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Background of the Study

Technology is important in today's society, particularly in schools, where the

traditional classroom has been changed and replaced by online learning, in which

teaching and learning are carried out remotely on digital platforms such as Google

Classroom, Zoom, and Google Meet by using technology resources such as cellphones,

tablets, and computers that every student and teacher used in teaching and learning.

Technology has advanced and will continue to do so. Computers, telephones, laptops,

and tablets have all become instant necessities.

According to American University Technology, 2020, provides students with

easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to practice what

they learn. It enables students to explore new subjects and deepen their understanding of

difficult concepts. Through the use of technology inside and outside the classroom,

students can gain 21st-century technical skills necessary for future occupations. As

researchers, we found out that technology can really help the students in (1) Accessing

Information easily using technology. It's easier for students

to find information quickly and accurately by searching in different verified websites.

(2) Technology gives students more flexible learning

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experiences, with some students watching different educational video or lessons on

youtube anytime and anywhere. It can be used to gain additional knowledge (3) Using

technology we can find websites that can help us to expand our vocabulary and to search

different definitions that we are not familiar with. (4) Students can use technology to

present their presentation using powerpoint. It's less hassle and saves time than writing a

visual report. These are just some of the help of technology in the field of education.

In our generation today, there’s no denying that technology such as phones, laptop

and computers has become a significant part of many people especially in student’s

everyday lives. But many of us are still wondering on how these technologies affects the

student’s learning and

what are good and bad effects of it. Modern technology has greatly improved people’s

lives through different fields such as medicines, work, industry and especially education.

For the students, we know the benefits of using technology such as making student more

interested and excited about the lesson. It also increased the student’s level of interaction

and it brought us new perspectives and knowledge in class. Also, the teaching

strategies based on educational technology can be described as ethical practices that

facilitate student’s learning and boost their capacity, productivity, and performance.

Instructors are no longer limited to write in a plain paper or discuss the lesson in awhite

board, but they can rely on our modern technologies that will enable them to make

things easier. In conclusion, technology is a versatile and valuable tool for teaching and

learning and becoming a way of life. Technology in the classroom is both beneficial to

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students and teachers. It creates new ways of obtaining and presenting information and

gives us new ways of analyzing and understanding the world around us. These inspired

the researchers to conduct a study about technology. We focused on knowing the impact

of .

Theoretical / Conceptual Framework

Over time, learning became easier and faster with the help of different tools and

methods. Blackboards have been used for at least a millennium, books and pamphlets

have held a prominent role in education. Now we have innovated technologies that can

be used for quicker and easier learning of every student. Educational Technology is the

study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving

performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and

resources. According to David L. (2017) there are three (3) major educational theories,

such as Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism that widely implemented in

education and greatly linked to the development and utilization of the educational


This section describes a specific variable. The variable is represented by the

conceptual framework, as illustrated in the image. As seen in the paradigm, there are

variables that include the study's topic and the respondents being questioned.

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Cellphone, Laptop, Tablet, Academic



Internet Easy to access

Figure 1. Mobile Learning Theory

Mobile Learning Theory was used to fulfill the objectives of this study. From the

Constructivist Toolkit website. According to this idea, M-learning, also known as

mobile learning, is the delivery of learning, education, or learning assistance via mobile

phones, PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), or tablets. According to Shuler, it is

adaptable, allowing students to access instruction at any time and from any location.

Students learn across location and time through mobile learning, moving from topic to

topic. Learners move in and out of interaction with technology, much as in a hybrid


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As shown in the picture above, this framework was created to determine if the use

of Educational Technology had an influence on the academic performance of grade 12

humss students.

Statement of the Problem

The main goal of this research is to learn about the use of educational technology

and its impact on the academic performance of Grade 12-HUMSS students at Jose Abad

Santos High School. The study' focus is to provide an answer to the following question.

1. How the technology may affect the student’s academic performance

in terms of the following:

1.1 Computer

1.2 Cellphone

1.3 Internet

2. What effect does educational technology have on student academic performance?

3. How does technology effect students' academic performance?

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In this chapter, the researcher describes the study's methodology and techniques.

Discuss every aspect of methodology, such as Research Design, Research locale,

Participants and Sampling Technique, Data Gathering procedure, Data analysis and

Ethical considerations.

Research Design

In research from McCombes (2020) descriptive design accurately aims to

systematically describe a characteristic of the population, situation or phenomenon. The

said research design can be answered by what, where, when and how questions with the

exception of why questions. A research design is the set of methods and procedures

used in collecting and analyzing measures of the variables specified in the research

(Creswell , 2014).

Research Locale

This study will be conducting at Jose Abad Santos High School Numancia St.

Binondo Manila by the researchers. We chose our responders from the grade 12

HUMSS students.

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Participants and Sampling Technique

The researchers choose our respondents in conducting this study through the use

of Simple Random Sampling. The function of simple

random sampling is to choose individuals became sample who will be

representative of the population. Creswell (2012: 142) explains that a slight variation of

the simple random sampling procedure is to use systematic sampling. The target number

of respondents are minimum of 25 and maximum of 30 students. In choosing the

respondents, the researchers consider their time on attending their online classes.

Data Gathering Procedures

The purpose of this research is to learn about the use of educational technology and

its influence on the academic performance of grade 12 students. And, as we collect data,

we take basic but effective procedures to ensure that we get the outcome that the

researcher desires.

1. The group scheduled a meeting to discuss what topic are we will be conducting

using brainstorming.

2. After that, we presented our research subject and problem statement to our

teacher for approval, and when she accepted

our research title, she informed us to be ready for our introduction. And she gave

the instruction on how to do our research study.

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3. As we followed the directions, we began to write our research introductions and

so on. We assisted each other in doing this research.

Data Analysis

The researchers collected the data by having virtual questionnaire in google forms

that they can answer in line with them, 30 persons from Grade 12 HUMSS were

completely answered the questions but the others took 3 and above days to answer. The

questionnaire is about the Usage

of educational technology and its impact to the academic performance.

Step 2: Distribution Procedure. Data gathering administered by the researchers through

online; with the use of Messenger and Google Forms.

Step 3: Collection and Collation. After the respondents answer the questionnaires, data

will directly proceed in the personal mail or the researchers.

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Step 4: Data Processing. Data gathered was presented in tables and appropriate

statistical treatment was used. The following statistical formula will be used in order to

answer the problems in the study.

Ethical Considerations

The following ethical guidelines were put into place for the research period:

1. The dignity and wellbeing of the students was protected at all times.

2. The research data remained confidential throughout the study and the researcher

obtained the students’ permission to use their real names in the research report.

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