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1 Solid, liquid, and gas

Learning objectives
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Differentiate between solid, liquid, and gas phases.
Enoch Tamale

A phase is the range of conditions where the properties of a component are generally uniform. Solid,
liquid, and gas are three common phases. Ex: At atmospheric temperature and pressure, air is in the
gas phase. The table and animation below define solid, liquid, and gas.

Table 4.1.1: Common phases.

Definition Examples

A solid is the phase that does not change shape or volume. Apple, steel

A liquid is the phase that flows to fill a space or volume. Milk, gasoline

A gas is the phase that expands to fill a volume or container. The term Oxygen,
vapor can also be used to describe a gas. methane

ACTIVITY 4.1.1: Three common phases are solid, liquid, and gas.

Animation captions:

1. A solid maintains a constant shape.

2. A liquid flows.
3. A gas expands. ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
ACTIVITY 4.1.2: Identifying phases.
1) Select the solid phase object.
Maple syrup

2) Benzene flows into a large drum. In this

situation, the phase of benzene is _____.
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Liquid Enoch Tamale

3) Dry ice is the name for the solid phase

of carbon dioxide. Also, carbon dioxide
is a minor component in air. A small
piece of dry ice was left on a benchtop
in a laboratory under normal conditions
of temperature and pressure. On the
next day, the phase of the carbon
dioxide is still solid.

Compressible and incompressible

Compressibility is the volume change of a component or mixture in response to pressure. Ex: The
density of air changes with pressure and temperature, so air is considered compressible. Components
and mixtures in the gas phase are considered compressible unless otherwise noted. Incompressible
describes a component or mixture where volume does not change in response to pressure. Ex: The
density of liquid benzene does not change with pressure. In this content, solids and liquids will be
considered incompressible unless otherwise noted. If a solid or liquid is considered incompressible,
the material’s volumetric flow rate can be converted to a mass flow rate using density. This conversion
can be expressed as:

Volume additivity indicates that volume is conserved for incompressible solids

©zyBooks and liquids.Therefore,
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mixture properties of incompressible solids and liquids can be found by averaging the component
Enoch Tamale
properties. For example, an average density can be found using theUBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023
following equation:

Ex: A mixture containing 50 mass% water (ρ =1.00 g/mL) and 50 mass% ethanol (ρ =0.789 g/mL) has
a density of: 0.50·1.00 + 0.50·0.789 = 0.895 g/mL.
4.1.3: Incompressibility calculations.

1) The volumetric flow rate of liquid water

was measured as 4.35 m3/h. The
water’s density is 998 kg/m3. The mass
flow rate of water is ____.
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
4.35 kg/h Enoch Tamale
4340 kg/h

2) Ethanol and gasoline are two liquids

that are commonly mixed and used for
fuel in cars. The mass percent of
ethanol is 9.90% with the remaining
fraction being gasoline. The density of
ethanol is 789 kg/m3, and the density
of gasoline is 721 kg/m3. The average
density of the ethanol-gasoline mixture
90.1 kg/m3
650 kg/m3
728 kg/m3

3) Find the mass flow rate of an

ethanol/gasoline mixture if the
volumetric flow rate is 4.82 gal/min.
The mixture contains 9.90 mass%
ethanol (ρ=789 kg/m3) and balance
gasoline (ρ = 721 kg/m3).
0.0183 kg/min
13.3 kg/min
264 kg/min

©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

4.1.1: Compressibility calculations. Enoch Tamale

Properties, such as density, can be found in the Appendix and may be needed to answer the

Ivan performs a chemical reaction by adding 7160 mL of liquid methanol as
the solvent. The mass of methanol is:

1.00 kg

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Enoch Tamale
1 2 3 4

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fitness_center EXERCISE 4.1.1: Calculations for incompressible materials. help_outline

Conversions for incompressible liquids and gases are important for individual components and
mixtures. Density values may be found in the Appendix or other reference books.

(a) Oliver adds 183 mL of liquid acetic acid as the solvent for a chemical reaction in the
laboratory. The mass (lbm) of the acetic acid is:
Solution keyboard_arrow_down
(b) Elizabeth builds a wall of solid lead bricks as a shield from radiation. The mass of the wall is
945 lbm, so the volume (gal) of the wall is:
Solution keyboard_arrow_down
(c) Anthony and Maria mix two liquids, ethylene glycol and water, to create a coolant for their
car. Find the volume (mL) for a 12.9 lbm mixture with 0.593 mass fraction of ethylene glycol
and the remaining water.
Solution keyboard_arrow_down

4.2 Phase changes©zyBooks Enoch

11/22/23 23:24 1858759

Learning objectives

Define terms related to phase changes, including melt and vaporize.

Distinguish phases of a pure component, such as subcooled liquid, saturated liquid, two-phase
liquid-vapor mixture, saturated vapor, and superheated vapor.
Apply the state postulate to determine the state and other properties of a pure component.
Systems with more than one phase are common in chemical and biochemical processes. Ex: Filtering
to remove solids from a liquid. Components changing phases is also common. Ex: Steam is
condensed into liquid water. A number of terms related to phase changes are defined in the table
below and detailed in the animation.

Table 4.2.1: Phase change definitions. ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

Enoch Tamale

Notation or
Definition Example

Phase boundary is the interface between two

Solid line Liquid-gas boundary.

See Pressure-
Phase diagram is a graphical representation of
animation temperature phase
phases and phase boundaries.
below diagram.

Melt describes the phase change between solid Ice melts to become
Subscript m
and liquid. Fusion is another term for melt. liquid water.

Melting temperature is the temperature where the

Tm Ice melts at 0°C.
phase change between solid and liquid occurs.

Vaporize describes the phase change between Liquid water

Subscript v
liquid and gas. becomes steam.

Vaporization temperature is the temperature

where the phase change between liquid and gas Liquid water
occurs. A pressure at which the vaporization vaporizes at 100°C
occurs must also be stated. Vaporization when the pressure is
temperature is also known as the boiling point 1 atm.

Phases beyond
©zyBooks points
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Critical point is the end of a phase boundary. CP
Enochthe scope of
this content.

The triple point of

Triple point is the phase boundary where solid,
TP water is 0.01°C and
liquid, and gas can simultaneously exist.
611.73 Pa.
4.2.1: Pressure-temperature (P-T) phase diagram.

Animation captions:

1. Pressure is plotted as a function of T.

2. Phase boundaries separate solid, liquid, and gas phases. Critical and triple
©zyBooks points
11/22/23 are
23:24 added.
3. Solid exists at lower temperatures. Liquid exists at higher pressures and moderate
Enoch Tamale
temperatures. Gas exists at lower pressures and higher temperatures.
4. At a constant pressure, increasing the temperature changes a solid to a liquid, then to a gas.

ACTIVITY 4.2.2: Phases of water.

Water has a vaporization temperature of 100°C and a melting temperature of 0°C at a

pressure of 1 atm. Determine the phase of water based on the choices given.

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Solid Liquid Gas

Water is held at -12°C.

Water is held at 14.7 psia and heated

to 125°F.

Water is cooled to 410 K at a pressure

of 101.3 kPa.


Saturated phases
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
While a more detailed understanding of phase boundaries in solid systems can be found
Enoch Tamalein a material
science course, chemical engineers regularly work with mixtures of liquid and gas phases. For pure
components, the phase boundary between liquid and gas is examined more thoroughly. For mixtures,
several separation processes work at the liquid-gas boundary, including distillation columns and
absorbers, and will be discussed in another section. A number of additional definitions are needed to
correctly identify the phase at or near the liquid-gas phase boundary.
Table 4.2.2: Terms for saturated systems.

Definition Abbreviation Example

Very high humidity

Saturated is the phase boundary between gas and may signify that the
--- ©zyBooks
liquid of a mixture of the two phases. air is 11/22/23
Enoch Tamale

Ice floating on liquid

Mixture is the existence of two or more
water. Or sugar
components, phases in contact with each other, or MIX
dissolved in water for
both under the same conditions.
a cookie’s frosting.

Saturation temperature or vaporization

temperature is the temperature where
The saturation
vaporization starts at a constant pressure.
Tsat temperature of water
Saturation temperature is the term commonly
at 1 atm is 100°C.
used for multicomponent systems covered in
another section.

Vapor pressure is the pressure when a pure

The vapor pressure of
component changes from gas to liquid at a
Psat water at 100°C is 1
constant temperature. Saturation pressure is
another term for vapor pressure.

Subcooled liquid is a liquid at a temperature less

Water at 25°C and 1
than the saturation temperature for a constant SCL
atm is a SCL.

Saturated liquid is a liquid at the saturation A pure component at

Sat L
temperature and pressure. T = Tsat and P = Psat.

Vapor-liquid mixture is a two-phase saturated 2-phase or Liquid water and

mixture in equilibrium at saturation T and P. 2φ steam are in contact.

Saturated vapor is a gas at the saturation A pure

©zyBooks component
11/22/23 at
23:24 1858759
Sat V Enoch
sat Tamale sat
temperature and pressure. T = T and P = P .

Superheated vapor is a gas at a T greater than the Water at 110°C and 1

saturation T at a given P. atm is a SHV.

Saturated liquid property is an intensive property αf vf is the specific

(abbreviated alpha) at saturated liquid conditions. volume of a saturated

vg is the specific
Saturated vapor property is an intensive property
αg volume of a saturated
(abbreviated alpha) at saturated vapor conditions.

©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

Enoch Tamale
4.2.3: Saturated terms. UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023

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Superheated vapor Subcooled liquid Vapor pressure Vapor-liquid mixture


Saturated phase with both liquid and

gas phases.

T = Tsat and P > Psat

T = Tsat and P < Psat


Determining phase and properties

The state postulate specifies when two independent, intensive properties are known, the state is
defined. A state may include the phase or phases and other properties. Recalling the definition of
intensive property from another section as: An intensive property is a property that does not depend
on mass or size. Ex: temperature, pressure, or density.

Two situations are commonly encountered when trying to determine the correct phase: 1. T and P are
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
known, or 2. T or P and one other intensive property are known. First, determining phases will be done
Enoch Tamale
qualitatively and graphically, and then quantitative data will be usedUBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023
to find the phase.

Determining phase from T and P

Temperature and pressure are both intensive properties, so part of the state postulate is satisfied.
However, some conditions exist when temperature and pressure are not independent. Specifically,
when the saturation temperature and vapor pressure are both specified, the point lies on the phase
boundary. On the phase boundary of a P-T phase diagram, the phase could be saturated liquid, 2-
phase, or saturated vapor. Therefore, T and P are dependent when the point is on the phase boundary,
so one additional independent, intensive property is needed to determine the phase.
When T and P are independent, the phase can be determined. One of two techniques can determine
the phase when T and P are independent. 1. Using the temperature, the saturation pressure can be
located. Then the phase can be found by moving vertically on the P-T diagram. 2. Using pressure, the
saturation temperature can be located. Then the phase can be found by moving
©zyBooks horizontally
11/22/23 on the P-
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Enoch Tamale
T diagram. The animation below is a pressure-temperature phase diagram focused on the different
liquid and gas phases.

ACTIVITY 4.2.4: Liquid, gas, and saturated phases on a P-T phase diagram.

Animation captions:

1. Pressure is plotted as a function of T.

2. Focusing on higher temperatures, a phase boundary separates liquid and gas phases.
3. At a constant temperature, decreasing the pressure changes the phase.

ACTIVITY 4.2.5: Determining phase from T and P.

1) The phase can be determined with T =

Tsat and P < Psat.

2) The phase can be determined with T =

Tsat and P = Psat.

3) A subcooled liquid exists when T < Tsat

and P > Psat.
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
True Enoch Tamale

Determining phase from T or P and one other intensive property

Using temperature or pressure as one independent, intensive property and another property as the
second independent, intensive property satisfies the state postulate. Specific volume (v) is commonly
used as the second independent, intensive property. As demonstrated in the animation below, when
pressure and specific volume are known, five different phases can be identified: 1. subcooled liquid, 2.
saturated liquid, 3. 2-phase liquid-vapor mixture, 4. saturated vapor, and 5. superheated vapor. The
specific volume at the saturated liquid phase boundary is designated vf while the specific volume at
the saturated vapor phase boundary is abbreviated vg.

4.2.6: Pressure-specific volume (P-v) phase diagram.
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
Animation content:


Animation captions:

1. Pressure is plotted as a function of specific volume when examining saturated liquid and gas
2. The phase boundary and phases are defined with subcooled liquid at smaller v, 2-phase
mixture at moderate v, and superheated vapor at larger v.
3. Five phases are defined for a pure component: (1) subcooled liquid, (2) saturated liquid, (3)
two-phase mixture, (4) saturated vapor, and (5) superheater vapor.

4.2.7: Identifying saturated phases.

If unable to drag and drop, refresh the page.

Saturated liquid 2-phase liquid-vapor mixture Saturated vapor

P = Psat and v = vf

v = vg and P = Psat

P = Psat and vf < v < vg ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

Enoch Tamale

4.2.1: Identifying phases.

Data found in the Appendix may be needed to answer the questions.



Identify the phase for a pure component.

ammonia at 15°C

©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

Enoch Tamale

1 2 3 4

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fitness_center EXERCISE 4.2.1: Identifying phases. help_outline

For pure components at a pressure of 1 atm, identify the phase (solid, liquid, or gas). Data found
in the Appendix should help with this exercise.
(a) Ethanol at -35°C.
Solution keyboard_arrow_down ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
(b) Ethanol at 85°C UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023

Solution keyboard_arrow_down
(c) Propane at 32°F.
Solution keyboard_arrow_down
(d) Sodium chloride (table salt) at 695°C.
Solution keyboard_arrow_down

4.3 Ideal gases and ideal gas mixtures

©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
Learning objectives

Calculate properties using the ideal gas law, including flow rates and molar density.
Apply the relationships between mole fractions, partial pressures, and total pressure for an ideal
gas mixture.

Defining an ideal gas

An equation of state relates measurable state properties of temperature and pressure with volume
and moles. Entire courses in the area of thermodynamics cover many different equations of state.
Here, a simple equation of state, the ideal gas law, will be examined and used. An ideal gas observes
the equation of state known as the ideal gas law: P ∙ V = n ∙ R ∙ T, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is
moles, R is the universal gas constant, and T is temperature. Since pressure and temperature are
being multiplied in the ideal gas law, absolute units are required for calculations using the ideal gas
law. While the value of universal gas constant does not change, the units should match the pressure,
volume, temperature, and mole units. The value of the universal gas constant is tabulated below for
several different units.

Table 4.3.1: Common values for the universal gas constant (R).

©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

Enoch Tamale
8.31447 J/mol · K


82.05 L·atm/kmol·K
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
1.9858 Btu/lbmol·°R



ACTIVITY 4.3.1: Ideal gas law.

1) The ideal gas law is an equation of


2) The ideal gas law can be rearranged to

the form:


are a correct set of
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
units for the universal gas constant.

While the ideal gas law is a theoretical equation, the measured behavior of some gases matches the
ideal gas law at low pressures and high temperatures. Ex: argon, nitrogen. More quantitatively, the
ideal gas law applies when:

Different forms of the ideal gas law are useful in engineering calculations. Since volumetric flow rates
of gases can depend strongly on both temperature and pressure, the ideal gas law can relate molar
flow rate and volumetric flow rate. Also, the specific molar volume (lower 11/22/23
case v) may23:24 1858759
be used for the
Enoch Tamale
ratio of volume to moles. While volume and moles are extensive properties, specific volume is an
intensive property. The molar density (ρ) is the inverse of the specific volume. Four equivalent forms
of the ideal gas law are given in the table below.

Table 4.3.2: Forms of the ideal gas law.

4.3.2: Ideal gas calculations.

©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

Enoch Tamale
1) Oxygen is needed for a reaction at 1.1 x 105
Pa and 350oC. To determine if the oxygen
obeys the ideal gas law, a calculation is

©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

Enoch Tamale

Does oxygen under the given conditions

behave as an ideal gas?

2) Since oxygen at 1.1 x 105 Pa and 350oC

behaves as an ideal gas, the volume of
75 mol of oxygen can be calculated
from the ideal gas law as ______.
47 L
3.5 L
3500 L

3) Oxygen-enriched air is given to a

patient in a hospital at 2.00 L/min. The
hospital room is at 1.00 atm and
72.0oF. Since the oxygen-enriched air is
an ideal gas (feel free to check), what is
the molar flow rate of the air?
4.94 mol/hr
4.94 x 10-5 mol/hr
120 mol/hr

CHALLENGE ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

ACTIVITY 4.3.1: Calculations using the ideal gas law. Enoch Tamale


Giovanni and Clare are using nitrogen to store some chemicals in an

inert atmosphere. The pressure is 109000 Pa and the temperature is 24
C. A calculation should be completed to determine if nitrogen obeys
the ideal gas law.

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Enoch Tamale
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Ideal gas mixtures

An ideal gas mixture contains two or more components, and each component’s behavior is
independent of the other components present. The volume and temperature of the mixture are the
same for each component, so the ideal gas law can be simplified to relate mole fraction and partial
pressure. Partial pressure (Pi) is pressure associated with a single component in a mixture. The
animation below demonstrates how to convert measurable partial pressures to mole fractions, which
are commonly used to solve material balances.

4.3.3: Mole fraction and partial pressure.

Animation captions:

1. Defining an ideal gas and the ideal gas law for one component.
2. Defining mole fraction and then substituting in the ideal gas law for one component and for
the mixture.
3. Relating total pressure and partial pressures

4.3.4: Ideal gas mixtures and partial pressure.

1) An ideal gas mixture of oxygen and

nitrogen exists at 1.0 atm. The partial ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
pressure of oxygen is 0.21 atm. The Enoch Tamale
mole fraction of oxygen in the mixture UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023

is _____.
2) An ideal gas mixture contains oxygen,
nitrogen, and hydrogen. The partial
pressures are 4.30 psi, 12.1 psi, and
1.68 psi for oxygen, nitrogen, and
hydrogen, respectively. The total
pressure of the mixture is _____.
12.1 psi ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
16.4 psi UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023
18.1 psi

3) An ideal gas mixture contains oxygen

and hydrogen. The partial pressure of
the oxygen is 258 mmHg and the mole
fraction of oxygen is 0.351. The partial
pressure of the hydrogen is _____.
477 mmHg
735 mmHg
649 mmHg

4.3.2: Calculations with ideal gas mixtures.



Guadalupe needs to calculate the mole fraction of nitrogen. An ideal gas

mixture of nitrogen and oxygen is held at a total pressure of 1.48 atm.
The partial pressure of nitrogen is 0.860 atm.

= 0.235

1 2 3

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fitness_center EXERCISE 4.3.1: BTX ideal gas distillation column. help_outline

A vapor mixture containing 24.1 mol% benzene (C6H6), 40.8 mol% toluene (C7H8 MW=92), and the
balance xylene (C8H10 MW=106) is fed to a distillation column. The feed is an ideal gas at 195oC
and 5.37 psig flowing at 2.58 m3/hr . The column runs at steady state. All of the xylene is
recovered in the bottom product making up 47.2 mol% of the bottom product stream. The
recovery of benzene in the overhead is 65.3% (by moles).
(a) Draw the process flow diagram. Number the streams.
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Solution keyboard_arrow_down Enoch Tamale
(b) Calculate the exiting flow rates (mol/hr) and mole fractions.
Solution keyboard_arrow_down
(c) The temperature of the inlet stream increases by 100K. Will the molar flow rate of the inlet
stream increase, decrease, or stay the same?
Solution keyboard_arrow_down

4.4 Standard temperature and pressure

Learning objectives

Distinguish between units at STP conditions and other units.

Complete three types of calculations for standard temperature and pressure (STP).

Mass or moles of a gas are difficult to measure, so volumetric flow rates are commonly reported.
Since volumetric flow rates of gases vary significantly with temperature and pressure, a standard
temperature and pressure are commonly used to convert to between units so that material balances
can be completed. STP or standard temperature and pressure are T = 0°C and P = 1 atm. Volumetric
flow rates at STP ensure the correct amount of material is being fed to a process unit.

Units at STP conditions are preceded by "s" to signify STP conditions. Ex: scm = standard cubic
meters (m3) and sccm = standard cubic centimeters (cm3). Additionally, volumetric flow rates include
time units as the last abbreviation. Ex: standard cubic meters per hour = scmh.
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
4.4.1: STP and STP units. UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023

1) A gas at 0°C and 2 atm is at STP.

2) The volumetric flow rate at STP of air is
known, so volume is conserved.

3) Select the abbreviated units for a

volumetric flow rate at STP. The units ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
are standard cubic centimeters per Enoch Tamale

The specific volume at STP (vSTP) is a constant of 22.4 L/mol and can be calculated from the ideal
gas law. The calculation of vSTP is below and useful in one of the common STP calculations discussed

STP calculations

Converting between STP and actual T, P conditions involves one of three types of calculations:

1. Converting volume at system T, P to moles.

2. Converting volume at STP to moles.
3. Converting volume at STP to volume at system T, P.

The table and animation below detail the three calculations. In many cases, volume and moles will be
volumetric flow rate and molar flow rate in solving engineering problems. The three calculations can
also be done from the needed column to the known column in the table©zyBooks 11/22/23
by using 23:24
algebra on1858759
Enoch Tamale
equations provided. Ex: Converting moles to volume at STP would UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023
use the equation:

Table 4.4.1: STP calculations.

Type Known Needed Equation needed for calculation

1 V(T,P) n

V(TS, ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

2 n Enoch Tamale
P S) UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023

3 V(T,P)
P S)

4.4.2: STP calculation types.

If unable to drag and drop, refresh the page.

Type 2 Type 3 Type 1

The volumetric flow rate of nitrogen at

88°C and 1.0 atm needs to be
converted to a volumetric flow rate at
0°C and 1.0 atm.

The volumetric flow rate of nitrogen at

55°C and 1.5 atm needs to be
converted to a molar flow rate.

The molar flow rate of nitrogen at 0°C

and 1.0 atm needs to be converted to
a volumetric flow rate.
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale

4.4.3: STP calculations.

Animation captions:
1. Conversions using STP normally include one of three calculations.
2. Converting from moles to volume at system T and P applies the ideal gas law.
3. Converting from moles to volume at standard T and P uses the ideal gas law or specific
volume at STP.
4. Converting from volume at system T and P to volume at standard T and P uses ratios.

PARTICIPATION ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

4.4.4: STP calculations. Enoch Tamale

Acetone flows at 40.0 scmh with a temperature of 285°C and a pressure of 1.3 atm.

1) The units of the acetone flow rate are:

Centimeters per hour
Standard cubic centimeters per
Standard cubic meters per hour

2) Converting the given volumetric flow

rate to the volumetric flow rate at the
given temperature and pressure
employs a Type ____ calculation
detailed earlier in this section.

3) Finding the volumetric flow rate at the

system T and P uses the following

Calculating the ratio of temperatures

Infinity ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
2.04 UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023

4) The volumetric flow rate at the system
T and P is _____ m3/h.

5) The molar flow rate of acetone is _____. ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
62.9 kmol/hr UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023

896 kmol/hr
1.79 kmol/hr

ACTIVITY 4.4.1: Calculations using STP.



Fill in the required values for a Type 3 calculation for ammonia. The
recorded pressure is 5.3 atm, and the temperature is 322 C.

2.5 atm 273 K

____________ . __________
1.1 atm 275 K

1 2 3 4

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fitness_center EXERCISE 4.4.1: Algae growth. help_outline

©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Carbon dioxide is being bubbled into an algae pond to stimulate growth. The COTamale
Enoch 2 enters the pond
at 1.38 mol/hr under the hot Arizona sun (T=95 F, P=0.85 atm). UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
(a) What is the volumetric flow rate (L/hr) at the given conditions?

Solution keyboard_arrow_down
(b) What is the volumetric flow rate (L/hr) at the standard conditions?
Solution keyboard_arrow_down

fitness_center EXERCISE 4.4.2: Isopropanol mixing. help_outline

Liquid isopropanol (C3H7OH) enters a preheating chamber at 0.64 m3/min and is mixed with
nitrogen. The partial pressure of isopropanol in the exiting vapor mixture is 375 mmHg, and the
mixture leaves the preheater at 65 psia and 185°C. The combined stream is further diluted with a
second stream of nitrogen flowing at a rate of 8900 L/s (T=37.1°C, P=0.35 atm(gauge)). All
vapors behave as ideal gases and atmospheric pressure is 1.0 atm.

(a) Draw the process flow diagram. Number the streams.

Solution keyboard_arrow_down
(b) Find the unknown molar flow rates (mol/s) of the streams entering and exiting the
preheating chamber.
Solution keyboard_arrow_down
(c) Calculate the total volumetric flow rate (scmm) and mole fractions of the stream exiting the
mix point.
Solution keyboard_arrow_down
(d) The partial pressure of isopropanol exiting the preheater increases by11/22/23
50 mmHg.23:24 1858759
Will the
Enoch Tamale
molar flow rate of isopropanol exiting the mixing point increase, decrease, or stay the same?
Solution keyboard_arrow_down
(e) The partial pressure of isopropanol exiting the preheater increases by 50 mmHg. Will the
molar flow rate of nitrogen entering the preheating chamber increase, decrease, or stay the
Solution keyboard_arrow_down

4.5 Phase and property problems

©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Additional problems involving phases and properties Enoch Tamale

ACTIVITY 4.5.1: Phase and property vocabulary.

Select the term that best matches the following:



is the end of a phase boundary.

1 2 3 4 5 6

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4.5.2: Two streams to steam.



©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

Joanna and Eric need steam for other operations in the plant. Two streams enter
Enoch a heater an
stream of steam exits. The first entering stream is saturated liquid water at 135 C with a vol
rate of 132 L/s. The second entering stream is at 50 C and 500 kPa with a volumetric flow ra
47.4% of the first entering stream. The exiting stream is at 500 C and 2500 kPa. Calculate th
unknowns. Report final answers to 3 significant figures.
Mass flow rate of first entering stream =
Ex: 50400 kg/hr
Mass flow rate of second entering stream =
Ex: 19800 kg/hr
Volumetric flow rate of the exiting stream =
Ex: 19900 L/s

1 2
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Enoch Tamale
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ACTIVITY 4.5.3: Steam compressor.



A new steam compressor is being designed by Barbara and Pedro. One stream enters the co
pure water at 300 C and 1000 kPa with a molar flow rate of 654 mol/s. The compressor ope
 and exiting the compressor is a single stream at 8000 kPa. Calculate the follow

Report final answers to 3 significant figures.

Mass flow rate of the entering stream =

Ex: 522 kg/min
Volumetric flow rate of the entering stream =
Ex: 249000 L/min
Volumetric flow rate of the exiting stream =
Ex: 24300 L/min

1 2

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Enoch Tamale
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ACTIVITY 4.5.4: Nitrogen compressor.


Joan and Richard are performing calculations related to a new compressor being installed. A
of pure nitrogen (N ) enters the compressor at 313 C and 747 mmHg with a mass flow rate
kg/day. The compressed nitrogen exits as a single stream at 721 m /hr and 363 C. Calculat
©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
Volumetric flow rate of the entering stream = UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023

Ex: 2.10E+3 SCMH

Molar flow rate of the exiting stream =
Ex: 52600 mol/hr
Pressure of the exiting stream =
Ex: 2780 mmHg

1 2

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ACTIVITY 4.5.5: Ternary mixture split point.



Kasper and Camilla are investigating the flow through a split point in an ammonia plant. The
entering the split point contains 22.8% nitrogen (N ), 57.0% hydrogen (H ), and the balance a
entering stream flows at 726 mol/hr, and two streams exit the split point. One of the exiting s
purge stream and has a flow rate of 51.9 L/min at 1.05 atm and 491 C. Assume all streams
gases. Calculate the following unknowns.
Molar flow rate of the purge stream = ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
Ex: 66.7 mol/hr UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023
Molar flow rate of the non-purge exiting stream =
Ex: 768 mol/hr
Mole fraction of argon in the purge stream =
Ex: 0.137
1 2

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CHALLENGE ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

ACTIVITY 4.5.6: Flowing ternary ideal gas mixture. Enoch Tamale



Hemma and Pierre are monitoring a three component mixture of ideal gases flowing at 752
mixture is flowing at 2220 kmol/hr and contains oxygen (O ), nitrogen (N ), and argon (Ar). T
pressures are 379 mmHg, 153 kPa, and 2.92 psi for oxygen, nitrogen, and argon, respectively
the component mass flow rates.

Component mass flow rate of oxygen =

Ex: 198 kg/min
Component mass flow rate of nitrogen =
 
Ex: 581 kg/min
Component mass flow rate of argon =
Ex: 118 kg/min

1 2

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4.5.7: Ideal gas feed to distillation column.
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Enoch Tamale
495688.3717518.qx3zqy7 UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023

A distillation column is being monitored by engineers Elisabeth and Ambrose. A stream of be

H ), toluene (T, C H ) and p-xylene (X, C H ) enters into a distillation column with a flow
L/hr at 7.35 psig and 206 C. The partial pressures of benzene and toluene are 0.41 and 0.17
respectively, in the feed stream. In the bottom product stream, 89% of xylene and 34% of ben
the feed are recovered. The mole fraction of toluene in the overhead product stream is 0.098
behaves as an ideal gas at the entering conditions, and the column runs at steady state. Atm
pressure is 0.98 atm. Calculate the following unknowns.
Component molar flow rate of toluene in the feed stream =
Ex: 17.6 mol/hr
Component molar flow rate of toluene in the overhead stream = ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
Ex: 8.08 mol/hr UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023

Component molar flow rate of toluene in the bottoms stream =

Ex: 13.8 mol/hr

1 2

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4.5.8: Flowing propane.


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Oliver and Esther have decided to show their appreciation for their friends by hosting a cooko
propane (C H ) grill is available for their use. The propane is in a storage tank that is pressu
1.62 atm gauge at 43.0 C. Propane flows into the grill at a constant rate of 1.92 kg/hr during
Assume propane behaves as an ideal gas, and the atmospheric pressure is 14.8 psia. Calcul
following unknowns.
Volumetric flow rate =
Ex: 0.353 m /hr
Volumetric flow rate at STP =
Ex: 1.11 scmh ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
Minimum pressure to create liquid propane in the tank = UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023
Ex: 8360 mmHg

1 2

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ACTIVITY 4.5.9: Concentrating a polishing mixture.


Start ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

Enoch Tamale
David and Anastasia are making a mixture for polishing. Solid silica particles (SiO ) enter a m
3.71 kg/hr as one stream, and a liquid mixture of 152 mol/hr water (H O) and 21.3 mol/hr so
hydroxide (NaOH) enter as a second stream. A single mixture exits the mixer and enters an e
to concentrate the mixture. Pure nitrogen (N ) enters the evaporator at 718 mol/hr, 289 kPa,
C to remove only water from the mixture. A concentrated mixture of silica, sodium hydroxide
water leaves the evaporator in one stream. Nitrogen and evaporated water leave in a second
249 kPa, 65.0 C, and a partial pressure of water of 127 mmHg. Assume all gases behave as
gases. Calculate the following unknowns.
Volumetric flow rate of silica entering the mixer =
Ex: 46.2 L/day
Molar flow rate of gas exiting the evaporator =

Ex: 593 mol/hr 

Molar flow rate of water exiting the evaporator in the liquid phase =
Ex: 114 mol/hr

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ACTIVITY 4.5.10: Combining steam streams.
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495688.3717518.qx3zqy7 Enoch Tamale

Barbara and Andreas are investigating the mixing of two water lines. The higher pressure ste
enters a mix point at 1800 kPa and 400 C with a volumetric flow rate of 8350 L/min. A lowe
steam also enters the mix point as saturated vapor at 400 kPa with a volumetric flow rate of
L/min. Calculate the following unknowns. Report final answers to 3 significant figures.
Specific volume of higher pressure steam =

Ex: 0.114 m /kg

Mass flow rate of lower pressure steam entering mixing point =
Ex: 51.8 kg/min
Mass flow rate of water exiting mixing point = ©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759
Enoch Tamale
Ex: 106 kg/min UBCCHBE241BagherzadehFall2023

1 2

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©zyBooks 11/22/23 23:24 1858759

Enoch Tamale

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