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Skills Learned through

Missionary Service
• Full-time missionaries for the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints learn valuable
personal and social skills during their time of

• Skills learned as a missionary will also be

beneficial in preparing for a career and future
service as a member of your community.

MISSIONARY SKILLS • Leadership training skills such as

personal coaching, encouragement, and
What skills do missionaries learn accountability.
and practice? • Public speaking, explaining complex
• Getting to know new people and getting issues in simple and motivating ways.
along with them under stressful conditions. • Creativity and problem-solving skills for
• Cultural sensitivity to people from living in new settings and communicating
different backgrounds, beliefs, or their message in interesting ways.
ethnicities. • Self-motivation in studying, working, and
• Handling rejection, failure, and sometimes learning a foreign language.
disappointment. • Creating a meaningful life through
• Serving others, sometimes during times emotional self-regulation, interpersonal
of great stress, with sensitivity to their fears, relating, living their values while working
needs, and desires. hard, and spiritual connection during times
of stress and disappointment.
• Networking to help bring resources to
co-workers and “customers” for addiction What do full-time missionaries do to
recovery, family support, economic learn these skills?
self-reliance, and integration into a new • Live and work with an assigned (not
(faith) community. chosen) companion 24 hours a day, 7 days
• Time management, goal-setting, and a week, for several months at a time –
resilience in the face of failure. often companions from a different culture,
while living in a foreign location or
• Working hard while keeping a cheerful
speaking a different language. Men serve
attitude. 2590 WSC (801) 422-3000

under these conditions for a total of 24 • Study the Bible and other Church
months and women for 18 months without materials daily and learn a foreign
vacations or visits from home. language if assigned to do.
• Share the teachings of Jesus Christ and • Stick with their assignment and find
invite others to learn about and participate meaning in their service, often despite
in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day considerable rejection, disappointment,
Saints. and isolation.
• Provide community service (such as Part-time Service Missionaries
teaching English classes, helping with
disaster relief, and assisting in local Part-time Service Missionaries may also be
charitable organizations of all kinds). called for 6-18 months to provide part-time
community service in a specific setting
• Help others connect with Church appropriate to their medical needs and
resources to help them become personal skills/interests. These missionaries
economically independent, break addictive live at home and work under the direction of
habits, strengthen their marriages and local Church leaders. They often learn skills
families, and learn about their ancestors. such as a better work ethic, communicating
• Plan their day and their week against with adults and peers, keeping rules at work,
assigned and self-chosen goals with specific skills related to the work they do, and
minimal oversight, including making finding meaning in serving others).
back-up plans to respond flexibly and
meaningfully when original plans change.
There are about 400 How are full-time missionaries assigned and
supported financially?
different missions • Young people submit an application to
worldwide serve a full-time mission for the Church.
• Church leaders at the headquarters of
the Church in Salt Lake City, Utah, review
• Work for approximately 60 hours every each application. These leaders assign the
week, in addition to personal study, perspective missionary to one of
worship, and planning. approximately 400 missions throughout
the world. They also assign the missionary
• Provide leadership and training to newer to work in a specific language.
missionaries and church members.
• Missionaries who accept these
• Give talks and teach lessons to represent assignments serve as volunteers,
the Church and its teachings, adapting to supported financially by personal
the needs and interests of others. savings, family members, or donations
• Figure out new ways to find people to from other Church members.
help or teach, helping them resolve • Missionaries attend a Missionary Training
questions and personal problems and Center for two weeks at the start of their
working out interpersonal difficulties with mission, or 8-10 weeks if learning a foreign
others. language.


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