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Introduction-bond parameters
1. Octet rule is said to be

2. Lewis dot structures of Li, C, N, CO2, N2 and Ne:

3. Number of electrons involved in Lewis

dot structure of SO3

4. Electrovalent bond is defined as:

5. Find the formal charge on different in O3;

6. Formal charge on Sulphur atom in H2SO4;

7. Give two example of molecule with super octet;

8. Give two examples of electron deficient molecules;

9. Two favourable conditions for the formation of ionic bond;

10. Highest ionic nature of the bond is in between the elements:

11. Arrange the compounds in increasing order of

ionic character :LiF, CsF, RbF, NaF

12. Increasing order of ionic nature of

AlCl3, MgCl2, CCl4,NaCl,NCl3

13. Out of NCl3 and PCl3, bond angle is more in:

14. Out of PCl3 and PI3, bond angle is more in:

15. Out of NH3 and NF3, more bond angle observed in:

16. Out of PH3 and PF3, more bond angle observed in:

17. Bond order in CO32- ;

18. Bond order and Bond strength related as:

19. Dipole moment is zero for

CO2, CH4, CCl4, NH3, PCl3

20. Increasing order of bond length of

HF, HCl, HBr and HI

21. Lattice enthalpy is the amount of energy released, when

22. How ∆Hlattice and ∆Hhydration can affect solubility of salt:

23. % of ionic character in covalent bond

can be calculated as

24. % of ionic character in terms of observed and

Calculated dipole moments calculated as:

25. Increasing order of polarising power of

K+, Ca2+, Ti2+ and Cu2+

26. Increasing order of polarisability of I-, Br-, Cl- and F-

27. Cu2S is more stable than Cu2O thermodynamically, because of __________________________

28. CuCl2 is more covalent than CaCl2. Because of ____________________

29. Number of sigma and pie bonds in C3O2 are:

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________________ ______________
VSEPR-shape of molecules

1. AB2 2. AB3 3. AB4

4. AB5 5. AB6 6. AB7

7. AB2E 8. AB3E 9. AB2E2

10. AB4E 11. AB3E2 12. AB2E3

13. AB5E 14. AB4E2 15. AB6E

1. CO2 Carbondioxide 2. BCl3 3. CCl4

Hybridisation Structure

4. BeCl2 5. BF3 6. HNO2

7. HNO3 8. H2SO4 9. HClO4

10. NH3 11. NH4+ 12. H2O

13. PCl3 14. PCl5 15. SF6

16. I F7 17. XeOF2 18. CHCl3

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HYBRIDISATION Molecule Hyb. Of central atom No. of lone Structure Approx.

Bond angle

1 BeCl2 Sp 0 linear 1800

2 BCl3

3 CH4

4 NH3

5 NCl3

6 OF2

7 XeO2

8 XeO4

9 ClF3

10 SO2

11 SO3

12 HNO2

13 H2SO4

14 H2CO3

15 CCl4

16 PCl3
17 PCl5

18 XeO2F2

19 XeOF4

20 XeOF2

21 HNO3

22 HClO

23 HClO2

24 HClO3

25 HClO4

26 SO4-2

27 NO3-1

28 ClO4-1

29 ICl4-1

30 I3-1

31 Solid. PCl5

32 Solid PBr5

33 I2Cl6

34 B2H6

35 PF3Cl2

36 OSF4

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M.O.T & H-bond

1. If “Z< 7” or “Z=7” , M.O energy level is

2. If “Z>7”, M.O energy level is

3. Bond order =

4. Relation between bond order and bond legth is:

5. O2 is paramagnetic even though it contain even number of electrons:

6. M.O energy level and bond order for NO is:

7. M.O energy level and bond order for CO is:

8. What will be the bond order of C2 if “s & p”

inter mixing is not possible:

9. H2+ and H2- have bond order 0.5.

Which is more stable and why?

10. Increasing order of Bond order in O2, O2+ , O22-and O2- :

11. Increasing order of Bond order in N2, N2+ and N2- :

12. He2 and Ne2 Does not exist because their :

13. Bond order in CN-, CO and CO+ are respectively:

14. Hydrogen bond is defined as :

15. The elements which can form H-bond are:

16. Cotton cloth can’t dry easily whereas

polyester can get dry quickly because of :

17. o-nitro phenol has less b.p than p-nitro phenol because of :

18. KHF2 will be formed whereas KHCl2 is not because:

19. H2O and NH3 both can form four H-bond around one molecule.
But b.p of water is more than NH3. Because of :

20. Three compounds A, B and C have their b.p values are

550K, 650K and 450K respectively. The compound with more v.p is:

21. Chloral hydrate is thermally stable whereas H3CCH(OH)2 is not?

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Reasoning Questions
Reasoning questions
1. NaCl is insoluble in CCl4.
2. KCN is ionic whereas AgCN is predominantly covalent in nature.
3. R-O-R is insoluble in water whreas R-O-H is soluble in water.
4. PCl5 is less stable than PCl3.
5. Trimethyl amine is pyramidal whereas Trisilyl amine is planar.
6. NH3 dipole moment is more than NF3.
7. C2H5Cl is insoluble in water whereas C2H5OH is completely soluble in water.
8. NH3 is more soluble in water than N2.
9. O-nitro phenol is more volatile than p-nitro phenol.
10. Ethylene glycol is more soluble in water than Ethanol.
11. SiCl4 can undergo hydrolysis but not CCl4.
12. CO2 is a gas whereas SiO2 is solid.
13. Graphite is a good conductor whereas diamond is insulator.
14. Solid NaCl doesnot conduct electricity whereas molten will conduct.
15. O2 is paramagnetic.
16. He2 does not exist.
17. KHF2 will be formed but not KHCl2.
18. H2S is a gas whereas H2O is liquid.
19. NH3 boiling point is more than PH3.
20. H2SO4 is more viscous whereas HCl is not.
21. SF4 is see-saw in shape whereas XeF4 is square planar.
22. Xenon and Krypton only form compounds in noble gases.
23. CO and N2 are said to be isosters.
24. NCl3 is possible but not NCl5.
25. Maximum covalency of nitrogen is 4 whereas phosphorous is 6.
26. NH3 is more basic than PH3.
27. Boiling point of P4 is less than S8
28. NaCl has more b.p than AlCl3.
29. Dipole moment of CO2 is zero whereas SO2 is not.
30. Ethyne has two acidic hydrogens whereas Ethene does not.
31. Atomic radius of N3- is much greater than Al+3.
32. BF3 can show back bonding but not AlF3.
33. Viscosity of Glycerol is more than glycol.
34. B.p of Xenon is greater than all other noble gases.
35. BaCO3 is insoluble in water whereas BeCO3 is soluble.
36. Liquor ammonia bottles opened ofter cooling only.
37. Maleic acid is more acidic than fumaric acid.
38. Dipolemomnet of 1,4-dichloro benzene is zero but not for 1,4-dihydroxy benzene.
39. Bond length of ‘o-o’ in O22- is more than O2.
40. Dipolemoment of 1,4-Dichlorocyclohexane is not equal to zero but 1,4-dichlorobenzene is zero.
41. o-Dichlorobenzene has more dipolemoment than m-dichlorobenzene.
42. Li2CO3 can decompose whereas Na2CO3 does not.
43. Ice has less density than water.
44. AgF is soluble in water whereas AgCl is insoluble.
45. Trimethyl amine is more basic than Trisilyl amine.
46. CH3+ is trigonal planar whereas CH3- is pyramidal.
47. NH3 is more basic than NF3.
48. C2H2 is planar whereas C2H6 is non planar.
49. NH3 is pyramidal whereas NH4+ is tetrahedran.
50. BF3 is non polar whereas NF3 is polar.
51. PCl3F2 is non polar whereas PF3Cl2 is polar.
52. Anhydrous AlCl3 is covalent whereas Hydrated AlCl3 is ionic.
53. AgF is soluble in water whereas AgCl doesnot.
54. FeCl3 is more covalent than FeCl2.
55. Bond length in CO is much less than bond length in CO32-.
56. “Sp” hybrid carbon is more electronegative than “sp2”.
57. NaCl has more melting point than NaI.
58. Bond enthalpy of F2 is less than Cl2 and Br2.
59. Benzene is more stable than expected.
60. Maximum covalency of nitrogen is four whereas phosphorous is six.
61. H2O is molar than OF2.
62. ‘O-O’ bond length in H2O2 is more than F2O2.
63. ‘N-N’ bond length in N2H4 is more than N2F4.
64. Energy of 2s orbital in Hydrogen is less than in Sodium or potassium.
65. ‘2p-3d’π bond is stronger than “2p-3p”π bond.

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