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WHAT: The Project Quality Management Dashboard is to display key Quality Management
parameters/performance indicators in a graphical format for high level management review on a Periodoc Basis.
Unless otherwise stipluated, the Project Dashboard will be updated and published every 2 weeks on the 14th &
28th of each month.

WHY: It is essential for management to have the opportunity to review the status of projects from a quality
Management Perspective at a glance.

WHO: The Dashboard is manintained by the Project PM/CS Qality lead and issued to MRH. MRH QM will review
the periodoc report to ensure the data is correct and up-to-date. Any discrepancise will be advised to the PMCS
for report update and re-issued.

a Periodoc Basis.
s on the 14th &

m a quality

H QM will review
ed to the PMCS
(TGH] QA-QC REPORT / Dashboard
Form No.: QMS.D.2 29 Jul 2022
Date : 01-Jun-24

3. No Audits/Inspection
1. NCR MANAGEMENT (12 Months) 2. Work Inspection
& Observations Raised By MRH
Total Accumulated Total Accumulated Total Accumulated
Ave. #
Ave ApproveR Close
Close Rate Age Total # Observati
Report Date Close Age Approve ate Total # Rate
# NCR # NCR Trend Open # WIR # Audit / Observati ons
Rate Trend # WIR Issued Rate Trend Observati Trend
Issued Closed NCR Approve Inspect ons Closed
% % ons
15-Jan-22 11 1 9% 9% 5 -5 38 36 95% 95% 15 15 15 100% 100%
30-Jan-22 11 1 9% 0% 10 -5 57 54 95% 0% 16 16 16 100% 0%
15-Feb-22 11 1 9% 0% 15 -5 65 62 95% 1% 17 17 17 100% 0%
28-Feb-22 11 1 9% 0% 10 5 92 88 96% 0% 17 17 17 100% 0%
15-Mar-22 11 1 9% 0% 14 -4 124 117 94% -1% 23 23 23 100% 0%
30-Mar-22 12 2 17% 8% 14 0 166 158 95% 1% 28 28 28 100% 0%
15-Apr-22 12 2 17% 0% 14 0 192 184 96% 1% 32 32 32 100% 0%
30-Apr-22 12 2 17% 0% 14 0 221 213 96% 1% 40 40 40 100% 0%
15-May-22 16 3 19% 2% 14 0 256 244 95% -1% 47 47 47 100% 0%
30-May-22 16 3 19% 0% 14 0 293 271 92% -3% 55 55 55 100% 0%
15-Jun-22 16 3 19% 0% 14 0 310 284 92% -1% 59 59 59 100% 0%
30-Jun-22 16 3 19% 0% 28 -14 316 290 92% 0% 63 63 63 100% 0%
15-Jul-22 16 3 19% 0% 28 0 339 311 92% 0% 69 69 69 100% 0%
30-Jul-22 16 3 19% 0% 28 0 363 334 92% 0% 74 74 74 100% 0%
15-Aug-22 18 4 22% 3% 28 0 386 355 92% 0% 79 79 79 100% 0%
30-Aug-22 19 5 26% 4% 28 0 402 363 90% -2% 87 87 87 100% 0%
15-Sep-22 20 5 25% -1% 28 0 416 368 88% -2% 91 91 91 100% 0%
30-Sep-22 434 372 86% -3%
15-Oct-22 441 372 84% -1%
30-Oct-22 450 372 83% -2%
15-Nov-22 454 372 82% -1%
30-Nov-22 454 372 82% 0%
15-Dec-22 454 372 82% 0%
30-Dec-22 454 372 82% 0%

NCR Initiated by: (totals) NCR CORRECTIVE ACTION

By: Total No. % Total No. % NCR CLOSE RATE
MRH 0 0% Rework 0 0%
PMCS 20 100% Repair 5 100% 80%
Authority 0 0% Use As Is 0 0% 40%
20 100% 5 100% 0%
25 6
5 Use As Is
20 ;0
3 Repair
10 PMCS; 20 ;5
5 1
0 Rework 80%
0 MRH; 0 ;0
MRH PMCS Rework Repair Use As Is
Photos of 2 Most Critical



Photo 1 Photo 1 40%


Red Band: Top Management intervention Required. Orange Band: PM to highlight to Project Team.
Green Band: No Action required

4. Material Approval Requests (6 months) 5. Material Inspections Rec.

(one MAR with subsequent revisions is counted as one) (MIR) MAR APPROVAL RATE
Total Accumulated Total Accumulated
Average 80%
Report Date Total # # MAR Review 60%
Approve (days) Total # MIR) # MIR
MAR Status Approve % 40%
% Issued Status A/B
Issued A/B
15-Jun-22 7 4 57% 2 2 100% 0%
30-Jun-22 10 5 50% 4 4 100%
15-Jul-22 11 5 45% 7 7 100%
30-Jul-22 12 5 42% 9 9 100%
15-Aug-22 13 6 46% 12 12 100%
30-Aug-22 15 7 47% 15 15 100% MIR APPROVAL RATE
15-Sep-22 22 7 32% 18 18 100% 100%
30-Sep-22 26 7 27% 26 20 77% 80%
15-Oct-22 38 9 24% 31 20 65% 60%
30-Oct-22 46 9 20% 34 25 74%
15-Nov-22 54 12 22% 37 33 89%
30-Nov-22 60 12 20% 38 34 89%
15-Dec-22 66 12 18% 38 34 89% 0%
22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
30-Dec-22 71 13 18% 38 34 89% n- n- n- l- l- l- l- g- g- g- g- g- p- p- p- p- t- t- t- t- v- v- v- v- v- c- c- c- c-
- Ju -Ju -Ju 6-Ju 3-Ju 0-Ju 7-Ju -Au -Au -Au -Au -Au -Se -Se -Se -Se -Oc -Oc -Oc -Oc -No -No -No -No -No -De -De -De -De
15 22 29 1 2 2 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28

6. Quality Concerns
SN Description Risk Proposed Mitigation Remarks

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