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Binalbagan National High School


Name: ________________________________________ Section:_________________Score: ____________

Directions: Read the following statements and answer the questions that follow. Write the letters only.
______1. Which technical term in research emphasizes the most important findings of the study?
A. Results B. Summary C. Discussion D. Conclusion
______2. Which technical term in research defines where and when the study is conducted and tells who the subjects are?
A. Introduction B. Research Design C. Scope and Delimitation D. Significance of the Study
______3. The following are attributes of a researcher EXCEPT-
A. Reference properly used quotes.
B. Acknowledge other people’s work when used.
C. Get permission to use information for educational purposes.
D. Ask permission to use figures and tables from other published sources.
______4. The following are Research Ethics EXCEPT-
A. It imposes a common standard among all researchers.
B. It reflects respect for those who “take part” in research.
D. It ensures unreasonable, unsafe, or thoughtless demands made by researchers.
______5. Which of the following is the correct acronym for APA?
A. American Psychosocial Association C. American Philosophical Association
B. American Physiological Association D. American Psychological Association

This research will be conducted to study the causes of Tardiness among the Grade
10 students of Davao City National High School, Davao City for SY 2020-2021.

______6. What technical term in research is the above example?

A. Analysis of Data B. Scope and Delimitation C. Significance of the Study D. Summary and Conclusions
______7. Which technical term in research introduces and describes the concept which explains why the research problem under
study exists?
A. Research Questions B. Purpose of the Study C. Role of the Researcher D. Theoretical Framework
______8. Which refers to a group of individuals participating in the study or research?
A. Respondents B. Research Locale C. Research Problem D. Statistical Treatment
______9. Which describes in brief the place where the study was conducted and the rationale behind its choice?
A. Methodology B. Research Locale C. Scope and Delimitation D. Significance of the Study
______10. Which tells about the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest that enables one to
answer stated research questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes?
A. Data Analysis B. Data Collection C. Related Literature D. Summary and Conclusions
______11. Which presents the findings of the research in an orderly manner?
A. Results B. Abstract C. Discussion D. Introduction
______12. Which gives comment on the trends/ findings and show what the data suggest?
A. Results B. Discussion C. Methodology D. Literature Review
Out of 255 Grade 10 students under the Special Program of Davao City National High
School, 77 students were used as a sample in conducting the survey.

______13. Which technical term in research is the boxed example above?

A. Analysis of Data B. Scope and Delimitation C. Significance of the Study D. Summary and Conclusions
______14. Which introduces the goal, the methodology, results, and findings of the study?
A. Abstract B. Introduction C. Theoretical Lens D. Results and Discussion
______15. Which technical term in research refers to an answerable inquiry into a specific concern or issue?
A. Research Locale B. Research Purpose C. Research Questions D. Research Participants
Test II. DIRECTIONS: Pick the sentence that uses the meaning of the word that is given. Write the letters only.
_______16. Definition for live: burning or containing energy
A. The live bomb could explode at any time.
B. The television show was live tonight, not prerecorded as usual.
_______17. Definition for scald: to burn with hot liquid or steam
A. The botanist studied the scald on the cucumber.
B. He will scald his hand if he doesn't protect himself.
_______118. Definition for bunk: nonsense
A. Do you want to sleep in the top bunk?
B. The executive wanted to hear substantial ideas, not bunk.
_______19. Definition for cuff: a fold at the bottom of a sleeve
A. James rolled up the cuff on the sleeve.
B. The blood pressure cuff was tight around my arm.
______20. Definition for pitch: to throw or toss
A. Kelsey was told to pitch the trash to the curb.
B. Dad made us pitch our own tent when we went camping.
Test III. DIRECTIONS: Read the sentences. Choose the letter that uses the underlined word in the same way as in the original
______21. Lack of money drove Joyce to sell the farm.
A. The family drove three hours to see the ocean.
B. Tourists have stayed away in droves this summer.
C. Dad drove us to the mall but Mom said she would take us home.
D. The blizzard drove Marlene to decide to stay home and be alone on Christmas.
______22. The employee put a caution sign up so no one would slip on the wet floor.
A. The judge made a slip in his calculation.
B. The man will slip on the wet floor if he's not careful.
C. We need a permission slip in order to go on the trip.
D. The messenger handed the slip of paper to the teacher.
_______23. Matt stroked his dog's back to calm him down.
A. The little girl stroked her doll's hair.
B. The man had a stroke and was incapable of walking.
C. The paint had been applied in careful, regular strokes.
D. The stroke left her paralyzed on the right side of her body.
_______24. The punishment was a beating with a mace.
A. The chain mail held fast against the mace.
B. After she was attacked, Kathy always carried mace.
C. Three individuals were maced by an unknown male.
D. The police officer was sprayed in the face with mace during her training.
_______25. One pant leg was longer than the others.
A. He was panting when he reached the top.
B. The bottom of the pant leg had paint on it.
C. The family became concerned when Dorothy started to pant at the store.
D. I usually pant after running up six flights of stairs to reach my apartment.

IIII. DIRECTIONS: Read the following statements and answer the questions that follow. Write the letters only.
_______26. What is the other word for term in expanding definition of words?
A. class B. genus C. concept D. differentia
_______27. What word means the same with class in expanding definition of words?
A. term B. word C. genus D. concept
_______28. What is meant by differentiating characteristics in expanding definition of words?
A. It is the word that needs to be defined in the sentence.
B. It refers to where or what the term being defined belong.
C. It makes the term different from other members of the class.
D. It refers to any word in the sentence which does not belong to the group.
_______29. Fox is a carnivorous mammal of the dog family with a pointed muzzle and bushy tail. What is the term in the
A. fox B. mammal C. dog family D. muzzle and bushy tail
_______30. A star refers to a data or communication network in which all nodes are independently connected to one central unit.
What is the class?
A. a star
B. data or communication network
C. all nodes are independently connected to one central unit
D. a data or communication network in which all nodes are independently connected to one central unit
_______31. Little Prince is a fable which represents the open-mindedness of children. What is the differentia?
A. a fable C. open-mindedness of children
B. Little Prince D. represents the open-mindedness of children
_______32. Devotion is a religious activity that is done in private rather than in a religious service. Which is the class?
A. devotion C. a religious activity
B. religious service D. done in private that in a religious service
_______33. Which sentence follows the correct pattern in expanding definition of words?
A. Technology is the application of scientific knowledge.
B. Machinery and equipment are examples of technology.
C. Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life.
D. The branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences is known as technology.
_______34. Which observes the correct structure of expanded definition of words?
A. Friendship is the state of being friends.
B. Friendship is a relationship between two or more friends.
C. Friendship is referring to a friendly relation, or attachment.
D. Friendship is when you love someone with every ounce of your being.
_______35.. Which follows the pattern of expanding definition of words?
A. Aircraft are flown by an onboard pilot.
B. Aircraft is a vehicle for traveling through the air.
C. Any machine supported for flight in the air is called aircraft.
D. Common examples of aircraft are helicopters, airships, gliders, etc.
_______36. Which is true about the above definition of music?
A. It lacks class. C. It follows the A = B + C pattern.
B. It lacks differentia. D. It does not follow the A = B + C pattern.
_______37. The following sentences are examples of expanded definitions of words EXCEPT –
A. Hunter is the singular form for hunters. C. Hunter is a noun that refers to the one who hunts game.
B. Hunter is a person who hunts animal for food. D. Hunter is a watch with a hinged cover protecting the glass.
_______38. The following are expanded definition of rose EXCEPT –
A. Rose is a flower with a sweet smell. C. Rose is a stylized representation or decoration, typically with five petals.
B. Rose is a prickly bush or shrub with fragrant flowers.. D. Rose has numerous hybrids and cultivars developed widely and grown
as ornamentals.
_______39. What component of the expanded definition is the underlined words in the sentence, A field is an open land area free
of woods and buildings? A. term B. class C. concept D. differentia
_______40. Globe is a spherical representation of the earth with a map on the surface. What are the underlined words?
A. class B. genus C. concept D. differentia

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