McMain CBT Current Status and Future

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Psychotherapy Research
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Cognitive behavioral therapy: Current status and

future research directions
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Shelley McMain , Michelle G. Newman , Zindel V. Segal & Robert J. DeRubeis
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health – Borderline Personality Disorder Service, Toronto,
ON, Canada
Department of Psychology, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA
Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Published online: 17 Feb 2015.

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To cite this article: Shelley McMain, Michelle G. Newman, Zindel V. Segal & Robert J. DeRubeis (2015): Cognitive behavioral
therapy: Current status and future research directions, Psychotherapy Research, DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2014.1002440

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Psychotherapy Research, 2015


Cognitive behavioral therapy: Current status and future research



Centre for Addiction and Mental Health – Borderline Personality Disorder Service, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Department of
Psychology, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA; 3Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto,
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ON, Canada & 4Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
(Received 16 September 2014; revised 6 December 2014; accepted 20 December 2014)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), an umbrella term that includes a diverse group of treatments, is defined by a strong
commitment to empiricism. While CBT has a robust empirical base, areas for improvement remain. This article reviews the
status of the current empirical base and its limitations, and presents future directions for advancement of the field.
Ultimately, studies are needed that will identify the predictors, mediators, and moderators of treatment response in order to
increase knowledge on how to personalize interventions for each client and to strengthen the impact of CBT. Efforts to
advance the dissemination and implementation of CBT, innovative approaches such as practice-oriented research, and the
advantages of incorporating new and existing technologies, are discussed as well.

Keywords: cognitive behavioral therapy; psychotherapy; treatment outcome

A strong commitment to empiricism led to the efficacy of CBT. Next, we identify some limitations
development of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) of the evidence base. Finally, we identify a few
in the 1950s, and continues to define this approach. specific areas for future research directions.
Since CBT was introduced, it has grown to include a
diverse group of treatments that include cognitive
therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance Status of the Empirical Evidence on CBT
and commitment therapy, dialectical behavior ther-
Over the past four decades, a huge volume of well-
apy (DBT), schema-focused therapy, rational-emo-
tive behavior, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, controlled trials and replication studies, as well as
metacognitive therapy, cognitive behavioral analysis more than 250 meta-analytic studies, has been
system of psychotherapy, and cognitive processing amassed on various forms of CBT. While most
therapy. Published investigations of CBT far out- research has focused on the applications of CBT
number those of any other psychotherapeutic for depression and anxiety, studies have also been
approach, and numerous studies provide strong conducted on its use with a myriad of other
support for the efficacy of CBT across a broad range diagnoses, including schizophrenia, personality dis-
of disorders. However, while the current evidence orders, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, addictive
base is robust, areas for improvement remain. This behaviors, insomnia, anger, criminal behavior, mar-
article highlights potential avenues for achieving ital discord, pain management, and general stress
such improvement. We begin by briefly summarizing related to medical conditions. For a recent review,
the current status of empirical evidence on the see Hollon and Beck (2013).

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Shelley Mcmain, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health – Borderline
Personality Disorder Service, Toronto, ON, Canada. Email:

© 2015 Society for Psychotherapy Research

2 S. McMain et al.

The superiority of CBT compared to wait-list or others indicate that CBT is as efficacious as
nonspecific controls has been consistently demon- medication (e.g., DeRubeis et al., 2005). For the
strated. The strongest support is seen with anxiety treatment of alcohol and opioid dependence, CBT
disorders, for which CBT is considered a first-line is less efficacious than agonist medications (Dutra
treatment (Hofmann & Smits, 2008). Effect size et al., 2008).
estimates in comparisons of CBT with control condi- In sum, CBT has a robust evidence base for many
tions range from medium to large for various anxiety disorders. Consequently, in the past 10 years,
disorders (e.g., generalized anxiety disorder, panic published guidelines by the American Psychiatric
disorder, social anxiety, obsessive compulsive dis- Association and the National Institute for Health
order, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and and Care Excellence have recommended this therapy
specific phobias; Deacon & Abramowitz, 2004), uni- for the treatment of depression, obsessive compuls-
polar depression (e.g., van Straten, Geraedts, Leeuw, ive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic
Andersson, & Cuijpers, 2010), bulimia nervosa disorder, PTSD, BPD, schizophrenia, and bulimia
(Thompson-Brenner, 2002), borderline personality nervosa.
disorder (BPD) (e.g., Stoffers et al., 2012), anger
(e.g., Saini, 2009), and specific substance dependence
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 21:02 18 March 2015

disorders (e.g., cannabis and nicotine; Dutra et al., Limitations of Research on CBT
2008). For a recent review of meta-analytic studies, see
Hofmann, Asnaani, Vonk, Sawyer, and Fang (2012). Most of the published investigations seeking to
Overall, CBT has performed well in comparison describe the mechanisms of change that underlie
with well-defined comparative treatments. For the effects of psychotherapeutic treatment have been
example, CBT has been shown to be superior to in the area of cognitive therapy, and much of the
other treatments for various anxiety disorders (e.g., research has addressed the role of cognitive change
social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder; Hof- in the reduction of symptoms and prevention of
mann & Smits, 2008). CBT has been found to be relapse (cf., Ingram, Atchley, & Segal, 2011). How-
effective for unipolar depression (Pfeiffer, Heisler, ever, most reviewers of this literature conclude that
Piette, Rogers, & Valenstein, 2011), specific phobias at this stage, we do not know the answers to the most
(Hofmann & Smits, 2008), PTSD (Bisson et al., important questions concerning how CBT amelio-
2007), and BPD (Stoffers et al., 2012), though not rates and prevents symptoms (e.g., Crits-Christoph,
superior to other specific psychological treatments Gibbons, & Mukherjee, 2013; Oei & Free, 1995).
and this has prompted questions about what The question remains as to how best to test the
accounts for the efficacy of CBT. CBT alone has hypothesis that cognitive change, or for that matter
been found to not be sufficient for the treatment of other purported mechanisms of change (such as
bipolar disorder (Gregory, 2010), although some skills acquisition, mindfulness, schema change), is
evidence suggests that it may help to prevent relapses an important link in the causal chain that connects
(Cakir & Ozerdem, 2010). Evidence to support the the delivery of CBT with symptom reduction and
efficacy of CBT for the treatment of anorexia relapse prevention. A major challenge in this endea-
nervosa (McIntosh et al., 2005) or chronic symp- vor is the difficulty in disentangling cause from
toms associated with psychotic disorders (Bird et al., consequence (or from coincidence). For example,
2010) is not strong. testing whether symptom change is due cognitive
Compared to pharmacotherapy, CBT is superior change in cognitive therapy is challenging, given the
and preferable for the treatment of specific anxiety brief time lag between cognitive change and cognit-
disorders (e.g., social anxiety, obsessive compulsive ive changes in mood that is assumed in cognitive
disorder; Hofmann & Smits, 2008), and gambling therapy. Another impediment to advancing our
disorders (Leung & Cottler, 2009); is the first-line understanding is that the term “cognition” can
intervention for BPD, for which there is no medica- mean many different things, and cognitive change
tion of choice; is at least as efficacious in the can be measured in a variety of ways. The most
treatment of specific anxiety disorders (e.g., general- common type of measure used for studying mechan-
ized anxiety disorder and panic disorder; Hofmann & isms of change is the self-report questionnaire. It
Smits, 2008), and bulimia nervosa (Thompson- may be that other, less frequently used methods,
Brenner, 2002); and is an effective adjunct to such as those involving negative mood inductions
medication for the treatment of schizophrenia (Segal, Gemar, & Williams, 1999), ratings of in-
(Zimmermann, Favrod, Trieu, & Pomini, 2005) session client verbalizations (Tang & DeRubeis,
and bipolar disorder. For severe depression, the 1999), or ecological momentary assessments (Stone
evidence is mixed: some studies indicate that & Shiffman, 1994), will provide more informative
medications are superior (Elkin et al., 1995) while insights into the mechanisms of change in CBT.
Psychotherapy Research 3

As important as it is to answer questions about routine practice. Awareness of this problem has
how CBT works in general, it is perhaps of even prompted a rise in the number of CBT trials that
greater practical significance to discover how they include participants who are more typical of those in
can be adapted to best suit the needs of individual routine practice, such as individuals with significant
clients. In CBT, as in other therapies, there is a place comorbidities and/or who are receiving concurrent
for evidence-based principles that clinicians can use, medication (e.g., DeRubeis et al., 2005; McMain
in conjunction with clinical intuition, to adjust the et al., 2009).
focus of the therapy to the client. Distinctions that Confidence in a treatment is stronger if the effects
are likely to matter, and that have and should observed in RCTs are replicated in effectiveness
continue to be the subject of empirical research, trials. Unfortunately, the CBT effectiveness studies
include the chronicity of dysfunction and the pres- done to date have limitations. Although the findings
ence of comorbid disorders, especially personality of several “real world” studies have suggested that
dysfunction. For example, Strunk, Brotman, DeR- CBT can be effectively delivered in routine practice
ubeis, and Hollon (2010) found that the relation settings, some experts reject this conclusion, point-
between a measure of cognitive therapy, therapist ing to the weaknesses in the quality of many of these
competence and outcome was stronger in a sub- studies. A meta-analysis by Hans and Hiller (2013)
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 21:02 18 March 2015

group of clients with more complex presentations of of 70 non-randomized CBT effectiveness studies for
depression, as indexed by these variables. adult anxiety disorders identified numerous meth-
Despite the strong evidence base of CBT, and odological limitations of the data: 30% of studies
even if that evidence base is further strengthened, its failed to report dropout rates; outcome analyses were
full impact cannot be realized unless it is utilized largely restricted to completers (63% of all trials);
more widely and reaches more of those in need. and few of the studies had examined generalized
Among individuals diagnosed with serious mental anxiety disorder and specific phobias, which pre-
health problems, 35.5–50.3% of those in developed cluded conclusions about the evidence.
countries and 76.3–85.4% of those in less-developed Another impediment to bridging the gap between
countries had received no treatment in the last 12 science and practice is that CBT research has
months (Demyttenaere, Bruffaerts, & WHO World typically evolved without input from relevant know-
Mental Health Survey Consortium, 2004). Although ledge users. Several scholars propose that barriers to
CBT is widely utilized in the USA, Canada, and the advancing the dissemination and implementation of
UK (Norcross, Karpiak, & Santoro, 2005), its CBT can be overcome through broader alliances and
practice is limited in other developed countries. crosstalk between relevant stakeholders including
Even in North America, the availability of CBT is clients, practitioners, health-care decision-makers,
often limited to urban centers; and even within large oversight organizations, and other researchers
metropolitan centers, access to specialized CBT (McHugh & Barlow, 2010). For example, Goldfried
treatment programs, such as those for eating dis- et al. (2014) contend that a practitioner’s experience
orders, obsessive compulsive disorder, and BPD, are in delivering CBT needs to be factored into training
limited since the demand for service outweighs regimens and dissemination efforts. By virtue of
the available resources. The numerous barriers that being closer than researchers are to clinical phenom-
impede the uptake and dissemination of CBT are ena, practitioners could help operationalize relevant
detailed below. variables such as client characteristics and adherence
One such barrier is an over-reliance on rando- for training studies (Boswell et al., 2013). Others
mized controlled trials (RCTs) over other forms of contend that the field of CBT research has often
research designs, such as effectiveness studies and developed in a fragmented manner, and that we
process outcome studies. Whereas RCTs are import- need to coordinate the work of scholars working
ant and are widely regarded as the gold standard for globally in an effort to advance knowledge systemat-
rigorous research, they have been criticized as being ically (e.g., Linehan, personal communication).
limited with regard to advancing the understanding Finally, to ensure that CBT has maximal impact,
of complex dynamic phenomena such as treatment we need to ensure that it is culturally relevant
implementation (Goldfried & Wolfe, 1996). The and feasible for use across diverse settings and
strict exclusion criteria that often characterize populations.
RCTs have produced client samples that in many The impact of CBT has also been impeded by
cases are not representative of the populations seen overly restrictive and ineffective aspects of dissem-
in routine settings (Westen, Novotny, & Thompson- ination efforts. Although several ideas have been put
Brenner, 2004), and many clinicians have expressed forth, few have been tested empirically. Initial efforts
concerns that the findings from efficacy trials are focused on attempting to refute clinician concerns
not clinically relevant and do not transfer easily to with data from benchmarking studies (e.g., McEvoy &
4 S. McMain et al.

Nathan, 2007). However, benchmarking studies, greater focus in mental health, especially in the
which are typically published in academic journals CBT community. Spurred by calls to identify
and contain scholarly jargon, are geared toward potential moderators of treatment outcome in ran-
academics rather than practitioners; and many practi- domized trials (e.g., Kraemer, Wilson, Fairburn, &
tioners do not have the time, resources, or inclination Agras, 2002), there recently been a dramatic increase
to access journals in libraries or to search databases. in research activity that focuses on the prediction of
The attitudes and experience of practitioners may outcome: in particular, the differential prediction of
also interfere with expanding the availability of CBT. outcome as a function of the treatment that is
There are practitioners who lack knowledge of or provided to the client.
training in CBT (Becker & Stirman, 2011), hold A number of variables have predicted differential
negative attitudes toward it (e.g., it is too mechan- response to CBT. For example, in a study that
istic), and/or consider it ill-suited to the typical client compared CBT to interpersonal psychotherapy
populations seen in the community (Nakamura, (IPT) for the treatment of depression (Barber &
Higa-McMillan, Okamura, & Shimabukuro, 2011). Muenz, 1996), it was found that clients with
The limited number of providers in certain demo- avoidant features had a better response to CBT
graphic regions is another problem. Finally, some relative to IPT, whereas the opposite was true for
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practitioners who believe that they are delivering clients high on a measure of obsessiveness. Similarly,
CBT are in fact doing so with low fidelity (Woody, in another study that compared DBT to a psycho-
Weisz, & McLean, 2005), and there is evidence to dynamic approach for BPD, client agreeableness was
suggest that therapist self-reports show little corres- associated with stronger alliances and better clinical
pondence with behavioral observations of therapy outcomes in the DBT group but not in the psy-
sessions (Brosan, Reynolds, & Moore, 2008). chodynamic group (Hirsh, Quilty, Bagby, &
Research on optimal therapist training is at an early McMain, 2012).
stage, and more is needed. Two groups have published on the differential
Finally, attitudes on the part of clients themselves response to CBT versus antidepressant medications
can be a factor. Individuals in need of help may (ADMs). In these reports, the focus is as much on
avoid CBT because of a preference for other types of utility of the methods and the ways they point to
treatment, a lack of knowledge regarding options distinctive mechanisms of change in the two kinds of
and efficacy, inability to access the therapy, or lack of treatment as it is one of the aims of personalized
financial resources (Gunter & Whittal, 2010). Client recommendations per se. McGrath et al. (2013)
viewpoints and knowledge may be particularly relev- used indexes of brain metabolism from positron
ant with respect to CBT, given that it requires emission tomography to predict response, and found
their active participation both within and between that hypometabolism in the insula was associated
sessions. with a better response to CBT while hypermetabo-
lism predicted a better response to ADM. DeRubeis
et al. (2014) applied linear regression models to
Future Research Directions
improve the selection of a treatment by generating a
To address the limitations in CBT research identi- score for each client, the Personalized Advantage
fied above, we propose the following two broad areas Index (PAI), which indicates which treatment is
for future research directions: (i) individualizing likely to provide greater benefits. A higher PAI score
CBT for optimal client outcomes and (ii) building (either positive or negative) indicates a higher mag-
an evidence base to advance dissemination and nitude of the expected difference between the symp-
implementation. Within each of these areas, we tom reductions that will be experienced by the client
point to a few specific directions. depending on whether he or she received the
indicated treatment, relative to the non-indicated
treatment. In a study comparing CBT and ADM for
Individualizing CBT for Optimal Client
moderately to severely depressed clients, DeRubeis
et al. (2005) showed how such a system could be
There is increasing awareness that even a treatment used to individualize treatment selection. Moreover,
that is generally potent is unlikely to be effective for the system quantifies the benefit that would accrue,
everybody. When more than one evidence-based on average, to clients whose treatment is determined
treatment exists for a given problem, therapists by the PAI relative to those whose treatment is
should have the ability to select the most promising determined by other means. Variables that contrib-
treatment based on each client’s unique character- uted to a PAI score indicating CBT as the preferred
istics. This is one of the aims of “personalized treatment included being married, having recently
medicine”, a concept that has recently received experienced many stressful life events (see also
Psychotherapy Research 5

Bulmash, Harkness, Stewart, & Bagby, 2009), and Developing an Empirical Base to Advance the
being unemployed. The presence of a comorbid Dissemination and Implementation of CBT
personality disorder was a strong contributor to
For years, psychotherapy researchers have been
PAI scores that indicated better prognosis with aware of the gap between research and practice. If
ADM relative to CBT. CBT is to increase its impact, it is necessary to
These systems are being developed just as change the way we evaluate it. There are growing
researchers are evaluating the potential for genetic calls to examine the effect of CBT in real-world
testing to help determine which among many avail- settings and to study treatment effects beyond out-
able ADMs to select (Uhr et al., 2008). Although comes. Critical aspects of this work include attention
findings from these efforts have thus far not been to the feasibility of interventions, factors that impact
promising, genetic information may play a role in the uptake of CBT (e.g., satisfaction, costs, accept-
future studies, along with neuroimaging findings, ability), and strategies that help to modify clinician
demographic factors, personality profiles, etc., in behavior. Effectiveness trials of high quality are
predicting the optimal treatment path for each urgently needed across all forms of cognitive beha-
person. vioral treatments.
It is appropriate that trial and error, clinical One approach being recommended to close the
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intuition, and case conceptualization methods con- research-practice gap is practice-oriented research, a
tinue to guide the focus of CBT. However, as concept that was introduced in primary care medi-
research findings emerge that provide an evidence cine in the 1950s and adopted in mental health care
base that can augment clinical judgment, CBT can in the mid-1990s. This approach involves an active
become even more efficient and effective. A recent collaboration between researchers and clinicians to
example of this type of research is an investigation generate knowledge. Often conducted within the
reported by Keefe (2014) on the treatment processes context of practice-based research networks
in CBT for depressed clients with or without (PBRNs), practice-based research develops through
personality disorders. Different interventions pre- a process of shared decision-making (e.g., Caston-
dicted treatment response in the two subgroups. A guay, 2013). Although the study of psychotherapy
greater focus early in therapy on general beliefs, and CBT through PBRNs is in its infancy, several
including core beliefs and schemas, predicted better researchers advocate greater use of this method
response in clients with Axis II comorbidity, and because of the numerous benefits gained through
worse response in those without it. The opposite was such efforts. For a review, see Koerner and Caston-
found with regard to a focus on specific (moment-to- guay (2014).
moment) beliefs, which predicted poorer outcome in A major advantage of PBRNs is that they are an
those with Axis II comorbidity and better outcome ideal vehicle for conducting clinically relevant
research that can easily modify clinicians’ behavior
in those without. Used prescriptively, an increased
and improve treatment outcomes. As one example,
focus on core beliefs could improve response rates in
in a study by Adelman, Castonguay, Kraus, and
those with Axis II comorbidity, as was suggested by
Zack (2014), clinicians, researchers, and adminis-
Svartberg, Stiles, and Seltzer (2004).
trators collaborated on collecting clinical outcomes
Another strategy to increase the effectiveness and
as part of routine practice in a residential setting for
efficient delivery of CBT is to increase research adolescents being treated for concurrent substance
efforts to predict risk of relapse and readiness to use and mental health problems. The incorporation
terminate CBT. Among clients treated with CBT for of clinical assessment tools provided the clinicians
depression, the ability to apply the skills that were with information that led them to reconceptualize
taught in therapy sessions predicted resistance to the primary problem, identifying violence as a more
relapse (Strunk, DeRubeis, Chiu, & Alvarez, 2007). central issue than anxiety and depression. This
Two examples of measures used to predict resistance prompted the team to modify its clinical approach
to relapse are the “Skills of Cognitive Therapy” by introducing rational emotive therapy (RET) for
(Jarrett, Vittengl, Clark, & Thase, 2011) and the anger. By monitoring outcomes, the clinicians were
Competencies of Cognitive Therapy Scale (Strunk able to determine that treatment was more effective
et al., 2007). Such measures are meant to reflect the after the introduction of RET. In sum, within this
mechanisms of change and relapse prevention; thus, PBRN, clinicians adopted an evidence-based inter-
development and testing of their predictive validity vention and were able to observe first hand that they
in CBT should yield tools that a therapist can use to could achieve better outcomes.
help determine whether a client is ready to reduce The advantages of conducting CBT research
session frequency or terminate from CBT. through PBRNs include increasing the likelihood
6 S. McMain et al.

of clinicians utilizing evidence-based treatments, ularly well suited to interactive computer and smart
increasing fidelity to treatment protocols, and phone programs because it has well-delineated
improving outcomes (e.g., Koerner & Castonguay, procedures, is highly structured, targets specific
2014). We know of one PBRN that has focused on behaviors and symptoms, and proceeds in a system-
helping clinicians learn how to use and obtain good atic manner (Newman, Consoli, & Taylor, 1997).
outcomes with evidence-based therapies such as CBT that is delivered via technology offers many
DBT. The Evidence-based Practice Institute, estab- unique advantages and has been found to be accept-
lished by Kelly Koerner, involves a network of able to clients (e.g., Andrews, Cuijpers, Craske,
practitioners, clinical administrators, trainers, and McEvoy, & Titov, 2010). Clients decide how often,
researchers who have a shared interest in learning when, and for how long to use the program, and are
how to implement evidence-based practices and therefore chiefly responsible for their own treatment,
evaluate outcomes. This PBRN has focused on the which encourages a greater sense of mastery and
training in competencies in modules (e.g., exposure control. In standard therapy sessions, the failure of
protocols, skills training, and goal setting), an some techniques may be due to low therapist fidelity
approach that Koerner and Castonguay (2014) or a pacing that does not suit the client, whereas a
contend is highly applicable to the dissemination of computer delivery allows clients to proceed at their
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CBT protocols. own pace; as well, treatment elements can be added,

Importantly, the development of a more robust withdrawn, and personalized to the individual.
and clinically relevant CBT evidence base can Technology also offers the advantage of exact repro-
develop through the collaboration between interna- ducibility of therapy, thus ensuring that the treat-
tionally dispersed researchers who adopt a systematic ment is provided with high fidelity. In addition, the
approach to addressing a specific CBT model or accessibility and privacy of computer-based or smart
clinical problem. For example, Marsha Linehan, the phone-based interventions may enhance comfort,
developer of DBT, initiated an international stra- acceptability, uptake, and treatment response in
tegic planning group to advance knowledge on the some clients. Furthermore, in situations where
practice of this treatment. Members of the DBT clients cannot access CBT, technology can be used
Strategic Planning Network include an international to make it available to those who might otherwise
group of clinician scientists which hold annual remain untreated (e.g., remote geographic locations,
strategic planning meetings to review DBT research lack of funding, or a condition of agoraphobia that
findings, present research proposals, identify gaps in might make a client unwilling or unable to drive to
knowledge, and provide oversight of the advance- the therapist’s office), and can be made available
ment of the study of DBT. The advantage of a anytime and anyplace. Directly related to cost–
network of clinical researchers who are dispersed benefit issues, technology-based therapy may be
globally across academic and clinical settings is that implemented when the demand for treatment out-
it enables a methodical approach in examining the weighs what can be provided by human resources.
same intervention practiced across diverse cultures The efficacy of CBT delivered using technologies
and populations. One example of a project from this has been demonstrated for a variety of problems,
group includes an investigation into enhancing DBT including anxiety, depressive disorders, and addictive
with prolonged exposure (PE) to improve treatment disorders (e.g., Newman, Szkodny, Llera, & Prze-
outcomes for individuals with trauma and BPD. worski, 2011a, 2011b). In numerous studies, com-
This PE-enhanced DBT was tested in an inpatient puterized treatments delivered to the community
DBT context in Germany (Bohus et al., 2013) and have demonstrated comparable efficacy to therapist-
an outpatient context in the US (Harned, Korlsund, delivered treatments and were found to be superior to
Foa, & Linehan, 2012). The findings showed that no treatment or placebo (e.g., Newman et al., 2011a,
the inclusion of more distressed actively self-harming 2011b). Additional studies are beginning to emerge
individuals was suitable for the inpatient context, on the efficacy of the use of momentary intervention
whereas abstinence from self-harm was a critical tools such as smart phones (e.g., Newman, Prze-
inclusion for the outpatient intervention. Any group worski, Consoli, & Taylor, 2014).
of CBT researchers could similarly initiate a network In addition to being a means for providing treat-
with other researchers, as well as with clients and ment to clients, technology has been used success-
health-care decision-makers who are geographically fully as a resource for training therapists. For
dispersed, in order to learn from one another and example, a number of studies have found that online
broaden the scope of understanding. training sites led to greater success than treatment
New and existing technologies need to be further manuals alone on outcomes such as knowledge,
examined for their potential to support efforts to objective performance of therapy strategies, learner
disseminate and implement CBT. CBT is partic‐ satisfaction, and learner self-efficacy in training on
Psychotherapy Research 7

DBT and 12-step therapy (e.g., Dimeff, Woodcock, predictors of response to CBT, in order to better
Harned, & Beadnell, 2011). Another line of research guide case formulation and enable clinicians to select
attempted to improve clinicians’ attitudes toward appropriate strategies to maximize treatment effects.
and implementation of exposure therapy, as this There are a limited number studies on change
technique is perceived by many therapists as cruel processes and change mechanisms, and such
and unethical (Olatunji, Deacon, & Abramowitz, research is crucial to improving our understanding
2009) and efforts to increase its use are crucial. In an of how CBT achieves its’ effects. The effectiveness of
examination of online multimedia training (OLT), CBT as practiced in diverse real-world settings is not
online motivational enhancement (OME), and on- well understood. Many individuals who are in need
line community support (OCS), Harned et al. of CBT cannot access it. Additionally, there is a lack
(2014) found that while OLT alone, OLT + OME, of evidence-based information related to the efficient
and OLT + OME + OCS all led to significantly and effective training of clinicians, and research on
increased use and self-efficacy, the combination of how to improve the uptake of CBT is essential.
all three interventions resulted in the most improved Several natural directions for future research exist.
attitudes toward exposure, significantly enhanced The first main area to be addressed is how to
clinical proficiency (determined objectively), and individualize CBT to each client. It is not clear how
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resulted in superior knowledge. Thus, multimedia CBT achieves its effects, so research on the underly-
may aid our ability to both disseminate and imple- ing mechanisms of change in CBT will help us
ment interventions. As well, the proliferation of understand how to better predict differential treat-
smartphones can increase the access of both practi- ment response. A second main direction concerns the
tioners and consumers to research findings. building of an evidence base to guide the dissemina-
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