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When luxury meets personalisation
Luxury which has always been associated with exclusivity,high quality and premium
craftsmanship, today has a new face of personalisation.

Bespoke is the ultimate form of luxury, think about

a made-to-measure suit from London’s Savile Row
or a piece highly made exclusively for you on Paris’s
Place Vendome. The pleasure of owning an exqui-
site creation that you have contributed to creating is
unparalleled, Famous perfumer Jacques declared a
successful perfume is one that carries the scent of an
initial dream as the brand reminds us of its bespoke
fragrance but why truly bespoke is accessible in a small number of luxury clients
only personalization brings this experience way more people Personalization
provides an effective marketing tool to maintain a sense of exclusivity and it’s
becoming more and more accessible with the digitalization of luxury experiences
for instance Luis Vuitton offers an online Personalisation service for almost all of
their product categories initials stripes of colors or travel stickers can be added
to almost any LV bag. Louis Vuitton pieces of jewelry can be engraved with a
personal message and even their fragrances can be personalized with a special
engraving on their bottles or a personalized travel case, similarly, another brand
like Ralph Lauren offers a service called stitched on its website which allows per-
sonalizing every aspect of its iconic polos and shirts and sunglasses manufacturer
like Rayban lets you add the special engraving and exclusive packaging to make
your shades truly unique in the beauty category brands are going even more
further Lancom has launched le teint particularly service to help its customers
identify the perfect shade or foundation for their skin and produce it on demand
the brands is also leveraging AI to customize its whole shopping experience, in
addition, startups like Prose and function of beauty apply the same reasoning
to hair care and bespoke shampoos or hair products to their clientele. When of-
fering personalization luxury brands leverage their client’s desire to be unique,
However, if letting clients make certain aesthetic decisions like colors and details
sounds like a fantastic marketing claim this should always be done in a cautious
way as a smart marketer should keep in mind that is the brand, designer’s, exper-
tise that attracted customers to the brand originally and in personalization as in
many other areas of life moderation is key.
A big reason why people want personalized things is that they make them feel
connected. A lot of the time these things are sentimental and remind people of
important times, relationships, or accomplishments. Whether it’s a personalized
picture book, a work of art that remembers a special event, or a home decor that’s
just for you, these things become treasured possessions that bring back strong feel-
ings and memories. Personalized things are very popular because people like to
give them as gifts. People like personalized gifts because they are one of a kind and
because the person who chose or made them put thought and effort into making it
just right for them. if you have something custom-made, like a piece of clothing, an
accessory, or something for the home it becomes a meaningful gift that stands out
from the usual ones.
People are now more likely to value events
and being unique over mass-produced,
generic goods, especially in the luxu-
ry sector. New technologies have made
customization easier to do and cheaper,
which is a big part of this move. People
can customise a lot of different items from
clothes accessories to home art and tech
gadgets, thanks to online platforms and
new ways of making things. This meets the
growing demand for one-of-a-kind items

The success of personalized goods grows

even more thanks to social media and the
culture of influencers. they often show
off personalized items like fashion items
and lifestyle items. This makes their fans
want to find similar items to improve
their brand and image. The fact that these
things look good and can be shared on so-
cial media sites makes them more famous
and desirable.

Currently, the fashion industry is heavily

influenced by customization. People often
desire to purchase unique clothing that
showcases their individuality and choices.
People can create an ensemble that suits
their interests and steers away from a
generic, mass-market design by ordering
custom clothing, shoes, and accessories.

The fact that personalized goods are

frequently manufactured with handcraft-
ed and expert abilities adds to their ap-
peal. Many personalized goods are hand-
crafted or have subtle details that highlight
the talent and labor of the maker. This
emphasis on craftsmanship increases the
product’s worth and appeals to consum-
ers who prefer quality and originality to
mass-produced alternatives.
People are now more likely to value events and being unique over mass-produced, generic goods,
especially in the luxury sector. New technologies have made customization easier to do and cheaper,
which is a big part of this move. People can customise a lot of different items from clothes accessories to
home art and tech gadgets, thanks to online platforms and new ways of making things. This meets the
growing demand for one-of-a-kind items The success of personalized goods grows even more thanks
to social media and the culture of influencers. they often show off personalized items like fashion items
and lifestyle items. This makes their fans want to find similar items to improve their brand and image.
The fact that these things look good and can be shared on social media sites makes them more famous
and desirable.

Currently, the fashion industry is heavily influenced by customization. People often desire to
purchase unique clothing that showcases their individuality and choices. People can create an ensem-
ble that suits their interests and steers away from a generic, mass-market design by ordering custom
clothing, shoes, and accessories.

The fact that personalized goods are frequently manufactured with handcrafted and expert abilities
adds to their appeal. Many personalized goods are handcrafted or have subtle details that highlight
the talent and labor of the maker. This emphasis on craftsmanship increases the product’s worth and
appeals to consumers who prefer quality and originality to mass-produced alternatives.
Personalized products also aid in developing individual identities and brand loyalty. People are drawn
to companies or artists whose aesthetic preferences and values align with theirs. They experience a
sense of belonging and connection as a result. Customers get more attached to these names and items
since these companies allow them to customize their purchases.

Consumers desire customized products to stand out, connect with others, and express themselves
uniquely. In several industries, personalized goods are rising in demand. This results from techno-
logical advancements, modifications in consumer behavior, and the influence of social media. Per-
sonalized items will remain a significant component of what people buy, even though these trends
constantly change.

The question arises? Why are personalized goods so expensive?

In high-end luxury fashion, the price of personalized items is affected by a lot of different things
that work together to make the whole experience more than just a transaction. It becomes a
unique journey that is made just for the customer.

The idea of being exclusive underpins the higher price. Luxury fashion brands use the idea of scarcity
to sell their clothes by making them seem rare and sought after. Personalization makes each item even
more special, almost making them one of a kind. customization takes a lot of time and money and
skilled artisans or craftsmen are often needed to make the client’s idea come true. This one-on-one care
makes sure that the final product is not unique but also shows how dedicated the brand is to quality
work and attention to detail. In high-end fashion personalization is more than just adding initials .it
often includes making complex design changes, choosing custom fabrics or even having clothes tai-
lored just for you. One big reason for the high price is that such thought of customization requires a lot
of skill. Experts in their fields like master tailors or expert embroiderers work on the creation process
to make sure that the unique item meets the brands’ high standards. Because these artists have been
doing what they do for years and have a level of skills that is only found in high-end products, their
work naturally costs more.
When we come to luxury, the materials used are very important. when people buy
personalized things they can often pick a hand-picked collection of the best fabrics,
leathers, and other materials that aren’t easy to find in large quantities. The use of
such high-quality materials not only makes the custom item look better and last
longer but it also adds a lot to the cost. Customized suits are made from the best Ital-
ian wool, and customized handbags are made from rare, ethically sourced leather.
The materials used for these high-end items show how committed the brand is to

When it comes to high-end fashion personalization goes beyond the item itself
and includes the whole shopping experience. Clients often work with specialized
stylists or design consultants who help them through the customization options and
give them expert advice on styling, fabric choices, and design elements. this person-
alized service makes the customer feel valuable and cared for, which adds a touch
of luxury to the whole shopping experience. the high price of personalized luxury
goods is partly due to the cost of giving each person so much care.

How much it costs is also affected by the technology used for personalization.
High-end brands buy cutting-edge technologies like laser engraving tools, digital
embroidery gear, and custom design software to make sure that the customization
process is accurate and of high quality.

The high prices of personalized items in high-end fashion are partly because they
are hard to get, keep us, and operate properly.

Also, the history and reputation of high-end fashion houses add a lot to the value
that people think personalized things have. There is a premium that people are often
ready to pay for that comes with a well-known brand name and a long history of
high-quality craftsmanship and design. Personalized items from high-end names
are more than just fashion statements, they become signs of wealth and style, which
is another reason why they cost more.

Personalized luxury things are also expensive because they are only made in small
quantities.Personalised items on the other hand are usually only made in small
numbers ,if not as one of a kind items .this small scale production gives it an air of
rarity,which appeals to customers who want not only quality and customisation,but
also uniqueness .The fact that these things are hard to find adds to the logic behind
luxury brands high prices.
The brands which specialise in doing personalisation apart from the brand which we spoke
earlier could be

Christian Louboutin - they are famous for its red soled shoes and it also has a unique
customisation service called Loubicin progress,with this service ,customers can change
many things about their shoes ,like the colour the material and even add personal touches
like their names it gives people who want unique Louboutin shoes a truly personalized ex-

Mont Blanc-it is known for making high quality writting tools and leather goods and many
of their products can be personalized in engraving ,customers can make a pen or a leather
wallet more special by engraving their names or a message on them.this service shows that
the brand really cares about indivuallity and quality

TUMI- a brand known for its high end suitcases have the initiative of one of a kind product
provided too it’s customers

It offers a wide range of monogram patches to its luggage and zippers,adding a one of a kind
personality to your favourite tumi Product.

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