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View Defender for Office 365 reports - Microsoft Defender for Office 36...

View Defender for Office 365 reports in

the Microsoft Defender portal
Article • 04/24/2024 •
Applies to: Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 1 and Plan 2, Microsoft Defender XDR

 Tip

Did you know you can try the features in Microsoft Defender XDR for Office 365 Plan
2 for free? Use the 90-day Defender for Office 365 trial at the Microsoft Defender
portal trials hub . Learn about who can sign up and trial terms here.

In organizations with Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 1 or Plan 2 (for example,
Microsoft 365 E5 or Microsoft Business Premium) a variety of security-related reports
are available. If you have the necessary permissions, you can view and download these
reports in the Microsoft Defender portal.

The reports are available in the Microsoft Defender portal at https:// on the Email & collaboration reports page at Reports > Email
& collaboration > Email & collaboration reports. Or, to go directly to the Email &
collaboration reports page, use .

Summary information for each report is available on the page. Identify the report you
want to view, and then select View details for that report.

The rest of this article describes the reports that are exclusive to Defender for Office 365.

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7 Note

Email security reports that don't require Defender for Office 365 are described in
View email security reports in the Microsoft Defender portal.

For reports that have been deprecated or replaced, see the table in Email security
report changes in the Microsoft Defender portal.

Reports that are related to mail flow are now in the Exchange admin center (EAC).
For more information about these reports, see Mail flow reports in the new
Exchange admin center.

Watch this short video to learn how you can use reports to understand the effectiveness
of Defender for Office 365 in your organization.

Safe Attachments file types report

7 Note

This report has been deprecated. The same information is available in the Threat
protection status report.

Safe Attachments message disposition report

7 Note

This report has been deprecated. The same information is available in the Threat
protection status report.

Mail latency report

The Mail latency report shows you an aggregate view of the mail delivery and
detonation latency experienced within your Defender for Office 365 organization. Mail

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delivery times in the service are affected by many factors, and the absolute delivery time
in seconds is often not a good indicator of success or a problem. A slow delivery time
on one day might be considered an average delivery time on another day, or vice-versa.
This report tries to qualify message delivery based on statistical data about the observed
delivery times of other messages.

Client-side latency and network latency aren't included in the results.

On the Email & collaboration reports page at

emailandcollabreport , find Mail latency report, and then select View details. Or, to go
directly to the report, use .

On the Mail latency report page, the following tabs are available:

• 50th percentile: The middle for message delivery times. You can consider this
value as an average delivery time. This tab is selected by default.
• 90th percentile: Indicates a high latency for message delivery. Only 10% of
messages took longer than this value to deliver.
• 99th percentile: Indicates the highest latency for message delivery.

Regardless of the tab you select, the chart shows messages organized into the following

• Overall
• Detonation (these values are explained in the Filter values)

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Hover over a category in the chart to see a breakdown of the latency in each category.

In the details table below the chart, the following information is available:

• Date (UTC)
• Latency
• Message count
• 50th percentile
• 90th percentile
• 99th percentile

Select Filter to modify the report and the details table by selecting one or more of
the following values in the flyout that opens:

• Date (UTC): Start date and End date

• Message view: Select one of tne of the following values:
◦ All email
◦ Detonated email: After you select this value, select one of the following values
that appears:
◦ Inline detonation: Links and attachments in messages are fully tested by Safe

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Links and Safe Attachments before delivery.

◦ Asynchronous detonation: Dynamic delivery of attachments by Safe
Attachments and links in email tested by Safe Links after delivery.

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

On the Mail latency report page, the Export action is available.

Post-delivery activities report

The Post-delivery activities report shows information about email messages that
removed from user mailboxes after delivery by zero-hour auto purge (ZAP). For more
information about ZAP, see Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) in Exchange Online.

The report shows real-time information with updated threat information.

On the Email & collaboration reports page at

emailandcollabreport , find Post-delivery activities, and then select View details. Or, to
go directly to the report, use .

On the Post-delivery activities page, the chart shows the following information for the
specified date range:

• No threat: The number of unique delivered messages that were found to be not
spam by ZAP.
• Spam: The number of unique messages that were removed from mailboxes by ZAP
for spam.
• Phishing: The number of unique messages that were removed from mailboxes by

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ZAP for phishing.

• Malware: The number of unique messages that were removed from mailboxes by
ZAP for phishing.

The details table below the graph shows the following information:

• Subject

• Received time

• Sender

• Recipient

• ZAP time

• Original threat

• Original location

• Updated threat

• Updated delivery location

• Detection technology

To see all columns, you likely need to do one or more of the following steps:
◦ Horizontally scroll in your web browser.
◦ Narrow the width of appropriate columns.
◦ Zoom out in your web browser.

Select Filter to modify the report and the details table by selecting one or more of
the following values in the flyout that opens:

• Date (UTC): Start date and End date.

• Updated threat: Select one ore mor of the following values:
◦ No threat
◦ Spam
◦ Phishing
◦ Malware

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

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On the Post delivery activities page, the Create schedule and Export actions are

Threat protection status report

The Threat protection status report is a single view that brings together information
about malicious content and malicious email detected and blocked by Exchange Online
Protection (EOP) and Defender for Office 365. For more information, see Threat
protection status report.

Top senders and recipients report

The Top senders and recipients report show the top recipients for EOP and Defender for
Office 365 protection features. For more information, see Top senders and recipients

URL protection report

The URL protection report provides summary and trend views for threats detected and
actions taken on URL clicks as part of Safe Links. This report doesn't have click data from
users if Track user clicks in the effective Safe Links policy isn't selected.

On the Email & collaboration reports page at

emailandcollabreport , find URL protection report, and then select View details. Or, to

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go directly to the report, use

URLProtectionActionReport .

The available views in the URL threat protection report are described in the following

View data by URL click protection action in the URL

protection report

The View data by URL click protection action view shows the number of URL clicks by
users in the organization and the results of the click:

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• Allowed: Clicks allowed.

• Allowed by tenant admin: Clicks allowed in Safe Links policies.
• Blocked: Click blocked.
• Blocked by tenant admin: The Clicks blocked in Safe Links policies.
• Blocked and clicked through: Blocked clicks where users click through to the
blocked URL.
• Blocked by tenant admin and clicked through: Admin has blocked the link, but
the user clicked through.
• Clicked through during scan: Clicks where users click through the pending scan
page to the URL.
• Pending scan: Clicks on URLs that are pending a scan verdict.

A click indicates that the user has clicked through the block page to the malicious
website (admins can disable click through in Safe Links policies).

The details table below the chart provides the following near-real-time view of all clicks
that happened within the organization for the last 30 days:

• Click time
• User
• Action
• App
• Tags: For more information about user tags, see User tags.

Select Filter to modify the report and the details table by selecting one or more of
the following values in the flyout that opens:

• Date (UTC): Start date and End date.

• Action: The same URL click protection actions as previously described. By default,
Allowed and Allowed by tenant admin aren't selected.
• Evaluation: Select Yes or No. For more information, see Try Microsoft Defender for
Office 365.
• Domains (separated by commas): The URL domains listed in the report results.
• Recipients (separated by commas)
• Tag: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then
select Priority account. For more information about user tags, see User tags.

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

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On the URL threat protection page, the Create schedule, Request report, and
Export actions are available.

View data by URL click by application in the URL

protection report

 Tip

URL clicks by guest users are available in the report. Guest user accounts might be
compromised or access malicious content inside the organization.

The View data by URL click by application view shows the number of URL clicks by apps
that support Safe Links:

• Email client
• Teams
• Office document

The details table below the chart provides the following near-real-time view of all clicks
that happened within the organization for the last seven days:

• Click time
• User

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• Action: The same URL click protection actions as previously described for the View
data by URL click protection action view.
• App
• Tags: For more information about user tags, see User tags.

Select Filter to modify the report and the details table by selecting one or more of
the following values in the flyout that opens:

• Date (UTC): Start date and End date.

• Application: The same click by application values as previously described.
• Action: The same values as shown in the View data by URL click protection action
view. By default, Allowed and Allowed by tenant admin aren't selected.
• Evaluation: Select Yes or No. For more information, see Try Microsoft Defender for
Office 365.
• Domains (separated by commas): The URL domains listed in the report results.
• Recipients (separated by commas)
• Tag: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then
select Priority account. For more information about user tags, see User tags.

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

On the URL threat protection page, the Create schedule, Request report, and
Export actions are available.

Additional reports to view

In addition to the reports described in this article, the following tables describe other
available reports that are available:

ノ Expand table

Report Article

Explorer (Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 2) or real- Threat Explorer (and real-time
time detections (Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 1) detections)

Email security reports that don't require Defender for Office View email security reports in the
365 Microsoft Defender portal

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Report Article

Mail flow reports in the Exchange admin center (EAC) Mail flow reports in the new
Exchange admin center

PowerShell reporting cmdlets:

ノ Expand table

Report Article

Top senders and recipients Get-MailTrafficSummaryReport

Top malware Get-MailTrafficSummaryReport

Threat protection status Get-MailTrafficATPReport


Safe Links Get-SafeLinksAggregateReport


Compromised users Get-CompromisedUserAggregateReport


Mail flow status Get-MailflowStatusReport

Spoofed users Get-SpoofMailReport

Post delivery activity summary Get-AggregateZapReport

Post delivery activity details Get-DetailZapReport

What permissions are needed to view the

Defender for Office 365 reports?
See What permissions are needed to view these reports?

What if the reports aren't showing data?

If you don't see data in the reports, check the report filters and double-check that your

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policies are set up correctly. Safe Links policies and Safe Attachments policies from Built-
in protection, preset security policies, or custom policies need to be in effect and acting
on messages. For more information, see the following articles:

• Preset security policies in EOP and Microsoft Defender for Office 365
• Configuration analyzer for protection policies in EOP and Microsoft Defender for
Office 365
• Set up Safe Links policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365
• Set up Safe Attachments policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365

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