3rd Internal 2020 Batch (2nd Year)

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(Answer all the questions)

with fever, nausea & oliguria. He had past

110years old male child presented
nistory of pharyngitis 2 weeks back. Urine is cola coloured. Write your clinica
diagnosis. Describe its pathogenesis. Write the light microscopicand
immunofluorescencefindings. (2+4+6)
2) Write short note on: (4x7)

Classification of Ovarian Tumour

b) Papillary Carcinoma of Thyroid
A ypes and morphology of Emphysema

Acute plaquechange.
e) Renal changes in SLE.

f) Hodgkin's lymphoma
g) Difference between Obstructive jaundice and Haemolytic jaundice

3) Write very short answers: (2X5)

a. A 12-year-old boy is admitted with high grade fever, projectile vomiting and neck

CSF revealed clear and cobweb coagulum. Give your most

rigidity. likely diagnosis.
Mention the cytological finding of CSF analysis.

. presented with right loin pain and painless intermittent

70 yrs old male
Mention the most common
haematuria. Give your probable clinical diagnosis.
histological variant.

e45 year old male presented with polyuria, polydypsia and polyphagia.
Give your probable
examination revealed presence of reducing substances in urine.
Mention its diagnostic criteria.

found to have testicular mass with raised serum AFP.

et.A 4year male child was a

Give your probable diagnosis. Mention the characteristic histopathological findings.

ovarian tumour. Give

e . 64 year female found to have bilateral symmetrical solid
your diagnosis and mention its characteristic microscopic finding.
(Answer all the questions)

and complication.,
1 Define Bronchiectasis.
its pathogenesis, morphology

note on: (4x8)

2)Write short
Rheumatic Fever
of Acute
intraepithelial neoplasia
c) Cervical pyogenic and tubercular meningitis.
N Differentiate between
Diabetes mellitus
Pathogenesis of type-2
e) and Secondary tuberculosis
f) Differentiate between Primary
8) Hashimoto's thyroiditis
bWilm's tumor

Choose the single most appropriate answer. (1x6)

on X-ray is a feature of
a. Onion skin appearance
Chondrosarcoma ii) Ewing Sarcoma iv) Osteomyelitis
i) Osteosarcoma i)

Psammoma bodies are seen in

b. Follicular carcinoma of thyroid
)Papillary carcinoma of thyroid ii) Melanoma of skin ii)
Basal cell carcinoma.
of glomerulus is seen in
C. Tram track appearance
iv) PSGN
RPGN MPGN ii) lgA nephropathy

in kidney is seen in
d. Kimmelstiel Wilson lesion
ii) Diabetes mellitus
Renal cell carcinoma Amyloidosis
iv) Hypertension

a modifiable risk factor for
e. The following is Male gender
ii) Increasing age iv)
Hypertension ii) Family history

choriocarcinoma is
Most useful tumor marker for
iv) CEA
i) CA-125 ii) AFP in)B-HCG

==THE END ==*

2ND Professional MBBS (3RD internal Examination 2022)
(For 2020 Admitted Batch)
Answer ALL Questions
The figures in the margin indicate marks.
All parts of a question should be answered at one place only.
Time3 hrs Full Marks:100

Aong answer question (2+4+1-15)

A 20 year old boy reported to OPD with high fever, headache and histoY or
convulsion of 4 days duration. On examination he was found to have neckrigiay
CSF examination showed protein of 210 mg%, glucose 12mg%, cellcount or
1650/cmm with predominant cells being neutrophils. CSF Gram stain showea
What is the clinical diagnosis? Name the possibie organism causing the
bEnumerate the other organisms responsible for similar clinical condition.
H o w you will proceed to diagnose the disease in the laboratory?

. Long answer question (2+12+1 15)

A 30 year old man reported to the skin OPD with a painless ulcer over penis. He
gave history of multiple sexual contact with commercial sex workers in recent past.
On examination the ulcer was indurated, non-tenuer and the floor of the ulcer was
clean. There was bilateral lymphadenopathy which was firm and non-tender.

Nhat should be the possible clinical diagnosis? What is the organism causing the
clinieal condition?
How will you investigate in the laboratory to reach the correct diagnosis?
W h a t test you will carry out to monitor the efficacy of treatment?

3. Short notes (Any six) [7 markx6=42]

a. Dermatophytes
b. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria
.Prophylaxis of Rabies
d. Larva migrans
e. Lab diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection
Classify Herpes virus and describe diseases caused by Herpes simplex virus.

4.Write briefly (3markx6=18)

a. Lepromin test
b. Enumerate the congenital infections and the organisms responsible for each
c. Difference between oral and injectable polio vaccine
d. Coagulase test
e. Otomycosis
Enumerate oncogenic viruses

5. Ultra short notes: [1 markx5-5]
a. Name two fungi causing pneumonia
b. Name the organisms causing Infectious Mononucleosis
. Name two organisms which can be used as Bioterrorism agents
d. Name two parasites causing central nervous system intection
e. Name two laboratory tests used for diagnosis of Dengue fever
6. Fill in the blanks: [1mark x5-5]
a. - - .
i s the vectorfor Japanese encephalitis virus
b. ----
causes Tinea versicolor
C. - -

is caused by HHV8
d. ------
is the causative organism of Granuloma inguinale
e. Afla toxin is produced by
3rd Internal Pharmacology Question Paper

Department of Pharmacology, KIMS, BBSR
Use separate answer sheet for Sec-A & Sec-B

ASWA Time-3 hour, Total Marks-100

Define Bioavailability. Mention different factors affecting bioavailability with
suitable examples. Draw a diagram to depict the bioavailability following oral
and IV route of administration. (2+9+4=15)
02. Answer short notes on: (5x6-30)

Fixed dose combinations.

b. Compare and contrast newer and older antihistaminics.

Management of atropine poisoning.

d. Drug synergism.
Management of myasthenia gravis.
Non-cardiovascular uses of B-blockers.
Q3. Write yery briefly on: (1x5)
S t 2 uses and 2 disadvantages of Succinylcholine.
List 2 prodrugs and one advantage of each.
i. List 4 Novel drug delivery systems.
j. Tachyphylaxis.
kList 2 drugs by sublingual route and their advantages.

Clasify anti-malarial drugs. Mention the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses
and adverse drug reaction of Chloroquine. How will manage a case relapsing
malaria? (4+2+4+2+3=15)
Q2. Answer short notes on: (5x6-30)
Mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of Metformin.
b. Mechanism of action& disadvantages of Radioactive lodine.

Therapeutic uses of corticosteroids.

Compare and contrast Ampicillin and Amoxycillin.
e. DOTS.
f. Mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of Methotrexate.
03.Write very briefly on: (1x5)
g. List 2 tetracycline and 2 ADRs.
h, List 2NRTI & 2NNRTI.

List 4 uses of Metronidazole.

List 4 antifungals.
k. List 4 conmon features of Aminoglycosides.

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