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Well come to

Computer training

Computer training

Class one

Day one class
Introduction of Computer
 Software
 Hardware
Computer maintenance
 Assemble and disassemble computer
 Troubleshot hardware and software problem
Day two class

What is computer?
An electronic machine that can be programmed to accept data
(input), and process it into useful information (output).
Two component:
 Application software
 System software

Computer Hardware parts

⚫ Case ⚫ Keyboard/mouse
⚫ Power ⚫ Network card
switch ⚫ Modem
⚫ Reset ⚫ Sound card
switch ⚫ Video card
⚫ Hard drive ⚫ RAM
⚫ Floppy ⚫ Motherboard
⚫ CD/DVD ⚫ Fan
⚫ Port
⚫ Cables
Computer Maintenance

1. Gathering information
Information can be gathered

From the computer

 Clearly understand what it tells you

 And what it shows you

From the owner of the computer

 By asking questions

And then Identify the problem

1. Gathering information
What types of question you have to ask

1. For what purpose you are using this PC ?

2. Have you plugged new hardware device recently ?
3. What types of software you have installed recently ?
4. When was this problem happened ?
5. what you have seen before this problem happened ?
6. And other additional question depending on the situation

How to identify the problem
 Is it software or hardware problem ?
 Is the PC slows down
 Is the system start ?

 If hardware what hardware is the cause ?

RAM ,CPU, Hard drive , Display system, Power supply,
sound and etc.

 If software what software is infected ?

The operating system or application software ?
Symptoms and their cause
Hardware problem symptoms
1. The mouse may not move in the correct way due to dust. [Doesn’t
work properly]
cause : mouse problem
solution : Clean the mouse
2. Both the power supply and fan work Properly but the system shows
a blank screen.
cause : CPU failure
solution : replace the CPU
3. The system displays blank screen with a long [multiple]
beep sounds.
cause : RAM failure
solution : reinstall the RAM ,=> change the slot, => or replace
Symptoms and their cause
Hardware problem symptoms
4. A PC accidentally reboots or shutdown
cause : power system failure
solution : check the power cable, => properly install the power supply,=> replace
5. Some systems show 1700-1799 error code on the screen during the
POST routine.
cause : Hard disk failure
solution : defrag the hard disk,=> uninstall for 30 minute => replace
6. When the system turns on, it sounds a single beep and shows the
disk activity but the display is blank.
cause : Monitor problem
solution : check the power cable ,=> check VGA cable, => or replace cable
Symptoms and their cause
Software problem symptoms
1. The computer is busy and don’t quickly respond for an
instruction from user.
cause : virus, spyware, Trojan
solution : update window defender,=> install good antivirus
2. The hard drive is fragmented and files are scattered .
cause : hard disk problem
solution : disk defragment ,=> disk clean up
3. Applications and files take longer to open or respond.
cause : multiple user accounts access
solution : properly manage the users and file

2. Disassembling computer
1. Unplug any external cable
2. Open the case.
=> ways to open depends on the model of the PC
3. Uninstall the power supply.
4. Uninstall internal drives.
5. Uninstall adapter cards.
6. Unplug the components to the motherboard and
uninstall the motherboard.
=> CPU, RAM, Heat Sink and etc.

3. Fixing the problems
For Hardware problem
 Always prefer the cheapest option
 Perform only one fix at a time

For Software problem

 Use hands on shelf method (HOS)
 Use software to fix

4. Assembling computer
1. Install the components to the motherboard and install
the motherboard.
=> CPU, RAM, Heat Sink and etc.
2. Install adapter cards.
=> NIC, VGA, TV card and etc.
3. Install internal drives.
=> install the HDD.
4. Install the power supply.
5. Close the case.
6. Plug any external cable
=> Mouse, keyboard, and etc.
when fixing use the following six quick steps
I. Gather information

II. Check the power and cable connection

III. Check if the error is user error

IV. Restart the computer
V. Identify the problem software or hardware
VI. Find out the problem and solve it


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