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Name : Wulan Suci Rahmadhana

NIM : 210203052
EAP final draft

1. Introduction
In the digital age, social media has become an integral part of daily life,
influencing various aspects of human behavior and interaction. Platforms like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok are not only tools for social
connectivity but also potent channels for information dissemination and learning.
Among the numerous fields impacted by social media, education—particularly
language learning—has seen significant transformations. English, being the
global lingua franca, has especially benefitted from the expansive reach and
interactive nature of social media. Learners are exposed to authentic language
use, diverse cultural contexts, and interactive opportunities that traditional
classroom settings might not provide.

•Research Question
How does social media usage influence the motivation of individuals learning
English as a second language?

•Research Purpose
This study aims to investigate the relationship between social media
usage and the motivation of English language learners. Specifically, it seeks to
understand how different aspects of social media—such as exposure to English
content, interaction with native speakers, and participation in language learning
communities—affect learners' enthusiasm and commitment to mastering the
English language.

•Research Significance
Understanding the influence of social media on English language learning
motivation is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it can provide insights for
educators and policymakers to integrate social media into language curricula
effectively, making learning more engaging and relevant to contemporary
students. Secondly, it can help language learners themselves optimize their use
of social media to enhance their learning experiences and outcomes. Lastly, this
research contributes to the broader field of educational technology by
highlighting the potential of social media as a tool for language acquisition,
thereby encouraging further innovation and research in this area.

2. Research Methodology
•Research Design
This study employs a qualitative research design to explore the influence of
social media usage on the motivation of English language learners.
The participants of this study are university students at UIN Ar-Raniry.
A purposive sampling method will be used to select a diverse group of students
with varying levels of social media engagement and English proficiency. The
sample will include approximately 20-30 students to ensure a comprehensive
exploration of various perspectives and experiences. These participants will
provide valuable insights into the role of social media in their language learning

•Data Collection
1. Interviews : Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with the selected
participants. These interviews will explore their social media usage patterns, the
types of English content they engage with, their interactions with native speakers
or other learners, and how these experiences influence their motivation to learn
English. The interviews will be recorded and transcribed for detailed analysis.

2. Focus Groups : In addition to individual interviews, focus group discussions

will be organized to facilitate a collective exploration of shared experiences and
perspectives. These discussions will help identify common themes and
differences in how social media affects language learning motivation.

3. Observation: Participants' social media interactions related to English

language learning will be observed. This may include analyzing their posts,
comments, and engagement in language learning communities or groups. This
observational data will provide contextual understanding and complement the
interview and focus group findings.

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