My Contributions

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For the performance, my contributions were

- I wrote the script for the drunk scene and suggested that we have a scene at the end
that ties everyone together
- When writing the drunk scene, I suggested that we improvise first a few times and
record it so that I could use our improvisation to help write a conversation that flows
- I suggested the walk scene, where we use our phone torches as street lights. The
initial idea was that we use sellotape that we colour in with sharpie to colour the torch
lights but Kobe had bottles he could bring in
- I suggested that we have someone play a lecturer inviting students in for a welcome
week talk about university life after Kobe had the idea that the play could be part of a
lecture. I also suggested the use of slides to separate the sections of the play to
make it easier to follow for audience members. My initial idea was placards until we
discovered that the play could be a lecture. We thought that the lecture would make
having to use the assigned PL2 space make sense to audience members.
- I suggested the use of sticker handouts to make audience members feel that they
were a part of something, immersed in the idea of a welcome week event
- I suggested that we fight over the heating- a relatable university experience
- Initially we planned on using primal animalistic body language at moments in the
piece. At moments we would transform into animals showing our primal responses to
stimuli coming through- this was inspired by Rhinoceros, however as our play
became more naturalistic those moments where we become animals grew to
become more subtle
- Our initial idea for the passing of Kobe’s hat was that whoever wore the hat became
his character however that idea got lost in the devising of the piece. I suggested that
at the end of the piece Kobe could find his hat on someone else’s head and ask why
on earth they were wearing it, so that audience members would laugh at themselves
for thinking that it was something meaningful and creative until this point.

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