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Date – 11.01.


The Green Delight.

Case: Shifting Customer Orders from WhatsApp to Website
Hrishikesh is the owner of a successful vegetable delivery company called Green Delight. He
has been in business for over 10 years and has a loyal customer base. However, he is facing
a challenge: 70% of his customers order on WhatsApp, while only 30% order on his website.

Hrishikesh wants to shift more customers to his website because it would allow him to
better track their orders and provide them with a more personalized experience. However,
he knows that his customers are used to ordering on WhatsApp and are reluctant to switch
to the website.

Hrishikesh is considering a few different strategies to encourage his customers to switch to

the website. He could offer discounts or promotions to customers who order on the
website. He could also make the website more user-friendly by adding new features or
improving the design.

Hrishikesh is also considering offering a hybrid option that would allow customers to order
on WhatsApp and have their orders delivered through the website. This would give
customers the convenience of ordering on WhatsApp while still providing Hrishikesh with
the data and insights he needs from the website.

Hrishikesh is still undecided on which strategy to pursue. However, he knows that he needs
to do something to shift more customers to the website in order to stay competitive.


1. Frame the questions to ask Mr. Hrishikesh. (Individual)

2. Make suggestions to Mr. Hrishikesh to shift customer orders from WhatsApp to
Website. (Individual)
3. Make a presentation of the report. (Group)

1. Customer Ordering Preferences:

- For customers who primarily use WhatsApp, what are the main reasons for their
preference over the website?
- Are there specific features or functionalities on WhatsApp that customers find more
convenient than the website?

2. Website Usability and User Experience:

- How would you describe the current website's user interface and overall user experience
for placing vegetable orders?
- Are there any challenges or difficulties customers encounter when using the website for
- What improvements or enhancements do customers suggest to make the website more
appealing and user-friendly?

3. Incentives and Promotions:

- What types of incentives or promotions would encourage customers to shift from

WhatsApp to the website?
- Would customers be more inclined to use the website if there were exclusive discounts or
rewards for website orders?
- How can we personalize incentives to cater to individual customer preferences?

4. Customer Communication and Support:

- How do customers currently communicate with the company when ordering through
- What communication channels would customers prefer to use on the website for support
or inquiries?
- How can we ensure that real-time chat support on the website is effective and responsive?

5. Obstacles to Website Adoption:

- Are there any specific barriers that prevent customers from using the website for
vegetable orders?
Content language
- What concerns or reservations do customers have about transitioning from WhatsApp to
the website?
- How can we address these obstacles and ease the transition for customers?

6. Customer Feedback and Improvement:

- Have customers provided any feedback or suggestions regarding the website's ordering
- How willing are customers to share their thoughts on the website's usability and features?
- How can we gather ongoing feedback to continuously improve the website's offerings?

7. Marketing and Awareness:

- What channels or platforms are most frequented by customers, where promotions can be

8. Website Performance and Technical Readiness:

- Is the website capable of handling increased traffic and order volumes if more customers
transition from WhatsApp?

9. User Onboarding and Support:

- What support resources or tutorials can be provided to guide customers through the
website ordering experience?
- Are there any additional features that can be implemented to enhance customer

10. Customer Retention and Engagement:

- What strategies can be employed to keep customers engaged with the website over the
long term?

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