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Brothers and sisters you have an opportunity with these elections to shape the
future of your Union. Now is the time to send a clear message that you will no
longer stand for being cheated out of your money, your jobs, your benefits,
your democratic rights, and your dignity.
We the candidates oI the RANK AND FILE TEAM are comprised oI members
who have a proven track record oI standing up against corruption in the past, and
Iighting Ior membership rights, even at the risk oI our own personal jeopardy. We
have proven that we are consistently 100 about the good oI the membership. We
are not just corruption resistant, we are corruption prooI. We will not tolerate
anyone cheating our members. We will not let anyone silence the voices oI our
membership. We will put the power oI democracy back in our membership`s
hands. We will adhere to the will oI the membership. We will work tirelessly to
heal the wounds our members have suIIered under past administration corruption.
Our candidates
Mike Billelo for EST
Bill Lebo for President
Byron Schuler for Vice President
Ask you for your vote and promise we will not let you down.
These are just some of our concerns:
Pension fund
%he pension Iund is in trouble due to the economy, a decline in the stock market, poor
administration, corrupt union oIIicials, neglect and a lack oI a leadership dedicated to Iighting Ior
union labor. While the economy is an environment that is not in our control there is no reason
not to prepare Ior its inevitability by bolstering the monies going into the pension in a good
economy. Since the administrators are not looking at the Iund with an eye to the Iuture Ior the
worst possible scenario then they have to be replaced by a Iirm who does. While the law has
been changed to allow administrators oI pension Iunds to grade pension Iunds on a diIIerent
scale then it has in the past this is only a quick Iix and one that is on paper alone, it is not a
reality oI the true condition oI the Iund. Our pension Iund while under the laws new scale is
considered 'in the green zone, it is in reality only approximately 45 Iunded and in the red zone.
%he membership has a right to know exactly what condition this Iund is in, what the options are
to Iix it, and what plan oI action is to be put in place to deal with the problem. %his is the time
when we need a leadership who will not bend, break, or cower under the inIluence oI corrupt
people, we the Rank and File %eam are that leadership. We are also dedicated to bringing our
union`s Iight Ior increased market share to new heights. We will Iind a way to bring us back into
the AFL-CIO, and we will reach out to other unions across the board, because all unions must
stand together in order to stop the decline in unionized labor. We also must stop the cheating by
the corrupt contractors and make sure policies are set in place and enIorced to go aIter every
penny owed by the people who deIraud our Iunds.
Welfare fund
%he welIare Iund also is in dire straits Ior the same reasons as the pension Iund and needs to be
dealt with in the same manner. Options have to be researched that will have the least detrimental
eIIect possible on the working membership and no eIIect at all on the retired membership. %here
are many diIIerent policies out there and the best one that suits the membership must be sought
out. Research and a competent administrator are the answers to this problem as well as a
leadership who are aggressive in organizing in order to bring more hours into the Iunds.
Obviously the nonunion contractor problem and organizing go hand in hand. %he organizing
department has to be turned loose to do their jobs in a more aggressive manner. Many oI the
organizers that have been in place have not been used to the best oI their abilities. %his is not the
Iault oI the organizers this is the Iault oI the head oI the organizing department. %his needs to be
dealt with. Believe it or not there is a lot oI talent in the organizing department and that talent
needs to be used to its maximum potential. Also a labor lawyer needs to be hired Ior the Council,
one who works at the council not on retainer but actually works, strictly Ior the council, and one
oI his or her main jobs would be to deal with any problems that organizing department might
cause or run into thereby Ireeing the organizing department to use more aggressive walking the
legal line tactics. Also strong ties need to be Iormed with the other unions in our city so that we
stop Iighting over the work we have and stand together to Iight the nonunion sector and take
back the work market share across the board. %he International under Douglas McCarron pulled
us out oI the AFL-CIO years ago and we need to bring us back in even iI it`s just the NYCDCC.
II there is a way we promise to Iind it.
Corruption has been an endemic problem in the NYCDCC. %hanks to the eIIorts oI Walter Mack
and Dennis Walsh and the U.S. Attorney, Mike Forde and many others have been convicted, and
or removed. We now have a chance to set the NYCDCC on a path to a new corruption Iree
Iuture, iI we make the right choices. %here has to be zero tolerance Ior any type oI corrupt
activity. II a member sees something he or she knows or even thinks is wrong that member has to
step up and report it without Iear oI reprisal, no matter who is committing the corrupt act. Any
corrupt action ends with personal loss to every single brother and sister oI this union, and the
bottom line is, by reporting any illegal or perceived illegal action you are saving your brother
and sister carpenters Irom being robbed, and being robbed is something none oI us should ever
tolerate. We`ve had enough, it`s time we all put a permanent end to it. We promise you this is a
main target oI ours.
Steward training
In our opinion the steward should be the best all-around carpenter on the job. Also the steward
should know the carpenters work jurisdictions on the jobs he or she is on. %raining on job
jurisdictions Ior stewards needs to be put into place. %he steward should be able to command
respect Irom the Ioreman, and the carpenters on the job, as well as the other trades. %his is best
accomplished by leading by example. II a Ioreman is able to depend on a steward to get any job
done he gives to him/her that in itselI usually gains the Ioremen`s respect. %he carpenters on the
job see this, and iI a steward is helpIul and knowledgeable, that usually gains their respect. With
the other trades it`s usually the same. Leading by example is the key to successIul stewardship.
Dealing with people is an acquired skill, one that usually comes with time and experience. A
steward should have time in the Iield as well, in order to learn Irom experienced stewards how to
deal with diIIerent situations that arise on the job, as well as training. A steward also needs to
have the backing oI the Councils representatives when help is needed. %he representatives need
to show the steward`s respect especially in Iront oI the Ioreman, the carpenters on the job, and
the other trades, the steward is on the Iront line and iI he/she doesn`t have the Reps backing no
one will take the steward seriously, and this cannot be tolerated.
Membership Apathy
Membership apathy has been caused by a number oI things.
1. %he continued embarrassment oI union leaders robbing us oI our Iunds and our dignity.
. %he stripping oI every right to choose the membership ever had.
3. %he loss oI local unions through mergers and dissolutions.
4. Lack oI real union leadership.
5. Loss oI the shape hall.
6. An OWL that doesn`t work
7. %he animosity between the 'hall vs. company men.
8. %he loss oI pride in the union.
Most oI these things can be cured by an honest, strong and intelligent leadership, a leadership
that listens to the memberships concerns, and acts on the will oI the majority. Our membership
needs leaders who will work solely to improve this union Ior the members, all the members. Our
members need to be able to make real decisions that aIIect their lives and Iutures, such as
contract ratiIication by the members. Our members need a voice that will be heard and taken
seriously by the leadership. %his can be accomplished only by leaders with integrity who have
been carpenters, who have actually spent real time out in the Iield on the tools, and have not
Iorgotten where they came Irom, leaders who know what the rank and Iile carpenter goes
through and Iace on a daily basis. No leader can understand how bad the OWL is unless they
have spent time on it while the bills piled up. %he loss oI one`s local due to mergers by the UBC
President is a diIIicult situation and a remedy is a diIIicult, iI not impossible legal matter.
However, iI there are legal remedies we will dedicate ourselves to pursue them Ior the locals
aIIected, even iI it must go all the way to the Supreme Court.
Membership Rights and Democracy
Membership rights must be given back, plain and simple. Members have the right to Iull
transparency oI the Council`s actions. %his requires real communication between the oIIicers oI
the council and the membership. Members have the right to Iull inIormation beIore crucial
decisions are made so that they can voice their concerns and wishes to their delegates beIore the
Iinal decisions are made. Members have the right to know how their delegates vote Ior them. By
giving the members real voices, real inIormation, and genuine transparency, so that they know
their voices have been heard, the members will be able to hold their delegates and the Council`s
oIIicers accountable. Members must ratiIy the contracts that they have to work under. Our
membership needs a website that keeps them up to date on our union`s activities and is updated
daily with real inIormation, and one that allows the members to send messages to their
leadership. Our magazine must also give our members real and critical inIormation and not just
be a bully pulpit Ior the Council`s OIIicers. By returning these rights and thereby including the
membership in the decision making process we believe this will end the apathy and increase
membership participation and pride in our union.
%he OWL has Iailed miserably. It has to go. A modiIied shape hall needs to be put into eIIect.
One that is Iair to all members, one that will allow the contractors to be sent carpenters who are
qualiIied and ready to perIorm the jobs they are sent to. Also the shape hall has always made it
possible Ior our members to socialize with other carpenters creating a stronger bond between us.
Apprenticeship training and retention
Rules have to be set and enIorced by the stewards and representatives Ior apprentices to train not
only at the Labor %echnical College but on the jobsite as well, in all phases oI the trade. %hey
also have to be held accountable when they don`t show up to the jobs they are sent to. %he Labor
%echnical College needs to be revamped also. Apprentices should be encouraged to voice any
concerns they have about their Iield work and training at the school and a conIidential network
should be set up Ior this. Also it must be determined whether the amount oI money the school
gets Irom State and Federal Iunding is worth taking since we have to abide by the rules the
Department oI Labor imposes on apprenticeship entry into our union and an aptitude test should
be put in place to determine eligibility Ior entrance.
Retiree`s benefits
For the past 1 years and probably longer our Iunds have been mishandled and raided by
unscrupulous corrupt oIIicials and contractors. We all expect to have our beneIits intact and
secure so that when we retire we can enjoy the Iruits oI our labor in our later years. %he Iact that
the Iunds are in the shape they are now is literally a crime. %he Iunds are magnet Ior corruption
and they must be secured so that any corrupt activity is dealt with swiItly and harshly. Millions
oI dollars oI ours has been lost by corrupt oIIicials, who have allowed scurrilous contractors to
deIraud the Iunds. %his must never be tolerated again. All the monies owed by these thieves have
to be sought out and gone aIter with a vengeance, and the Iunds protected with the same mindset.
Also the Iunds administrator and the trustees oI the Iunds have to, as stated beIore, look at the
Iunds with an eye to the worst case scenario so that the Iunds never Iall into this state again.
Building the Iunds back up will take hiring oI the right competent administrator, more competent
investing, more work hours which means we need better organizing, better protection oI our
work jurisdictions, an upturn in the economy, and planning Ior Iuture economic down turns.
Contract enforcement
%his is as simple as it sounds and yet this has been one oI our biggest problems. Contractors
must be held to the contracts they sign. II they don`t they have to be penalized Ior the breach. We
have lost untold hours in wages and beneIits over the last decade because oI this and our
members deserve better. II elected we will not allow this to continue
Our union has been bleeding money Ior decades on unnecessary and extravagant expenses.
%hese issues have been dealt with; there is always room Ior improvement where money can be
better spent, such as a real membership assistance program, rather than on perks Ior council
overnment interference
%he only way to end the interIerence imposed by the government is to elect a leadership who are
honest, intelligent, who have integrity, and will work hard to correct the problems our union has
Iaced since its inception. We believe we are that leadership.
Political action
We believe it is important to help politicians to get elected who are on our side; however we
must make it clear to them that we will not tolerate a turnaround once they are elected. %hey
must be made aware that we will watch them and hold them accountable.
Representative use and direction
%he system in place now Ior the use oI our representatives is a sham. We have reps going to jobs
that know nothing about the types oI work being perIormed. One simple answer to this is hiring
oI reps Ior speciIic jobs, such as Dock Builder reps policing Dock builder jobs, Floor Layer reps
policing Floor layer jobs, reps that have worked and are Iamiliar with high-rise concrete jobs
policing those jobs, etc. Also we have reps getting calls at night, who have to go to jobs at AM
and are expected to be at the rep center at 6:30 AM and work the day. Anyone who has worked
two shiIts knows this is not practical or eIIicient. Also anyone who has been is NYC at night
knows there are trucks delivering materials all over the city at night. %hereIore there should be a
night shiIt set in place Ior the reps on a rotating basis so that our work is protected 4-7.
lease don'L wasLe Lhls opporLunlLy use your rlghL Lo voLe!
!oln Lhe Leam aL wwwcarpenLersrankandflleLeamcom

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