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Lesson Plan N° _1_


Level PRE-INTER. 2
Program Kids
Date 01/06/2024
Duration of the
25 minutes
Textbook and Unit(s) W.W.2
Please include any anticipated problem or solution related to classroom management, language, activities, etc.
Problem:Students coming late can disrupt the class, mispronunciation of new vocabulary may
Anticipated lead to confusion, and shyness can hinder student participation and engagement.
Problems & Solution:Integrate latecomers during the warm-up to minimize disruption, have students repeat
Solutions vocabulary with audio aids to enhance pronunciation, and boost shy students' confidence through
structured, participatory activities with positive reinforcement.

Lesson Aims:
● Students will effectively use descriptive language to convey the characteristics and actions associated with the winter activities vocabulary,
without using the vocabulary words themselves, thereby enhancing their verbal communication skills.
● Students will be able to recognize and understand five key vocabulary terms related to winter activities (ice-skate, mountain, play ice hockey,
ski, snowboard) by the end of the lesson.
● Students will achieve accurate pronunciation and usage of the new vocabulary terms in context through structured repetition exercises,
ensuring they can articulate the words correctly in spoken and written forms.
● Students will retain the new vocabulary terms long-term by actively using them in various classroom activities and incorporating mnemonic
techniques, aiming for recall accuracy by the lesson’s conclusion.

Stage Procedure Time Materials

Warm up / Ice We Describe & You Guess/ Hot seat
Breaker The T will divide the class into two teams and choose one S from each team to
play. The T will show a word to the team, and they will describe it to the chosen S 3MIN DATASHOW
without saying the word itself. The T will set a timer, and the team that
successfully describes the word within the time limit will earn one point.
Lead-in The T will play a matching game with the students. The T will ask students to raise
their hands and will choose one S to come to the board and pick two numbers
within 10 seconds to find the correct match. Meanwhile, the teacher will interact
with the other students by asking them questions about the new words. Then,
another S will be chosen to pick another two numbers, and the game will continue
in this manner.
Reading listening and Reading:
Ss will be asked to listen to the new vocabulary words and repeat them aloud. SB
Listening to the Text:
T will display an audio of the text. SB UNIT 6
Recall and Identify:
Ss tell the T which words related to winter sports they heard in the text. Some
students will then be asked to read the text aloud.. SB
Comprehension Check Activity: STUDENT
The teacher will give the students activity 3 student book and set a timer. To BOOK/WORKBOOK
correct the answers together, the teacher will instruct the students to stand up if
they believe the statement is true, and stay seated if they believe the statement is
Writing Activity:
Ss write the vocabulary words correctly. SB UNIT 6
Matching Activity:
Ss match pictures of winter activities with the corresponding vocabulary words.

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