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Muhammad Haider Farooq.

Technical writing & presentation skills
nd semester
Ma’am Aqsa Naimat


The Islamic republic of Pakistan has gone through many different political systems in its 70 years of
independence. For decades, the country has faced the challenge of an unstable political system.
However, the “resilience of Pakistani public” (Fair, Ramsy & Kull, 2008) has kept the country going
despite all the challenges. This study is carried out to find out that what is the perception of young
educated Pakistanis regarding the political system of the country.
Background and Justification :

For the first time in the history of Pakistan, the 2013 elections marked a transition of power from
one “democratically elected government to another” (Zaidi, 2013. p. 34) .“Three attempts at an
effective democratic transition of power in the past produced an assassination, a military coup and
an imposition of martial law” (Ahmed & Skoric, 2014. p. 2242). So a democratic transition of power
in 2013 elections was truly a landmark in country’s political history.

Literature review :

There have been many studies to understand the ideology of people of Pakistan. “the role of
ideology to justify and to maintain the socio-economic system is a matter of priority in the
developing countries” Mehdi, 2013, So it is very important to understand that what have been the
pre-dominant ideologies in Pakistani society so far.

Methodology :

A qualitative method could be used in the future to carry out this kind of research. The research can
be done in all regions of pakistan in the future to get better results.

Question in search :

The study will be carried out to find the ideology of the young people of Pakistan regarding what
would be the best ruling system for the country in the future.

The questions that could be used are :

✓ What is the level of political interest and awareness of the students?

✓ • What is the ideology about the indicators of progress for the country?
✓ • What is the ideology about four basic systems that country has experienced and what system
would they prefer?
✓ • How much resources are the youth willing to spare for their proposed system?

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