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Name:___________________________ Score:_______________________

Name of school:_______________________________________________________________
Perform the following test items as instructed.
Direction: Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer to the following test items. Write the letter of your choice on the
space provided.

___________1.Which organ system controls your thinking, movement, and senses?

A. Nervous B. Circulatory C. Respiratory D. Muscular
______2.Which organ system protects against water and disease and also controls your body temperature?
A. Integumentary B. Urinary C. Endocrine D. Lymphatic
_____3.Which organ system moves your blood, oxygen, and nutrients through out your body?
A.Reproductive B. Circulatory C. Urinary D.Endocrine
_____4.Which organ system moves your body?
A. Endocrine B. Skeletal C. Circulatory D.
_____5.Which organ system breaks down your food into nutrients for your body to use?
A. Digestive B.SkeletalC.ReproductiveD. Integumentary
_____6.Which organ system filters and cleans your blood?
A. Urinary B. Endocrine C. Lymphatic D. Digestive
_____7.Which organ system makes sex cells to help form a fetus?
A. Nervous B. Circulatory C. Respiratory D. Reproductive
_____8.Which organ system moves your blood, oxygen, and nutrients through out your body?
A. Nervous B. Circulatory C. Respiratory D. Muscular
_____9.The kidneys and urethra are part of which organ system?
A.SkeletalB.DigestiveC.Urinary D. Respiratory
_____10.The stomach and intestines are part of which organ system?
A. Skeletal b. Respiratory C. Digestive System D. Reproductive
_____11.Which of the following is an organ of the circulatory system?
A. Kidney C. Roots
B. Heart D. Stems
_____12.Angelo’s father was hospitalized due to chest pain and difficulty of breathing. Laboratory examination revealed
increased cholesterol in blood. Which organ system is mostly affected?
A. Circulatory System C. Excretory System
B. Nervous System D. Digestive System
_____13.Which of the following structures are NOT involved in asexual reproduction?
a.Gametes C. Stem
b.Tuber D. Root
_____14.Which of the following processes involves an egg being discharged from an ovary?
A.FertilizationB.ovulation C. Hibernation c. Reproduction
_____15.What happens after fertilization?
A. A zygote is formed C. A full grown organism is formed
.B. An egg is formed. D. none of these
_____16.Energy we use to heat our homes, drive our cars and run our computers comes from
A.Artificial Resources B.Natural Resources C.Renewable Resources D.Nonrenewable Resources
_____17.Way we consume these renewable resources, it effects their
A.efficiency B.power C.availability D.cost
_____18.To preserve resources for future, we have to
A.look for more them C.consume more of them D.use them more frequently
____19.For travelling short distances, best way to conserve natural resources is driving flying taking lift cycling
____20Which is natural resource?
A.perfume B.periscope C.plants D. pen.
____21.Which resource is a renewable resource?
A.oil B.ozone C.sunlight D. moon
____22.Something in the environment that can be replaced naturally is called a:
A. non -renewable resource B. renewable resource C. pollution D. conservation
____23.Which statement is false?
A.People use resources faster than they can be replaced.
B.Fossil fuels take millions of years to form in the earth.
C.People can use solar energy to light and power homes.
D.Recycling is the only way to conserve natural resources.
____24.A good example of CONSERVATION is:
A.Cutting down all of the trees in the forest
B.Sparingly (not often) eating a variety of fish
C.Eating all of the chickens all at once
D. none of these
_____25.One thing you could do to help out the Earth's Natural Resources is to:
A.Use only plastic bags
B.Turn off the water when you brush your teeth
C.Leave your lights onTake a private jet on your next vacation
D. all of the above
____27.Which animal below is a mammal?
A.turtle B.snake C.pelican D.bear
____28.There are five categories of vertebrates. Which one is not a vertebrate?
A.Mammals B.Birds C.Arthropods D.Reptiles
A. Use the words from the list to complete the sentences below.Write your answer on the blank.
vertebrates exoskeleton warm-blooded
invertebrates camouflage cold-blooded
29. Animals that do not have a backbone are called _____________________.
30. Animals that have a backbone and an internal skeleton are called_____.
31. A __________________ animal takes on the temperature of its environment.
32. is an animal’s coloration that makes it look like part of its habitat.
33 A hard outer covering on some insects is called an ___________________.
34. A __________________ animal keeps its body temperature in the same range at all times.
35.Which type of eclipse does the following statement describe? When the moon travels between the Sun and the
Earth, blocking the Sun's light from the Earth in the middle of the day.
A: Lunar Eclipse
B: Solar Eclipse
C: Neither
____36.List the planets in order from closest to farthest.
a.Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
b.Mercury, Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
c.Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus
d.Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

_____37.Mercury is the...
A.Smallest planet in our Solar System.b.Hottest planet in our Solar System.
c..Clostest planet in our Solar System.

___38.Which planet in our solar system has more mass than those other planets combined?
A.Earth B.Saturn C.VenusD.Jupiter

____39Which planet in our solar system takes less than 10 hours to rotate around its axis?
A.JupiterB.Mars C.Venus D.Neptune

_____40.Which planet in our solar system is the fastest orbiting planet?

A.Jupiter B.Earth C.Mercury D.Venus

____41.Which planet in our solar system has the most moons?

A.Uranus B.Jupiter C.Saturn D.Neptune
_____42.Which planet in our solar system has the hottest average surface temperature?
A.Mars B.Venus C.Mercury D.Earth

____43.. How many planets are there in our solar system?

a) Eight b) Nine c) Ten d) Eleven

____44.. Are the orbits of the planets on the same plane?

a) Yes, more or less b) No, they’re all over the place

_____45. In our solar system, the planets known as the giant planets are also known as the outer planets?
a) True b) False

____46.. Which statement describes the atmosphere of the planet correctly?

a) Venus is mostly carbon dioxide b) Mercury is mostly nitrogen

c) Earth is mostly oxygen d) Saturn is mostly helium

47. To weigh roughly two-thirds less than what you do on Earth, which planet would you be on?

a) Uranus b) Mars c) Venus d) Jupiter

48.. How long does it take for light from the Sun to reach Earth
a) 1 minute b) 8 minutes c) Instantaneous d) 24 hours

Use the word bank to help you choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
Second eighth moons Galileo coldest largest Red Planet third
1. Earth is the _______________________ planet from the sun.
2. Jupiter is the ___________________ planet in the Solar System.
3. Neptune is the __________________ planet from the sun.
4. Uranus is the ____________________ planet in our Solar System.
5. Venus is the ________________________ planet from the sun.
6. Mars is also known as the _____________________________.
7. Mercury has no _____________________.
8. The rings of Saturn were first seen by ____________________.
9. I am between Earth and Saturn but I am not Mars. Which planet am I?
10. Humans are constantly walking on me. Which planet am I?
11. I have a huge “Red Spot” on me. Which planet am I?
12I have many rings. I sit between Jupiter and Neptune but I am not Uranus. Which planet am I?
13.I am between Venus and Jupiter and I was named after the Roman god of war. Which

Read each question. Then, write your answer.____________________________

1. How many moons does Mercury have?______________________
2. Why was the planet Mercury named after the Roman god?___________________
3. Mercury’s surface looks similar to what moon?____________________________________
4. What is Mercury’s temperature at night?____________________
5. Why is there no weather or wind in Mercury?______________________________
6. What is Mercury’s temperature during daytime?____________________________

1. How many moons does Venus have?___________________________

2. Venus was named after the Roman goddess of ____? Circle your answer.
a. grace and peace b. love and beauty b. Hope and eternity
3. Venus is the _____________________ planet from the sun.
4. What is the temperature of Venus surface?__________________
5. Why is Venus called Earth’s sister planet?______________
6. What is the atmosphere of Venus composed of?_______

1.What does the name Earth mean?

2. Earth is the _____________ planet from the sun. Circle your answer.
3. Earth’s surface is split into plates. What are these plates called?
4. Earth is larger that what other three planets?
5. List two facts of how Earth is different from other planets.
a. second b. first b. third
6. How many moons does Earth have?

1. Because Mars has rust-like dust it is also known as?

2. What is Mars atmosphere mostly made up of?
3. Name the mineral that causes Mars to have an ever present red tint.
4. What is the name of the Solar System largest volcano?
5. Why do seasons last longer on Mars?
6. Mars is the _____________ smallest planet in the Solar System. Circle your answer.
a. second b. first b. fourth

Read each statement. Then, circle your answer

1. Jupiter was named after the ancient roman sky-god.
True False
2. Jupiter is the smallest planet in our Solar System.
True False
3. Jupiter Red Spot can be seen without a telescope.
True False
4. The Red Spot was first seen by Robert Hookens.
True False
5. Jupiter is the stormiest planet in the Solar System . True False
6. The four largest moons of Jupiter are called Galilean moons.
True False 7. Jupiter is the sixth planet from the sun. True False

Read each statement. Then, mark your answer. True False

1. Saturn is called after the ancient Roman god of agriculture ________ _______
2. Saturn rings are made up of millions of water drops. ________ _________
3. Saturn was known before telescopes were invented. _______ ________
4. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are known as the “gas giants”. _______ ______
5. Saturn is the second smallest planet in the Solar System. _______ ________
6. Saturn has 62 moons. _______ ________
7. Saturn’s rings can only be seen with a telescope. _______ _________

Read each question. Then, write your answer.

1. Why is Uranus considered a “gas giant” ?
2. What is Uranus atmosphere mostly made up of?
3. What is the name of the gas that makes Uranus seem blue-green?
4. Who first saw Uranus through a telescope?
5. Uranus is the _____________ planet from the sun. Circle your answer.
a. sixth b. seventh b. eighth
6. Uranus was named after the Greek god of the __________.
a. water b. soil

Read each statement. Then, mark your answer True False

1. Neptune is the windiest planet in our Solar System. ________ ________
2. Neptune was named after the Roman god of the sea. ________ _________
3. Triton is the most unusual moon. ________ ______
4. Neptune is known as one of the “great giants”. ________ ______
5. Neptune‘s atmosphere is made up of hydrogen-methane. _______ _______
6. Neptune is the ninth planet in the Solar System. _______ _______
7. Neptune suffers the least violent weather in the Solar System. ________ _________

Facts about Mercury Facts about Neptune

•Neptune is named after the Roman god of
In Roman mythology Mercury is the god of
commerce, travel and thievery, the Roman the sea.
counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger •Is the eighth planet in the Solar System.
of the Gods. The planet received this name •Is the farthest planet from the Sun in the
because it moves so quickly across the sky. Solar System.
Mercury is a small planet which orbits closer to the sun than • Has 13 moons.
any other planet in our solar system.
• Mercury has no moons. • Neptune is one of the four “gas giants”.
• Mercury’s surface is very hot, it features a barren, crater Like Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, it is
composed only of gas. Neptune is a great
ball of hydrogen and helium.
• In the same year that Neptune was first
covered surface which looks similar to Earth’s moon.
• Mercury is so close to the Sun, the daytime temperature is scorching
reaching over 400 degrees Celsius.
• At night however, without an atmosphere to hold heat in, the
temperatures plummet, dropping to -180 degrees Celsius.
• Mercury has a very low surface gravity.
• Mercury has no atmosphere which means there is no wind or
weather to speak of
Mercury has no water or air on the surface

Facts about Venus

• Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
• Venus is the second planet from the sun.
• Is the brightest object in the sky besides our Sun and the Moon.
Venus’ symbol
• Has no moons.
• It is also known as the morning star because at sunrise it appears in
the east. It is also known as evening star as it appears at sunset when
it is in the west. It cannot be seen in the middle of the night.
• Venus and Earth are close together in space and similar in size,
which is the reason Venus is called Earth's sister planet.
• Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet.
• It is the hottest planet in the solar system, even hotter than
Mercury, which is closer to the Sun.
• The temperature on the surface of Venus is about 460° Celsius.
• The atmosphere on Venus is composed of carbon dioxide. The
surface is heated by radiation from the sun, but the heat cannot
escape through the clouds and layer of carbon dioxide
. (This is a “greenhouse effect”).

Facts about Earth

Earth’s symbol
• All of the planets, except for Earth, were named after Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. The name Earth is an Old English and
German name which simply means soil.
•Earth is the third planet from the sun.
• Has one moon.
• It is the only planet that has liquid water on its surface.
• It is the only planet in the solar system that has life.
• The Earth is fragile. Its surface is split into plates (tectonic plates) which float on a rocky mantle – the layer between the surface of
the earth, its crust, and its hot liquid core. The inside of the Earth is active and earthquakes, volcanoesand mountain building takes
place along the boundaries of the tectonic plates.
• The Earth is larger than Mercury, Venus and Mars, the planets closest to it.
• The Earth differs from all the other planets because it has such a wide diversity of life and intelligent beings. This has only been
possible because of the Earth’s atmosphere which has protected the Earth and allowed life to flourish.
Facts about Mars
• Mars was named after the Roman god of war, it is also described as the “Red Planet” because it is covered with rust-like dust.
•Mars is the fourth planet from the sun.
•It is the second smallest planet in the Solar System.
• Has two moons.
• Mars looks a lot like our home, though instead of blue oceans and green land, Mars is home to an ever present red tint. This is due to
a mineral called iron oxide that is very common on the planet’s surface.
• Mars has many massive volcanoes and is home to Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in our solar system, it stands 21km high and is
600km across the base.
• Mars has seasons like Earth too. These seasons are much longer than Earth seasons because Mars is so much farther from the sun.
• Mars experiences violent dust storms which continually change its surface.
• Mars has a very thin atmosphere made mostly of carbon dioxide. It is not thick enough to trap the sun's heat like Venus, so the planet
is very cold. Temperatures range from -120 Degrees Celsius on winter nights to 25 Degrees Celsius in the summer.

Facts about Jupiter

•It is called after the ancient Roman sky-god, Jupiter, known to the Greeks as Zeus.
•Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun.
•Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar system. It is so big that more than 1300 Earths could fit inside it.
Jupiter’s symbol
• Has 63 moons! The first 4 largest moons of Jupiter are called Galilean moons but 46 of them are much smaller ranging.
• Jupiter is the stormiest planet in the Solar System. There is a permanent, but ever-changing whirlpool of storms, known as Jupiter’s
Great Red Spot which can be seen using a telescope.
• The Red Spot was first seen by Robert Hooke in 1664.
• Jupiter is the first of the “gas giants”, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
• Jupiter is made of hydrogen, helium, methane and ammonia. The cloudy sphere has bright belts on it which change their shape.
• If you were to descend into Jupiter, the thin, cold atmosphere becomes thicker and hotter, gradually turning into a thick, dark fog. In
the blackness about 1000km down the pressure squeezes the atmosphere so hard that it becomes like liquid.

Facts about Saturn

• Saturn was named after the ancient Roman god of agriculture.
• Is the sixth planet from the sun.
• Saturn is the second largest planet in our Solar System, after the giant Jupiter.
• Has 62 moons!
• Saturn is the last planet that can be seen without using a telescope or binoculars and the planet was known in the ancient world
before telescopes were invented. The rings, however, can only be seen using a telescope.
• The rings were first seen byGalileo in 1610 through a telescope.
• The rings are made up of millions of ice crystals, some as big as houses and others as small as specks of dust.
• The four largest outer planets,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, are known as the “gas giants” since it is thought they are entirely
made up of dense layers of gas. Saturn is a great ball of hydrogen and helium.
• Saturn is very light as it is made up of more hydrogen that helium so it is less dense.
• Saturn is not a peaceful planet. Storm winds race around the atmosphere at 800kmp/h.

•Uranus was named after the Greek god of the sky.

•Is the seventh planet from the sun.
•Uranus was the first planet discovered by telescope.
• Has 27 moons.
• Uranus was first seen byWilliam Herschel in 1781 during a survey of the sky using a telescope.
• Rolls like a barrel rather than spinning like Earth and the other planets in our Solar System.
• Uranus is the coldest planet in our Solar System.
• Uranus is one of the “gas giants”, the four outer planets which are entirely composed of gas, Jupiter, Saturn and
• Uranus is the smallest of the four “giants”, but is still several times larger than the Earth.
• Uranus’s atmosphere is mostly hydrogen but it also contains large amounts of a gas called methane. Methane absorbs red light and
scatters blue light so a blue-green methane haze hides the interior of the planet from view.

1. How many moons does Mercury have?Mercury has no moons

2. Why was the planet Mercury named after the Roman god?The planet was named after the Roman god
since it moves quickly across the sky.
3. Mercury’s surface looks similar to what moon?It look similar to Earth’s moon
4. What is Mercury’s temperature at night?Mercury’s temperature drops to -180 degrees Celsius
5. Why is there no weather or wind in Mercury?Mercury has no atmosphere which means there is no weather
or wind .
6. What is Mercury’s temperature during daytime?Mercury’s daytime temperature reaches 400 degrees

1. How many moons does Venus have?Venus is called Earth’s sister planet because they are close together in
space and are similar in size.
2. Venus was named after the Roman goddess of ____? Circle your answer.b. love and beauty
3. Venus is the _____________________ planet from the sun.second
4. What is the temperature of Venus surface?The temperature of Venus surface is about 460 degrees Celsius.
5. Why is Venus called Earth’s sister planet?Venus has no moons.
6. What is the atmosphere of Venus composed of?The atmosphere of Venus is composed of carbon dioxide
1. What does the name Earth mean?Earth means soil
2. Earth is the _____________ planet from the sun. Circle your answer.
3. Earth’s surface is split into plates. What are these plates called?Earth’s plates are called tectonic plates
4. Earth is larger that what other three planets? Earth is larger than Mercury, Venus and Mars.
5. List two facts of how Earth is different from other planets.
6. How many moons does Earth have? Earth has one moon.
1. Because Mars has rust-like dust it is also known as?Mars is also known as the “Red Planet”
2. What is Mars atmosphere mostly made up of?Mars atmosphere is mostly made up of carbon dioxide.
3. Name the mineral that causes Mars to have an ever present red tint.The mineral that causes Mars ever
present tint is called iron oxide
4. What is the name of the Solar System largest volcano?The Solar System largest volcano is called Olympus
5. Why do seasons last longer on Mars?Seasons last longer on Mars because it is farther from the sun
6. Mars is the _____________ smallest planet in the Solar System. Circle your answer b. fourth

1. Jupiter was named after the ancient roman sky-god. True

2. Jupiter is the smallest planet in our Solar System. False
3. Jupiter Red Spot can be seen without a telescope. False
4. The Red Spot was first seen by Robert Hookens. False
5. Jupiter is the stormiest planet in the Solar System . True
6. The four largest moons of Jupiter are called Galilean moons.True
7. Jupiter is the sixth planet from the sun. False

1.T 2.F 3. T 4.T 5. F 6.T 7.T

1.Why is Uranus considered a “gas giant” ?Uranus is considered a gas giant because it is entirely composed of
2. What is Uranus atmosphere mostly made up of?Uranus atmosphere is mostly made up of hydrogen
3. What is the name of the gas that makes Uranus seem blue-green?The name of the gas that make Uranus
seem blue-green is methane.
4. Who first saw Uranus through a telescope?Uranus was first seen through a telescope by William Herschel
5. Uranus is the _____________ planet from the sun. Circle your answer.b. seventh
6. Uranus was named after the Greek god of the __________.

1. I am between Earth and Saturn but I am not Mars. Which planet am I?Jupiter
2. Humans are constantly walking on me. Which planet am I?Earth
3. I have a huge “Red Spot” on me. Which planet am I?Jupiter
4. I have many rings. I sit between Jupiter and Neptune but I am not Uranus. Which planet am I?Saturn
5. I am between Venus and Jupiter and I was named after the Roman god of war. Which planet am I? Mars

1. Earth is the _______________________ planet from the sun.third

2. Jupiter is the ___________________ planet in the Solar System.largest
3. Neptune is the __________________ planet from the sun.eigth
4. Uranus is the ____________________ planet in our Solar System coldest.
5. Venus is the ________________________ planet from the sun.second
6. Mars is also known as the planet
7. Mercury has no moons
8. The rings of Saturn were first seen by _________________galileo

 Consumers that eat only plants are called

o A. Omnivores
o B. Carnivores
o C.


o D.

 2.
What is the main source of energy for producers and
food chains?
o A.

Snickers candy bar

o B.


o C.


o D.

Monster Energy Drink

 3.
A consumer who eats both plants and animals is
called a _____________________.
o A.


o B.


o C.

o D.


 4.
Consumers that eat only meat are ______________.
o A.


o B.


o C.


o D.


 5.
Living things that break down dead organisms and
turn the remains into nutrients that are released into
the soil are called __________________.
o A.


o B.

o C.


o D.


 6.
Consumers can make their own food.
o A.


o B.


 7.
Producers can make their own food.
o A.


o B.


 8.
__________________ is passed along at each link in
the food chain.
o A.


o B.


o C.


o D.


 9.
Which choice lists three consumers that eat only

o A.

Deer, horses, eagles

o B.

Eagles, tigers, hawks

o C.

Monkeys, horses, cows

o D.

Deer, grasshopper, cows

 10.
Which choice lists three consumers that eat only
o A.

Lions, tigers, sharks

o B.

Monkey, lions, tigers

o C.

Bacteria, fungi, tigers

o D.

Bears, horses, grasshoppers

 11.
Which choice lists three consumers who eat meat or
o A.

Sharks, bacteria, grasshoppers

o B.
Eagles, hawks, spiders

o C.

Humans, monkeys, bears

o D.

Fish, horses, frogs

 12.
_________________ is the name of the process
plants use to make their own food.
o A.


o B.


o C.

Fast food

o D.


 13.
Which choice lists two examples of living things that
break down dead organisms?
o A.

Eagle and bird

o B.

Mice and cheese

o C.

Bacteria and fungi

o D.

Monkeys and apes

 14.
What type of organisms have to find their source of
energy and cannot make it on their own?
o A.


o B.


o C.


o D.

 15.
I am a __________________.
o A.


o B.


o C.


o D.

Symbiotic Relationships Pre/Post
Name _______________________ Date _________ Period _______
Grade _____/100
The test will cover the following Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
C.7.L.17.2 Compare and contrast the relationships
among organisms such as mutualism,
predation, parasitism, competition, and commensalism
Describe and investigate various limiting factors in the local ecosystem and
their impact on native populations, including food, shelter, water, space, dise
parasitism, predation, and nesting sites.
Directions: Answer each of the following questions below

each multiple choice
question is worth
Ants and acacia trees have a
relationship because
from living with
are part of the same ecosystem.
are both adapted to a humid climate.
ants eat part of the acacia tree.

What does symbiosis mean?
living separately, no relationship between 2 species
living together, close relationship between 2 species
living in
a commun
ity with no interaction
between each other
living together in fear of each other
What t
ype of relationship is Commensalism
One species benefits and the other is not affected at all.
Both species involved benefit from the relationship.
One s
pecies benefits and the other is harmed.
Competing for the same food source
Match the following Picture (representation) to the Correct Symbiotic
Relationship by drawing a line from the word to the picture that matches the
pecies share a requirement for a
limited resource
thus reducing
fitness of one or both
12. ___B___
is an example of which relationship?
A. Commensalism
B. Mutualism
C. Symbolism
D. Predation

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