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11th Grade

Close Reading Activity
The House on Mango Street
1. How would you describe the narrator’s tone in the following sentence, and what
evidence can you cite to support your answer: “The house on mango street is ours,
and we don’t have to pay rent to anybody, or to share the yard with the people
downstairs, or to be careful not to make too much noise, and there isn’t a landlord
banging on the ceiling with a broom.”
2. Why is the house on Mango Street an improvement over the narrator’s other homes?
In what ways does it fall short of her “dream” house?
3. How large is the narrator’s family? What is their religion? What do you think the
following quotation says about the narrator’s feelings about her home? “ I knew then I
had to have a house. A real house. One I could point to.”
4. What character’s personality traits are suggested for each of the following family
members by the narrator’s description of each one’s hair?
 Papa
 Carlos
 Nenny
 Kiki
 Mama
5. About how old do you think the narrator is at the beginning of the novel?
6. Why is it bad luck for a woman to be born in the year of the horse?
7. Why does Esperanza say that she has her grandmother’s name but doesn’t “want to
inherit her place by the window”?
8. What point does Esperanza make about both the Chinese and the Mexicans?
9. What does Esperanza dislike about her name? Why do you suppose she wants to be
called Zeze the x?
10. What does the narrator say about the relationship between boys and girls? What
evidence does she provide to support this idea?

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