observed. If their mean blood sugar is 114 and S.D. is 8, what would
you conclude? (Test at 5% L.O.S.) (tcal = - 3 Reject H0)
3. In five different years, the mean and S.D. of rainfall at a place are 184cm
and 4cm respectively. Can we conclude at 5% level of significance that the
average rain fall at the place is more than 180cm? (tcal = 2 Reject H0)
4. Test if there is any significant difference between mean marks of a student
in two subjects from the following data?
Statistics Accountancy
Mean marks 84 80
Sample variance 10 08
Sample size 12 10
(tcal = 2.954 Reject H0)


5. Mean and S.D. of heights of two localities regarding persons gave the
following results:
Sample Locality - A Locality -B
Size 12 8
Mean (cm) 175.3 177.7
S.D.(cm) 4.2 3.7
Can we conclude at 5% level of significance that the population of a
Locality–A on an average are shorter than Locality–B?
(tcal = -1.245 Accept H0)
6. Following is the data regarding weights of randomly selected boys and
girls of P.U.C. classes, test whether P.U.C. boys are taller than P.U.C girls.
(Use at 5% L.O.S.)
Boys Girls
Sample size 10 12
Mean weight 71 69
Variance 3 2
(tcal = 2.84 Reject H0)
7. Following is the data regarding five students administered for an I.Q. test
before and after treatment of Yoga:
IQ before 118 120 116 115 125
IQ after 125 118 125 120 130
Is treatment effective? (use 5% level of significance)
(tcal = -2.588 Reject H0)
8. I.Q. of 5 students before and after training is given below. Test whether
training is effective. (Use 5% L.O.S.)
Student 1 2 3 4 5
I.Q. before training 100 120 122 130 125
I.Q. after training 110 118 125 135 120
(tcal = -0.835 Accept H0)
9. The following data represents the B.P. of 6 persons before and after
performing dhyana.
Persons A B C D E F
B.P. Before Dhyana 92 95 100 90 98 99
B.P. After Dhyana 86 90 96 88 100 96
Can we conclude at 1% L.O.S. that Dhyana reduces B.P.?
(tcal = 2.597 Accept H0)


ASSIGNMENT-9: Testing of hypothesis for population mean
and equality of population means for small samples. Chi-square
test for variance, independence of attributes and goodness of fit.
1. A normal variate has variance 8. Twenty sample observations of the
variate have variance 9. Test at 1% level of significance whether the
population variance is 8. ( χ2cal = 22.5 Accept H0)
2. Variance of 10 observations drawn from a population is 30. Can we
conclude that population variance is less than 45? (Use 5% level of
significance) (χ2cal = 6.67 Accept H0)
3. A milk filling machine fills sachets with milk. The contention is that
standard deviation of quantity of milk filled is more than 3 ml. To test this
24 sachets are randomly selected and their contents noted. If the
standard deviation of these observations is 3.8 ml, what is your
conclusion? (α = 5%) (χ2cal = 38.51 Reject H0)
4. Following are the points scored by five students in a competition: 1, 13,
9, 5, 7. Test at 5% level of significance that the population variance is
more than 15 (χ2cal = 5.33 Accept H0)
5. 77 accidents that have occurred in a city in a week are given below:
Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Accidents 8 10 11 13 14 6 15
Test at 5% level of significance that the accidents occur uniformly
throughout the week. (χ2cal = 5.8181 χ2(6) = 12.59 Accept H0)
6. In 120 throws of a single die, the following distribution of faces were
Faces 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 30 25 18 10 22 15
Test at 5% level of significance that die is unbiased.
(χ2cal = 12.9 χ2(5) = 11.07 Reject H0)
7. Binomial distribution is fitted to an observed data when four coins are
tossed 400 times. The number of heads obtained are given below:
Number of heads 0 1 2 3 4
Oi 20 110 150 90 30
Ei 25 100 150 100 25
Test whether coins are unbiased. Use 1% level of significance.
(χ2cal = 4, χ2(4) = 13.28, Accept H0)
8. Binomial distribution is fitted to an observed data after estimating p, the
following data is obtained.
Oi 9 26 41 24
Ei 6 29 43 22
Test whether B.D. is good fit. Use 5% level of significance.
(χ2cal = 2.08, χ2(2) = 5.99, Accept H0)


9. Poisson distribution is fitted to an observed data after estimating mean,
the following data is obtained:
Oi 68 37 10 5
Ei 66 40 12 2
Test whether P.D. is good fit. Use 5% level of significance.
(χ2cal = 0.3570, χ2(1) = 3.84, Accept H0)
10. Fit a Poisson distribution and test whether it is a good fit for the following
data. Test at 1% level of significance.
Number of mistakes per page 0 1 2 3 4 and more
Number of pages 20 45 30 5 0
(λ = 1.2, T(x): 30 36 22 9 3, χ2cal = 12.58, χ2(2) = 9.21, Reject
11. Test whether results and locality of the students are independent from the
following 2 × 2 contingency table. (Use 5% L.O.S.)
Rural Urban
Result Pass 10 15
Fail 15 10
(χ2cal = 2 Accept H0)
12. Following is data regarding eye-colour of fathers and their sons. Test
whether father’s eye-colour and son’s eye-colour are independent. (α = 1%)
Son’s eye-colour
Light Dark
Father’s Light 35 25
Eye-colour Dark 15 25
(χ cal = 4.17 Accept H0)

13. To test the effectiveness of inoculation against Cholera the following table
was obtained:
Attacked Not Attacked
Inoculated 14 36
Not Inoculated 06 24
Test at 5% level of significance whether inoculation and affect of Cholera
are independent.
(χ2cal = 0.64 Accept H0)
14. A driving school examined the result of 90 men and 110 women who were
taking their driving test for the first time gave the following results.
Men Women
Result Pass 50 50
Fail 40 60
Use Chi-square test at 1% level of significance to see whether there is any
relationship between the sex of a candidate and the ability to pass the
first time. (χ2cal = 2.02 Accept H0)


ASSIGNMENT-10: Construction of control limits for ̅, R, np and C-charts
1. Following table gives mean ( ̅ and Range (R) of samples of size 5 each.
Sub group number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mean (̅ 52 49 53 48 51 47
Range (R) 9 11 10 12 8 10
Find the control limits for drawing ̅ - chart.
(CL = 50, LCL = 44.23 UCL = 55.77)
2. The ranges of the 6 subgroups of size 4 each are 2, 9, 5, 3, 7 and 4. Find
the control limits for R-chart.
(CL = 5 LCL = 0 UCL = 11.41)
3. Calculate control limits for R-chart for the following data. (Given D4
Sub group number 1 2 3 4 5
Range (R) 9 11 10 12 8
(CL = 10, LCL = 0 UCL = 21.15)
4. If P' = 0.02 and n = 25, calculate control limits for np–chart.
[CL = 0.5 LCL = -1.6 (take 0) UCL = 2.6]
5. Ten samples of 100 each of P.V.C. pipes manufactured by a firm are
inspected for the number of defectives. The numbers of defective pipes are
noted as below:
2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6.
Calculate control limits for np-chart.
[CL = 2.9 LCL = -2.134 (take 0) UCL = 7.934]
6. A company manufactures flooring tiles. Samples of 100 tiles are drawn at
regular intervals. The number of defective tiles is given below.
Sample number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
No. of defective tiles 2 3 1 0 4 2 4 2 6 5 4 5
Find suitable control limits for the above data.
[CL = 3.17 LCL = -2.086 (take 0) UCL = 8.426]
7. In a Printing industry, at regular intervals, cloth is inspected for defects in
printing. If on an average 0.6 defects are expected per square metre,
obtain suitable control limits.
[CL = 0.6 LCL = -1.725 (take 0) UCL = 2.925]
8. Twenty pieces of cloth out of different rolls contained respectively:
1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6, 7, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 6, 4, 5, 2, 1, 3, 8 imperfections.
Calculate control limits for suitable control chart.
(CL = 4 LCL = -2 (take 0) UCL = 10)
9. The following data gives number of defects observed in assembling cars
inspected every day.
Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of defects 12 14 10 8 6 12 9 12 8 9
Calculate control limits for suitable control chart.
(CL = 10, LCL = 0.5132 UCL = 19.4868 )


ASSIGNMENT-11: Finding the solution to L.P.P. by graphical method.
Obtaining initial transportation cost by MMM and NWCR method.
1. A manufacturer produces 2 products, X and Y which needs two machines
A and B. Product X requires 3 hours on machine A and 1 hour on
machine B. Product Y requires 1 hour on machine A and 2 hours on
machine B. There are 30 hours of time available on machine A and 20
hours on machine B. Profit earned by the manufacturer on selling one
unit of product X is Rs. 10 and one unit of product Y is Rs. 15. Formulate
the L.P.P.
(Ans: Example number 4 in this section)
2. A tailor gets a profit of Rs.100 from a shirt and Rs. 170 from a pant. In a
week from available 56 hours, he uses 36 hours for cutting and 20 hours
for stitching. For cutting he requires 2 hours for a shirt and 3 hours for a
pant. He requires 1 hour for stitching a shirt and 2 hours for stitching a
pant. Formulate the L.P.P.
(Ans: Example number 5 in this section)
3. There are two types of foods X and Y each containing different proportions
of vitamins A and B. Food X contains 2 units of vitamin A and 2 units of
vitamin B. Food Y contains 3 units of vitamin A and 1 unit of vitamin B.
The minimum daily requirement of vitamins A and B for a person is 12
and 8 units respectively. One unit of food X costs Rs.10/- and one unit of
food Y costs Rs. 5/-. Formulate the L.P.P. to optimize the expediture.
(Ans: Example number 6 in this section)
4. Solve the following L.P.P graphically:
Maximize Z = 10x + 15y
Subject to 3x + y ≤ 30
x + 2y ≤ 20
and x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
(x = 8 y = 6 Maximize Z = 170)
5. Solve the following L.P.P graphically:
Maximize Z = 100x + 170y
Subject to 2x + 3y ≤ 36
x + 2y ≤ 20
and x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
(x = 12 y = 4 Maximize Z = 1880)
6. Solve the following L.P.P graphically:
Minimize Z = 10x + 5y
Subject to 2x + 3y ≥ 12
2x + y ≥ 8
and x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
[Ans: (0, 8) or (3, 2) Minimize Z = 40. The L.P.P. has multiple solutions]


7. Solve the following L.P.P graphically:
Maximize Z = 3x + 2y
Subject to 2x + y ≤ 10
y≤ 2
and x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
(x = 4 y = 2 Maximize Z = 16)
8. Solve the following L.P.P graphically:
Minimize Z = 2x + 3y
Subject to 4x + 5y ≤ 40
x + 2y ≥ 10
and x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
(x = 0 y = 5 Minimize Z = 15)
9. Solve the following L.P.P graphically:
Minimize Z = 2x + 3y
Subject to 4x + 5y ≥ 40
x + 2y ≥ 10
and x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
(x = 10 y = 0 Minimize Z = 20)
10. Solve the following L.P.P graphically:
Maximize Z = 2x + 3y
Subject to 4x + 5y ≥ 40
x + 2y ≥ 10
and x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
(Unbounded solution)
11. Solve the following L.P.P graphically:
Maximize Z = 2x + 3y
Subject to 4x + 5y ≥ 40
x + 2y ≤ 10
and x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
(No solution)

1. Find the initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation
problem by North-west corner rule and find the total transportation cost
associated with it. Is the solution non-degenerate?
D1 D2 D3
O1 8 4 12 500
Origins O2 10 5 6 200
O3 7 5 3 100
Requirement 400 200 200 800
(x11=400, x21=100, x22=100, x23=100, x33=100, Total cost = Rs.5000, Yes)


2. Obtain an initial basic feasible solution for the following transportation
problem by NWCR method and hence find transportation cost. Is the
solution non-degenerate?
A 8 7 4 60
From B 4 8 9 70
C 11 3 5 80
Requirement 50 80 80 210
(x11=50, x21=10, x22=70, x33= 80, Total cost = Rs.1430, No)
3. Find an initial basic feasible solution by Matrix Minima Method and
compute the total transportation cost. Is the solution to T.P degenerate?
D1 D2 D3
O1 8 4 12 500
From O2 10 5 6 200
O3 7 5 3 100
Demand 400 200 200 800
(x33=100, x22=200, x23=100, x11=300, x21=100 Total cost = Rs.5100,
4. Obtain an initial basic feasible solution for the following T.P by MMM
method and hence find transportation cost. Is the solution degenerate?
A 8 7 4 60
From B 4 8 9 70
C 11 3 5 80
Requirement 50 80 80 210
(x23=80, x13=60, x21=50, x23=20, Total cost = Rs.860, Yes)
5. Find initial basic feasible solution for the following transportation problem
and obtain the cost associated with this solution. Is the solution
Ware House
I II III Availability
A 50 280 220 10
Factory B 90 70 170 30
C 270 200 60 40
Requirement 40 20 20 80
(NWCR : x11=10, x21=30, x32=20, x33=20, Total cost = Rs.8400, Yes)
(MMM: x11=10, x33=20, x22=20, x12=10, x13=20, Total cost = Rs.9400, No)


1. Solve the following game using maximin-minimax principle. Also find the
best strategies of A and B.

( )

Is the game fair?

(A3, B2 v = 10, No)
2. Solve the following game by maximin-minimax principle Is the game fair?

( )

(A1, B1 v = 0, Yes)
3. Solve the game by maximin-minimax principle whose pay-off matrix is
given by:

( )

(A1, B1 and A1, B3 v = 1)

4. Solve the following game using dominance property.

( )

(A1 , B3 v = 0 )
5. Solve the following game by using the principle of dominance and hence
find the value of the game.

[ ].

(S, A v = 7)
6. Solve the following game.

( )

(A2, B1 v = 4)


ASSIGNMENT-12: Getting optimal strategies of a game,
replacement period of equipment and inventory solutions.
1. Price of an item is Rs. 1000 and its maintenance costs at different years
are as follows:
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Maintenance cost (Rs.) 100 200 350 650 900
Assuming that resale value is negligible, find the annual average cost.
What is the optimum period of replacement?
(The annual average cost is Rs. 550, n = 3rd year)
2. The cost of a machine is Rs. 5700 and its resale value is Rs. 700. The
maintenance costs in different years are as follows:
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6
Maintenance cost (Rs.) 200 350 450 600 900 1800
Find the annual average cost and the optimal replacement period.
(The annual average cost is Rs.1500, n = 5th year)
3. The purchase price of a machine A is Rs. 5000. Its resale value and
maintenance costs are as follows:
Years 1 2 3 4 5
Maintenance cost (Rs.) 100 200 330 510 860
Resale value (Rs.) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000
What would be the optimum replacement period?
(The annual average cost is Rs.1160, n = 4th year)
4. The cost of a machine is Rs. 6000. The following gives data collected in
running the machine:
Years 1 2 3 4 5
Resale value 3200 1800 1000 500 300
Cost of maintenance 800 1000 1400 2000 2500
Determine when it is profitable to replace the machine.
(The annual average cost is Rs.2675, n = 4th year)
5. A machine costs Rs. 36,000. Its resale value and maintenance cost at
different years are given below :
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6
Maintenance cost Rs.) 820 1330 1940 2750 3960 5470
Resale value (Rs.) 28000 22000 20000 18000 17000 15000
Find out when the machine should be replaced?
(The annual average cost is Rs.5960, n = 5th year)
6. A machine costs Rs. 8000. The expected maintenance costs and resale
values in different years are given below:
Years 1 2 3 4 5 6
Maintenance cost (Rs.) 100 120 160 240 300 400
Resale value (Rs.) 7500 7200 7000 6500 5800 5000
Determine the optimal age for replacement of the machine.
(The annual average cost is Rs.460, n = 3rd year)


1. There is a demand for 12000 items per year. The set up cost is Rs. 100
and carrying cost is Rs. 15/item/year. Shortages are not allowed.
Compute: i) Economic order quantity ii) The minimum annual average
inventory cost.
(Q0 = 400 C(Q0) = Rs. 6000)
2. There is a demand for 8000 items per year. The ordering cost is Rs.400
and carrying cost is Rs. 10 per item per year.
Then find : i) EOQ ii) The minimum average inventory cost.
(Q0 = 800 C(Q0) = Rs. 8000)
3. There is a demand for 8100 items per year. The replenishment cost is Rs.
100 and the maintenance cost is Rs. 2 per item per year. Replenishment
is instantaneous and shortages are not allowed. Find :
i) the optimal lot size
ii) the optimum time between orders and
iii) the optimum number of order.
(Q0 = 900 t0 = 0.1111 n0 = 9)
4. The annual demand for an item is 5000 units. The inventory carrying cost
is Re.1.00 per unit per year. Set-up cost is Rs. 100. Find:
(i) EOQ (ii) number of orders per year (iii) Minimum average cost.
(Q0 = 1000 n0 = 5 C(Q0) = Rs. 1000 )
5. The annual demand for an item is 3600 units. Capital cost is Rs. 15 per
unit. Inventory carrying cost is 20% of capital cost per annum. If set up
cost is Rs. 150,
Determine i) EOQ ii) Number of orders per year iii) Optimal cost.
(Q0 = 600 n0 = 6 C(Q0) = Rs. 1800)
6. A stockist has to supply 1600 units of a product every month to his
customers. He gets the product at Rs. 50 per unit from the manufacturer.
The cost of ordering and transportation from the manufacturer is Rs. 40
per order. The cost of carrying inventory is 7.5% per year of the cost of the
product. Find i) Economic lot size ii) the minimum average cost.
(Q0 = 800 C(Q0) = Rs. 2400)
7. A manufacturing process requires a commodity at a constant rate of 300
units /month. There is an inventory in which ordering cost is Rs.
50/order and holding cost is Rs. 16/unit/year. Find the economic order
quantity. Also find economic order quantity, if the shortage cost is
Rs.9/unit/ year.
(Q0 = 150 Q0 = 250)
8. The annual demand of an item is 3600 units. The cost of placing an order
is Rs.50 and annual maintenance cost is Rs. 9 per unit. The annual
shortage cost is Rs. 16 per unit. Find (i) EOQ (ii) maximum inventory level.
(Q0 = 200 S0 = 160)
9. The annual demand of an item is 8100 units. The cost of placing an order
is Rs. 50 and annual maintenance cost is Rs. 9 per unit. The annual
shortage cost is Rs. 3 per unit. Find (i) EOQ (ii) maximum shortage level
(Q0 = 600 Q0 - S0 = 450)


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