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Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2019, Vol. 14, No.


The Right to Priority in Article 4A (1) of the

Paris Convention and Article 87 (1) of the
European Patent Convention
Joseph Straus*

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The author
 Joseph Straus is Dr jur., Dres. jur. h.c., Professor
Article 4 A (1) of the Paris Convention for the of Law at the Universities of Munich (em.) and
Protection of Industrial Property (PC) and Article 87 Ljubljana, and Emeritus Director at the Max
(1) of the European Patent Convention (EPC) regulate Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition,
the entitlement to the so-called priority right. Munich.
Article 4 A (1) PC provides that ‘Any person who
has duly filed an application for a patent, . . ., in one of
This article
the countries of the Union, or his successor in title,  The priority right is one of the minimum standards
shall enjoy for the purpose of filing in other countries, a for the international protection of intellectual prop-
right of priority during the periods hereinafter fixed’. erty (IP) rights, which was introduced into the Paris
According to Article 4 C (1), (2) PC that period is 12 Convention for the protection of industrial property
months starting from the date of the first application. as Article 4 already in its original version of 1883.
Since then it has constituted one of the most impor-
However, the exercise of the priority right under the PC
tant pillars for the functioning of the IP rights pro-
is controlled by a complex set of rules laid down in
tection system at an international level.
Articles 4 A-4H PC.
Article 87 (1) EPC by and large mirrors Articles 4 A  Even after more than 135 years of its existence, the
(1) and 4 C (1) of the PC. Thereunder ‘Any person who interpretation of certain aspects of the priority
has duly filed, in or for (a) any State party to the Paris right institute of the Paris Convention and other
Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property or international conventions established in compli-
(b) any Member of the World Trade Organization, an ance with its article 19, such as the European
application for a patent, . . ., or his successor in title, Patent Convention, has remained contentious.
shall enjoy, for the purpose of filing a European patent Among others, the entitlement to the priority right
in case of mismatch between the applicant(s) of
application in respect of the same invention, a right of
the priority application and those of the subse-
priority during a period of twelve months from the
quent application claiming that priority.
date of filing of the first application’.
Further EPC provisions controlling the priority right  Addressed are the purpose and object of the priority
are to be found in Article 87 (2), (3), and in Articles right in the light of the interpretation rules of the
88–89, which also correspond to the PC provisions. For Vienna Convention as applied in the case law of the
instance, Article 88 (1) EPC requires that an applicant European Patent Office, which is critically reviewed.
desiring to take advantage of the priority of a previous A detailed analysis of the complex system of the
application has to file a declaration of priority and any European Patent Convention related to the priority
right as well as to the right to the European Patent as
other document required, in accordance with the
property rights is offered and the paradigm that all
Implementing Regulations. The latter provide, inter
applicants of the priority application (or their succes-
alia, that the declaration must be made within
sors in title) must also be the applicants of the appli-
16 months from the earliest priority date, that the par- cation claiming that priority is challenged.
ticulars of the priority declaration shall appear in the

* Email: not yet decided by highest court instances. Thus, writing legal opinions
This contribution is partly based on a legal opinion submitted on behalf and publishing them implies a double responsibility, ie not only to per-
of the Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, in a proceeding in the European suade the court or the administrative authority, but also to present own
Patent Office (EPO). Writing legal opinions, as a rule, means searching legal positions in public and persuade the peers. The greatest satisfaction
for solutions for problems generated by real life, the spring which never is achieved if both addressees are convinced.
runs dry and continuously generates most complex factual situations,
C The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
V doi:10.1093/jiplp/jpz083
Advance Access Publication 13 July 2019
688 ARTICLE Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2019, Vol. 14, No. 9

published European patent application and the of the EPC, despite the fact that the Vienna Convention
European patent specification (Rule 52 (2) and (5)), entered into force only on 27 January 1980,6 and
and that an applicant claiming priority shall file a certi- according to its Article 4, is applicable only to treaties
fied copy of the previous application within the same which are concluded by states after its entry into force.
period of time (Rule 53 (1)).1 Moreover, Article 89 The reason for this is that the system of interpretation
EPC sets forth that the right of priority shall have the of treaties as set forth in Articles 31 and 32 of the
effect that the date of priority shall count as the filing Vienna Convention ‘does no more than codify already
date of the European patent application for the pur- existing public international law’, as had already been
poses of Article 54 (2) and (3), and Article 60 (2), by recognized by several national courts, such as the UK

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and large mirroring Article 4B PC. House of Lords,7 the German Federal Constitutional
The right of priority constitutes one of the main pil- Court, and in general by the International Court of
lars for the functioning of the protection of intellectual Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.8
property (IP) rights at an international level. Not sur- The Vienna Convention provides in Article 31 that a
prisingly, it was incorporated into the PC already in its treaty shall be interpreted ‘in accordance with the ordi-
original text of 1883. At first glance, the entitlement nary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in
rules of Article 4 A (1) PC and Article 87 (1) EPC seem their context and in light of its object and purpose’.
simple; however, as they form part of a more complex Article 31 (4) also clarifies that ‘a special meaning shall
set of rules, they have to be interpreted in their context. be given to a term if it is established that the parties so
Because the EPC, according to its Preamble, constitutes intended’. Additionally, Article 32 of the Vienna
a special agreement within the meaning of Article 19 of Convention provides for reference to preparatory work
the PC, its priority right controlling rules of Articles if the interpretation according to Article 31 would ei-
87–89, although providing a complete, self-contained ther leave the interpretation ‘ambiguous or obscure’ or
code of rules,2 have to be interpreted in line with the lead to a result which is either ‘manifestly absurd or
basic principles concerning the priority right laid down unreasonable’.
in the complex provisions of Articles 4 A-H PC.3 How The very reason for introducing the right of priority
complex the substance of those rules is, is best demon- into the PC was to enable inventors, within the initially
strated by the fact that even more than 135 years after limited frame regarding time and funds, to apply for a
the adoption of the PC, many core issues have not yet patent at the same time in several countries to seek pro-
been clarified by the highest courts of the Paris Union tection abroad.9 The basic purpose of the priority right
Member States. is thus to safeguard, for a limited period, the interests
of a patent applicant in his endeavour to obtain inter-
national protection for his invention, thereby alleviating
Rules of interpretation the consequences of the principle of territoriality in pat-
The EPC and the Paris Convention are both conven- ent law.10 Therefore, the international priority provi-
tions, international treaties concluded between states. sions contained in the PC have to be construed in a
Since the decision of the Legal Board of Appeal of the manner which ensures that the general purpose they
European Patent Office (EPO) of 8 November 1983,4 serve, namely to assist the applicant in obtaining inter-
first approved and confirmed by the Enlarged Board of national protection for his invention, is fulfilled as far
Appeal (EBA) in a decision of 5 December 1984,5 it is as possible. This is also true for the priority system of
settled case law of the EPO that the principles of the the EPC which has to be compatible with the standards
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 23 May set by the PC in the sense that it should not give less
1969 (Vienna Convention) apply to the interpretation protection, but which is not generally prevented from

1 In line with art 4 D (1), (2), (3) and (5) PC. 7 The Legal Board of Appeal made specific reference to Lord Diplock in
2 Legal Board of Appeal of the EPO J 15/80, OJ EPO 1981, 213; Enlarged Fothergill v Monarch Airlines case [1981] A.C. 251 (OJ EPO 1984, 161–
Board of Appeal of the EPO (EBA) G 3/93, OJ EPO 1995, 18, point 4 of 162).
the Reasons (at 22). 8 EBA G5/83, OJ EPO 1985, 64.
3 EBA G 3/93, OJ EPO 1995, 18, point 4 of the Reasons (at 22) and G 2/98, 9 See for details St P Ladas, The International Protection of Industrial
OJ EPO 2001, 413, points 3–5 of the Reasons (at 22); cf also T Bremi in Property (Harvard University Press 1930) (in the following Ladas 1930)
M Singer and D Stauder (eds), Europäisches Patent Übereinkommen (in 265 s; P Ladas, Patents, Trademarks and Related Rights (Harvard
the following Singer and Stauder) (7th edn, Carl Heymanns Publisher University Press 1975) (in the following Ladas 1975) vol I, § 255 (460 s);
2016) art 87, marginal note 2 with further references. cf also Technical Board of Appeal of the EPO (TBA), T 15/01 of June 17,
4 J 08/82, OJ EPO 1984, 155 (at 161–62). 2004, point 32 of the Reasons (OJ EPO 2006, 153, 180).
5 G 05/83, OJ EPO 1985, 64–65. 10 T 15/01, point 32 in fine of the Reasons (OJ EPO 2006, 153, 180).
6 In part reproduced in OJ EPO 1984, 192–97.
Joseph Straus  Right to Priority in Article 4A (1) ARTICLE 689

going beyond these standards in favour of the With the Stockholm Revision Act, a long-lasting lan-
applicant.11 guage discussion among the Paris Union Member
States found an end. It started well ahead of the 1958
Lisbon Revision Conference in which the first step for
The term ‘any person’ establishing official translations, thus not yet official
As a result of a number of revisions of the PC, the texts, was made: the amended Article 19 (3) sets forth
wording of Article 4 A (1), (2) and (3), as well as that of that official translations of the Lisbon Act will be pro-
Article 87 (1) EPC, leaves no doubt that the question vided in German, English, Spanish, Italian and
whether an application, the priority of which is claimed Portuguese language. According to the Protocol, the

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in a European patent application, was ‘duly filed’ and Conference expressed the desire that the respective
constituted ‘a regular national filing’, which, no matter states should undertake the necessary preparatory work
how incomplete, was sufficient to establish the date on until the end of 1959.15 The English translation, which
which the application was filed, is to be answered under was provided by the International Bureau in 1960, was
the national law of the state where the priority applica- an official translation in the sense that it was prepared
tion was filed.12 That the priority application was ‘duly in collaboration by the American and British Patent
filed’ and constituted ‘a regular filing under the na- Offices and has been approved by the English speaking
countries represented at the Lisbon Conference.16
tional law of the State where it was made or under bi-
Article 4 A (1) PC which in the original authentic lan-
lateral or multilateral agreements’ is evidenced by the
guage reads ‘celui qui’ was translated with ‘any person’,
certified copy of the priority application required under
a term which since the Stockholm PC Act has been the
Rule 53 (1) EPC.
official English term of the PC and was incorporated
Surprisingly, however, neither the meaning of ‘any
into the Article 87 (1) EPC in the course of the 2000 re-
person’, who must have ‘duly filed’ an application for
vision of the EPC.17
patent in order to be entitled to enjoy a right of prior- As mandated by Article 31 of the Vienna
ity, nor the law to be applied for its interpretation, have Convention, the terms of the Treaty have to be inter-
attracted practically any attention either in practice or preted in accordance with the ordinary meaning in
in legal doctrine.13 The PC was signed in the French their context and in the light of its object and purpose.
language, which remained the only official authentic Article 31 (4) of the Vienna Convention also clarifies
language of the Convention until its 1967 Stockholm that ‘a special meaning shall be given to a term if it is
revision. Article 29 (1) (b) of the Stockholm Act now established that the parties so intended’. Thus, the
sets forth that ‘official texts shall be established by the terms ‘any’ and ‘celui qui’ in Article 4 (1) PC and
Director General [of the World Intellectual Property Article 87 (1) EPC have to be given their ‘ordinary
Organization] after consultations with the interested meaning’, absent any indication in the preparatory
Governments, in the German, Japanese, Portuguese, documents to the PC or the EPC which would reveal
Russian and Spanish languages . . .’. However, Article that the Contracting States did intend to give it a spe-
29 (1) (c) PC still provides that in case of differences of cial meaning. Also, the EPO case law so far has not
opinions on the interpretation of the various texts, the identified any such intention of the legislator.
French text shall prevail.14 According to, for example, Webster’s Third New

11 T 15/01, point 34 of the Reasons (OJ EPO 2006, 180–81). 15 cf H Kühnemann, ‘Die Lissaboner Konferenz, Bericht der deutschen
12 cf GHC Bodenhausen, Guide to the Application of the Paris Convention Delegation’ (1959) GRUR Int 107.
for the Protection of Industrial Property as Revised in Stockholm in 1967 16 cf St P Ladas (n 9) vol I, § 79, p 126.
(United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property 17 cf Doc MR/2/00e, Basic Proposal art 87 (1) EPC. According to the re-
(BIRPI)), Geneva 1968, 38–40 (especially art 4A (3) (4), p 40). spective ‘Explanatory remarks’, the 1973 wording of art 87 (1) was
13 According to GHC Bodenhausen (n 12) 35, ‘The term “any person” must amended to align it with art 2 of the TRIPS Agreement, which requires
be interpreted within the rules of the Convention which define the per- that priority rights also be extended to first filings made in any WTO
sons capable of benefitting therefrom.’ Bodenhausen refers in the latter Member State. Although the ‘Explanatory remarks’ remained silent on
context to arts 2 and 3 PC. Similarly Ladas (n 9) 268–69, and Ladas (n the reasons for the change in the wording from ‘a person’ to ‘any person’,
9) 463. Based on documents preceding the conclusion of the PC, O Ruhl, the reason must have been the same, namely to align the text with art 2
Unionspriorität (Carl Heymanns Publisher 2000), reports that the phrase TRIPS, which requires all WTO Members to comply with arts 1 through
‘Celui qui aura regulièrment’, eventually introduced in art 4 PC, pre- 12 PC, ie also with art 4A (1), where the priority right is vested in ‘any
vailed over the proposed alternative ‘l’auteur d’une invention . . . qui person who duly filed’. Thus, the change in the wording from ‘a person’
aura’, in order to make the priority right independent from the entitle- to ‘any person’ makes the full compliance of art 87 (1) EPC with art 4A
ment to the patent and detached from the notion of an inventor (1) PC even clearer and consequently also underlines that both provi-
(Erfinderbegriff), which is differently understood in different Union sions require the same interpretation.
countries (74–75).
14 cf for more Bodenhausen (n 12) 218–19.
690 ARTICLE Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2019, Vol. 14, No. 9

International Dictionary, ‘any’ means ‘one or some in- more persons, the wording of the provision does therefore
discriminately of whatever kind’.18 The same meaning not exclude each of them as being entitled to priority.21
holds true for the expression ‘celui qui’ and ‘jedermann’ That the interpretation by Ladas and Scharen is to the
used in the French and German text of Article 87 EPC. point is particularly evident if the law governing the fil-
In the context in which these expressions are used, their ing of the respective applications, including the naming
interpretation has to take into account the object and of applicants, leads to differences in the applicants
purpose the priority right was designed to serve, namely named in the priority and the subsequent application.
to assist the applicant in obtaining international protec- As a consequence, that law determines whether the
tion for his invention. In the case of two or more appli- applicants named in the application claiming the prior-

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cants named, this can only mean to assist each of them ity under Article 87 (1) EPC (Article 4 A (1) PC) are en-
indiscriminately. Ladas has well illustrated this situation titled to claim the priority, either because they were
and justified it as follows: named among the applicants in the priority application
For example A and B apply first in England, and later A, B or because they are ‘successors in title’ of those named
and C file an application in Germany. The existence of among the original applicants, and the missing appli-
identity of applicants in this case, for the purposes of cants from the priority application could not be named
Article 4, should not be subject to any doubt. A and B
because under applicable law, ie the law under which
might assign their rights in the invention. If they may
the basis for the priority right was created, as ius cogens,
transfer their invention in whole, they may also transfer it
in part. By joining C as an applicant, they manifest their in- they lacked the status of a ‘successor in title’.
tention to make such a transfer. The opposite should be It should be remarked, therefore, that the meaning
possible in principle. If A and B file an application first in of ‘any’ in Article 4 (1) PC as well as in Article 87 (1)
England, and then A alone applies in Germany, he should EPC is not synonymous with the phrase ‘all the per-
be allowed to claim the right of priority. A, the inventor, sons’ and does not connote any intention to require the
may well transfer part of his rights in one country, and ap- later application in which priority is claimed to have as
ply jointly for the transferee and retain for himself the applicants every one of the persons (or their successor
rights in his invention in other countries. Or if B, the co- in title) who had filed the earlier application. There are
owner of the invention in the first country, is unwilling to
no words in Article 4 (1) PC or Article 87 (1) EPC to
claim any right in his invention in other countries, there is
support a construction that requires ‘any’ to be read,
no reason why A should be prevented from doing so.19
against its ordinary meaning, as ‘all of the . . .’.22 Nor is
Scharen also adopts an interpretation of Article 87 (1) there any object or purpose of the priority right that
EPC along the same lines:20 supports such a construction. Had the legislators of the
The wording is formulated broadly, which does not indi- PC and of the EPC intended to require that every one
cate any restriction if the person concerned only already of the persons who had filed the earlier application (or
acted as an applicant. In the event of an application by their successors in title) were applicants for the second

18 Springfield MA 1986, p 97. Similar definition for the term ‘any’ can be by patent offices and not by any court, let alone a court of last instance
found in the Cambridge Online English Dictionary (‘one of or each of a (pp 146–47 and the fns 181–90).
particular type of person or thing when it is not important which’), or in 20 U Scharen, ‘Wie ist das Erfordernis der so genannten Anmelderidentität
the Short Oxford English Dictionary 2007, 95 (‘some, no matter which, des Art. 87 I EPÜ zu verstehen?’ (2016) GRUR 446ff.
of what kind or how many’). 21 ibid 447, in the original German: ‘Das ist eine breit gefasste
19 Ladas (n 9) 293 ¼ Ladas (n 9) 486–87. It does not seem superfluous to Formulierung, die keine Beschränkung erkennen lässt, sofern die betref-
note that R Wieczorek, Die Unionspriorität im Patentrecht (Carl fende Person sich nur schon als Anmelder betätigt hat. Der Wortlaut der
Heymanns Publisher 1975) 146, who disagreed with Ladas (ibid fn 185 at Bestimmung schließt deshalb nicht aus, im Falle einer Anmeldung durch
147), and who is repeatedly used as reference in the case law, as well as mehrere Personen auch jede von ihnen als prioritätsberechtigt
in legal doctrine, did so because to his understanding Ladas disregarded anzusehen.’ Scharen explicitly refers to the decision T 15/01, point 26 of
the requirement of inventor’s identity (‘über das Erfordernis der the Reasons, where the TBA emphasized the broad wording of art 87 (1)
Erfinderidentität hinweggeht’), ie something which is not required for EPC as well as the fact that the European legislator has adopted a priority
claiming priority (see below the text accompanying fn 26). Moreover, system which also recognizes ‘internal’ priority and thereby extended the
Wieczorek for his straight forward statement ‘Auch wenn die priority regime beyond the minimum standards of the PC, which only
Erstanmeldung von mehreren Personen gemeinsam hinterlegt wurde, gilt regulates ‘external’ priority (OJ EPO 2006, 153, 177–78). Contrary K
für die Nachanmeldung das Erfordernis der Identität der Anmelder’ Grabinski in Benkard, Europäisches Patentübereinkommen (J Ehlers/U
(‘Also if the first application was deposited by more persons jointly, the Kinkeldey, eds) (3rd edn, C.H. Beck Publisher 2019) (in the following
requirement of identity of applicants applies to the subsequent Benkard EPÜ), art 87, marginal note 15, emphasizing that the priority
application’), could only refer to a Treaties on industrial property of da claiming application must be filed by all applicants of the priority appli-
Gama Cerqueira of 1956 (cf fn 180 and the bibliography). The case law cation, or their successors in title.
to which Wieczorek has referred to, apart from the fact that it dated 22 This is equally true for the terms ‘celui qui’ and ‘jedermann’ in the EPC,
from 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1917 and 1958 (although the latter not en- and for those used in official translations of the EPC, eg into the Italian
tirely to the point because of the specifics of the UK Patent Act), was by ‘chiunque’, or in the Spanish language ‘quien’.
no means consistent in the relevant respect and handed down exclusively
Joseph Straus  Right to Priority in Article 4A (1) ARTICLE 691

application in order for priority to be validly claimed inventor(s) named in the two applications is not re-
they would have used different language to express this. quired.26 In case the entitlement is contested, the legal
Indeed, neither Article 88 EPC, which specifies how to dispute between the parties involved is a matter to be
claim the right of priority, nor Rules 52 and 53 of the decided by the competent national court and not by the
EPC Implementing Regulations, which set out the crite- EPO.27 However, another requirement for claiming pri-
ria for claiming priority, make reference to the appli- ority under Article 87 (1) (b) EPC, which in the PC can
cant satisfying the EPO that the right is claimed by all only be deduced from Article 4 C (4), namely that the
‘persons’ of the priority application. In the absence of European patent application must be in respect of the
such language, to the understanding of this author, the same invention, not least because of the relatively com-

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correct construction of Article 87 (1) EPC requires (in plex rules of Articles 4 H and 4 F PC, can constitute a
respect of the applicants) only that the second applica- serious obstacle.
tion in which priority is claimed be filed by at least one As emphasized by the EBA in its Decision G 1/15 of
of the persons (or their successor in title) who filed the 29 November 2016,
first application. . . . the sole substantive condition laid down by the EPC
(and the Paris Convention) for the right of priority to be
validly claimed is that the priority document and the sub-
EPO and the priority test23 sequent filing are directed to the same invention, Article
The issue of whether the priority application was duly 87(1) EPC. Article 4C (4) of the Paris Convention men-
filed and had established the filing date under the appli- tions ‘the same subject’. However, the meaning is undoubt-
cable national law, as well as the issue of identity be- edly identical.
tween the applicant(s) of the priority application and
those of the European patent application claiming that As a matter of principle, where a right is established by an
priority, as a rule24, do not cause any particular prob- international treaty or convention, or by national law, it
lems for the EPO. In the case of identity of the appli- cannot be restricted by imposing supplementary conditions
cant(s) named in the priority application and those in administrative rules or guidelines or even in
named in the European patent application, nothing is
to be examined by the EPO, because for a valid priority In the context of the purpose and object of the priority
claim neither is required that the applicant(s) of the right as established, based on the interpretation rules of
priority application was (were) entitled to file the appli- the Vienna Convention, by the Board of Appeal
cation, nor that they were entitled to the invention Decision T 15/01 of 17 June 2014,29 this decision of the
claimed/disclosed therein.25 Also, the identity of the EBA makes it clear that the interests of competitors of

23 For a well arranged summary of the respective EPO case law, with all the Patentgesetz (7th edn, De Gruyter Publisher 2013) § 41, marginal note
necessary references, cf the Decision T 205/14 of June 18, 2015 (not 10; Wieczorek (n 19) 110.
published). 26 cf FK Beier and J Straus, ‘Probleme des Prioritätsrechts im Patentrecht’
24 Except in the context of ‘successor in title’, where after some period of (1991) GRUR Int 255 (260); E Ullmann in Benkard, Patentgesetz (10th
uncertainty, a decision of June 18, 2015 (T 0205/14) held what can be edn, C.H. Beck Publisher 2006), Internationaler Teil PatG, marginal note
viewed as settled case law of the EPO. The Board, first, clarified that art 43, with further references (the 11th edn of Benkard (2015) does not
87 EPC was silent on the requirements for a valid transfer of rights of pri- touch upon this issue anymore); R Moufang in R Schulte (ed),
ority. In other words, it neither requires an express assignment in writing Patentgesetz mit Europäischen Patentübereinkommen (10th edn, Wolters
nor excludes a transfer by operation of law or by conduct of the parties Kluwer Publisher 2017) § 41, marginal note 28 in fine; Ruhl (n 13) 101.
concerned implying such transfer (point 3.3, last paragraph of the The issue of inventorship does not play any role in the context of claim-
Reasons). It further clarified that in its judgment, the assessment of ing priority (cf T0005/05 of November 9, 2005, point 4.2, last paragraph
whether the applicant of a European patent application is ‘successor in of the Reasons).
title’ within the meaning of art 87(1) EPC of the right of priority deriving 27 EBA G 3/92 of June 13, 1994, OJ EPO 1994, 607, point 3 of the Reasons
from an earlier application is the exclusive concern of national law (point (at 611 ss); cf also Ruhl (n 13) 75.
3.6.3, second para last two sentences). In this regard, the Board explicitly 28 Point 4.2 of the Reasons (OJ EPO 2017, A 82,1 (at 24)). In a previous
concurred with the decisions T 1008/96 of June 25, 2003, point 3.3 of the case in which the EBA had to decide on what constitutes ‘the same
Reasons, T 160/13 of April 23, 2015, point 1.1 of the Reasons and J 19/87 invention’ when multiple priorities are at hand, it arrived at the following
of March 21, 1988, point 2 of the Reasons. At the same time the Board general conclusion: ‘The requirement for claiming priority of ‘the same
explicitly disagreed with the decision T 62/05 (point 3.8 and 3.9 of the invention’, referred to in Article 87(1) EPC, means that priority of a pre-
Reasons), according to which the transfer of right of priority had to be vious application in respect of a claim in a European patent application
proven in a formal way and that it was therefore appropriate to apply an in accordance with Article 88 EPC is to be acknowledged only if the
equally high standard of proof as required by art 72 EPC (point 3.6.1). skilled person can derive the subject-matter of the claim directly and un-
Moreover, the Board also explicitly concurred with a decision of the ambiguously, using common general knowledge, from the previous ap-
German Federal Supreme Court of April 16, 2013, GRUR 2013, 712— plication as a whole.’ (G 2/98 of May 31, 2001, OJ EPO 2001, 413–
Fahrzeugscheibe, according to which Article 87 EPC does not require a Headnote).
formal and separate assignment as provided for by art 72 EPC.
29 OJ EPO 2006, 180 (see above text accompanying fns 8 and 9).
25 cf eg K Grabinski in Benkard EPÜ (n 21) art 87, marginal note 3; C-P
Brandt in Busse and Keukenschrijver (A Keukenschrijver, ed),
692 ARTICLE Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2019, Vol. 14, No. 9

an applicant invoking the priority right, and that of the represent the ‘first application’ within the meaning of
public at large, are safeguarded by: Article 87 (1) EPC.34
(i) the established date of the duly filed application, Although the TBA has not offered any legal basis for its
as required in Article 87 (2) and (3) EPC, Article 4 A assumption of the ‘legal unity’ of the two Japanese
(2) and (3) PC; (ii) the requirement for a timely decla- applicants of the claimed priority application, and al-
ration claiming the priority, including the submission though the not named applicant of the original applica-
of the prescribed documents, and the corresponding tion did not only not dispute the entitlement to the
publication of the respective information, as set forth in priority claim of the applicant of the European patent
Article 88 and Rules 52 and 53 EPC, in accordance with application at hand, but also could not join the applica-

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Article 4 D (1) and (3) PC;30 and (iii) the EPO ‘same tion after its filing date, the result of this decision has
invention’ test under Article 87 (1) (b) EPC.31 The pri- been that the case law of the EPO since then requires
ority right is established on the referred to provisions of that in a case of two or more applicants of the priority
the EPC and PC, as well as the national law of the
application, all of them (or their successors in title)
country of priority filing. As explicitly emphasized by
must also be the applicants of the European patent ap-
the EBA, the priority right therefore ‘cannot be re-
plication claiming that priority.35
stricted by imposing supplementary conditions in ad-
Subsequently, the T 788/05 Decision of the TBA has
ministrative rules or guidelines or even in
also decisively influenced the case law of the UK courts.
In Edwards Lifesciences AG v Cook Biotech Inc,36 in
Without a single reference to the object and purpose
which the priority of an US application filed in the
of the priority right, as interpreted by the TBA in the
names of three persons, all as ‘joint inventors’, in
decision T 15/01 of 17 June 2004,33 in the decision T
which, however, only one of them filed the application
788/05 of 8 May 2007, the TBA held as follows:
claiming that priority, Kitchin J, denied the priority
The term ‘a person’ in Article 87 (1) EPC (or ‘an applicant’ claim, because the applicant were not ‘successor in title’
in Article 88 (1) EPC) implies that the applicant be the of the three original applicants under Article 4 PC. In
same for ‘the first application’ (or previous application’ in the context of interest, Mr Justice Kitchin argued, inter
Article 88 (1) EPC) and for the later application for which
alia, as follows:
a priority right is claimed. The required identity for the
applicants originates in that the priority right is part of the Successor in title here must mean successor in title to the
applicants right. invention, as the parties before me agreed.37
In the case of D1 in which two co-applicants (Terumo and A person who files a patent application for an invention is
Tokin) are present, this means that the priority right afforded the privilege of claiming priority only if he himself
belongs simultaneously and jointly to the two applicants, filed the earlier application from which priority is claimed
who thus constitute a legal unity unless one of them or if he is the successor in title to the person who filed that
decides to transfer his right to the other applicant, who earlier application. If he is neither the person who filed the
then becomes his successor in title and this before the filing earlier application nor his successor in title then he is de-
of the later application. Since no evidence for such a trans- nied the privilege. Moreover, his position is not improved
fer was submitted to the Board, D1, independently of the if he subsequently acquires title to the invention. It remains
question of the same invention, could only serve as a basis the case that he was not entitled to the privilege when he
for claiming priority for the filing of a later application des- filed the later application and made his claim. Any other
ignating both applicants. But since the present application interpretation would introduce uncertainty and the risk of
was only filed by one applicant (Terumo), D1 could not unfairness to third parties. In reaching this conclusion

30 cf also E Ullmann, ‘The Priority Right in the Patent Law – Use and issues regarding the legal entitlement to the right of priority (i.e. on the
Misuse?’ in Prinz zu Waldeck and others (eds), Patents and Technological ownership and transfer of said right)’ (point 3.4.8 of the Provisional
Progress in Globalized World, Liber Amicorum Joseph Straus (Springer Appreciation of Substantive and Legal Matters).
Publisher 2009) 78–79. 32 G 1/15, point 4.2 second para of the Reasons (OJ EPO 2017, A 82,24)
31 In a communication of June 14, 2017, the TBA 3.3.01 (Appeal No T (emphasis added J.S.).
0239/16) observed: ‘Whereas several requirements of Articles 87 and 88 33 OJ EPO 2006, 180 (see above text accompanying fn 8).
EPC, namely the substantive condition of ‘the same invention’, are 34 Point 2 of the Reasons (not published).
clearly protecting legitimate interests of third parties, the definition of
35 cf eg the Decision T 205/14 of June 18, 2015, point 3.3, first para of the
the persons entitled to claim a right of priority might be seen to protect
Reasons (not published).
the person who has filed an application that could give rise to a right of
priority from unlawful appropriation. It might therefore be questioned, 36 [2009] EWHC 1304 (Pat).
whether the purpose of the definition of the person entitled to claim a 37 Id No 93.
right of priority militates against or in favor of a power to decide on
Joseph Straus  Right to Priority in Article 4A (1) ARTICLE 693

I derive a measure of comfort from the fact that the Board However I cannot help but observe that if priority is lost
of Appeal of the EPO has adopted the same approach to this patent would be revoked over a publication by the in-
the interpretation in two cases: J 0019/87 and T 0062/05.38 ventor in the period between the priority date and the fil-
The US application was filed in the names of Mr. ing date which I infer was assumed to be a safe thing to do
Obermiller, Mr. Osse and Ms. Thorpe, all as joint inven- because it was assumed by everyone involved that priority
tors. It was not filed by Mr. Obermiller alone and therefore would be successfully claimed. There will be many cases
he was not ‘a person’ who had ‘duly filed an application for like this. There is no obvious public interest in striking down
a patent’ within the meaning of Article 4A (1) of the Paris patents on this ground, unlike all the other grounds of
Convention. Once again, this approach is consistent with invalidity.43
that adopted by the Board of Appeal of the EPO in case T
Unsatisfied with the settled law, Birss J de lege ferenda

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developed some alternative solutions how to solve the
Mr Justice Birss most authentically described, in Accord problem,44 but, eventually, concluded: ‘Nevertheless re-
Healthcare Ltd v Research Corporation Technologies, gardless of these tentative suggestions, I will apply the
Inc,40 how the Edwards v Cook precedent, in which law as it is settled at this level.’45 Although Mr Justice
Kitchin J made no attempt to critically question the T Birss did not mention the object in purpose of the pri-
0788/05 decision against the object and purpose of the ority right as it has to be interpreted under the Vienna
priority right, as required by the interpretation rules of Convention rules, it is not far-fetched to understand
the Vienna Convention, has been followed by the UK him as seeing the ‘settled law’ not adequately taking ac-
courts: count of the object and purpose of the priority right.
Edwards v Cook has been followed and applied at first in- The apodictic repetition of poorly reasoned holding of
stance on a number of occasions including at least the fol- the T 0788/05 TBA decision reminds one of the remark
lowing: Arnold J in KCI Licensing v Smith & Nephew made by Lord Walker in the well-known Kirin Amgen
[2010] EWHC 1487 (Pat) and Idenix v Gilead [2014] case of the UK House of Lords, namely: ‘There is always
EWHC 3916 (Pat), Henry Carr J in Fujifilm v Abbvie a danger that any judicial summary of principle may,
[2017] EWHC 395 (Pat); and me in HTC v Gemalto [2013] precisely because it is concise, practical and repeatedly
EWHC 1876 (Pat). In KCI Licensing v Smith & Nephew cited, take on a life of its own, as if it were a statutory
and HTC v Gemalto the judges (Arnold J and myself re-
text with its own problems of construction to be
spectively) accepted a significant softening to what other-
wise might have been the rigor of the rule that the title
must be secured by the time the international application Indeed, the T 788/05 by construing multiple appli-
is made, by accepting an analysis based on common law cants of a priority application as a ‘legal unity’ and their
principles distinguishing the equitable and legal title to priority right as ‘jointly owned’ as seemingly an autono-
property. If the relevant local law meant that the equitable mous legal notion of the PC, generated a construct for
or beneficial title to the priority right was in the hands of which no statutory basis can be found either in the PC
the person making the priority claim in the international or in the EPC provisions. This construct not only
application, that was held to be good enough even though ignores the (ordinary) meaning of ‘any’ in Article 87(1)
that person did not then hold the legal title under the local EPC and Article 4A (1) PC, as well as the law under
law and could only perfect their title after the event.41
which the formal legal basis for the priority right was
After Birss J accomplished his detailed analysis of the established, but also and most importantly, leads to a
cases referred to above, he returned to the case at issue result which manifestly contradicts the purpose and ob-
and observed as follows: ject of the priority right as identified in T 15/01, namely
to fulfill the general purpose it serves, which is ‘to assist
In my judgment Accord is right in law that following from
those principles, a person who at the relevant time and un- the applicant in obtaining international protection for
der the relevant applicable law, acquired only the bare legal his invention’.47 As Birss J correctly observed, ‘there is
title to an invention and not the equitable title, when the no obvious public interest in striking down patents on
equitable title is held by another, does not then hold the this ground’.48 If one asks ‘cui bono’, ‘to whose benefit’,
substantive right and title to the claim to priority.42 the answer is simple, to the benefit of the opposing

38 Id No 95. 45 Id No 78, in fine.

39 Id No 99. 46 Judgment of October 21, 2004, [2004] UKHL 46, [2005] R.P.C. 169, No
40 [2017] EWHC 2711 (Pat). 138, last sentence.
41 Id No 67. 47 T 15/01, point 34 of the Reasons (OJ EPO 2006, 18-181).
42 Id No 76 [emphasis added JS]. 48 Accord Healthcare Ltd v Research Corporation Technologies Inc, [2017]
43 Id No 77 [emphasis added JS]. EWHC 2711 (Pat), No 78 in fine.
44 cf id No 78.
694 ARTICLE Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2019, Vol. 14, No. 9

competitors, to whose benefit an application which first the ownership of the right to the patent or of the right of
disclosed an invention lost the actual date on which it, priority and, on the other hand, the exercise of that right
as a matter of uncontested (!) fact, enriched the ‘state when filing a European patent application by which the
right of priority becomes effective. Of course, the legal fic-
of the art’. The general public is interested in seeing the
tion of Article 60 (3) EPC cannot be extended to the enti-
interests of those inventors, and their successors in title tlement of an applicant for a European patent to claim
respectively, who first disclose their inventions in a pat- priority from a previous application since its wording does
ent application, adequately safeguarded by a properly not refer to the right of priority which is distinct and inde-
applied priority right. As already explained in detail, pendent of the right to a patent . . .. However, one might
specific provisions of the PC as well as the EPC fully nevertheless question whether the departments of the EPO

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safeguard the interests of competitors. The value for the have been entrusted by the sovereign Contracting States
public at large of the contribution of a given invention with the power to decide on issues regarding the legal enti-
tlement to the right of priority (i.e. on the ownership and
to the state of the art by its disclosure on a firmly estab-
transfer of said right). The division of powers between the
lished date, the actual reason to create the priority right EPO and the Contracting States established by Article 60
for a limited time, based on considerations repeatedly EPC, Article 61 EPC and Article 138 (1) (e) EPC depriving
mentioned, has not the least to do with the fact, of the departments of the EPO of the power to determine dis-
whether all or only some of the applicants named in the putes as to whether or not a particular applicant is legally
priority application, or their successors in title, are entitled to apply for and be granted a European patent in
named in the application claiming that priority. respect of the subject matter of a particular application (see
G 3/92, OJ EPO 1994, 607, point 3), could be considered
of general nature. The reasons that lead to the division of
Priority right—a property right powers between the EPO and the contracting states seem
The above highlights that the EPO case law, rather than also valid for the examination of the legal entitlement to
the right of priority.51
protecting the priority right as held by the applicant,
has allowed opportunistic challenges during opposition Based on the preparatory documents to the EPC,52 the
by third parties who merely seek another tool for inva- TBA in its further deliberations, first pointed to the fact
lidating a patent. This situation is in contrast to the en- that the Contracting States clearly opposed the idea that
titlement to a European patent or application where the disputes traditionally falling within the sphere of prop-
challenge can only be brought by a party who asserts erty law should be dealt with authorities other than na-
that it should be entitled to the patent or application. tional civil courts, and that the option to vest the EPO
Indeed, the TBA 3.3.01 in its already referred to with the central authority to decide who is entitled to
communication of 14 June 2017,49 wrapped in a ques- the patent, was abandoned. Therefore, to the under-
tion, observed that in a more general context of the en- standing of the TBA, it follows from Articles 60, 61 and
titlement to the priority right, apart from Articles 87 138 (1) (e) EPC ‘that questions of legal entitlement
(1), 88 and 89 EPC,50 also Articles 60, 61 and 138 EPC (ownership and transfer) can be considered to fall, as a
might have a bearing. It stated as follows: matter of principle, within the sole jurisdiction of the
national courts or other authorities responsible’. And,
Article 87 (1) EPC parallels Article 60 (1) EPC concerning
the TBA added: ‘Such considerations could also apply
the entitlement to the right to the invention: Article 60 (1)
EPC defines the ‘inventor’ as the entity to whom the right
to the legal entitlements to the rights of priority (cf.
to a European patent belongs and, by reference to the ‘suc- J 11/95 of 27 November 1997, point 4, last sentence).’53
cessor in title’, establishes that this right is transferrable. As Although only provisional and not binding and not
in Article 88 (1) EPC, Article 60 (3) EPC uses the term ‘ap- applied in the case because the priority issue eventually
plicant’ in the sense of the natural or legal person filing a played no role, these deliberations of the TBA deserve
European patent application. Thus, both provisions imply particular attention. The fact that the TBA, in the light
a distinction between, on the one hand, the existence and of the carefully examined settled case law of the EPO,

49 Above fn 31. 51 Point 3.4.5 of the ‘Provisional Appreciation of Substantive and Legal
50 It should be recalled that the EBA in G 1/15 of November 29, 2016, em- Matters’. In this context, the TBA made reference to the Minutes of the
phasized that art 89 EPC ‘makes it clear that the right of priority is Munich Diplomatic Conference for the setting-up of a European System
intended to protect the applicant against third parties filing a patent ap- for the Grant of Patents (M/PR I, Annex I, Report on the Results of Main
plication in respect of the same invention during the twelve-month pe- Committee I’s Proceedings, p 198).
riod after the filing date. It has to be read in conjunction with Article 60 52 Minutes of the 10th Meeting of the Working Party I, held in
(1) and (2) EPC, which define entitlement to the grant of a European Luxembourg from 22 to 26 November 1971, BR/144 e/71, pp 18–19.
patent; this right belongs to the inventor and, in the case of conflict, to 53 Point 3.4.7 of the ‘Provisional Appreciation of Substantive and Legal
the person who filed first’ (point 4.3.2 of the Reasons, OJ EPO 2016, A Matters’.
82, 24).
Joseph Straus  Right to Priority in Article 4A (1) ARTICLE 695

raised the question of the competence of the EPO to applicable law. It has to be emphasized that under Rule
decide on the entitlement to the priority right, is most 54 EPC, ‘any priority document (i.e. the certified copy
remarkable and can only imply that to the understand- of the European patent application together with the
ing of the Board the settled case law does not ade- certificate stating the date of filing thereof) will only be
quately take into account the object and purpose of the issued to the (original) applicant or his successor in title
priority right. Whereas Birss J expressly disagreed with on written request. If such request is missing, the EPO
the case law as settled at the level of the UK High will invite the requester to file it and will supply the cer-
Court, which he nevertheless followed,54 the TBA tified copy only once this requirement has been
3.3.01, by inducing the discussion, put a clear question fulfilled’.55

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mark behind the current EPO case law and indirectly These criteria lend support to a presumption that
suggested how the issue could be adequately solved. the party claiming a right of priority is entitled to that
The Board is correct in observing that the EPC does right, and that that right could be challenged only be-
not provide the EPO with the power to negate the right fore a competent national court or authority respec-
of priority where the ‘same applicant’ rule is not com- tively, only by an entity claiming the entitlement to the
plied with. Indeed, neither Article 88 EPC, which speci- priority right at issue. In other words, in case an appli-
fies how to claim the right of priority, nor Rules 52 and cant claiming the priority in a European patent applica-
53 of the Implementing Regulations, which set out the tion is one of the two or more applicants who filed the
criteria for claiming priority, make reference to the ap- priority application (or his successor in title), his enti-
plicant satisfying the EPO that the right is claimed by tlement to the priority right should not be contestable
all ‘persons’ of the priority application, nor that the either by the EPO, or by third parties in opposition
EPO should assess this, nor that any failure by the ap- proceedings. The issue, if any, which may exist between
plicant in this respect should lead to loss of priority and the applicants (or their successors in title) not named
thereby in many cases, loss of the patent. It is to be in the European patent application and its applicant, is
noted that, since the first, foreign filing is not published undisputedly a matter of exclusive jurisdiction of the
before the filing of the European patent application competent national courts. No single justification can
(unless earlier publication has been requested), it is be found for the result of the present case law, accord-
only the applicant or some person connected to the ap- ing to which the not named applicants, who have, for
plicant, who has knowledge of this filing. Thus, the what reason so ever, not in one way or other transferred
requirements to cite the file number of the first filing their right to priority to the actual applicant, are pre-
(Rule 52 (1) EPC) and to provide a copy of the first ap- vented to join the applicant and enjoy the timely exer-
plication as filed certified by the foreign national office cised priority right, with the consequence that the
(Rule 53 (1) EPC), serve to ensure a nexus between the priority right is denied, and in most cases the patent re-
applicant for the European patent application and the voked to the detriment of all, ie all those who have as
first application. Based on the facts of the EPO cases, in the first ones enriched the state of the art.
which the issue of ‘successor in title’ and the ‘timely How manifestly unreasonable the priority entitle-
transfer’ of the priority right to the actual applicant of ment case law, which allows successful challenging of
the European patent application became the key for the priority right by third parties on the sole ground
assessing the entitlement to the right of the claimed pri- that the European patent application claiming priority
ority, it is to be assumed that the foreign patent office was not filed by all applicants (or their successors in ti-
issues such certified copies of the first application only tle) of the priority application, is, transpires from the
to the applicants, actually any applicant thereof, in case following facts. The validity of a priority claim under
of two or more, in the sense of ‘any person who duly Articles 87–88 EPC under the settled case law is to be
filed’, ie to those entitled to that application under the confirmed without any examination, and also without

54 Birss J, inter alia, suggested that ‘An alternative could be to apply the priority documents by the EPO automatically to foreign patent offices
same approach and the same applicable law to the priority claim as upon their request presupposes that a control mechanism is imple-
applies to ownership of the invention and the right to the patent’. But he mented in the system which ensures that only the original applicant(s)
finally stated: ‘Nevertheless regardless of these tentative suggestions, I will (or his (their) successor(s) in title), but not an applicant claiming prior-
apply the law as it is settled at this level.’ (Accord Healthcare Ltd v ity based on information (priority date and number) acquired, e.g. by
Research Corporation Technologies Inc [2017] EWHC 2711 (Pat), No 78). fraud, will have access to the priority documents automatically reaching
55 Guidelines for Examination, Part A, ch XI, 5.2. The fact that due to elec- his patent office file. In this context attention is to be drawn to the fact,
tronic filing the major patent offices may now be able to obtain the prior- that the patent office of the subsequent filing, in contrast to the ‘classic
ity documents from the register of the patent office where the priority paper regime’, until receiving the priority documents, disposes of no
filing was made, does not affect the legal principle set forth in the Rule 54 mechanism to check whether the applicant has lawfully acquired the in-
EPC and applied in the Examination Guidelines. Making available of formation on priority filing.
696 ARTICLE Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2019, Vol. 14, No. 9

any possibility of third parties to contest it, in a case in in line with the solution adopted by the EPC legislator,
which, for instance, the priority application X, disclos- made it clear that, to the same extent to which the deci-
ing and claiming the invention Z, was filed by A and B sion on the entitlement to the invention and to the
as co-applicants, and in which A and B as co-applicants grant of the European patent is exclusive competence of
file subsequently a European patent application claim- national courts applying national law, the decision on
ing the priority of X, although A and B were neither en- the entitlement to the right of priority, as a matter of
titled to the invention Z claimed in X, nor to the filing principle, is equally exclusive competence of national
of X and also not to the filing of the subsequent courts applying national law.
European application, because they simply have stolen It follows that the property right of priority is evi-

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the invention Z from Y. Under such circumstances, Y, dently linked to the right to invention and to the enti-
entitled to the invention and to the grant of the tlement to the grant of the European patent,61
European patent, based on a final decision of the com- irrespective of the fact that it can be transferred to and
petent national court, confirming his/her entitlement to exercised by a successor in title. Moreover, the EBA de-
the invention Z and to the grant of the European pat- cision makes it crystal clear that, according to Article 61
ent, can benefit from the remedies provided for (1) (b) and (2) EPC in conjunction with Article 76 (1)
in Article 61 (1) (b) and (2) EPC. Following the EBA in EPC, the priority right of an application can be recog-
G3/92, Y can file a new European patent application in nized, and vested in a different proprietor, also after the
respect of the invention Z, even if the European appli- priority term has lapsed,62 based on a final decision of a
cation of the unlawful applicants A and B would not national court applying national law!63 This applies also
anymore be pending before the EPO because it had in case that the final decision of the competent national
been, for example, withdrawn.56 As a consequence of court has adjudged the applicant invoking Article 61
Article 61 (1) (b) and (2) and Article 76 (1) EPC,57 the (1) (b) and (2) EPC, only a share in the entitlement to
new application of Y will be deemed to have been filed the invention and the grant of the European patent, eg
on the date of filing of the earlier original application based on co-inventorship.64 Thus, a co-inventor who
and shall have the benefit of any right of priority of the has neither been named (co) applicant in the priority
earlier application by the unlawful applicants A and application nor in the European patent application, is
B.58 By holding that under Article 61 (1) (b) EPC a per- vested with the benefit of any priority right of an appli-
son, based on its entitlement to the invention (and to cation, after the priority period has lapsed, based on
the grant of the European patent), as adjudged by a fi- her/his entitlement to a share (co-ownership) in the in-
nal decision of a competent national court59 handed vention claimed in the European patent application, as
down after the 12 months priority period has lapsed,60 adjudged by a national court applying national law! In
can file a new European patent application and enjoy other words, after a successful entitlement action before
the priority of the earlier original usurping application a national court, applying national law, the new own-
of unlawful applicants, the Enlarged Board of Appeal, er(s) of the right to the invention and the patent

56 Point 5.4, 2nd para of the Reasons (OJ EPO 1994, 618; it should be noted 61, marginal note 16, however, also the competence of a court outside
that a minority of the EBA dissented, id. 623 ss). Concurring K-J Mellulis the Contracting States to the EPC, should not be excluded.
in Benkard EPÜ (n 21) art 61 EPC, marginal note 43; critical T Bremi 60 This can be assumed for the facts in the case G 3/92, bearing in mind
and D Stauder in Singer and Stauder(n 3) art 61, marginal notes 6–8, that a new application according to art 61 (1) (b) EPC has to be filed ‘no
and fn 10 at p 344, referring to a new reference to the Rules of the later than three months after the decision recognizing his entitlement has
Implementing Regulations in art 76(1) EPC; Along the same lines RML become final’ (Rule 16 (1) (b) EPC), and the earlier original usurping ap-
Schneckenbühl in U Fitzner, R Lutz and Th Bodewig (eds), plication must have been filed within the priority period, and in the case
Patentrechtskommentar (4th edn, C.H. Beck Publisher 2012) art 61, mar- at issue was even not anymore pending before the EPO.
ginal note 40. 61 cf also R Teschemacher, Wann ist eine Anmeldung eine erste Anmeldung
57 Art 61 (2) EPC sets forth that art 76 (1) EPC shall apply mutatis mutan- im Sinne des Prioritätsrechts? (When is an Application a first Application
dis to a new European application filed under paragraph 1 (b). Art 76 (1) in the Sense of the Priority Right?), who states that although the priority
EPC provides that divisional applications ‘shall be deemed to have been right evolves from the act of filing the application, it were, however, at-
filed on the date of filing of the earlier application and shall enjoy any tached already to the act of invention (in the original German: ‘Das
right of priority’. Prioritätsrecht entsteht zwar durch den Akt der Hinterlegung, es ist aber
58 EBA G 3/92, points 5.3 and 5.4 of the Reasons (OJ EPO 1994, at 617, schon im Akt der Erfindung angelegt.’). Mitt. 2007, 536 (536).
618). 62 As a rule this will apply also in cases in which the application of the un-
59 The competence of national courts is regulated in arts 2–6 of the lawful applicant(s) will still be pending before the EPO.
Protocol on Jurisdiction and Recognition of Decisions in respect of the 63 K-J Mellulis in Benkard EPÜ (n 21) art 61 EPC, marginal note 54, notes
Right to the Grant of a European Patent (Protocol on Recognition). It that in this context the priority right is safeguarded by the gimmick refer-
should be only noted that in case neither party of the dispute has its resi- ence (‘Kunstgriff’) to art 76 (1) EPC in art 61 (1) (b) and (2) EPC.
dence or principal place of business in one of the Contracting States to 64 cf K-J Mellulis in Benkard EPÜ (n 21) art 61 EPC, marginal note 64,
the EPC, the District Court Munich I (Landgericht München I) is the where a detailed discussion of possible scenarios for such circumstances
competent court. According to K-J Mellulis in Benkard EPÜ (n 21) art can be found.
Joseph Straus  Right to Priority in Article 4A (1) ARTICLE 697

automatically acquire(s) also the priority right, al- Conclusions

though the priority term of 12 months has already
The right of priority constitutes one of the main pillars
lapsed. Consequently, the priority is not found invalid
for the functioning of the protection of IP rights at an
at this later point in time when an additional applicant
international level. The priority right was introduced al-
becomes a proprietor, having not been a proprietor at
ready in the original version of the Paris Convention
the time priority was claimed. It therefore lacks any
logic, at the time the priority right is claimed, for the for the Protection of Industrial Property in 1883. The
EPO to deny the claim based on a mismatch between basic purpose of the priority right is to safeguard, for a
the applicant(s) on the priority application and those limited period of time, the interests of a patent appli-
cant in his endeavour to obtain international protection

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on the application claiming priority, and not to allow
the missing applicant(s) (or their successors in title), to for his invention, thereby alleviating the consequences
join the application, based on their own decision and in of the principle of territoriality in patent law.
agreement with the applicant. Therefore, the international priority provisions con-
This design, enshrined in the EPC, in which neither tained in the PC have to be construed in a manner
the EPO itself, nor the competitors in the proceedings which ensures that the general purpose they serve,
before the EPO, can contest the priority right of an ap- namely to assist the applicant in obtaining international
plicant invoking Article 61 (1) (b) and (2) EPC, on any protection for his invention is fulfilled as far as possible.
other ground than those related to the formalities ex- This is also true for the priority system of the EPC
plicitly set forth in the EPC, and that the ‘same which has to be compatible with the standards set by
invention’ requirement of Article 87 EPC is not met, the PC in the sense that it should not give less protec-
stands scrutiny as regards the legal certainty and the ad- tion, but which is not generally prevented from going
equate protection of interests of all involved, ie the per- beyond those standards in favour of the applicant.66
son(s) entitled to the grant of the European patent, the Under the Vienna Convention rules, which control
public at large and the legitimate interests of competi- also the interpretation of the EPC, the term ‘any per-
tors. Against this legal background, and in the light of son’ who duly filed, used in Article 87 (1) EPC and
the established purpose and object of the priority right, Article 4 A (1) PC, has to be given its ‘ordinary mean-
in the absence of any specific provision of the EPC or ing’, ie as ‘one or some indiscriminately of whatever
PC, EPO’s denial of the claim to the priority right in- kind’, whereby this interpretation has to take into ac-
voked by a co-applicant(s), ie ‘any person who duly fil- count the object and purpose the priority right was
ed’, of the priority application, as generating legal designed to serve, namely to assist the applicant, in case
uncertainty to the disadvantage of competitors, for the of more applicants, any of them, in obtaining interna-
sole reason that one (or more) of the co-applicants of
tional protection for the invention(s) at stake.
the priority application (or their successors in title),
Consequently, in case the priority application was filed
have neither been named in the European patent appli-
by more than one applicant, any of them (or their suc-
cation, nor have they, or their successors in title, trans-
cessors in title) can validly claim the priority of that ap-
ferred their priority right(s) to the actual applicant(s),
plication in a subsequent European patent application.
lacks any legal basis and is ultra vires. In the unlikely
case that each or some of the co-applicants would sepa- In the unlikely event that more than one of the original
rately claim the priority of the same application in the co-applicants would claim the priority of the same ap-
European application, if the priority claim would relate plication in a separate European application, as shown
to the same invention, based on the documents re- above, the EPO could easily handle the circumstances
quired under Article 88 EPC, the EPO could easily clar- by using available EPC mechanisms. Conflicts on the
ify the issue with the applicants concerned and actual entitlement between the original co-applicants,
consolidate the proceedings. In case, however, that the or between them and third parties belong to the exclu-
priority claim would relate to a different invention, sive jurisdiction of national courts applying national
based on the priority right, which is vested in ‘any per- laws. In case the applicant of a European patent appli-
son who duly filed’, the EPO will have to examine the cation is claiming the priority of an application in
same invention issue, based on the disclosure contained which he is neither named as applicant, nor as co-
in the priority document, and applying the standards applicant, but acts as successor in title of at least one of
developed in G 2/98.65 the original co-applicants, under the settled case law,

65 cf fn 26. 66 T 15/01, point 32 in fine, point 34 of the Reasons (OJ EPO 2006, 180–
698 ARTICLE Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2019, Vol. 14, No. 9

the EPO will examine its entitlement based on the ap- supplementary conditions in administrative rules or
plicable national law.67 guidelines or even in jurisprudence.68 To the under-
The EPC priority regime, consisting on the one hand standing of this writer, the ‘same applicant rule’, intro-
of its formality related provisions of Article 88 and duced in the case law of the EPO by the T 788/05,
Rules 52 and 53, in line with the corresponding PC pro- constitutes such an inadmissible restrictive supplemen-
visions, and, on the other hand, of the sole substantive tary condition. Therefore, EPO’s decisions denying the
condition for the right of priority to be validly claimed, priority claim of an applicant of a European patent ap-
namely that the priority document and the subsequent plication on the sole ground that the same applicant
filing are directed to the same invention, as laid down rule were not met, lack any legal basis. Having regard to

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in Article 87 (1) EPC (mirroring Article 4 C (4) PC), the EPC provisions controlling the EPO’s (non)compe-
constitutes a complete system for proper functioning of tence for deciding on the entitlement to property rights
the priority right as a property right established by an related to the grant of a European patent and, as
international treaty or convention. As emphasized by analysed in detail above, implicitly to the priority right,
the EBA, such a right cannot be restricted by imposing such EPO decisions are to be viewed ultra vires.

67 See fn 24. 68 G 1/15, point 4.2 of the Reasons (OJ EPO 20017, A 82, at 24).

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