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S ekW11 - Task:Assignment - Old vs. Modern

Indicaciones de la tarea
Hello everybody!
Now it's time for you to do the task for this week. Read the instructions below. Remember that
if you need to review a topic, you can always check the course material as many times as you
need. Keep in mind that you have to present this task during week 11.
Lee los anuncions, en ellos tu docente comparte información importante sobre el desarrollo de la tarea.

1. Learning Outcome

Through this activity, students compare the old and new version of a technological device using
the grammar and vocabulary learned in Weeks 10 to 11.

2. Description

 Step 1: Collaborative work (get into pairs or groups of 3).

 Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes.
 Step 3: Prepare a 3-4 minute dialogue with your partner(s).

 Situation: Each student must choose a technological device. Find pictures
showing an old and a modern version of the chosen device. Each one of you
must compare the two versions using comparative adjectives. Compare the
price, color, material, size, functions, etc.
 Decide the order of the presentation between you and your partner(s). Take
turns to share the information.
 Student A: Compares the old and the new version of a technological
 Student B: Compares the old and the new version of a different
technological device.
 Student C: Compares the old and the new version of a different
technological device.
 Content:

 Vocabulary and expressions from Unit 3 (Weeks 10- 11)
 Technological devices
 Comparative form of adjectives.
 Verb + nouns and verbs + gerunds (-ing)

 Step 4:

 Practice the dialogue with your partner(s) paying attention to the pronunciation
and intonation.
 Remember to transmit your personal emotions as if you were in a real
 Step 5: Once you are ready, record yourselves using multimedia and upload it to the
virtual learning platform or upload your video on Youtube /Drive and share the link in
Word format on the learning platform.
 Step 6: Use the following structure:
 Cover: Your names and last names must be there. Include your photos. There
are 2 options to do it: (Choose one)
 Option 1: Insert the cover in your video, if you record it on the learning
 Option 2: Insert the cover in a Word format with the YouTube
link/Drive link.

Example of the cover:

Asiste a los “Talleres” donde podrás reforzar y practicar los temas de la semana. Puedes
registrarte en Portal del estudiante o UTP +: Refuerzo Académico

3. Materials to be used

 Study materials of the week

 Vocabulary of the week
 Personal notes
 Additional material:

 Dictionary Cambridge online: to
an external site.
 Oxford American English Dictionary:
1/acref-9780195392883Links to an external site.
 Englisch-Hilfen: to an external site.
 All things Grammar:
simple.htmlLinks to an external site.
 Raymond Murphy - English Grammar in Use Book:
answers-elementarypdf-6ng2exg9rjlvLinks to an external site.
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🔴 (AC-S11) Week 11 - Task: Assignment - Old vs. Modern

Indicaciones de la tarea

Hello everybody!

Now it's time for you to do the task for this week. Read the instructions below. Remember that if
you need to review a topic, you can always check the course material as many times as you need. Keep in
mind that you have to present this task during week 11.

Lee los anuncions, en ellos tu docente comparte información importante sobre el desarrollo de la

1. Learning Outcome
Through this activity, students compare the old and new version of a technological device using
the grammar and vocabulary learned in Weeks 10 to 11.

2. Description

• Step 1: Collaborative work (get into pairs or groups of 3).

• Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes.

• Step 3: Prepare a 3-4 minute dialogue with your partner(s).

• Situation: Each student must choose a technological device. Find pictures showing an
old and a modern version of the chosen device. Each one of you must compare the two versions using
comparative adjectives. Compare the price, color, material, size, functions, etc.

• Decide the order of the presentation between you and your partner(s). Take turns to
share the information.

• Student A: Compares the old and the new version of a technological device.

• Student B: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• Student C: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• Content:

• Vocabulary and expressions from Unit 3 (Weeks 10- 11)

• Technological devices

• Comparative form of adjectives.

• Verb + nouns and verbs + gerunds (-ing)

• Step 4:

• Practice the dialogue with your partner(s) paying attention to the pronunciation and

• Remember to transmit your personal emotions as if you were in a real situation.

• Step 5: Once you are ready, record yourselves using multimedia and upload it to the
virtual learning platform or upload your video on Youtube /Drive and share the link in Word format on the
learning platform.

• Step 6: Use the following structure:

• Cover: Your names and last names must be there. Include your photos. There are 2
options to do it: (Choose one)

• Option 1: Insert the cover in your video, if you record it on the learning platform.

• Option 2: Insert the cover in a Word format with the YouTube link/Drive link.

Example of the cover:

Asiste a los “Talleres” donde podrás reforzar y practicar los temas de la semana. Puedes
registrarte en Portal del estudiante o UTP +: Refuerzo Académico

3. Materials to be used

• Study materials of the week

• Vocabulary of the week

• Personal notes

• Additional material:

• Dictionary Cambridge online:

american-english/Links to an external site.

• Oxford American English Dictionary:
9780195392883Links to an external site.

• Englisch-Hilfen: to an external site.

• All things Grammar: to an

external site.

• Raymond Murphy - English Grammar in Use Book:

raymond-murphy-english-grammar-in-use-with-answers-elementarypdf-6ng2exg9rjlvLinks to an external

A(C-S11) ekW11 - Task:Assignment - Old vs. Modern

Indicaciones de la tarea


Now it's time for you to do the task for this week. Read the instructions below. Remember that if you need to

reviwa topic, you can always check the course material as many times as you need. Keep in mind that you have to present this

task during week 11.

, los anuncions, en ellos tu docente comparte información importante sobre el desarrollo de la tarea.

1. Learning Outcome
, this activity, students compare the old and new version of a technological device using the grammar and

vocabulary learned in Weeks 10 to 11.

2. Description

• :1: Collaborative work (get into pairs or groups of 3).

• :2 ’ ’ this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes.

• :3 - Prepare a 3-4 minute dialogue with your partner(s).

• : Each student must choose a technological device. Find pictures showing an old and a modern version of the chosen d

Each one of you must compare the two versions using comparative adjectives. Compare the price, color, material, size,

, etc .

• Decide the order of the presentation between you and your partner(s). Take turns to share the


• :A: Compares the old and the new version of a technological device.

• : B: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• :C: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• :

• - and expressions from Unit 3 (Weeks 10- 11)

• Technological devices
• Comparative form of adjectives.

• Verb + nouns and verbs + gerunds (-ing)

• :4:

• Practice the dialogue with your partner(s) paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

• Remember to transmit your personal emotions as if you were in a real situation.

• :5, Once you are ready, record yourselves using multimedia and upload it to the virtual learning

platform or upload your video on Youtube /Drive and share the link in Word format on the learning platform.

• :6: Use the following structure:

• Cover: Your names and last names must be there. Include your photos. There are 2 options to do it:

(Choose one)

• Option 1: Insert the cover in your video, if you record it on the learning platform.

• Option 2: Insert the cover in a Word format with the YouTube link/Drive link.

Example of the cover:

“ ” los “Talleres” donde podrás reforzar y practicar los temas de la semana. Puedes registrarte en Portal del estudiante o

UTP +: Refuerzo Académico

3. Materials to be used

• Study materials of the week

• Vocabulary of the week

• Personal notes

• :material:

• Dictionary Cambridge online:

english/Links to an external site.

• Oxford American English Dictionary:

to an external site.

• Englisch-Hilfen: to an external site.

• : : - h ttp s: //w w w .allth in g sg ram m m /p resen t-sim p le.h tm lL in k s to an ex tern al site.

• Raymond Murphy - English Grammar in Use Book:

grammar-in-use-with-answers-elementarypdf-6ng2exg9rjlvLinks to an external site.

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