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TAE TAF AMD Amended Forecast when red) err ast7az otst6 7202047 38M ‘SHRA BRNO zoo 30018625K7 38M SHRR OVER § TEMPO 2022 128M "SRA ovcouece ‘piao 270K Sst -sHRA BkNaZe OVCOLO PROBAD O48? ‘oT000CT HSM ABR Fuso azotonr asi sha ovCo20 BECMG 1915 20010KT asm nsw SKC" {nce you ie now a ick ut tho TAF cat ine Fads, the sep sequence that we {20 METAR WE low Seow TAF woken own npg din seri, Key ‘werd. ad ects. ingeang are me perou nas aed ae Mahi Bold pe err ost70z 01 18 22020KT SSM -SHRA OKNERD Farms 2001562547 3st sta Ovcots Wsa1S/aO045KT “Tews tage tas Tena CvCDoNCe Fun 270007 88 -SHRA BHNO20 OVCO4D PROBA Ba 00K? 16 Ra Fuso 2201047 a5 -SHRA OVCEROBECMG 1318 ‘anton Pash nSW/SK he vate, vibe, ad We rk wor wh TAF 20, Thee’ tle it wih he when uF ‘err ost70z onto. 202067 ETT CAO stan eter. The ual 3 teers ar preceded by a°% forthe ‘otoaus Unie Sits Anka ond Howat ue er’ egg et Pah ‘pa respecbey (817202 te ores re thy he math whan issuance ie of 17302er Ure: ths 2 pt i ane it ne the al period wth he fst we at cong Me dy fhe moh 8) nr me second wo ans spety tne our begins he recast patos (18002) {28H meat we pte hour ending me cet gees 180200 et ay eovvvvve9 See eee es esorsno4sk meant 100 fone expe! 1 be 209 eget at 45 KT_ TS “repo 2022 Tenpotry changes expected Bewesn 20002 and 22002 xt00 FROM 23002 no840 0407 Ther is 840 percent probably his condon orcurting between 04007. ans orvoe rnron0 FROM 10002. ondons Becoming as dese between 13002 and 18002. nce tne spec une ptiods canbe dscerned, tho sequence of wind, visit, stonicant Src i a loud eight fotowe an repeat fr each ime bck. The ony rae eee cones such 8s PROBL, TEMPO, and BECMG, some oo components feds change Noles ater TEMPO 2022, her 8 no ater tua cove ated. Nate: hen No Sighiieant ‘tere na per 4c pcg nmin abe or can vey ecm 1315 parece cat a a sein rears te aime sting nines of marcy e.9, ABBE) and Tote Sa ea Me tctacas pankon) wer eaTe Mtatenaty. wns may erp a noe (KT), Motors pr Rous (RH) or meters er sara epee ule we hacned Goh METAR ang TAR ine sna [mere ind shear not ssoiated wih contectne actvty (2.9. WSONS/30045KT see TAF) vieppearn TaPsin te Unted Sates, Canada, and Meco ony. ‘Seer sbi i poesia then oes Se tating aay sen 0 re aes) ‘ame canons weld be eons ren a Iremational vst repos also conta @ ent suchas: aor [Automated Observation without preciptation discriminator (eainvsnow) ‘A02 | Automated Observation with precipitation discriminator (rainlsnow) ‘AMO | Amended Forecast (TAF) ‘Becoming (expected between 7 dig begioning hour and 2 digit SecMs | énaing noun, BKN | Broken 6.7 octas (eighth) cloud coverage CLR | Clear ator below 12,00 feet (ASOSIAWOS report) COR | Correction tothe observation FEW | ¥orZ ocas (eighths) cloud cover Fu | From (digit beginning time in hours and minutes) tog [Landing M___|In temperature fold means "minus" oF below zero a |IRRVR sting indicates visibility ess than lowest reportable sensor val (e.g. MOS0O) NO__| Not avaliable (eg. SLPNO, RVRNO) | No Significant Weather, Note: NSW ony indicates obstruction fo | usw | visibly or precipitation previously noted has ended, Low celings, Wind shear, and other weather conditions may sl exist. OVC | Overcast octas (eights) cloud coverage | IVRVR indicates visibly greater than highest reportabl | value (eg, P6000). es osm | PESM Visibility greater than 6 SM (TAF only PK | WNO Peak wind PROGHO | Probability 40 percent ce Runway (used in RVR measurement) Remark a a eae ee lhl © COC CC ECVV EETEUEEETEEEEE Ee! RvIRVIY Runway set 7 sxe ‘SUP Sea Level Pressure (eg, 10013 reported 2s O13) SM Statue mets) SPECI | Special Report “touno. | Temporary changes expeced between # sigh Begining Hour and 2 ight ending Nour Gwor | Take, TO1760158, TEE, TOKE and 4020084 In Remar samples of temperature Information v (wind direction and RVR) Ve | Vicnity ‘W____| Vertical Visibility (indefinite Cena) wg” | Wind shea in TAFs, low evel and not azine wih convective ett) BC Patenes BL | Blowing DR [Lew Onting TL FZ__ | SupercooledFreezing ut PR oH TAF VAUD 1806002 1809/1818 VRBO3KT 4000 HZ FEW100 BECMG 1312/1314 2500 H2= SOUTH ZONE TAF VOGO 180300Z 1806/1815 27010KT 6000 FEWO18 SCT250 BECMG 1812/1814 34010G20KT= TAF VOHS 1806002 1809/1818 12010KT 6000 FEWO20 SCT200 BECMG 1814/1815 4000 H2= TAF VOMM 1806002 1809/1818 O90L0KT 6000 SCIO20= TAF VOBL 1806002 1809/1818 14910KT 8000 FEWO15= ‘TAF VOCI 180600Z 1809/1818 25010KT 6000 SCTO20 BKN100 TEMPO 1809/1812 FEWO2SCB BECMG 1817/1818 O0000KT 4000 H2= TAF VOCB 180600Z 1809/1818 09010KT 6000 FEWO15 BECMG 1815/1816 4000 H2= TAF VOTV 180600Z 1809/1818 27010KT 6000 FEW020 SCT100 TEMPO 1309/1812 SCTO20 FEWO25CB BKN100 BECMG 1817/1818 O0000KT 4000 H. Coimbatore YYoCR 2800002 02008KT 6ON0 SCIONS AKNOHD 29/19 QHDNa NOS VocR 2508302 O8O06KT GOON SCTOIS HOMO 28/19 QHD MOIS Voce 2508007 o008KT GOON SCTOLS HAKNOAD 2/19 QLD! NOSE Kochi Yor! 2808302 24005KT $000 42 FEWOTS 34/23 Q1O10 NOSIG: \yoc! 2808002 10002KT S000 Hz FEWAIS 33/23 Q1011 NOs \yoc! 2807302 18005Kr S000 42 FEWaIS 33/23 Q1DL1 NOSIG TAF vO 2508002 2809/2516 25010KT 400012 FEWOIS RECHG 2515/251600000KT 2000 8 Hyderabad \vons 2509007 o9006xr 6000 SCTOLS SCTO2S BKN100 28/17 Q1O15 NOSIG= Vos 2508002 o9006KT 6000 SCTO1S SCrO2S BKN00 24/17 Qi01sHOSIC: \ors 2508302 12006KT 6000 SCTO1S2 SCTO25 AKN200 26/17 Q1015 HOSK TAF voNS 2868002 2500/2518 14006KT 5000 He SeTO20 SCT200~ Chennai om 2509002 02006KT 8000 SCTO20 30/21 QtaHI NOStG= ‘vows 2508302 06009KT 7000 ScT020 21/21 Q1012 NOSIG= vom 2508002 060077 7000 SCTO20 31/22 QLOE3 NOSIG ‘TEs vow» 2508002 2509/2518 05010G20KT 6000 SCT020 SCTIO0 BECHG 2512/2513 OSO10«T= Trivandrum \vorv 2508302 22007%T 6000 FEWOrS 31/25 Qi010 NOStG= ory 2508002 21008KT 6000 SCTOIS 33/25 Q1010 NOSIG: \vorv 2507302 20006KT 5000 H2 SCTOIS 33/25 QLOLI BECMG 600 ‘TE VOTY 2508002 2508/2516 25010KT 5000 H2 FEWOLE SCTO9O BECHG2S12/2514 00000KT 4000 HZ= Bangalore ‘vost 2508002 05003KT 250v080 8000 ScTOL2 30/19 Q1016 NOSIG= ‘YOBL 2508002 VRBOSKT 8000 SCTO12 31/19 QID17 NOSIG= ‘YoRL 2507002 vABOSKT 8000 SCTOL2 30/20 Q1018 NOSIG: ‘TRE VOB 2508002 2508/2518 12005KT 8000 FEWOIS: pping.aspx?index... 25-01-2016 https://indigoapps goindigo. in/ReportE:ngineNew/Metar/MetPlusMs ‘TAE{sRetieved On 18-02-2012 at6:36 UTC NORTH 20NE | TAF vip 1g0e007 1809/1818 31008KT S000 HZ NSC BECMG 2813/1815 RBODKTDSG0 Bu FEWO3 ‘TAF VU 1806002 1909/3818 3300¢KT 4000 2 FEW100 BECMG 1312/1313 VRBOBKT 2500 2 NSC= ‘Tar vt 3806002 1809/1818 270b8KT #000 Wd NSC BECIG 1814/1816 2800¢KT 3000 BA/H2- SASTZONE ‘TAS VECC 1806002 1808/1618 3800645000 HZ NSC BECMG 1812/1814 VRBORKT 4000 H ‘TAF VEGT 1806002 1808/1618 oS008F7 S000 Hz Fewo20FEWi60 B¢C181/1812 VRBOSKT 4000 Hz BEC 1813/1818 00000 30002 ‘aE ven 1806002 1808/1818 32005KT 300 H2FEWOR0SCT2S0 BECMG 1812/1813 20006 ‘TAR VEAT 3806002 1808/1818 33006KT 300 M7 WSC BECNEG 1812/2813 20000KT 2500 2 SKC BECMIG 1816/1818 2000 = "TAF etn 906007 1809/2818 03008KT S000 2 £1020 FVI00 BEC 1E10/1812 GO0OOKT 30002 BC 1815/1817 2000 z= ‘TAS VEMN 1806002 1808/1818 0S00SAT S000 F020 SCT100BECIG 230/12 0000047 300 H2= ‘ar vrbrrso3002 1806/1815 27003K 3000 H2 NSC BECMG 1807/1809 90054 S000 2 FeW100| EMG 1812/1814 oadboK 3000 ze \westzoNs ‘TAF VAN 1803002 1806/1912 05006KT 6000 NSC BEOMG 3812/1814 O9106KT 4009 HZ BEEMG 1800/1902 02005 30002 NSC BECMG 1804/1906 0706KT 5000 2 BECMG 1907/1508 60 ‘Tas vaBe 1806002 1809/1818 31OIOKT 3500 FU BECMG BECIG 1812/2414 3500673000 FU BEEMG 1815/1617 veoose7 2000 FU= ‘TAF VAAN 1806002 1809/1818 05006476000 NSC SEEM 1812/3834 408012 "AE APO 1803002 1805/1912 120K S000 NSC BECMG Fe 1809 25003KTBECMG FM 185 REDD ECMG 1901/1803 30002 BECMG Ft 18034000 HZ BECMG FM 3905 oR008KT 6000 BECMG FR 1909, 2801047 8000 TH35/19087 TM28/1902 ‘TAR vabO 106002 1805/1810 05006" EoDD NSC ECMG 28123 co HHO "Tar VAR 120200206185 o90sxr 7000 Few30 BECK 1812/381407003KTco0D FEN "TAF VAlO 1808007 1806/1815 o0u0KTSa00H2FEW00 S250 BECMG 1813/1815 2900KT 4200 2 Re frac TOO sO ES ree Tolle 22 UML MLTARaMI TAF sito ‘ovens Meng Are dans. Heanng st | xn ‘Beokon, LW Sow BTN Betneen an Ce | te je ‘Aorcn — EMBD Embedded Fost Forecast | = ee | a = Som soon Jon fel GN Gamay _—.. oo [st ray ts. tar Ua a = = <2 owen oe me fie toa in ane 2 ee ee ie ‘worn se Fons | = | changing me cues Oat Genito ours] | om os = | sor pang ev oe apc | Bord olaas no okas < - e 7 Tye Tn teen we a, ae Turbulence reports ‘Ay eeports eng turbulence may inl Table 23, hich areinlereeadas shown, ny of the word show in 22 METEOROLOGY _weecos > JEPPESE! ‘AERODROME WEATHER FORECAST —= | “WEAINER PHENOUER Fount" | oer | macptaton | obevaon oe __[ fazcrtueg ["” Papin gE ee ai ca tga waar Te ti opps on eric Sag Sas HSB ie Seeley odoreccpintimedoyweone mec in| Sarco Sith eny Someiin 2 Apmtonting sort nt 2 ow ting sar ear son pn Loe) we nme enon nr soi) {Steet sat cn Ya an et BR votny aes cmt nt ere Oa 00m FO iby han ene V6 bemoan sopatna Bhan am ein rene ~~ FORECKST CUS AMOUNT AT GT ome [Gd seo ew -Few (2 eng [sor scat ts) rok ca love overt Pepe ine aR TOT ase es i aE Scie bccn on ess oa OL SE lw" [nde ek Vi ian sei nef 3m TOT Repaeed we senda, owing di wo oe Sao Soe Ta GOAT be Motel mas soe abt, washow'e pies te bear ae ENGR oo Se Scr be [sso a oat Soar | ee Sis ww plates deere, “eer ee tg Ad iy Reps abi arb and aa} Veh trea 10 fo now er Ee Sines ane ce SOT oaoa THOR HT below the miu actor et, essa tgrntes and (j_—_—atatneaivneci norms ems “SGPT CHASES wi FOREEAEY CONDENS WONCATED BY a 08 Roba [esce [On 30 Oued Rag BOR a 4 AEROMOME WEATHER FORECAST AERODROME WEATHER ForECAST TAF DECODE Dale adi tsue af ecu UTE ingest att aera) ara | nae ea | 1 YG GM] dh pred olay inne TC iy of monroe Gr ue Ure i lex nestor lente aca ees rer fae ean wind ton n 00000 eae i Mean wind ea in re [sine 5) maa rt oo 28 Fo is nn ised lear Ine [RST ems — Wt ae rasa __ Pontes RETA VEST wr = [229 = 10m orm ae ——— a Ta ao ae Peis | oacee [mnt | omen | ome Bate fee faa (esse fas rome fre man fea Sa — = ee ce rs sme fsa cna = Ma ca fog fm | SPR, iva; See Pe arm | a = he tee fon stag st oes Iie ute a fet ce fe ie foe Some st Sms fe Tana | WETEOMOLOGICAL SeRICE FoR MHTENNATIONAL Ain HA 7 SIGHET NOTATIONS - anti 3 2a. wesours 4 DEPICTING OF LINES AND SYSTEMS ON SPECIFIC CHARTS. 43. Swit AND SW — sioNWCANT \WEATHER CHARTS (HIGH ‘AND MEDIUM) Sctyaton —* conan een spt weer yon aun a tees, * ostoetaeny a hon con ped ne Sonya” FEBS fe een sore sce Some Ie ng FT sonny Steen nde ae es an Famseneras~ Spaihiterinmoneettt en SHEE” ° sen tempat at CEE. ran Fe eteteeetnenemetre tte rea Sistem annekigdaprie Gey Se rea pe Tomi ee 42 Smt—siowncanr wearHen ‘hianr (ow LeveL) x pasion psa cantor gro tecps L = cane ow pie, conte gh pas Scaobtines > danweaon om of sc wether = atte oC ter nt Pca crater NOTE 0% te maya ented, eof atan Shue o come Fowesenarows = Speeder orm ono depression eyes auntie ~ alma en ame arene 00 ~ son fn anon nC ‘ao mpi Sr eg se 43 ARROWS, FEATHERS AND Penna teers crept se We eTEONOLOG METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTENATIONAL AIR WAVIGAT Y/SIGHET NOTATIONS - ANY 3 Heinesen btneen whens fee expate son bate a er 2 FRONTS ano conver ZONES AND OTHER SY useD FL270__tvelotm MO roinienne (ZL eL Ce ve (esate tot abe ie ce Ls sresrnus cma 80 Stand (8 Cmts lute sos ce FEW fo (im 2 SCT settond 3h 9 de) 0 = ota (tm one ‘wereon METEOROLOGICAL senvice on 7 SIGMET nora APPENDIX 1. MODEL sh NOTATIONS USED IN FLIGHT DOCUMENTATION 1 sympors ri WEATHER ‘OR SIGNIFICANT nota INTERNATIONAL ain way 1ONS ~ ANEX TION

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