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Writing A Classroom-Based Action



I need to write a research paper because, apart from it being a requirement for my

degree program, I noticed a significant gap between my students' knowledge and the

expected proficiency level, particularly in science. This gap cannot be ignored or taken

lightly, so I decided to dive into this study, putting in the necessary effort and determination

to address this issue.

I believe that every student has unique strengths and ways of learning. With this in

mind, I started exploring differentiated instruction as a method to help. My goal was to

connect with my students' diverse intelligences and learning styles, tailoring my teaching to

meet their specific needs.

The process was challenging. It involved many late nights and countless cups of

coffee. At times, I felt like giving up, questioning whether I was on the right path. I didn't

realize the full scope of my research until it overwhelmed me. The real test came when we

implemented the intervention. That week, I was stretched thin, juggling multiple tasks and

planning activities to cater to each student's unique needs.

The process was exhausting, and there were moments when I doubted myself and

wondered if I had taken on too much. But seeing my students' determination and

participation kept me motivated.

When we looked at the post-test results, the improvement was obvious and

significant. It felt like a wonderful transformation. In that moment, all my hard work felt

worth it. I felt proud and happy, knowing I had helped my students learn and grow.
Writing A Classroom-Based Action

The experience was challenging and pushed me to my limits. But the positive

results showed me that it was all worth it. This reinforced my belief in the power of

education. It's about overcoming challenges, believing in ourselves, and seeing our students

succeed. Despite the sleepless nights, the progress my students made was what really

mattered. Plus, I learned a lot about my own teaching methods and how to better support my

students in the future.

Writing A Classroom-Based Action


Staying awake all night.

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