21UH49 UHV Module 1

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka

Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865


Syllabus (VTU)
Module 1: Introduction to Value Education
Right Understanding, Relationship and Physical Facility (Holistic Development and the Role of
Education), Understanding Value Education, Self-exploration as the Process for Value
Education, Continuous Happiness and Prosperity – the Basic Human Aspirations, Happiness and
Prosperity – Current Scenario, Method to Fulfil the Basic Human Aspirations.
Module 2: Harmony in the Human Being
Understanding Human being as the Co-existence of the Self and the Body, Distinguishing
between the Needs of the Self and the Body, The Body as an Instrument of the Self,
Understanding Harmony in the Self, Harmony of the Self with the Body, Programme to ensure
self-regulation and Health.
Module 3: Harmony in the Family and Society
Harmony in the Family – the Basic Unit of Human Interaction, 'Trust' – the Foundational Value
in Relationship, 'Respect' – as the Right Evaluation, Other Feelings, Justice in Human-to-Human
Relationship, Understanding Harmony in the Society, Vision for the Universal Human Order.
Module 4: Harmony in the Nature/Existence
Understanding Harmony in the Nature, Interconnectedness, self-regulation and Mutual
Fulfilment among the Four Orders of Nature, Realizing Existence as Co-existence at All Levels,
The Holistic Perception of Harmony in Existence.
Module 5: Implications of the Holistic Understanding – a Look at Professional Ethics
Natural Acceptance of Human Values, Definitiveness of (Ethical) Human Conduct, A Basis for
Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Universal Human Order, Competence in
Professional Ethics Holistic Technologies, Production Systems and Management Models-
Typical Case Studies, Strategies for Transition towards Value-based Life and Profession.

Course Outcome (Course Skill Set) As per the Syllabus

By the end of the course, students are expected to become more aware of themselves, and their
surroundings (family, society, nature); they would become more responsible in life, and in
handling problems with sustainable solutions, while keeping human relationships and human
nature in mind.
They would have better critical ability. They would also become sensitive to their commitment
towards what they have understood (human values, human relationship and human society). It is
hoped that they would be able to apply what they have learnt to their own self in different day-to-
day settings in real life, at least a beginning would be made in this direction.
Therefore, the course and further follow up is expected to positively impact common graduate
attributes like:
1. Holistic vision of life

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
2. Socially responsible behaviour
3. Environmentally responsible work
4. Ethical human conduct
5. Having Competence and Capabilities for Maintaining Health and Hygiene
6. Appreciation and aspiration for excellence (merit) and gratitude for all

Course Outcome Redefined by: Dr. Prasad P.

Course Outcome Course Outcome Details

CO1 Understanding and By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive
Application of Value understanding of value education as explored in all modules.
Education They will be able to articulate the role of value education in
holistic development, recognize the importance of right
understanding, relationships, and physical facilities, and apply
these concepts in their personal lives. Additionally, students
will demonstrate an understanding of continuous happiness and
prosperity as fundamental human aspirations and develop
strategies to fulfill them.

CO2 Cultivation of Upon completing the course, students will possess the
Harmony and Well- knowledge and skills to cultivate harmony within themselves,
being relationships, society, and nature. They will grasp the
interconnectedness of these elements and the significance of
self-regulation for overall well-being. Students will be able to
apply principles of trust, respect, justice, and vision for a
universal human order in their interactions and contribute to a
harmonious environment.

CO3 Development of Students will develop a strong ethical foundation and

Ethical Perspectives professional competence through their engagement with the
and Professional course modules. They will gain an understanding of ethical
Competence human conduct and the definitiveness of values in both
personal and professional contexts. Additionally, students will
analyze case studies related to holistic technologies, production
systems, and management models to evaluate and implement
value-based approaches. They will strategize and transition
towards a value-based life and profession, considering the
implications of their holistic understanding.

CO4 Critical Thinking and Upon completion of the course, students will demonstrate
Application of enhanced critical thinking abilities and the ability to apply
Holistic Principles holistic principles to real-life situations. They will analyze and
evaluate information from all modules to make reasoned
judgments and decisions. Students will demonstrate

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
appreciation for the holistic perception of harmony in existence
and actively apply their knowledge in day-to-day settings. They
will aspire for excellence, gratitude, and competence while
maintaining health, hygiene, and environmental responsibility.

Study Materials Consolidated by Dr. Prasad P.

Contact Whatsapp Number: 7975054865

Introduction to UHV
The subject “Universal Human Values” ensures that engineering students develop not
only technical expertise but also a strong ethical compass, enabling them to contribute positively
to society and become responsible and ethically sound professionals. This subject is of utmost
importance for second-year Bachelor of Engineering students, in accordance with the guidelines
set by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of the Government of India.
Ethical Foundation:
Universal Human Value subject provides a strong ethical foundation to engineering
students, enabling them to make morally sound decisions in their personal and professional lives.
Human-Centered Engineering:
It emphasizes the significance of considering the well-being and impact on human lives
while designing and implementing engineering projects, promoting a human-centered approach.
Responsible Engineering:
The subject instills a sense of responsibility among engineering students, emphasizing the
ethical and social implications of their work and encouraging them to be accountable for the
consequences of their actions.
Respect for Diversity:
Universal Human Value subject fosters respect for diversity, teaching students to value
and appreciate differences in culture, religion, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds.
Social Sensitivity:
It cultivates social sensitivity among students, making them aware of social issues and
encouraging them to contribute positively to their communities.
Communication and Collaboration:
The subject enhances students' communication and collaboration skills, emphasizing the
importance of effective teamwork and interpersonal relationships in engineering projects.
Sustainable Development:
Universal Human Value subject emphasizes the principles of sustainable development,
encouraging students to consider the long-term environmental and societal impacts of their
engineering practices.

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
Ethical Leadership:
It nurtures ethical leadership qualities among students, empowering them to lead
engineering projects with integrity, fairness, and a commitment to ethical conduct.
Professional Integrity:
The subject promotes professional integrity by addressing topics such as honesty,
transparency, and avoiding conflicts of interest in engineering practice.
Ethical Decision-Making:
Universal Human Value subject equips students with tools and frameworks for ethical
decision-making, helping them navigate complex ethical dilemmas that may arise in their
engineering careers.

Module 1
Introduction to Value Education
Syllabus: Right Understanding, Relationship and Physical Facility (Holistic Development and
the Role of Education), Understanding Value Education, Self-exploration as the Process for
Value Education, Continuous Happiness and Prosperity – the Basic Human Aspirations,
Happiness and Prosperity – Current Scenario, Method to Fulfil the Basic Human Aspirations

Introduction to Value Education https://youtu.be/fBhhR0uxoI8

Introduction to Value Education plays a crucial role in shaping students' character, ethical
decision-making abilities, holistic development, fostering positive relationships, and nurturing
social and environmental consciousness. It equips students with essential life skills and values
that extend beyond the classroom and into their personal and professional lives.
Character Development:
Introduction to Value Education focuses on the development of students' character by
instilling core values such as honesty, empathy, integrity, and respect. It aims to shape
individuals with strong moral principles and a sense of social responsibility.
Ethical Decision-Making:
The subject equips students with the necessary tools and knowledge to make ethical
decisions in various personal and professional situations. It encourages critical thinking,
reflection, and the consideration of moral implications before taking action.
Holistic Development:
Value Education recognizes the importance of holistic development beyond academic
excellence. It emphasizes the nurturing of students' emotional, social, and spiritual aspects,
helping them become well-rounded individuals with a balanced approach to life.
‘Holistic development’ refers to the overall growth and well-being of an individual in all
aspects of life. It involves nurturing various dimensions, including physical, emotional, social,

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
intellectual, and spiritual aspects. Holistic development recognizes that a person's well-being
depends on a balance and integration of these different areas, promoting a healthy and fulfilling
life. It focuses on developing skills, values, and attitudes that contribute to a person's overall
happiness, success, and ability to cope with challenges.
Positive Interpersonal Relationships:
The subject highlights the significance of healthy and respectful interpersonal
relationships. It provides students with skills for effective communication, conflict resolution,
and empathy, fostering harmonious interactions with others.
Social and Environmental Consciousness:
Introduction to Value Education raises awareness about social issues, cultural diversity,
and environmental sustainability. It encourages students to become active contributors to society,
promoting inclusivity, social justice, and sustainable practices.

Which of the following is a primary focus of Introduction to Value CO2 RBTL

Education? 1
A) Academic excellence
1) B) Physical development
C) Emotional well-being
D) Technical skills
Answer: C) Emotional well-being

What is the goal of ethical decision-making in Value Education? CO3 RBTL

A) Achieving personal success 2

B) Ignoring moral implications

C) Considering social responsibility
D) Pursuing academic excellence
Answer: C) Considering social responsibility

In what ways does Value Education contribute to holistic development? CO2 RBTL
A) Focusing on academic excellence
B) Neglecting spiritual aspects
C) Nurturing emotional and social well-being
D) Prioritizing physical fitness
Answer: C) Nurturing emotional and social well-being

Which dimension does Value Education emphasize for developing CO2 RBTL
positive interpersonal relationships? 4
A) Intellectual development
B) Physical fitness

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
C) Cultural diversity
D) Effective communication
Answer: D) Effective communication

How does Introduction to Value Education contribute to social and CO3 RBTL
environmental consciousness? 5
A) By encouraging competition
5) B) By promoting social exclusion
C) By fostering inclusivity and sustainable practices
D) By neglecting cultural diversity
Answer: C) By fostering inclusivity and sustainable practices

Right Understanding https://youtu.be/fBhhR0uxoI8

Contextual Awareness:
Right understanding involves being aware of the context in which information or
situations arise. It requires considering the broader factors, circumstances, and background that
influence the interpretation and meaning of what we encounter.
Right understanding entails maintaining an open and receptive mindset. It involves being
willing to explore new ideas, perspectives, and information without biases or preconceived
notions, allowing for a more comprehensive and accurate understanding.
Critical Thinking:
Right understanding is closely linked to critical thinking. It involves the ability to
analyze, evaluate, and question information critically. It encourages us to examine assumptions,
identify logical fallacies, and seek evidence and reasoning to support our understanding.
Integration of Knowledge:
Right understanding emphasizes the integration of knowledge from various sources and
disciplines. It involves synthesizing information, connecting different concepts and ideas, and
recognizing the interrelationships between them to develop a more holistic understanding.
Right understanding involves self-reflection and introspection. It requires examining our
own biases, beliefs, and assumptions to ensure they do not cloud our perception and
interpretation of information. Self-reflection enables us to continually refine and expand our
understanding based on new insights and experiences.
Questions and Answer

Which factor is important for developing right understanding by CO1 RBTL

considering the broader factors and circumstances? 2

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
A) Contextual awareness
B) Critical thinking
C) Open-mindedness
D) Integration of knowledge
Answer: A) Contextual awareness

Which attribute is essential for maintaining an open and receptive mindset CO1 RBTL
to foster right understanding? 1
A) Contextual awareness
7) B) Critical thinking
C) Open-mindedness
D) Integration of knowledge
Answer: C) Open-mindedness

Which skill is closely associated with right understanding and involves CO4 RBTL
analyzing, evaluating, and questioning information? 3
A) Contextual awareness
8) B) Critical thinking
C) Open-mindedness
D) Integration of knowledge
Answer: B) Critical thinking

What does right understanding emphasize regarding the integration of CO2 RBTL
knowledge? 4
A) Considering broader factors and circumstances
B) Maintaining an open and receptive mindset
C) Analyzing, evaluating, and questioning information
D) Synthesizing information from various sources and disciplines
Answer: D) Synthesizing information from various sources and

Which aspect is involved in right understanding and requires self- CO3 RBTL
reflection and introspection? 5
A) Contextual awareness
B) Critical thinking
C) Open-mindedness
D) Self-reflection

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
Answer: D) Self-reflection

Relationship and Physical Facility (Holistic Development and the

Role of Education) https://youtu.be/fBhhR0uxoI8
Education plays a crucial role in imparting the necessary knowledge and skills to foster
healthy relationships, promote well-being, and create environments conducive to holistic growth.
The concept of relationship and physical facility recognizes the interconnectedness
between individuals and their environment. It highlights the understanding that our well-being
and holistic development are influenced by the quality of our relationships with others and the
physical surroundings we inhabit.
Nurturing Relationships:
Building and nurturing positive relationships is essential for holistic development.
Healthy relationships provide emotional support, foster a sense of belonging, and contribute to
our overall well-being. Education plays a vital role in teaching individuals the skills needed to
form and maintain meaningful relationships based on trust, respect, and effective
Creating Supportive Environments:
Physical facilities and environments have a significant impact on our holistic
development. Access to safe and well-maintained spaces, such as schools, workplaces, and
communities, is crucial for promoting learning, productivity, and overall well-being. Education
emphasizes the importance of creating supportive physical environments that enhance our
development and enable us to thrive.
Collaboration and Cooperation:
Education encourages collaboration and cooperation among individuals. Recognizing the
value of teamwork and cooperative efforts fosters the development of social skills, empathy, and
the ability to work effectively with others. Through collaborative efforts, individuals can create
an environment that supports holistic development and enables the sharing of diverse
perspectives and ideas.
Emotional and Physical Well-being:
Relationship and physical facility in education also emphasize the importance of
emotional and physical well-being. Education equips individuals with the knowledge and skills
to take care of their physical health, manage stress, and promote overall well-being.
Additionally, education fosters emotional intelligence, empathy, and self-awareness, which are
essential for maintaining healthy relationships and supporting holistic development.

What is the significance of nurturing positive relationships in holistic CO2 RBTL

development? 2
a) It promotes academic excellence.
b) It fosters emotional support and well-being.

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
c) It enhances critical thinking skills.
d) It develops professional competence.
Answer: b) It fosters emotional support and well-being.

How does education contribute to creating supportive physical CO3 RBTL

environments? 2
a) By promoting competition and individualism.
12) b) By providing access to safe and well-maintained spaces.
c) By emphasizing hierarchy and authority.
d) By discouraging collaboration and cooperation.
Answer: b) By providing access to safe and well-maintained spaces.

What skills are fostered through collaboration and cooperation in CO2 RBTL
education? 2
a) Conflict resolution and effective communication.
13) b) Individualism and self-centeredness.
c) Hierarchy and authority.
d) Competitive mindset and aggression.
Answer: a) Conflict resolution and effective communication.

How does education address the importance of emotional and physical CO3 RBTL
well-being? 2
a) By neglecting the role of emotions in relationships.
b) By promoting stress and burnout.
14) c) By providing knowledge and skills for physical health management.
d) By disregarding the connection between emotions and holistic
Answer: c) By providing knowledge and skills for physical health

In what ways does education emphasize the interconnectedness between CO1 RBTL
individuals and their environment? 2
a) By promoting isolation and individualistic thinking.
b) By neglecting the impact of physical surroundings on well-being.
c) By recognizing the influence of relationships and physical facilities on
holistic development.
d) By disregarding the need for collaboration and cooperation.
Answer: c) By recognizing the influence of relationships and physical

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
facilities on holistic development.

Understanding Value Education https://youtu.be/_lZDVat8DSI

Understanding Value Education encompasses the knowledge, application, and
internalization of core values, promoting moral development, and guiding individuals towards
ethical decision-making and holistic well-being.
Definition and Importance:
Understanding Value Education involves comprehending the meaning and significance of
values in our lives. It includes recognizing the role of values in shaping our character, guiding
our behavior, and fostering harmonious relationships within society.
Core Values:
Understanding Value Education requires identifying and understanding core values such
as honesty, respect, empathy, integrity, responsibility, and fairness. It involves grasping the
principles and virtues that are universally valued across cultures and religions.
Application of Values:
Understanding Value Education goes beyond theoretical knowledge. It involves applying
values in practical situations and decision-making processes. It entails recognizing ethical
dilemmas, analyzing moral implications, and making choices aligned with one's values.
Moral Development:
Understanding Value Education encompasses the development of moral reasoning and
ethical perspectives. It involves comprehending different ethical theories, understanding the
consequences of actions, and cultivating a sense of moral responsibility towards oneself and
Cultivation of Values:
Understanding Value Education includes the cultivation and internalization of values in
one's character. It involves engaging in activities and practices that promote the embodiment of
values, such as reflection, self-discipline, empathy-building exercises, and service to others.

Which aspect of understanding value education involves recognizing the CO1 RBTL
role of values in shaping our character and guiding our behavior? 2
A. Definition and Importance
16) B. Core Values
C. Application of Values
D. Moral Development
Answer: A. Definition and Importance

What is the focus of understanding value education in relation to core CO1 RBTL
17) values? 2
A. Identifying and understanding core values

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
B. Recognizing ethical dilemmas
C. Applying values in practical situations
D. Cultivating values in one's character
Answer: A. Identifying and understanding core values

Which aspect of understanding value education involves analyzing moral CO1 RBTL
implications and making choices aligned with one's values? 3
A. Definition and Importance
18) B. Core Values
C. Application of Values
D. Cultivation of Values
Answer: C. Application of Values

What does understanding value education encompass in terms of moral CO3 RBTL
development? 2
A. Identifying and understanding core values
19) B. Recognizing ethical dilemmas
C. Comprehending different ethical theories
D. Engaging in reflection and empathy-building exercises
Answer: C. Comprehending different ethical theories

What is the goal of understanding value education in relation to CO2 RBTL

cultivation of values? 3
A. Identifying and understanding core values
20) B. Recognizing ethical dilemmas
C. Applying values in practical situations
D. Cultivating values in one's character
Answer: D. Cultivating values in one's character

Self-exploration as the Process for Value Education

Self-exploration as the process for value education involves developing self-awareness. It
encourages individuals to reflect upon their thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and values, gaining a
deeper understanding of themselves.
Identifying personal values:

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
Self-exploration helps individuals identify their personal values. By examining their
priorities and what matters most to them, they can clarify their core values and principles that
guide their actions and decisions.
Reflection on experiences:
Self-exploration involves reflecting on past experiences and learning from them. It allows
individuals to assess how their values have influenced their choices and behaviors, fostering
personal growth and development.
Recognizing strengths and areas for improvement:
Through self-exploration, individuals can identify their strengths and areas for
improvement. By understanding their strengths, they can leverage them to live in alignment with
their values. Recognizing areas for improvement enables them to work towards personal growth
and embody their values more effectively.
Alignment of values and actions:
Self-exploration facilitates the process of aligning personal values with actions. It
encourages individuals to examine whether their behaviors and choices are in harmony with their
values and make necessary adjustments to ensure consistency.

Self-exploration as a process for value education primarily focuses on CO1 RBTL

which aspect? 2
a) Developing self-awareness
21) b) Acquiring new knowledge
c) Improving physical fitness
d) Enhancing technical skills
Answer: a) Developing self-awareness

What is one of the key benefits of self-exploration in value education? CO1 RBTL
a) Identifying personal values 2

b) Memorizing facts and figures

c) Enhancing physical strength
d) Perfecting technical skills
Answer: a) Identifying personal values

How does self-exploration contribute to personal growth in value CO2 RBTL

education? 2
a) By avoiding reflection on past experiences
23) b) By ignoring personal values and beliefs
c) By recognizing strengths and areas for improvement
d) By focusing solely on acquiring new knowledge
Answer: c) By recognizing strengths and areas for improvement

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
What is the ultimate goal of aligning values and actions through self- CO3 RBTL
exploration? 2
a) Ensuring complete perfection in all aspects of life
24) b) Promoting physical fitness and well-being
c) Achieving harmony between personal values and behavior
d) Mastering technical skills for professional competence
Answer: c) Achieving harmony between personal values and behavior

How does self-exploration contribute to ethical decision-making in value CO4 RBTL

education? 2
a) By avoiding critical thinking and reflection
25) b) By neglecting personal values and beliefs
c) By fostering self-awareness and reflection on experiences
d) By focusing solely on theoretical knowledge
Answer: c) By fostering self-awareness and reflection on experiences

Continuous Happiness and Prosperity – the Basic Human

Aspirations https://youtu.be/hp3lzbhW9PY
Continuous happiness and prosperity encompass the holistic well-being of individuals,
encompassing physical, emotional, social, and intellectual aspects. It involves the fulfillment of
basic needs, emotional well-being, meaningful relationships, personal growth, and contribution
to society.
Fulfillment of Basic Needs:
Continuous happiness and prosperity involve the satisfaction of basic human needs, such
as food, shelter, clothing, and safety. Meeting these fundamental needs creates a foundation for
individuals to pursue higher levels of happiness and prosperity.
Emotional Well-being:
Continuous happiness and prosperity encompass emotional well-being. It involves
experiencing positive emotions, such as joy, contentment, and fulfillment, and effectively
managing negative emotions, such as stress, sadness, and anxiety. Emotional well-being
contributes to a sense of happiness and overall prosperity.
Meaningful Relationships:
Building and nurturing meaningful relationships is essential for continuous happiness and
prosperity. Positive connections with family, friends, and communities provide social support,
love, and a sense of belonging, which contribute to overall well-being and fulfillment.
Personal Growth and Development:

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
Continuous happiness and prosperity involve personal growth and development. It
includes the pursuit of knowledge, skills, and personal goals, as well as the development of
strengths, talents, and capabilities. Continuous learning and self-improvement contribute to a
sense of progress and fulfillment.
Contribution to Society:
Continuous happiness and prosperity extend beyond individual well-being to the greater
good of society. It includes actively contributing to the well-being of others, engaging in acts of
kindness, and making a positive impact on the community. By promoting the happiness and
prosperity of others, individuals enhance their own sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Which aspect of continuous happiness and prosperity involves meeting CO2 RBTL
fundamental needs such as food, shelter, and safety? 1
a) Emotional well-being
26) b) Fulfillment of basic needs
c) Personal growth and development
d) Contribution to society
Answer: b) Fulfillment of basic needs

What contributes to emotional well-being and overall happiness and CO2 RBTL
prosperity? 1
a) Meaningful relationships
27) b) Personal growth and development
c) Contribution to society
d) Fulfillment of basic needs
Answer: a) Meaningful relationships

Which aspect of continuous happiness and prosperity involves pursuing CO2 RBTL
knowledge, skills, and personal goals? 1
a) Emotional well-being
28) b) Personal growth and development
c) Contribution to society
d) Fulfillment of basic needs
Answer: b) Personal growth and development

How does contributing to the well-being of others and making a positive CO2 RBTL
impact on the community contribute to continuous happiness and 1
29) prosperity?
a) It enhances emotional well-being
b) It fulfills basic needs

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
c) It promotes personal growth and development
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above

Happiness and Prosperity – Current Scenario

Balancing Ambition and Well-being:
Emphasizing the importance of finding a balance between academic and career
aspirations, and personal well-being for long-term happiness and prosperity.
Shifting Paradigms of Success:
Encouraging students to redefine success beyond traditional metrics, such as grades and
job titles, and to prioritize holistic growth, personal fulfillment, and contributions to society.
Addressing Mental Health Challenges:
Recognizing the rising prevalence of mental health issues among engineering students
and promoting strategies for self-care, stress management, and seeking support to maintain
emotional well-being.
Cultivating Ethical Practices:
Highlighting the significance of ethical behavior in engineering careers and encouraging
students to integrate values like integrity, honesty, and social responsibility in their professional
pursuits for sustainable happiness and prosperity.
Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
Encouraging students to explore innovative thinking, problem-solving skills, and
entrepreneurial mindset to create opportunities for personal and societal growth, thereby
contributing to their own happiness and prosperity as well as that of the nation.

What is the main focus of Shifting Paradigms of Success for engineering CO2 RBTL
students? 1
a) Redefining success based on grades and job titles
30) b) Prioritizing holistic growth and personal fulfillment
c) Promoting ethical behavior in professional pursuits
d) Developing problem-solving skills and entrepreneurial mindset
Answer: b) Prioritizing holistic growth and personal fulfillment

What is the main purpose of Cultivating Ethical Practices in the field of CO3 RBTL
engineering? 2
a) Encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship
b) Fostering personal and societal growth

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21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
c) Promoting self-care and stress management
d) Integrating values like integrity and social responsibility
Answer: d) Integrating values like integrity and social responsibility

Method to Fulfil the Basic Human Aspirations

The following methods provide a holistic approach to fulfilling basic human aspirations,
encompassing personal growth, well-being, meaningful relationships, and contributing to the
greater good.
Self-reflection and Goal Setting:
Engage in self-reflection to identify your aspirations and values. Set clear and achievable
goals aligned with your aspirations to provide a sense of direction and purpose in life.
Continuous Learning and Skill Development:
Pursue knowledge and skills relevant to your aspirations. Engage in lifelong learning,
whether through formal education, professional development, or personal interests, to enhance
your capabilities and broaden your opportunities for growth.
Emotional Intelligence and Self-care:
Develop emotional intelligence to understand and manage your emotions effectively.
Prioritize self-care practices such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, practicing mindfulness, and
seeking support when needed to ensure emotional well-being.
Building Positive Relationships:
Foster meaningful connections with others. Cultivate healthy and supportive relationships
that provide emotional support, collaboration, and opportunities for personal growth.
Contributing to Society:
Engage in activities that contribute to the well-being of others and society as a whole.
Volunteer, participate in community initiatives, or support causes that align with your values and
aspirations, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

What is the purpose of engaging in self-reflection and goal setting to CO1 RBTL
fulfill basic human aspirations? 1
a) Enhancing emotional intelligence
32) b) Broadening opportunities for growth
c) Developing positive relationships
d) Gaining direction and purpose in life
Answer: d) Gaining direction and purpose in life

How does continuous learning and skill development contribute to CO3 RBTL
fulfilling basic human aspirations? 1

16 / Whatsapp +91 7975054865

21UH49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4 th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka
Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865
a) Enhancing emotional well-being
b) Strengthening positive relationships
c) Providing a sense of direction and purpose
d) Expanding opportunities for growth
Answer: d) Expanding opportunities for growth

What is the significance of emotional intelligence and self-care in CO2 RBTL

fulfilling basic human aspirations? 2
a) Developing positive relationships
34) b) Gaining direction and purpose in life
c) Enhancing emotional well-being
d) Contributing to the well-being of others
Answer: c) Enhancing emotional well-being

How does building positive relationships contribute to fulfilling basic CO2 RBTL
human aspirations? 1
a) Gaining direction and purpose in life
35) b) Enhancing emotional well-being
c) Expanding opportunities for growth
d) Contributing to the well-being of others
Answer: d) Contributing to the well-being of others

What is the role of contributing to society in fulfilling basic human CO4 RBTL
aspirations? 1
a) Developing positive relationships
36) b) Gaining direction and purpose in life
c) Expanding opportunities for growth
d) Fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment
Answer: d) Fostering a sense of purpose and fulfilment

17 / Whatsapp +91 7975054865

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