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1. Weight of P is twice that of Q. Weight of Q is half of R. Weight
of R is 3 times of T. Weight of T is half of S. The weight of Q is
greater than the weight of how many persons among P, R, S and
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Ans. [A]
Q=R/2 => Q/R=2/1
R=3T =>2Q=3T => Q/T=3/2
T=S/2 =>S/2=2Q/3 => Q/S=4/3
So weight of ‘Q’ greater than ‘S’.

Direction (2-4): In each of the following questions, select the

related letter/word/figure/number from the given alternatives.
2. Seismography: Earthquake: : Barometer : ?
(A) Landslides (B) Volcanoes
(C) Pressure (D) Resistance
Seismography is used to measure Earth quake and Barometer is
used to measure pressure

3. 16: 65: : 144 : ?

(A) 1729 (B) 1723
(C) 1730 (D) 1726
Ans. [A]
√16 = 4 , 43 + 1 = 65
√144 = 12 , 123 + 1 = 1729

4. 2: 3: : 12 : ?
(A) 84 (B) 59
(C) 78 (D) 64
Ans. [C]
2+22 2+4
= =3
2 2
12  122 12  144
  78
2 2

5. If a mirror is placed on the line AB, then which of the answer

figure is the right image of the given figure?




Ans. [D]

6. If m and n are integers divisible by 5, which of the following

is not necessarily true?
(A) m – n is divisible by 5
(B) m2 – n2 is divisible by 25
(C) m + n is divisible by 10
(D) None of these
Ans. [C]
The best way to solve this is the method of simulation, e.g. let
m = 10 and n = 5. Therefore m – n = 5, which is divisible by
5. m2 – n2 = 100 – 25 = 75, divisible by 25. m + n = 10 + 5 =
15 is not divisible by 10.
Hence, the answer is (c).
Note that for the sum of two multiples of 5 to be divisible by
10, either both of them should be odd (i.e. ending in 5) or both
of them should be even (i.e. ending in 0).

7. Which of the following is true?

 
2 2
(A) 73  73

 
2 2
(B) 73  73

 
2 2
(C) 73  73

(D) None of these

Ans. [B]
73  79 and(73 )2  76
Since 79  76  73  (73 )2

8. A man earns x% on the first Rs. 2,000 and y% on the rest of

his income. If he earns Rs. 700 from income of Rs. 4,000 and
Rs. 900 from if his income is Rs. 5,000, find x%.
(A) 20% (B) 15%
(C) 25% (D) None of these
Ans. [B]
The two equations can be written
The equations can be simplified to x+y=35 and 2x+3y=90.
Solving these two equations simultaneously, we get x=15%.

9. A, B and C are defined as follows

A  2.000004  2.000004   4.000008  
 
B  3.000003  3.000003  9.000009 
 

C   4.000004   4.000002  8.000004  

Which of the following is true
 

about the values of the above three expressions?

(A) All of them lie between 0.18 and 0.2
(B) A is twice of C
(C) C is the smallest
(D) B is the smallest
Ans. [D]
Direction for questions 10 and 11: Answer the questions
based on the following information. A thief, after committing
the burglary, started fleeing at 12 noon, at a speed of 60 km/hr.
He was then chased by a policeman X. X started the chase, 15
min after the thief had started, at a speed of 65 km/hr.
10. At what time did X catch the thief?
(A) 3.30 p.m. (B) 3 p.m.
(C) 3.15 p.m. (D) None of these
Ans. [C]
Since the policeman started 15 min late, in this time the thief
would have already covered  60 
4 
 15km . To catch the thief, the

policeman will have to make up for this distance of 15 km.

Every hour the policeman is travelling (65 – 60) = 5 km more
than the thief. Hence, to make up the distance of 15 km, he
would take 3 hr. Since policeman started at 12.15 p.m., he
would catch the thief at 3.15 p.m.
11. If another policeman had started the same chase along with X,
but at a speed of 60 km/hr, then how far behind was he when
X caught the thief?
(A) 18.75 km (B) 15 km
(C) 21 km (D) 37.5 km
Ans. [B]
Every hour the second policeman covers (65 – 60) = 5 km less
than the first one. Since the first policeman catches the thief
in 3 hr, in this time the second policeman will be (3 × 5) = 15
km behind.

Directions (Q. 12-13) : These questions are based on the

following information—
‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is mother of Q’.
‘P $ Q’ means ‘P is husband of Q’.
‘P # Q’ means ‘P is sister of Q’.
‘P * Q’ means ‘P is son of Q’.
12. Which of the following indicates the relationship ‘A is
daughter of C’?
(A) A#F*B@C
(B) A#F*B$C
(C) A@B#R*F
(D) C@B#F*R

13.. M*H@D$K, represents what relation of H with K?

(A) Mother
(B) Father
(C) Father-in-law
(D) None of these
Ans. [D]
A # F → R is the sister of F, F * B → F is the son of B B$C
→ B is the husband of C.
∴ A # F * B $ C → A is the daughter of C.

14. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so
form a group. Which is the one that does not being to the
(A) 125
(B) 216
(C) 729
(D) 525
Ans. [D]
All the rest of numbers are the cube of some numbers such as 125
= (5)3, 216 = (6)3, 729 = (9)3 and 343 = (7)3.

15. In a certain code DEAF is written as 3587 and FILE is

written as 7465. How is IDEAL written in that code?
(A) 48536
(B) 43568
(C) 63548
(D) 43586
Ans. [D]
D = 3, E = 5, A = 8, F = 7, I = 4, L = 6
∴ IDEAL = 43586


16. Mr. X enters a positive integer Y in an electronic calculator
and then goes on pressing the square – root key repeatedly.
(A) The display does not stabilize
(B) The display becomes closer to 0
(C) The display becomes closer to 1
(D) May not be true and the answer depends on the choice of
Ans. [C]
Repeated square root of positive integer y

17. Consider the following steps :

1. Put x = 1, y = 2
2. Replace x by xy
3. Replace y by y +1
4. If y = 5 then go to step 6 otherwise go to step 5.
5. Go to step 2
6. Stop
Then the final value of x equals
(A) 1 (B) 24
(C) 120 (D) 720
Ans. [B]
The successive values of x and y are as follows:

18. If n is any positive integer, then n3 – n is divisible

(A) Always by 12 (B) Never by 12
(C) Always by 6 (D) Never by 6
Ans. [C]
n3 – n = n(n2 – 1) = (n – 1)n (n + 1)
Above expression is the product of three consecutive
numbers. So at least one number is even, and one number is a
multiple of 3. So the product is always divisible by 6.
19. The value of 1  d is

(A) > 1 if d > –1

(B) > 3 if d > 1
(C) > 2 if 0 < d < 0.5
(D) < 2 if d < –2
Ans. [B]

If d > 1, then d2 > 1 and (1 + d + d2)> 3.

20. Three horses are grazing within a semi-circular field. In the

diagram given below, AB is the diameter of the semi-circular
field with center at O. Horses are tied up at P, R and S such
that PO and RO are the radii of semi-circles with centers at P
and R respectively, and S is the center of the circle touching
the two semi-circles with diameters AO and OB. The horses
tied at P and R can graze within the respective semi-circles
and the horse tied at S can graze within the circle centred at
S. The percentage of the area of the semi-circle with diameter
AB that cannot be grazed by the horses is nearest to

(A) 20 (B) 28
(C) 36 (D) 40
Ans. [B]
If the radius of the field is r, then the total area of the field =
The radius of the semi-circles with centre’s P and R 
Hence, their total area = 4
Let the radius if the circle with centre S be x.
Thus, OS = (r – x), OR = 2r and RS   2r  x 
 

Applying Pythagoras Theorem, we get

2 2
r  r 
(r  x)2       x 
   2 
Solving this, we get x
Thus the area of the circle with centre S
The total area that can be grazed
= r  14  19  = 1336r

 

Thus the fraction of the field that can be grazed =

26  Area that can be grazed 
36  Area of the field 

The fraction that cannot be grazed

= 10
 28% (approx.)

21.     

necessarily true?
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
Ans. [B]
u is always negative. Hence, for us to have a minimum value
of vzu , vz should be positive. Also, for the least value, the
numerator has to be the maximum positive value and the
denominator has to be the smallest negative value. In other
words, vz has to be 2 and u has to be –0.5.
Hence, the minimum value of vzu  0.5
 4 .

To get the maximum value, vz has to be the smallest negative

value and u has to be the highest negative value. Thus, vz has
to be –2 and u has to be –0.5.
Hence, the maximum value of vzu  0.5

22. Three wheels can complete 60, 36 and 24 revolutions per

minute. There is a red spot on each wheel that touches the
ground at time zero. After how much time, all these spots will
simultaneously touch the ground again?
5 5
(A) 2
s (B) 3
(C) 6 s (D) 7.5 s
Ans. [C]
The time taken by the white spots on all three wheels to
simultaneously touch the ground again will be equal to the
LCM of the times taken by the three wheels to complete one
The first wheel complete 60 revolutions per minute.
This means that to complete one revolution, it takes 60
Similarly, the second wheel takes 36
= 3
s to complete one
Similarly, the third wheel takes 24
= 2
s to complete one
Hence, LCM of 1, 25 , 3
L.C.M.(1,3,2) 6
=  1
H.C.F.(1,5,5) 1

23. n3 is odd. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

I. n is odd. II. n2 is odd.
III. n2 is even.
(A) I only (B) II only
(C) I and II (D) I and III
Ans. [C]
If n3 is odd, then n should also be odd. Hence, n 2 should also
be odd, not even. So only I and II are true.
24. A company has a job to prepare certain number cans and there
are three machines A, B and C for this job. A can complete
the job in 3 days, B can complete the job in 4 days, and C can
complete the job in 6 days. How many days will the company
take to complete the job if all the machines are used
(A) 4 days
(B) 3
(C) 3 days
(D) 12 days
Ans. [C]
In one day, A would do 13 of the job, B would do 14 of the job
and C would do 16 of the job. Hence, if all three of them work
simultaneously, in one day they would do (13  14  61)  34 of the
Hence, to complete the entire job together they would
Take 34 days

25. Manish has one-rupee coins, 50-paisa coins and 25-paisa

coins. The number of coins are in the ratio 2.5 : 3 : 4. If the
total amount with me is Rs. 210, find the number of one-rupee
(A) 90 (B) 85
(C) 100 (D) 105
Ans. [D]
Since the number of coins are in the ratio 2.5 : 3 : 4, the values
of the coins will be in the ratio (1 × 2.5) : (0.5 × 3) : (0.25 ×
4) = 2.5 : 1.5 : 1 or 5 : 3 : 2
Since they totally amount to Rs. 210, if the value of each type
of coins are assumed to be 5x, 3x and 2x, the average value
per coin will be 10x
So the total value of one-rupee coins will be 5 x 10x = 105
So the total number of one-rupee coins will be 105.
26. Ram purchased a flat at Rs.1 lakh and Prem purchased a plot
of land worth Rs.1.1 lakh. The respective annual rates at
which the prices of the flat and the plot increased were 10%
and 5%. After two years they exchanged their belongings and
one paid the other the difference. Then
(A) Ram paid Rs.275 to Prem
(B) Ram paid Rs.475 to Prem
(C) Ram paid Rs.375 to Prem
(D) Prem paid Rs.475 to Ram
Ans. [A]
After 2 years, the price of the flat will be 1(1.1) = Rs.1.21 lakh.

Correspondingly the price of the land will be (1.1)(1.05) = 2

Rs.1.21275 lakh.
Hence, the price of the plot = Rs.(1.21275 – 1.21) lakh =
Rs.275 more than that of the flat.
Hence, if they exchange, Ram will have to pay this amount to

27. A person who has a certain amount with him goes to market.
He can buy 50 oranges or 40 mangoes. He retains 10% of the
amount for taxi fares and buys 20 mangoes and of the balance
he purchases oranges. Number of oranges he can purchase is
(A) 36 (B) 40
(C) 15 (D) 20
Ans. [D]
Let us assume that the person has Rs.100.
With this, he can buy 50 oranges or 40 mangoes.
In other words, the price of an orange is Rs.2 and that of a
mango is Rs.2.50.
If he decides to keep 10% of his money for taxi fare, he would
be left with Rs.90.
Now if he buys 20 mangoes, he would spend Rs.50 and will
be left with Rs.40.
Thus, he can buy 20 oranges.

28. A man invests Rs.3,000 at the rate of 5% per annum. How

much more should he invest at the rate of 8%, so that he can
earn a total of 6% per annum?
(A) Rs.1,200
(B) Rs.1,300
(C) Rs.1,500
(D) Rs.2,000
Ans. [C]

29. 25 of the voters promise to vote for P and the rest promised to
vote for Q. Of these, on the last day 15% of the voters went
back of their promise to vote for P and 25% of voters went
back of their promise to vote for Q, and P lost by 2 votes. Then
the total number of voters is
(A) 100 (B) 110
(C) 90 (D) 95
Ans. [A]
Let there be 100 voters in all.
Initially, 40 of these promised to vote for P, while 60 of them
promised to vote for Q.
On the last day, (15% of 40) = 6 voters went back of their
promise and voted for Q.
Also, 25% of 60 = 15 voters shifted their interest from Q to P.
So finally, P end up getting (40 – 6 + 15) = 49 votes and
Q end up getting (60 – 15 + 6) = 51 votes.
Hence, margin of victory for Q = (51 – 49) = 2, which is true.
Hence, there were 100 voters in all.

30. A group of men decided to do a job in 8 days. But since 10

men dropped out every day, the job got completed at the end
of the 12th day. How many men were there at the beginning?
(A) 165 (B) 175
(C) 80 (D) 90
Ans. [A]
If x men were there on day one, there would be (x – 110) men
on the 12th day.
Hence, on an average, there were (x – 55) men.
The job takes 23 times the normal time.
Hence, the average number of people = 3
 X  55  X

Hence, x = 165
31. I live X floors above the ground floor of a high-rise building.
It takes me 30 s per floor to walk down the steps and 2 s per
floor to ride the lift. What is X, if the time taken to walk down
the steps to the ground floor is the same as to wait for the lift
for 7 min and then ride down?
(A) 4 (B) 7
(C) 14 (D) 15
Since I live X floors above the ground floor and it takes me
30 s per floor to walk down and 2 s per floor to ride the lift, it
takes 30X s to walk down and 2X s to ride the lift after waiting
420 s.
30X = 2X + 420  X = 15.

32. Largest value of min (2 + x2 , 6- 3x) , when x > 0, is

(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
Ans. [C]
If x = 1, we have min(3, 3) = 3.
If x = 2, we have min(6, 0) = 0.
If x = 3, we have min(11, –3) = –3.
If x = 0.5, we have min(2.25, 4.5) = 2.25.
If x = 0.3, we have min(2.09, 5.1) = 2.09.
Thus, we find that as x increases above 1 and when it
decreases below 1, the value of the function decreases.
It is maximum at x = 1 and the corresponding value = 3.
33. What is the value of the following expression?
 1   1   1 
 2  2  2   ..........
 (2  1)   (4  1)   (6  1) 
 1 
 2 
 (20  1) 

9 10
(A) 19
(B) 19

10 11
(C) 21
(D) 21

Ans. [C]

34. A truck travelling at 70 km/hr uses 30% more diesel to travel

a certain distance than it does when it travels at a speed of 50
km/hr. If the truck can travel 19.5 km/L of diesel at 50 km/hr,
how far can the truck travel on 10 L of diesel at a speed of 70
(A) 130 km (B) 140 km
(C) 150 km (D) 175 km
Ans. [C]
The vehicle travels 19.5 km/L at the rate of 50 km/hr.
So it should travel 19.5
km/L at the rate of 70 km/hr = 15 km/L.
The distance covered at 70 km/hr with 10 L = 10 × 15 = 150
35. Consider a sequence of seven consecutive integers. The
average of the first five integers is n. The average of all the
seven integers is
(A) n
(B) n + 1
(C) k × n, where k is a function of n
(D) n

Ans. [B]

36. Let N = 553+ 173– 723. N is divisible by

(A) both 7 and 13
(B) both 3 and 13
(C) both 17 and 7
(D) both 3 and 17
Ans. [D]
N can be written either as (54 + 1)3 + (18 – 1)3 – 723 or
(51+ 4 )3 + 173 – (68 + 4)3 .
The first form is divisible by 3 and the second by 17.

37. The speed of a railway engine is 42 kmph when no

compartment is attached, and the reduction in speed is directly
proportional to the square root of the number of compartments
attached. If the speed of the train carried by this engine is 24
kmph when 9 compartments are attached, the maximum
number of compartments that can be carried by the engine is
(A) 49 (B) 48
(C) 46 (D) 47
Ans. [B]
18  9
42  x
Here x = number of compartments
18 9

42 x

Simplifying, x = 49, but this is with reference to maximum

speed. Hence number of compartments would be one less in
order to run i.e. 48.

38. Total expenses of a boarding house are partly fixed and partly
varying linearly with the number of boarders. The average
expense per boarder is Rs. 700 when there are 25 boarders and
Rs. 600 when there are 50 boarders. What is the average
expense per boarder when there are 100 boarders?
(A) 550 (B) 580
(C) 540 (D) 570
Ans. [A]
Let x be the fixed cost and y the variable cost
17500 = x + 25y … (i)
30000 = x + 50y … (ii)
Solving the equation (i) and (ii), we get
x = 5000, y = 500
Now if the average expense of 100 boarders be ‘A’.
100 × A = 5000 + 500 × 100
A = 550.

39. Forty per cent of the employees of a certain company are men,
and 75% of the men earn more than Rs. 25,000 per year.
If 45% of the company’s employees earn more than Rs.
25,000 per year, what fraction of the women employed by the
company earn less than or equal to Rs. 25,000 per year?
2 1
(A) 11
(B) 4

1 3
(C) 3
(D) 4

Ans. [D]
Men Women
40% 60%
Out of 40% men, 75% earn more than Rs. 25,000.
Hence, 30% of the company (men) earn more than Rs. 25,000.
But, in all 45% of the employees earn more than Rs. 25,000.
Hence, among women 15% earn more than Rs. 25,000 and the
remaining (60 – 15)% earn less than or equal to Rs. 25,000.
Therefore, the fraction of women = 60 = 34

40. In the figure, ABCDis a rectangle and EFGHis a

parallelogram. Using the measurements given in the figure,
what is the length d of the segment that is perpendicular to
HE and FG ?
(A) 6.8 (B) 7.1
(C) 7.6 (D) 7.8
Ans. [C]
By the Pythagorean Theorem, HE= 5. Rectangle ABCD has
area 10 × 8 = 80, and the corner triangles have areas 12  3  4  6
and 12  6  5  15 . So the area of EFGH is 80–(2)(6)–(2)(15)=38.
Because the area of EFGH is EH × d and EH = 5, 38 = 5 × d,
so d = 7.6.

41. Two 4×4 squares intersect at right angles, bisecting their

intersecting sides, as shown. The circle's diameter is the
segment between the two points of intersection. What is the
area of the shaded region created by removing the circle from
the squares?

(A) 16 – 4 (B) 16 – 2
(C) 28 – 4 (D) 28 – 2
Ans. [D]
The overlap of the two squares is a smaller square with side
length 2, so the area of the region covered by the squares is
2(4 × 4)–(2 × 2) = 32 – 4 = 28. The diameter of the circle has
length 2  2  8 , the length of the diagonal of the smaller
2 2

square. The shaded area created by removing the circle from


the squares is 28    28   28  2 .
 

42. What is the minimum number of small squares that must be

colored black so that a line of symmetry lies on the diagonal
BD of square ABCD?

(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D)4
Ans. [D]
For diagonal BD to lie on a line of symmetry in square ABCD,
the four small squares labeled bl must be colored black.

43. Suppose m and n are positive odd integers. Which of the

following must also be an odd integer?
(A) m + 3n (B) 3m – n
(C) 3m2+ 3n2 (D) 3mn
Ans. [D]

44. In quadrilateral ABCD, sides AB and BC both have length 10,

sides CD and DA both have length 17, and the measure of angle
ADC is 60o. What is the length of diagonal AC ?

(A) 13.5 (B) 14

(C) 15.5 (D) 17
Ans. [D]
Triangle ACD is an isosceles triangle with a 60oangle, so it is also
equilateral. Therefore, the length of AC is 17.

45. The Little Twelve Basketball Conference has two divisions,

with six teams in each division. Each team plays each of the
other teams in its own division twice and every team in the
other division once. How many conference games are

(A) 80 (B) 96
(C) 100 (D) 108
Ans. [B]
Each team plays 10 games in its own division and 6 games
against teams in the other division. So each of the 12 teams
plays 16 conference games. Because each game involves two
teams, there are 12 2 16  96 games scheduled

46. How many three-digit numbers are divisible by 13?

(A) 7 (B) 67
(C) 69 (D) 76
Ans. [C]
The smallest three-digit number divisible by 13 is 13 ×8 =
104, so there are seven two-digit multiples of 13. The greatest
three-digit number divisible by 13 is 13 ×76 = 988. Therefore,
there are 76 – 7 = 69 three-digit numbers divisible by 13.

47. What is the perimeter of trapezoid ABCD?

(A) 180 (B) 188

(C) 196 (D) 200
Ans. [A]

By the Pythagorean Theorem,

AE  302 – 242  324  18

(Or note that triangle AEB is similar to a

3-4-5 right triangle, so AE = 3 × 6 = 18.) Also CF = 24 and
FD  25  24  49  7 . The perimeter of the trapezoid is 50 + 30
2 2

+ 18 + 50 + 7 + 25 = 180.
48. Isosceles right triangle ABC encloses a semicircle of area 2.
The circle has its center O on hypotenuse AB and is tangent to
sides AC and BC . What is the area of triangle ABC?

(A) 6 (B) 8
(C) 3 (D) 10
Ans. [B]

Reflect the triangle and the semicircle across the hypotenuse

AB to obtain a circle inscribed in a square. The circle has area

4. The radius of a circle with area 4is 2. The side length of
the square is 4 and the area of the square is 16. So the area of
the triangle is 8.

49. A certain calculator has only two keys [+1] and [×2]. When
you press one of the keys, the calculator automatically
displays the result. For instance, if the calculator originally
displayed “9" and you pressed [+1], it would display “10." If
you then pressed [×2], it would display “20." Starting with
the display “1," what is the fewest number of keystrokes you
would need to reach “200"?
(A) 8 (B) 9
(C) 10 (D) 11
Ans. [B]

50. In an objective examination of 90 questions, 5 marks are

allotted for every correct answer and 2 marks are deducted
for every wrong answer. After attempting all the 90 questions
a student got a total of 387 marks. Find the number of
questions that he attempted wrong.
(A) 36 (B) 18
(C) 9 (D) 27
Ans. [D]
Let the total number of papers box.
Total marks obtained=63x

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