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Identify whether the following selections is narration, description, definition, exemplification,
comparison and contrast, cause and effect, problem solution, and persuasion. After identifying
the pattern of development used in every selection, justify your answer. (1 point for
identification, 2 points for justification.)
1. It was late spring the last time we saw Ross. He was standing at the edge of the hill, and
he never so much as looked up even though we were sure he knew we were there.
There was a bunch of flowers clutched to his fist, but there really was no reason for him
to be standing there. We knew that Carrie wasn't coming to see him. But he stood there
anyway, waiting, even as the afternoon sunlight deepened towards the evening. He
must have been standing there for hours.
2. We shouldn't have homework. It takes away from family time. You have to do your
homework instead of playing a family board game or playing catch. You can't go outside
to play so you will get fat. If you bring it home you will rush through it so you can play
video games. We should do our work at school because we have better equipment
there. We should also do it at school because we can't ask our teacher questions when
we do it at home. It's hard to concentrate when you could be outside playing on a sunny
day. I hope you agree with me.
3. Amoebiasis is an intestinal (bowel) illness caused by a microscopic (tiny) parasite called
Entamoeba histolytica, which is spread through human feces (poop). Often there are no
symptoms, but, sometimes it causes diarrhea (loose stool/poop), nausea (a feeling of
sickness in the stomach), and weight loss.
4. I had been very sick the last two years. Grave's disease had taken over my life, just as
alcohol takes over an alcoholic. This disease ate away at my immune system, reeking
terror on my physical being and leaving it feeling and looking like a train wreck. Thanks
to this disease, my once light coco skin now held a pale, volcanic ash-like color. My sickly
body held a mere fifty pounds, which is way under the average weight for an eight-year
old. The hair on my head, once flowing like a long river of chestnuts, now was short and
thin, and sometimes fell to the floor like rain drops. Eyes that used to be small and a
beautiful brown now were a dull coffee color, so enlarged that they looked as if they
were going to pop out my head. Worst of all was a large scar, laid upon my neck, which
looked like someone had cut me with a knife
5. Boracay is the perfect destination for me. The air is hot, but the water is cool and fresh. I
enjoy swimming and surfing in the ocean. When I am tired, I come and lie on the beach.
The sand is soft and white. The beach is noisy with people and children laughing, but it is
a pleasant noise. I even like the beach smells. The air smells salty from the sea. I feel
relaxed and peaceful. When I want to relax in summer, I always go to Boracay.

Activity 5 (by group)

Create a sentence outline using the topic "Drug Abuse". Use the format below.
Thesis Statement:
Writer's Purpose for Writing:

ACTIVITY 6(10 pts)

Identify what type of claim is presented in each number.(FACT, POLICY, VALUE)
1. Cell phones pull students away from learning.
2. TikTok should undergo censorship, privacy, and child safety.
3. Video games lead to an increase in violence among teens.
4. Snowboarding is the greatest way to spend a vacation
5. The death penalty should be abolished because it does nothing to prevent murder.
6. Education is the key to personal and societal progress.
7. You could be called Filipino even if you were not born in the Philippines.
8. Democracy is the best form of government.
9. Animal testing for cosmetic products should be outlawed.
10. Love is the most powerful force in the universe.

MINI PT (60pts)
Create a 3 paragraph essay with the theme “The Inanimate Object that Best Embodies Me”.
Each Paragraph should contain 5 sentences. Present your work in front of the class.
*to those students who were not able to read and submit their work in class, you may take a
video of yourselves while reading your work and submit it online thru Messenger in our
Group Chat.

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