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J Am. Ceram. Soc.

, 78 I81 2187-92 (1995)

Fracture Toughness of TiB, and B,C Using the Single-Edge

Precracked Beam, Indentation Strength, Chevron Notched Beam, and
Indentation Strength Methods
Samuel D. Conzone,',+William R. Blumenthal,*,*
and James R. Vamer'.'
New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, New York 14802
Materials Science and Technology Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545

The mode I fracture toughness ( K J of boron carbide (B,C) length within the guidelines of JIS R 1607.'.5.xIn the present
and titanium diboride (TiB,) was determined using four study, the standardized test procedures for the SEPB method
competing techniques. The indentation strength (IS), chev- were used to obtain K,, data for the two materials. The SEPB
ron notched beam (CNB), and indentation fracture (IF) results were then used as a basis to compare the other toughness
methods are common techniques that were compared to the techniques. Difficulties in producing and measuring SEPB pre-
recently standardized single-edge precrack beam (SEPB) cracks were encountered, and these problems will be addressed
method. The SEPB method was more difficult to apply, but in this paper.
it represents the most rigorous method for K,, determina- The indentation strength (IS): the indentation fracture (IF):
tion, because it uses few assumptions and requires a direct and the chevron notched beam (CNB)49 methods are three
measurement of crack length. The IS method was an alternate techniques commonly used to determine the K,, of
expeditious and economical alternative when low indenta- ceramic materials. Each of these methods uses assumptions
tion loads were used. CNB K,, values were virtually rate- which simplify the determination of K , L .The range of testing
independent when displacement rates less than or equal conditions within which these assumptions are valid are often
to 0.5 mm/min were used. The IF method was the least not well documented.
The IS method uses an empirically derived constant to esti-
satisfactory technique, because of high variability in K ,
mate the shape and size of an indentation-initiated crack at the
values and because of the low differentiation between the point where spontaneous failure occurs. This constant depends
two materials studied. on the residual surface stresses resulting from the indentation.
A major advantage of the IS method is that crack length mea-
I. Introduction surements are not necessary. However, IS K,, values have been
observed to depend on the indentation load used to initiate
DEALLY, mode I fracture toughness (KIC)is an inherent mate-
I rial property which characterizes resistance to propagating a
sharp crack through a material by tensile opening. K,, is an
cracking.' In this paper, the indentation load was also varied
to determine its effect on the IS K,, for the two materials
under study.
important selection criterion for brittle materials (e.g., ceram- In the CNB K,, method, a transition from stable to unstable
ics) used in engineering applications. Values of fracture tough- crack growth is assumed to occur at a particular crack length
ness obtained using different techniques can vary greatly, which should be dependent only on the specimen and the chev-
because of difficulties involved in creating and accurately mea- ron notch geometry. As with the IS technique, the CNB method
suring cracks and because assumptions used in the analysis of a is advantageous because crack lengths do not need to be mea-
particular method may not be valid for all testing conditions. In sured to determine K,, . However, difficulties in initiating stable
addition, some techniques produce a large scatter of values crack growth during CNB testing have been observed." Dis-
which limits the ability to measure subtle differences between placement rate was chosen as the most important variable for
similar materials. In spite of these difficulties, there is currently this technique, since it likely influences stable cracking and the
no recognized or recommended United States standard for presumably invariant transition point to unstable crack growth.
determining the fracture toughness of ceramics, although exten- In the case of the IF method, the cracks propagating from the
sive prestandardization work has been performed.'4 comers of a surface indent are assumed to be directly related to
One important candidate for standardization is the single- the fracture toughness of the material. Analytical and empirical
edge precracked beam (SEPB) method, which was adopted in studies have produced general equations and calibration con-
1990 as a Japanese industrial standard for fine ceramics (JIS R stants for K , which are supposed to be indentation load and
1607).' The SEPB method is considered a rigorous method material independent (where K , is defined as an approximation
because it utilizes a long, sharp, through-width precrack which of K,, for IF method).' The major advantages of the IF method
is directly measured in each test. The mechanics of this simple are that it can be performed on very small amounts of material
crack geometry have been well modeled and are used in ASTM- and it does not require mechanical testing beyond the indenta-
E399-Annex 3 for fracture toughness testing of metals in a tion test. However, K , determination is complicated by the
single-edge fatigue-cracked beam configuration.' diversity of IF K , equations reported in the literature" and the
Previous work has shown that for typical ceramic materials high degree of subjectivity involved in accurately measuring
the SEPB K,, method is insensitive to loading rate and precrack relatively short crack lengths. Variation in IF K , values with
indentation load has been documented and attributed to the
ambiguity involved in measuring surface crack lengths.' There-
J. J. Petrovic-contributing editor
fore, indentation load was also chosen as a variable in this

Manuscript No. 193334. Received August 8, 1994 approved March 11,1995. 11. Materials
'Member, American Ceramic Society.
+AlfredUniversity. Titanium diboride (TiB,) and boron carbide (B,C) were cho-
'Los Alamos National Laboratom. sen as polycrystalline, armor-grade ceramics with relatively
2188 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Conzone et al. Vol. 78, No. 8

high and low toughness, respectively. Hot-pressed billets with Camera

densities >98% of theoretical were obtained commercially
between 1986 and 1989 (Cercom, Vista, CA). All specimens J 4h h Fast Fracture

were precision machined into beams with dimensions of Notch
3 mm X 4 mm X 22.5 mm (Bomas Machine Specialties, +-Low
Sommerville, MA).” The average grain size of TiB, and B,C Precrack ...
.... Incldent
Front Angle
was determined to be 13 and 15 pm, respectively, using the Lighting
linear intercept method. The average projected area hardness
( H ) of TiB, and B,C was found to be 18.2 and 20.9 GPa,
respectively, using indentation loads of 9.8, 29.4, and 49 N.
Young’s modulus ( E ) of TiB, and B,C was determined to be
526 and 464 GPa, respectively, using the ultrasonic pulse-echo
technique. The authors have no knowledge that either of the
ceramics exhibit slow crack growth or R-curve behavior. Slow
crack growth is often observed in materials containing a glassy
grain boundary phase which is not present in either of the
materials under study. However, because TiB, fractures inter- Fig. 2. SEPB precrack length measurement method.
granularly, R-curve behavior may be a factor, due to the varying
effects of crack bridging.
achieved for valid testing as specified in JIS R 1607.’ First, the
111. Experimental Procedures precrack had to propagate from the starter notch and remain
within 10” of the loading plane. Second, the average precrack
length had to be in the range of 40% to 60% of the specimen
( I ) Single-Edge Precracked Beam Method height (1.2 to 2.4 mm). A minimum of five valid tests were
Procedures for the SEPB method are given in several refer- performed on each material to obtain an average value of Kic.
ence~.’.~’’Clarifications and modifications are described below. The mode I fracture toughness of each sample was deter-
All SEPB specimens were notched to a depth of 0.5 mm using mined using Srawley’s equation:6
a 0.2 mm thick diamond saw blade. Notched samples were
carefully aligned and centered on a steel bridge-anvil, as shown
in Fig. 1. The samples were compressed at a displacement rate
of 0.51 mm/min until a precrack formed (Model 1125, Instron,
Canton, MA). A distinct acoustic emission (or “pop in”) was where
generated from the release of strain energy when a crack
1.99 - (c/W)(l - c/W)[2.15 - 3.93(c/W) + 2.7(c/W)’]
advanced suddenly from the notch. A stetho~cope’~ attached to
the load cell was used to determine when precrack “pop-in” [l + 2(e/W)][1 - (C/W)3”]
occurred. “Pop in” loads ranged from 9 to 13 kN and 29 to (2)
36 kN for B,C and TiB,, respectively. Samples were unloaded
immediately after “pop in” to avoid additional slow crack and S = the lower span of the three-point bend fixture, P = the
extension which could change the characteristics of the “sharp” three-point flexural load at failure, c = the average precrack
crack front. length, B = the specimen width, and W = the specimen height.
The precracked specimens were then loaded to failure in a (2) Chevron Notched Beam Method
three-point flexure apparatus with a loading span of 19.05 mm, Details of the experimental procedures for the CNB method
satisfying Srawley’s requirement that the ratio of lower span to are given in the literat~re.~.”
Chevron notches were precision
specimen height (S/W) be greater than four.6 Each specimen machined into each of the CNB beams as shown in Fig. 3. The
was visually aligned in the three-point fixture so that the pre- dimensions a, and (I, were 0.3W and W, respectively. All CNB
crack starter notch was located directly below the top loading samples were fractured in a four-point flexure configuration
pin prior to testing. A displacement rate of 0.51 mm/min was with a major span of 19.05 mm and a minor span of 9.53 mm.
used during flexure testing. Specimens were fractured using a loading apparatus which
Optical microscopy with low-incident-angle lighting,I4 situ- exhibited the following compliance equation:
ated approximately 15” from the fracture surface plane, was
used to observe the initial precrack front. The light source was P = -2.9674 + 1.4307-0 + 8.044 X 10-3-D2
always located on the fast-fracture side of the specimen as - 3.4809 X 10-5.D3
shown in Fig. 2. The average precrack length was calculated
using three measurements taken at equal intervals across the where P = load (N) and D = crosshead displacement (pm).
width of one fracture surface. The difference between any two
of the three measurements did not exceed 10% of the average,
or the test was rejected. Additional crack criteria had to be

Carbide \r

r Notched

Fig. 1. Schematic of the bridge-anvil apparatus used for precracking

specimens during SEPB testing.

Fig. 3. Chevron notch beam cross-section view. Note that the crack
length at maximum load, a, does not need to be measured.
August 1995 Fracture Toughness of TiB, and B,C 2189

No fewer than four samples of each material were tested at

displacement rates of 0.0051, 0.051, 0.51, 2.54, and 10.16
mrn/min. The flexure load was digitally recorded using a vari-
able sampling rate to ensure the failure event was captured with where
sufficient accuracy. A maximum sampling rate of 1000 points/s
was used at the fastest displacement rate. (9)
The mode I CNB fracture toughness was calculated using
the and ,$ = an empirically derived equal to 0.016, E =
P Young’s modulus of the material, L = the indentation load, c =
K,, = - (3) one-half of the average radial crack length, H = the projected
area hardness, and a = one-half of the average Vickers indenta-
tion length.
IV. Results and Discussion
Y: = (3.08 + . 5 . 0 0 ~+~ ,8.33~:)
L”’ is21

Table I summarizes the fracture toughness data obtained for

B,C and TiB,, using the four competing methods. Averaged
{ 1 f [ 0 . 0 0 7 ( 9 ) 7 } [ = 0 ]1 - ( Y o (4)
toughness values are presented, along with corresponding stan-
dard deviations.
and P = the four-point flexure load at failure, Y: = the mini- (1) Single-Edge Precracked Beam (SEPB) Method
mum value of the stress intensity factor coefficient obtained Two areas of difficulty encountered during SEPB testing
using the STCA model,I6 B = the specimen width, W = the were (1) detecting the precrack “pop in” and (2) accurately
specimen height, a, = a,/W (x = O,l), Sl = the major span, measuring the precrack length.
and S2 = the minor span. (A) Precrack “Pop-in”: The low-toughness B,C samples
emitted definite “pop in” precrack sounds at loads ranging from
(3) Indentation Strength Method 9 to 13 kN in the bridge-anvil apparatus. Precracks were easily
Details of the experimental procedures for the IS method are distinguishable on the B,C fracture surfaces after flexure test-
given in the literature.’.’ Beam surfaces were diamond g r o ~ n d ’ ~ ing. However, many faint cracking sounds were detected when
but not polished, since fractographic analysis was not required. attempting to precrack the high-toughness TiB, at loads ranging
Ten samples each of TiB, and B,C were prepared for IS testing. from 8 to 14 kN. Precracks were not observed on the fracture
Beams were indented with a Vickers diamond using a dwell surfaces of these TiB, samples and they could not be used for
time of 12 s. Five samples of each material were indented using fracture toughness determination. These noises were apparently
a load of 98 N, while the other five were indented at 490 N. IS caused by sources other than precracking. During further test-
beams were fractured using a three-point flexure apparatus with ing of the TiB,, faint cracking noises were again detected at
a span of 19.05mm. The location of the indentation was marked loads ranging from 29 to 36 kN. Clear precrack fronts could
on the side surface of each specimen to aid in visual alignment now be seen on the fracture surfaces of these samples after
within the three-point fixture. A displacement rate of 0.5 1 mm/ three-point flexure.
min was used for the flexure testing. ( B ) Precrack Length Meusurement: Precrack length mea-
The mode I IS fracture toughness was calculated using the surements obtained from the fracture surface were found to be
equation:2 necessary for fracture toughness determination. These pre-
cracks were also visible on the specimen side surface prior to
failure, but were too difficult to accurately measure and fre-
quently did not correlate with the average fracture surface pre-
crack length. JIS R 16075suggests that colored dyes be allowed
to permeate into the precrack prior to fracture to aid detection
of the precrack front on the fracture surfaces. This technique
was attempted without success.
An alternate technique to aid crack length measurement from
the fracture surfaces was developed using optical microscopy
and low-incident angle lighting.I4 A schematic of this regular
(7) procedure is shown in Fig. 2. The fast-fracture region of the
fracture surface was positioned parallel to the focal plane of the
and q = an empirically derived equal to 0.59, E = microscope to avoid any foreshortening effect. A restricted
Young’s modulus of the material, L = the indentation load, depth of focus was critical to differentiate the fast-fracture
H = the projected area hardness, a = half of the average region from the precrack front. A focused light source was then
Vickers indentation length, P = the three-point flexure load at rotated around the beam axis to obtain the best contrast between
failure, S = the lower span of the three-point bend fixture, B = the precracked and fast-fractured areas of the fracture surface.
the specimen width, and W = the specimen height. A low-magnification (lox) photograph was taken with the fast
fracture region in focus. Precrack lengths were measured by
(4) Indentation Fracture Method alternately examining the fast-fractured region on the photo-
Detailed experimental procedures for the IF method are graph and viewing the sample through a stereographic micro-
given in the 1iterat~re.I.~
The TiB, samples were indented with a scope. Using this technique, it was possible to obtain K,, results
Vickers diamond, using loads of 98 and 196 N, while the B,C with relatively low standard deviations (8.0% and 3.6% of the
samples were indented using loads of 49 and 98 N. The total average SEPB toughness value for B,C and TiB,, respectively).
lengths of the two cracks emanating from five valid indentations (2) Chevron Notched Beam Method
were averaged and used to obtain IF K , for each material. Crack Figure 4 shows CNB K,, as a function of displacement rate
length data were rejected when the ratio of the crack length to for B,C and TiB,. The average K,, values for B,C and TiB,
the indentation size (c/u) was less than 2.3 or when crack were virtually rate-independent when displacement rates
branching was observed. 50.5 mm/min were used. However, at displacement rates
The IF fracture toughness was calculated for each valid >0.5 mm/min a steady decrease in the apparent fracture tough-
indentation using the e q ~ a t i o n : ~ ness was calculated with increasing rate for both materials.
2190 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Conzone et al. Vol. 78, No. 8

Table I. Summary of K , , Results

K,' Std. dev. No of
Method Matenal Comments (MPa.m'") (MPa.m"2) specimens
IS TiB, 98 N 5.99 0.38 5
IS TiB, 490 N 6.75 0.64 5
IS B4C 98 N 3.76 0.11 5
IS B4C 490 N 4.09 0.50 5
IF TiB, 98 N 5.54 0.99 5
IF TiB, 196 N 4.93 0.49 5
IF B'tC 49 N 4.95 0.94 5
IF B$C 98 N 3.39 0.33 5
SEPB TiB, 6.98 0.25 5
SEPB B4C 2.99 0.24 6
CNB TiB, 10.16 mm/min 3.92 0.43 5
CNB TiB, 2.54 mm/min 4.25 0.04 4
CNB TiB, 0.51 mm/min 5.64 0.25 4
CNB TiB, 0.051 mm/min 5.50 0.38 4
CNB TiB, 0.0051 mm/min 5.62 0.47 5
CNB B4C 10.16 mm/min 2.42 0.22 5
CNB B'tC 2.54 mm/min 3.23 0.06 6
CNB B4C 0.51 mm/min 3.59 0.16 5
CNB B4C 0.051 mm/min 3.48 0.06 5
CNB BX 0.0051 mm/min 3.25 0.09 5

Several explanations for this rate dependence are possible. paper.I9 Specimens tested at rates 50.5 mm/min exhibited criti-
The most obvious explanation is that the CNB test is measuring cal crack lengths equivalent to the predicted length, a. How-
an inherent fracture toughness rate dependence which could be ever, for displacement rates >O.S mm/min, much smaller
related, for example, to a change in fracture mode. The fact that critical crack lengths were observed, corresponding to insuffi-
both materials display the same rate-dependent behavior at cient stable crack growth prior to catastrophic failure." When
virtually the same onset rate is suspect. In addition, no evidence spontaneous failure occurs at a crack length less than a,the
for a fracture mode change was observed on the fracture sur- value of Y* at failure is larger than the value of Y ; calculated
faces. A more likely explanation for the rate-dependent behav- from Eq. (4). Hence, using the assumed value of Y ; to calculate
ior is that one or more of the assumptions used to derive the fracture toughness is invalid under these conditions and tends
CNB equation were violated, resulting in the calculation of to underestimate the value of K,, .
erroneous K,, values. A valid range of displacement rates which can be used during
For the CNB test to be valid, stable crack growth must CNB testing has not been previously reported. Munz et a1.$
precede spontaneous failure during flexural loading. As a stable used a displacement rate of 0.05 mm/min during four-point
crack initiates and grows from the apex of the chevron notch, flexural loading of similar CNB specimens. Sung and Nichol-
the dimensionless stress intensity factor coefficient (Y*) son" suggest that displacement rates as low as 0.003 mm/min
decreases and finally reaches a minimum value (Y;) at the be used to initiate stable crack growth. Our CNB K,, data
predetermined critical crack length a. Stable crack growth suggest that Eqs. (3) and (4) are valid for displacement rates
through the chevron notch results in a specimen compliance <0.5 mm/min and down to at least 0.005 mm/min.
change, which is observed as nonlinearity (yielding) in the CNB K,, data for B4C in this range compare relatively well
load-versus-displacement data. If nonlinearity is exhibited and wih the SEPB-generated data. The CNB method also exhibited
sufficient stable crack growth occurs during a CNB test, a very low average standard deviation for B,C (2.2% of the
Eqs. (3) and (4) are valid for K,, determination. average toughness). However, the low-displacement-rate CNB
Fractography and load-displacement data from the CNB results for TiB, yielded an average K,, value which was 20%
specimens tested in this study indicate that all specimens exhib- lower than the average SEPB value. In addition, the average
ited some stable crack growth prior to failure, regardless of the standard deviation (7.6% of the average toughness) was over
displacement rate used. These data are presented in a separate twice that of the SEPB method. Since longer precracks are
utilized during SEPB testing, R-curve behavior may be a factor
in the observed differences for TiB, which fractures intergranu-
7,-- -
1 "
larly, but not for B,C which fractures transgranularly. Higher
scatter in the TiB, results could also be related to intergranular
fracture which causes variability in the transition from stable-

to-unstable crack growth."

-2a (3) Indentation Strength Method
z 3
Figure 5 shows that the average IS K,, increases with indenta-
tion load for both TiB, and B4C. Increasing the indentation load
should have no effect on the IS toughness, since this parameter
is incorporated into Eq. (5).This behavior has been previously
linked to rising "R-curve" behavior and to deviations from the
ideal constant, q = 0.59, used to calculate K,, . I
The derivation of Eq. ( 5 ) assumes that the far-field stress
c.l ((T)acts uniformly on the region containing the indentation-
0.001 0.01 0.1 I 10 100 generated surface crack and that the constant (q) is uniform and
Displacement Rate (mmlmin) constant as the crack extends during flexural loading.' These
assumptions are generally valid only when the indentation
Fig. 4. CNB K,, versus crosshead displacement rate for TiB, and B4C. crack is much smaller than the sample dimensions. Hence,
August 1995 Fractuw Toughness of TiB,and B,C 2191

I-' ' ' '7-'----

- ' I
' '
toughness for B,C and TiB,, respectively). However, for a load
7l TiB
II 1J of 490 N, the standard deviations were unacceptably high (9.5%
and 12.2% of the IS toughness for TiB, and B,C, respectively).
The combination of high standard deviations and higher aver-
age K,, values with increasing indentation load argue for the
use of lower indentation loads with the IS method.
(4) Indentation Fracture Method
Figure 7 shows the IF K , as a function of indentation load for
TiB, and B,C. The apparent decrease in K , with increasing
indentation load may be attributed to higher crack visibility
associated with high indentation loads (i.e., cracks produced
using high indentation loads are more distinguishable than
cracks produced using low indentation loads).
3 " " " " ~ " ' ~ ' ' ' ~ " ' i Likewise, the IF K , data obtained using low indentation loads
9 8 Indentation Load (N) yielded very high standard deviations (17.9% and 19.0% of the
toughness of TiB, and B,C, respectively) and data obtained
Fig. 5. IS K,, versus indentation load for TiB, and B,C. using high indentation loads rendered more acceptable standard
deviations (9.9% and 9.7% of the toughness of TiB, and B,C,
respectively). Although the IF method is cited as an alternate to
Eq. ( 5 ) becomes inaccurate as the indentation load and the the SEPB method in JIS R 1607,5the K , values did not compare
crack length become large. at all well with the SEPB data and exhibited the largest variabil-
Newman and RajuZ0show that the variation in the shape ity of all the methods evaluated. Residual surface stresses, grain
factor of a surface crack as a function of crack depth can be pullout, and surface imperfections made accurate, reproducible
quite large. This variability causes the calculated IS K,, to be crack length measurement extremely difficult.
overeftimated at high indentation loads when assuming -q =
0.59 in Eq. (5).
V. Conclusions
Figure 6 shows the fracture surface of an IS sample of B,C
which was indented using the highest load of 490 N. The initial A number of popular fracture techniques were compared to
crack in the B,C was nearly circular around the indentation. the recently standardized single-edge precrack beam (SEPB)
However, as the crack propagated during loading, the shape of method. The SEPB technique is considered to be the most valid
the crack changed from nearly circular to semielliptical. Analy- method for K,, determination because it uses few assumptions
sis of the B,C sample in Fig. 6 showed that the change in crack and requires a direct measurement of crack length, although it
shape results in -q and K,, being overestimated by about 9.5%. is more time consuming. K,, values obtained using the SEPB
Thus, the increase in the IS toughness for TiB, and B,C as a method were found to exhibit reasonably low variability. Since
function of indentation load can be attributed to variations in -q "long" precracks are utilized, a drawback of the SEPB method
and (T which are not properly accounted for in Eq. (5). is the possible sensitivity to R-curve behavior.
When using a load of 98 N, the IS method yielded an average The IS method was a very viable method for K,, determina-
K,, value for B,C which was 26% higher than that obtained tion when low indentation loads were used to generate rela-
using the SEPB method. This suggests that indentation loads tively small indentation cracks. This method was the least time
even lower than 98 N may be appropriate when testing brittle consuming and was more economical than the SEPB and CNB
materials such as B,C. In contrast, the average K,, value methods.
obtained for TiB, using an indentation load of 98 N was 14% The CNB method yields relatively rate-independent tough-
lower than the average SEPB value. As with the CNB method, ness data between displacement rates of 0.5 mm/min and
this again suggests that R-curve effects may be a factor in the 0.005 mm/min for the materials tested. Displacement rates
toughness of TiB,. The standard deviations of IS data for a load >0.5 mm/min appear to invalidate the CNB method and
of 98 N were relatively low (2.9% and 6.3% of the average resulted in fictitiously low K,, values because of the underesti-
mation of Y:. Low-rate CNB data were virtually identical to
low-load IS data; however, precision machining associated with
the CNB method was roughly twice as expensive.
The IF method was the least satisfactory method for K ,
determination. K , data exhibited the highest variability and the

pr------ ' I " ' " ' 1


m i '1 1

Fig. 6. SEM photomicrograph of an IS B,C specimen indented with
a load of 490 N. Notice the transition from a nearlv full-uennv crack to
2 I ,
Indentation Load (N)
a half-penny (semielliptical) crack, which develops during loading of
the specimen to failure. Fig. 7. IF K,, versus indentation load for TiB, and B,C.
2192 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Conzone et al. Vol. 78, No. 8

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