CH1 Discussion2

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Yes, I agree that countries don’t trade, people do because it is individuals and firms

who are behind the governments that are involved in international business.
International business gives room for wider variety of products needed by
individuals including raw materials for firms which may not be sourced locally.
Hence, my other reasons below:
Reduced dependence on the local market: Different cultures have different wants
and needs, thus, to improve on standard of living, individuals and firms may have
to participate actively in the international business as no one country can live in
For increased market share and maximized profits: Individuals and firms may want
to increase their market share by expanding on their customer base which
international business provides the platform. This will give room for profit
maximization by both individuals and firms.
Increased efficiency: Individuals and firms embark on international business to
sharpen their skills and improve on their productive capacity through transfer of
To take advantage of economies of scale that results through international business
e.g. Low cost of raw materials for production, Low labour cost and foreign
currency fluctuation which may give room for positive impact.

“Countries don’t trade, people do.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Why? I agree with this statement as when considering a country as a whole we
must consider that everyone in the country is not trading. Trading occurs within
businesses which illustrates the quote when it states that rather than countries,
people are the ones who trade. Thus, the quotation refers to businesses (formed
groups) participating in trading. Martin Luther King Jr. said that, “before you finish
eating your breakfast in the morning, you’ve depended on more than half the
world.” What does he mean by this? He meant that most of the food one consumed
was imported from another country, hence, the saying “’you’ve depended on more
than half the world”
Reduced dependence on your local market

Your home market may be struggling due to economic pressures, but if you go
global, you will have immediate access to a practically unlimited range of
customers in areas where there is more money available to spend, and because
different cultures have different wants and needs, you can diversify your product
range to take advantage of these differences.
Increased chances of success

Unless you’ve got your pricing wrong, the higher the volume of products you sell,
the more profit you make, and overseas trade is an obvious way to increase sales.
In support of this, UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) claim that companies who go
global are 12% more likely to survive and excel than those who choose not to
Increased efficiency

Benefit from the economies of scale that the export of your goods can bring – go
global and profitably use up any excess capacity in your business, smoothing the
load and avoiding the seasonal peaks and troughs that are the bane of the
production manager’s life.
Increased productivity

Statistics from UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) state that companies involved in
overseas trade can improve their productivity by 34% – imagine that, over a third
more with no increase in plant.
Economic advantage

Take advantage of currency fluctuations – export when the value of the pound
sterling is low against other currencies, and reap the very real benefits. Words of
warning though; watch out for import tariffs in the country you are exporting to,
and keep an eye on the value of sterling. You don’t want to be caught out by any
sudden upsurge in the value of the pound, or you could lose all the profit you have
worked so hard to gain.

Because you are exporting to a wider range of customers, you will also gain a
wider range of feedback about your products, and this can lead to real benefits. In
fact, UKTI statistics show that businesses believe that exporting leads to
innovation – increases in break-through product development to solve problems
and meet the needs of the wider customer base. 53% of businesses they spoke to
said that a new product or service has evolved because of their overseas trade.

The holy grail for any business, and something that has been lacking for a long
time in our manufacturing industries – more overseas trade = increased growth
opportunities, to benefit both your business and our economy as a whole.

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