Project One Pager 200450G

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Name: Shamindi Nishara Pathirathne Index Number: 200450G

Project Proposal: Personal Safety App for Women


Addressing the growing concern for women's safety, we propose the development of a user-friendly
mobile application designed to provide quick access to emergency assistance. The app allows users to
set up a personalized safety network and activate a distress signal with a simple gesture, ensuring help is
readily available when needed.


The Personal Safety App for Women is a mobile application designed to empower users with a reliable
tool for enhancing personal safety. Users input three emergency contact numbers, and in case of an
emergency, shaking the phone triggers a distress signal, sending a call and SMS alerts with the user's
location to designated contacts.


Technical: Leveraging smartphone sensors and SMS functionality, the app provides a seamless user
experience with accurate location tracking.

Market: There's a growing demand for personal safety apps, and the app's practical functionality caters
to the needs of women seeking reliable safety solutions.

Financial: Development costs can be managed efficiently, and monetization strategies may include
freemium models or partnerships.

Implementation and Importance:

The development process focuses on user-friendly design and core functionalities, ensuring reliability
and performance in real-world emergency scenarios. The app addresses the critical need for accessible
and reliable personal safety solutions, empowering women to access emergency assistance quickly and

Implementation Plan:

1. App Development: Build core functionality, including emergency contact setup, distress signal
activation, and location tracking.

2. Testing and Optimization: Conduct comprehensive testing and gather feedback to ensure reliability
and user satisfaction.

3. Launch and Promotion: Release the app on app stores, promote through digital channels, and engage
with target audiences.

4. User Support: Provide resources and support to educate users on app usage and continuously
improve based on feedback.

Conclusion: By empowering women with a reliable safety tool, this app has the potential to significantly
improve personal safety in our communities.

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