Gender Studies Final Notes

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In Kathryn Stockett's "The Help," Skeeter Phelan controls the narrative in several ways:

Centralizing the White Savior: Skeeter's role as the white savior is critical to the narrative. Despite
the presence of significant African American characters, the story revolves around Skeeter's ambition
to become a writer. By focusing on her efforts to publish a book about the maids' experiences, the
narrative frames her as the protagonist who is supposedly "saving" these women by giving them a
voice, albeit through her own control and lens.

Selective Storytelling: The narrative largely centers on Skeeter's perspective, even though it includes
voices of the black maids, Aibileen and Minny. This selective storytelling is apparent in how Skeeter's
ambitions and experiences are prioritized over the deeper systemic issues faced by the black
characters. While Skeeter is portrayed as compassionate and progressive, her actions also reflect her
unconscious privilege and the limitations of her understanding of racial issues.

Juxtaposition with Racist Characters: The novel contrasts Skeeter with overtly racist characters like
Hilly Holbrook, making Skeeter appear more virtuous in comparison. This contrast not only highlights
her relative benevolence but also simplifies the complex social dynamics by reducing the critique to
individual racism rather than addressing the broader, systemic racism entrenched in society. This
serves to divert attention from the problematic aspects of Skeeter's role in controlling the black
maids' stories.

Marginalizing Black Agency: Despite the courageous actions of the black maids, the narrative often
implies that their empowerment and the fight against racism heavily rely on Skeeter's involvement.
This diminishes the historical reality of African American activism and portrays the black characters
as dependent on white intervention for progress and justice. This framing undermines their agency
and resilience, positioning Skeeter as the necessary catalyst for change.

Through these mechanisms, Skeeter controls the narrative by being the primary lens through which
the story of racial injustice is told, thus embodying the white savior trope that recenters white
characters in stories about people of color.

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Kathryn Stockett'in "The Help" (Yardımcılar) adlı eserinde, Skeeter Phelan anlatıyı birkaç şekilde
kontrol eder:

Beyaz Kurtarıcıyı Merkeze Almak: Skeeter'ın beyaz kurtarıcı rolü anlatı için kritiktir. Önemli Afrikalı
Amerikalı karakterlerin varlığına rağmen, hikaye Skeeter'ın yazar olma hırsı etrafında döner.
Hizmetçilerin deneyimlerini anlatan bir kitap yayımlama çabalarına odaklanarak, anlatı onu bu
kadınlara ses veren ve onları "kurtaran" bir kahraman olarak çerçeveler, ancak bu kendi kontrolü ve
merceği aracılığıyla olur.

Seçici Anlatım: Anlatı, siyah hizmetçilerin seslerini içermesine rağmen büyük ölçüde Skeeter'ın bakış
açısına odaklanır. Bu seçici anlatım, Skeeter'ın hırslarının ve deneyimlerinin siyah karakterlerin
karşılaştığı daha derin sistemik sorunların üzerinde önceliklendirildiği şekilde belirgindir. Skeeter,
merhametli ve ilerici olarak tasvir edilirken, eylemleri aynı zamanda bilinçsiz ayrıcalığını ve ırksal
meseleleri anlama konusundaki sınırlamalarını yansıtır.

Irkçı Karakterlerle Karşılaştırma: Roman, Skeeter'ı açıkça ırkçı karakterler olan Hilly Holbrook ile
karşılaştırır ve bu da Skeeter'ı daha erdemli gösterir. Bu karşılaştırma, sadece onun göreceli iyiliğini
vurgulamakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda karmaşık sosyal dinamikleri bireysel ırkçılığa indirger ve
toplumda kök salmış daha geniş, sistemik ırkçılığı ele almaktan kaçınır. Bu, Skeeter'ın siyah
hizmetçilerin hikayelerini kontrol etmesinin sorunlu yönlerinden dikkatleri uzaklaştırır.

Siyah Ajansını Marjinalleştirme: Siyah hizmetçilerin cesur eylemlerine rağmen, anlatı sık sık
güçlenmelerinin ve ırkçılıkla mücadelenin büyük ölçüde Skeeter'ın katılımına bağlı olduğunu ima eder.
Bu, Afrikalı Amerikalı aktivizmin tarihi gerçekliğini azaltır ve siyah karakterleri ilerleme ve adalet için
beyaz müdahalesine bağımlı olarak tasvir eder. Bu çerçeveleme, onların iradesini ve direncini
küçümser ve Skeeter'ı değişim için gerekli bir katalizör olarak konumlandırır.

Bu mekanizmalar aracılığıyla, Skeeter, renkli insanların hikayelerinde beyaz karakterleri yeniden

merkeze alan beyaz kurtarıcı temasını somutlaştırarak, ırksal adaletsizlik hikayesinin anlatılma
biçiminde ana mercek olur.

discuss the role of journalist Skeeter with regards to the narration of African American woman
tales in the help?

In The Help, Skeeter Phelan plays a crucial role in narrating the stories of African American maids by
compiling their experiences into a book. Her position as a journalist allows her to act as a conduit for
the voices of these women, who work in the homes of white families in Jackson, Mississippi.
However, her role is complex and layered with the dynamics of race, privilege, and the notion of the
"white savior."
Skeeter's Role and Motivation

Skeeter, an ambitious young white woman, aspires to become a writer. She decides to collect and
publish the stories of African American maids to establish herself as a journalist and author. This
ambition is partly inspired by her awareness of the racial injustices around her, but it is also driven by
her personal goals. Skeeter's initial motive is self-serving, focusing on her career rather than a
genuine effort to advocate for the maids' rights .

The White Savior Complex

Skeeter's actions and the narrative structure of The Help align with the trope of the "white savior."
This concept involves a white character stepping in to "save" or "liberate" people of color, often
overshadowing the agency and contributions of the latter. In the novel, while Skeeter's efforts to
write the book bring attention to the maids' plights, it also reinforces the idea that the maids need a
white intermediary to voice their struggles. This dynamic is problematic as it can imply that African
Americans are incapable of advocating for themselves without white assistance .

Impact on African American Characters

The narrative shows that African American maids like Aibileen and Minny take significant risks to
share their stories with Skeeter. Despite the dangers, they choose to collaborate, driven by a mix of
hope for change and personal resilience. However, their portrayal often lacks depth regarding their
inner lives and motivations, focusing more on their roles within white households than on their own
identities and personal struggles .

The Broader Context

The novel is set against the backdrop of the Civil Rights Movement, yet it often downplays the
historical activism of African Americans. Key events and figures, such as the assassination of Medgar
Evers, are mentioned but not deeply explored. This omission can be seen as a way to maintain the
focus on Skeeter's journey and transformation, further highlighting the white savior narrative at the
expense of historical accuracy and the real efforts of black activists .


Skeeter's role in The Help is pivotal in bringing the stories of African American maids to a broader
audience. However, her position also exemplifies the complexities and criticisms of the white savior
trope, where the well-intentioned actions of a white character overshadow the agency and voices of
the people of color they aim to help. While Skeeter's efforts are depicted as courageous and
transformative, they are also intertwined with her personal ambitions and the inherent power
dynamics of race and privilege.

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