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Raffles Institution

Humanities Department
Year 3RP Geography 2024

Name: ____________________________ ( ) Class: ______ Date: ___________

Weighted Assessment 2 – Geographical Investigation Total Marks: _____ / 30

Inquiry question:

Which is the most appropriate site in the school for a new Gryphon’s Lair?

As part of the school’s ongoing plans to enhance student well-being and increasing the number of recreational spaces on the school premises, and in
consideration of the school’s commitment to sustainability, the school is studying the suitability of three new locations for a new student hub, where students
can relax, play board games together, or study, similar to the current Gryphon’s Lair. In order to conserve electricity and reduce our carbon footprint, the site of
the new Gryphon’s Lair will not have air conditioning, and will not require significant modifications e.g. construction of roofing or a new building altogether.
Instead, existing spaces will be refurnished and repurposed for recreational use. As a result, the school has asked the Year 3 Geography students to do a study
of the 3 locations to determine which site is the most appropriate to build the new Gryphon’s Lair.

Your Task:
In groups of 3-4, you will need to gather relevant data about the 3 shortlisted sites, shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1 below. You will also need to carry out a
questionnaire survey with at least 5 other students not from your cohort to share and account for their preference amongst the shortlisted sites. Using the
information gathered, your group will then need to write a report analysing the data and summarising your findings to recommend the most suitable site. Following
this, you will need to write an individual short reflection evaluating your group’s data collection process.

Table 1: List of shortlisted sites

Shortlisted Sites in Y14 Campus

A: Under the RI clock tower
B: The field outside ARTSpace
C: The garden at the Humanities Hub (between
Humanities and Literature circular rooms)

2024 Y3RP Geo 1

Fig. 1: Map of Raffles Institution (Y14)
2024 Y3RP Geo 2
Part A: Group Component (12m)

1. Your group will need to demonstrate purposeful and competent use of the following fieldwork techniques to gather weather and observational data on
all three shortlisted sites. You will need to collect the following data and present the information collected in a suitable form:
a. Temperature
b. Relative humidity
c. Questionnaire survey with at least five non-Year 3 students.

Part B: Individual Component (18m)

1. You will then write a report (max 700 words, excluding figures and captions) which:
a. Analyses the data collected in order to decide which of the shortlisted sites is the most suitable for your chosen recreational space.

2. You will need to write an evaluation (max 150 words) reflecting on your group’s data collection process.
a. You should identify one strength and one weakness of the data collection process.
b. Your evaluation should explain how this strength/weakness affected the reliability and/or accuracy of the data collected.

Submission details
• Your final submission should have, in sequence:
o A cover page which indicates clearly all the group members' names, respective classes, and index number.
o Group component:
 THREE completed data collection recording sheets template
 Graphical representation of data
o Individual component:
 All members’ individual write-ups.
o Assessment rubrics – one copy of the group component, and one copy of the individual component for each group member, with names clearly
written (see Annex A)
o A suggested template has been provided for you
o Each group leader is to upload one copy of the above submission products by 11pm on T2W10 Monday, 20 May, as a submission to the
WA2 GI assignment on Ivy.
• Report format (Up to 2 marks to be deducted with non-compliance)
o 12 pt. Arial
o 1.5 line spacing
o Normal margins (2.54cm / 1 inch)
o All figures should be captioned accordingly

Data Collection

2024 Y3RP Geo 3

One lesson will be set aside for all groups to conduct their data collection in school.

One sling psychrometer will be provided for each team, to collect temperature and humidity data. A template recording sheet that you group may choose to
use for your data collection has been provided for you.

How to use a Sling Psychrometer

Fig. 2
At your selected site:
1. Record observations of surroundings & weather conditions
2. Dip the wick of the wet bulb in water.
3. Swing psychrometer for 1 min. Keep the psychrometer far from
your body so that it does not pick up your body heat.
4. After 1 min, stop swinging the psychrometer. Read and record the
temperature on the wet and dry bulb.
5. Repeat Step 2 – 4 at 3 min interval.

Table 2

• Back in class: Using Table 2, record the relative humidity readings found at each location.

2024 Y3RP Geo 4

Annex A: 2024 Year 3 Geography Weighted Assessment 2

Group members: ____________________________ ( ) Class: 3 / _____

____________________________ ( )

____________________________ ( )

____________________________ ( )

Geographic Investigation: Rubric for Group Component (12m)

Excellent Good Room for Improvement Need to try much harder
Graphical Very clear, accurate and Clear, accurate and Fairly clear, accurate and Presentation of data lacks
representation effective representation of effective representation of effective representation of clarity and accuracy.
of data for data in useful formats data in useful format such data in useful format such Untidy work. Most
temperature such as tables as tables and/or graphs as tables and/or graphs elements of tables and
and relative and/graphs etc. All etc. Most elements of etc. Some elements of graphs are missing,
humidity elements of tables and tables and graphs are tables and graphs are significantly affecting
• Appropriate graphs are present. present. present. clarity.
choice of
table/graph Choice of representation Choice of representation Choice of representation Choice of representation
types is always appropriate. is always appropriate. is mostly appropriate. is largely inappropriate.
• All graph
elements [6] [4-5] [2-3] [1]
are present

Very clear, accurate and Clear, accurate and Fairly clear, accurate and Presentation of data lacks
Graphical effective representation of effective representation of effective representation of clarity and accuracy.
representation data in useful formats data in useful format such data in useful format such Untidy work. Most
of data for such as tables as tables and/or graphs as tables and/or graphs elements of tables and
questionnaire and/graphs etc. All etc. Most elements of etc. Some elements of graphs are missing,
survey elements of tables and tables and graphs are tables and graphs are significantly affecting
• Appropriate graphs are present. present. present. clarity.
choice of
table/graph Choice of representation Choice of representation Choice of representation Choice of representation
types is always appropriate. is always appropriate. is mostly appropriate. is largely inappropriate.
• All graph
elements [6] [4-5] [2-3] [1]
are present


Group Comments: Group Subtotal:

/ 12

2024 Y3RP Geo

Geographic Investigation: Rubric for Individual Component (18m)

Excellent Good Room for Improvement Need to try much harder
Analysis and Conclusion answers the Conclusion answers the Conclusion answers the Conclusion does not
Conclusion inquiry question inquiry question inquiry question, but only answer the inquiry
comprehensively, adequately, with some examining the final question.
• Supported comparing the three sites comparison between the chosen location to justify
by analysis to justify the decision. three sites to justify the the decision. Analysis consists of
of data decision. largely unclear, illogical
• Well Analysis consists of a Some parts of the and incoherent flow of
explained clear, logical and Analysis consists of analysis are unclear, explanations, which do
with coherent flow of explanations which may illogical and incoherent. not highlight any patterns.
elaboration explanations, which is not be clear, logical and Patterns highlighted in the
supported by significant coherent at times. Some data are largely Explanations are mostly
[12m] patterns found in the patterns highlighted in the insignificant. unsupported by data.
data. Explanation is well- data may not be
elaborated. significant. Explanations are
supported by data only in
Explanations are Explanations are some parts of the write
supported by data supported by data in most up.
throughout the write up. parts of the write up.

[10-12] [7-9] [4-6] [1-3]

Individual Identifies 1 significant Identifies 1 strength and 1 Identifies 1 strength and 1 Identifies 1 strength and 1
Reflection strength and 1 significant weakness with some weakness with limited weakness that are not
• 1 strength weakness with very justification, mostly justification, sometimes clearly distinct.
• 1 weakness strong justification, relating back to relating back to Justification is lacking and
always relating back to reliability/accuracy of the reliability/accuracy of the does not make reference
[6m] reliability/accuracy of the data collected. data collected. to the reliability/accuracy
data collected. of the data collected.

[6] [4-5] [2-3]

Overall Comments:
Total Marks

/ 30

2024 Y3RP Geo


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