Revised Third Module - WBSRLM

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Training of Trainers

Module III: Funding Opportunities, books of records and

reporting requirements of a Producer Group (PG)
1. Learning Objectives: 3

2. Training Session Planning 4

3. Bank Account Opening 5

4. Financial Needs of Producer Groups 6

5. Funding Sources for a PG 7

6. Criteria for Availing Funds 8

7. Books of Records 9

8. Reporting Requirements 10

9. Monitoring Framework for PGs 11

Annexures 14

Report title 1
Aim: The purpose of this session is to make the trainers Understand the Funding
Requirements, Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements of Producer Groups (PGs)


At the end of the session, participants will be able to understand:

◼ Documentation requirements of opening a bank account by a Producer Group

◼ Needs and types of funds required by a PG

◼ Types and formats of book of records for a PC

◼ Different reporting requirements for a PG

◼ Basic monitoring parameters for grading PGs


◼ Lecture

◼ Class Room Presentation

◼ Group Activities

◼ Videos


◼ Registration sheet, Training schedule, presentation on trainingobjectives and course structure

◼ Writing board and marker pens or blackboard, flip charts, chartpaper, etc.

◼ Audio Visual Module III

Report title 2
1. Learning Objectives:
Main objective of this module is to give an overview of the funding support which can be
availed by PGs and different books of records which a producer group is required to maintain.
Reporting requirements of a producer group will also be explained in this module.
• To develop a clear understanding on the documentational requirements for opening a
bank account by a PG
• To develop an understanding of needs and types of funds required by a PG
• To understand different sources of funding for a PG.
• To develop an understanding on types of records and documents to be maintained by
the PG on its regular activities.
• To understand the basic reporting requirements for a PG
• To have an understanding on the monitoring parameters for grading PGs

Report title 3
2. Training Session
Duration Methodology Remarks
Review of • Welcome address
previous • Revision of previous module
session 10 • Presentation • Briefing on today’s training topics
• Lecture
About the 10 • Presentation • Section 1 to be covered
module & • Lecture • Elicit ideas and remarks from the
Learning participants during the session
Opening of 10 • Presentation • Sections 3 & 4 to be covered
bank account • Lecture

Financial 15 • Presentation • Cover section 4.

needs of • Lecture • Divide participants into groups to
producer • Group work elicit responses on the points
groups mentioned.

Funding 15 • Presentation • Cover sections 5 & 6

sources and • Lecture • Ask participants, based on their
criteria for • Brainstorming experiences in SHG, advantages
funding Session and disadvantages of different
funding options available to
women farmers in villages
Tea break 15

• Presentation • Cover Section 7

• Lecture • Quickly walk the participants
through the formats (Annexure I-
Books of XV)

Reporting 10 • Presentation • Cover Section 8

Requirements • Lecture

Monitoring 15 • Presentation • Cover Section 9

Framework • Lecture • Introduce the framework

Video on 20 • Video • Play the video

Question & 10 • Questions • Ask questions
Answer and answers • Mention about next training
sessions on module 4

Report title 4
3. Bank Account Opening
Prior to availing funds, a PG must have a bank account opened. The account for a Producer
Group will be opened in the name of PG. Documents required for account opening will be as
• Resolution of the Executive Committee of Producer Group for account opening.
• Bylaws of the Producer Group.
• Bank Account opening form with signatures of the signatories.
• KYC (Know Your Customer) of office bearers.
• Office Address.
• Photograph of the office bearers.
• List of the names and address of members of the Producer Group.

3.1 Cheque Signing Authority:

The Cheque signing authority would be all three office bearers. President will be the
mandatory signatory whereas any signatory amongst Secretary and the Treasurer will do.
The cheque book will be in the custody of the Treasurer.

Report title 5
4. Financial Needs of
Producer Groups
4.1. Why is funding required for a PG?

• For arranging start-up capital (seed money), cash flows and expansions.
• For quality improvement of products, services, and business operations.
• For arranging working capital for the business.
• For technological upgradation of the business activities such as production, packaging,
storage and distribution.
• For meeting day-to-day like salaries, bills, insurance during the gestation or initial
periods of a business which are typically characterised by low revenues.

4.2. Types of funds required:

• Working capital funds: Funds required for day-to-day business activities like buying
raw materials, value addition, storage, processing, transportation, insurance and
other administrative costs.

• Fixed capital funds: Funds required for buying fixed assets and infrastructures like
aggregation centres, weighing machines, storage facilities, graders, sorters etc.
Money invested in fixed assets gives benefits to a business entity for longer period of
time, beyond one particular production cycle.

Report title 6
5. Funding Sources for a
A PG, for the purpose of establishing itself as a commercial institution and taking up viable
business activities, would require financial support. A PG can have the following sources for
availing funds.
• Sangha: A PG can contact the concerned Sangha for its financial needs and
assistance. Sangha will provide necessary guidance to the PG within its fold in this

• Financial institutions: For the purpose of arranging investments for its business
activities, a PG can also look for funding opportunities from banks and other non-
banking financial institutions.

• Own Savings: A PG can also fund its expenses and investment requirements from
its own savings. Own savings can be from the contributions made by the PG
members in the form of membership fees or other periodical subscriptions. This can
also be generated from certain percentages of distributable profit which may be
retained by the PG as reinvestment into their business activities.

Report title 7
6. Criteria for Availing
Following would be the eligibility criteria for a Producer Group to seek funding support
from WBSRLM or other potential funders.
• Selection of office bearers as per bylaws of the PG.
• Formation of thematic sub-committees.
• Cumulative attendance of the members of the Producer Group not less than 75%
in three months prior to the loan application.
• Opening of bank account
• Proper maintenance of books of records including books of accounts.
• Completion of basic training by the PG members on the business activity for
which fund has been sought.
• Preparation of an annual livelihood plan by the PG.
• Convening meetings regularly without any fail. These meetings include meetings
of governing body as well executive committee.
• Preparation of a robust business plan for the activity for which fund is requested.
• Preparation of mandatory periodical reports like the quarterly and annual
progress reports.

Report title 8
7. Books of Records
A PG is required to maintain the following books of records for its non-financial and financial activities:

(Attached in Annexures I- XVI)

Type of Books of records


Non- Financial • Membership register

• Minutes book of the General Body meetings
• Minutes books of the Executive Committee meetings
• Training register
• Visitors’ register
Financial • Cash Book
• General Ledger
• Cheque book register
• Stock register
• Asset register
• Machinery renting register
• Sales and purchase register
• Bank pass book
• Cheque Book
• Payment register
• Production register
• Demand and order register
• Loan register

Report title 9
8. Reporting
A PG is required to develop and submit the following periodic reports as per the timeline mentioned

Name of the report Periodicity To whom

Business plan Before the inception of any project To the BMMU and DMMU

Training calendar Quarterly To the VO, Sangha, BMMU and


Quarterly progress Quarterly To the VO, Sangha, BMMU and

report DMMU

Annual Progress report Annually To the BMMU and DMMU

Report title 10
9. Monitoring Framework
for PGs
A tool for evaluating the status of the producer groups is of paramount importance for the
purpose of monitoring their progress by concerned Sanghas, BMMUs and DMMUs. This rating
is also relevant for prospective investors/financiers to PGs. Parameters on which PGs will be
rated include organizational transparency, volume and turnover of business transactions,
number of members, frequency of meetings being conducted, inventory management, systems
of financial management, overall business processes, capability of self-sustenance,
commercial viability as per business plan etc. An illustrative matrix is presented below which
can be fine-tuned in consultation with the stakeholders from time to time.

Report title 11
Producer Group Rating sheet


Name of the Group:

Village: Block: District:

Name of Bank and Branch Bank Account Number:

No of Members in the No of SC/ST/Minority Members: No of PWD members:


Name of the Name of the Secretary: Name of the Treasurer:


Year of Group Primary Commodity/Activity: Outstanding Loan Amount:


Serial Number Parameters Maximum Score PG’s Score

1 Feeling of homogeneity/Solidarity 4

2 Office bearers, executive committee and 6

thematic committees elected as per

3. Convening of meetings on a regular 8

basis (not failed in the last three months
without any valid reason)

4. Attendance in meetings (cumulative 8

attendance not less than 75% in the last
six months)

5. Transparency of financial transactions 8

and records thereof

6. Awareness of the members on financial 8


7. Rotational leadership system flowed in 8

election of office bearers

8. Number of times the PG has been 10

defaulter in payment of loans (in the last
three years)

9. Up to date maintenance of books of 8


10. Bank linkages of the group till date 6

11. Quality of the production and other 6

assets of the group

12. Usage of physical assets of the group 4

13. Domain knowledge of group members 8

Report title 12
14. Training and capacity building initiatives 8
of group members

Total Score 100


Category A

More than 70 marks

Fairly good to good groups; May be loan worthy

Category B

Between 50- 70 marks

Poor to average groups; Require handholding

Category C

Less than 50 marks

Very poor groups; Require intensive capacity building

Assessed by: (Name and signature) Post:

Date of assessment Remarks:

Report title 13
Annexure – I: Membership Register
Membership Register

Sl No Details




Father/ Spouse Name


Ph Number

Primary Livelihood

Aadhar ID No

Voter ID No

Report title 14

Bank Name

Branch Name


Bank A/C No

No of Family Members

Date of Joining

Date of Exit


Report title 15
Annexure – II: Minutes Book of General Body Meetings

Minutes Book of the General Body Meetings

Meeting No: General Body Minutes Book Date:

Resolution Members Present & Resolutions Taken

Report title 16
Annexure – III: Minutes Book of Executive Committee Meetings

Minutes Book of the Executive Committee Meetings

Meeting No: Executive Committee Minutes Book Date:

Serial Number Minutes of the Meeting & Members present

Report title 17
Annexure – IV: Training Register

Training Register

Training Number: Date: Place:

Training Topic:

Internal Facilitator’s Name:

Name of the Resource Persons:

Main Objective of the training

First Day/Date

Report title 18
Second Day/Date

Third Day/Date

Report title 19
Fourth Day/Date:

Name of SHG Signature

Serial Name of Member Phone
Number Number
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 3 Day 3

Report title 20
Annexure – V: Visitors Register
Visitors Register

Serial No Name Address & Ph No Purpose In Time Out Time Suggestion Signature

Report title 21
Annexure – VI: Cash Book
Cash Book

PG Name ______________________________________________________

PG Code No : ____________________________________________________

Village : ___________________________

Panchayat : ______________________________

Block : ___________________________

Report title 22
District: : ______________________________

Cash Book

Month/ Year-

Receipt Payment

Rashid Receipt Payment Purchase
Date Page Cash Due Bank Due Date Voucher Cash Due Bank Due
Number Statement Details page No.

Report title 23
Annexure – VII: General Ledger

General Ledger

Date Cashbook Page Particulars Debit Credit Balance


Report title 24
Annexure – VIII: Cheque Book Register

Cheque Book Register

PG Name _____________________________________________________________

PG Code No __________________________________________________________

Village ___________________________

Panchayat ______________________________

Block __________________________

Dist. ______________________________

Report title 25
Cheque Book Register

Sl Bank Cheque Party Amt Payment Payment Purpose Treasurer's Secretary's signature
No Name No Name date signature

Report title 26
Annexure – IX: Stock Register

Stock Register

PG Name ________________________________________________________

PG Code Number ________________________________________________________

Village ___________________________

Gram Panchayat ______________________________

Block ___________________________

District ______________________________

Month/ Year:

Sl Date Material Name Ex Balance Purchase Sale Credit Balance Investigator's Comment
No (in KG) (in KG) (in KG) (in KG)

Report title 27
Report title 28
Annexure – X: Asset Register

Asset Register

Details of Assets

Sl Assets Company code Area/ Date of Purchase Treasurer Secretary Remarks

name Shop purchase/acquiring Amt. Signature Signature

Report title 29
Annexure – XI: Machinery/Equipment Renting Register
Machinery/Equipment Renting Register

Details of Machinery/Equipment

Sl Machinery/Equipm Compan cod Area Date of Purchas Annual Treasur Secretar Remark
ent name y e / Purchas e Amt. depreciati er y s
Shop on Signatur Signatur
Nam e e

Report title 30
Name of the Machinery/Equipment

Serial Name of the member (B) Date of Renting (C) Condition of the Daily Rent of the Signature
machinery at the time of machinery
Number (A) (on receipt)
renting (D)

Date of Total days of renting Total Rental Amount Condition of the Signature Remarks
Return machinery at the time of
(H) (I) (on receipt)

Report title 31
Annexure – XII: Sales & Purchase Register
Sales & Purchase Register

Sales register
Material Cash / Outstanding Signature
Name Advance Payment Due of
Total Payment Amount (in date of Payment Treasurer
Quantity (in Rate per
Sl Party Amount (in Rs.) Rs.) receipt Receipt (after comment
Date quintals/number) quintal/unit
No Name (in Rs.) of Details receipt of
payment full

Report title 32
Purchase Register

Quantity (in Rate per Amount Cash Due date Signature
Material ing
Sl Party quintals/numbe quintal/un Payable (in Payment of (after full
Date Name payment Comment
No Name r) it Rs.) (in Rs.) payment payment)
(in Rs.)

Report title 33
Annexure – XIII: Payment Register
Payment Register

Name of the employee

Serial Number Name of Employee Post Staff Code Date of start of Phone Number Signature Date of release
employment from the job

Payment Register

Year: Month:

Serial Name of Staff Role Monthly Monthly No of Total Date of Remarks Signature of Signature of Voucher
Number the Code report Wages/Salary working Payment payment the Treasurer Number
person submitted days employee


Report title 34
Annexure – XIV: Production Register
Production Register

Transfer from stock to production centre Processing

Serial Date Name of Scale/Wt/ Signature Signature Date Actual Processing (Weight) Damage Total Net weight Signature
the of the of the Scale/Wt/Unit Weight after
No unit
produce supplier receiver processing
After (Processed
receiving at production)

Grade Grade Grade Scrap

1 2 3

Report title 35
Transfer from production centre to warehouse Produce at the packaging centre

Serial Date Name of Scale/Wt/ Signature Signature Date Actual Packaging as per grade Damaged Net Weight Signature
the of the of the Scale/Wt/Unit after
No unit
produce supplier receiver packaging
after receiving at
the packaging

Wt wt wt wt

Annexure – XV: Demand & Order Register

Demand & Order Register

Serial Dat Company/PG/RS Trader Buy Perform Nam Quantity Pric Total Advanc Advanc Remainin Remainin
Numbe e C Name Registratio Order a e of (in kg or e Payabl e e g Amount g Amount
r n Number Numbe Challan Item numbers e Amount Amount Date
r Number ) Amoun Date

Report title 36
Annexure XVI: Loan Register

Serial Amount of Loan Lender Borrower Contact Details Period of Loan Return Date Status
E.g. Return date – 1.4.2022

For more information, please contact your Sangha and your block and district level offices of Anandadhara

Report title 37
Contact us
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